All About Trait Objects

One of the most powerful parts of the Rust programming language1 is the trait system. They form the basis of the generic system and polymorphic functions and types. There's an interesting use of traits, as so-called "trait objects", that allows for dynamic polymorphism and heterogeneous uses of types, which I'm going to look at in more detail over a short series of posts.

Update 2015-02-19: A lot of this document has been copied into the main book, with improvements and updates.


It's generally good practice for Rust posts to mention their version due to language instability, but this post and the series won't have much real runnable code and the concepts described are pretty stable... but habits die hard: rustc 1.0.0-nightly (44a287e6e 2015-01-08 17:03:40 -0800).

which should also be the 1.0.0-alpha release (speaking of which, the language instability should be starting to settle down now).

Part 1: Peeking Inside Trait Objects

This post will set the scene, with an introduction to the internals of a trait object; the remaining posts will look at the Sized trait and "object safety" in detail (a lot of people have encountered trouble with somewhat abstruse compiler errors about this recently).


A simple example of a trait is this Foo. It has one method that is expected to return a String, and, in the real world, there would be some expectation about what the string would mean, but this is just a blog, so you're free to make up your own favourite meaning.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
trait Foo {
    fn method(&self) -> String;


This can then be implemented for certain types, stating that these types satisfy whatever behaviours the trait is trying to summarise and allow polymorphism over. For example, bytes and strings are Foo, apparently:

impl Foo for u8 {
    fn method(&self) -> String { format!("u8: {}", *self) }
impl Foo for String {
    fn method(&self) -> String { format!("string: {}", *self) }

There's two basic ways to use traits to be polymorphic:

The first and most common are generic functions like fn func<T: Foo>(x: &T). These are implemented via monomorphisation, the compiler creates a specialised version of the generic function for every type used with it. This has some upsides—static dispatching of any method calls2, allowing for inlining and hence usually higher performance—and some downsides—causing code bloat due to many copies of the same function existing in the binary, one for each type3.

Fortunately, there's second option if that trade-off is inappropriate, or if being required to know every type everywhere is impossible or undesirable.


Static dispatching isn't guaranteed to be an upside: compilers aren't perfect and may "optimise" code to become slower. For example, functions inlined too eagerly will bloating the instruction cache (cache rules everything around us). This is part of the reason that #[inline] and #[inline(always)] that should be used carefully, and one reason why using a trait object—with its dynamic dispatch—is sometimes more efficient.

However, the common case is that it is more efficient to use static dispatch, and one can always have a thin statically-dispatched wrapper function that does a dynamic, but not vice versa, meaning static calls are more flexible. The standard library tries to be statically dispatched where possible for this reason.


There's no guarantee that there will actually be a copy of the function for each type that implements the trait, or even for each type that is used with the function, since the compiler is free to combine copies if it can tell that sharing the code would not change semantics. But, in general, this optimisation doesn't trigger.

Trait objects

Trait objects, like &Foo or Box<Foo>, are normal values that store a value of any type that implements the given trait, where the precise type can only be known at runtime. The methods of the trait can be called on a trait object via a special record of function pointers (created and managed by the compiler).

A function that takes a trait object—say fn func(x: &Foo)—is not specialised to each of the types that implements Foo: only one copy is generated, often (but not always) resulting in less code bloat. However, this comes at the cost of requiring slower virtual function calls, and effectively inhibiting any chance of inlining and related optimisations from occurring.

Trait objects are both simple and complicated: their core representation and layout is quite straight-forward, but there are some curly error messages and surprising behaviours to discover.

Obtaining a trait object

There's two similar ways to get a trait object value: casts and coercions. If T is a type that implements a trait Foo (e.g. u8 for the Foo above), then the two ways to get a Foo trait object out of a pointer to T look like:

let ref_to_t: &T = ...;

// `as` keyword for casting
let cast = ref_to_t as &Foo;

// using a `&T` in a place that has a known type of `&Foo` will implicitly coerce:
let coerce: &Foo = ref_to_t;

fn also_coerce(_unused: &Foo) {}

These trait object coercions and casts also work for pointers like &mut T to &mut Foo and Box<T> to Box<Foo>, but that's all at the moment. Other than some bugs, coercions and casts are identical.

This operation can be seen as "erasing" the compiler's knowledge about the specific type of the pointer, and hence trait objects are sometimes referred to "type erasure".


Let's start simple, with the runtime representation of a trait object. The std::raw module contains structs with layouts that are the same as the complicated build-in types, including trait objects:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub struct TraitObject {
    pub data: *mut (),
    pub vtable: *mut (),


That is, a trait object like &Foo consists of a "data" pointer and a "vtable" pointer.

The data pointer addresses the data (of some unknown type T) that the trait object is storing, and the vtable pointer points to the vtable ("virtual method table") corresponding to the implementation of Foo for T.

A vtable is essentially a struct of function pointers, pointing to the concrete piece of machine code for each method in the implementation. A method call like trait_object.method() will retrieve the correct pointer out of the vtable and then do a dynamic call of it. For example:

struct FooVtable {
    destructor: fn(*mut ()),
    size: usize,
    align: usize,
    method: fn(*const ()) -> String,

// u8:

fn call_method_on_u8(x: *const ()) -> String {
    // the compiler guarantees that this function is only called
    // with `x` pointing to a u8
    let byte: &u8 = unsafe { &*(x as *const u8) };


static Foo_for_u8_vtable: FooVtable = FooVtable {
    destructor: /* compiler magic */,
    size: 1,
    align: 1,

    // cast to a function pointer
    method: call_method_on_u8 as fn(*const ()) -> String,

// String:

fn call_method_on_String(x: *const ()) -> String {
    // the compiler guarantees that this function is only called
    // with `x` pointing to a String
    let string: &String = unsafe { &*(x as *const String) };


static Foo_for_String_vtable: FooVtable = FooVtable {
    destructor: /* compiler magic */,
    // values for a 64-bit computer, halve them for 32-bit ones
    size: 24,
    align: 8,

    method: call_method_on_String as fn(*const ()) -> String,

(The call_method_on_... functions could also be UFCS: <... as Foo>::method, but that's somewhat less clear.)

The destructor field in each vtable points to a function that will clean up any resources of the vtable's type, for u8 it is trivial, but for String it will free the memory. This is necessary for owning trait objects like Box<Foo>, which need to clean-up both the Box allocation and as well as the internal type when they go out of scope. The size and align fields store the size of the erased type, and its alignment requirements; these are essentially unused at the moment since the information is embedded in the destructor, but will be used in future, as trait objects are progressively made more flexible.

Suppose we've got some values that implement Foo, the explicit form of construction and use of Foo trait objects might look a bit like (ignoring the type mismatches: they're all just pointers anyway):

let a: String = "foo".to_string();
let x: u8 = 1;

// let b: &Foo = &a;
let b = TraitObject {
    // store the data
    data: &a,
    // store the methods
    vtable: &Foo_for_String_vtable

// let y: &Foo = x;
let y = TraitObject {
    // store the data
    data: &x,
    // store the methods
    vtable: &Foo_for_u8_vtable

// b.method();

// y.method();

If b or y were owning trait objects (Box<Foo>), there would be a (b.vtable.destructor)( (respectively y) call when they went out of scope.

Why pointers?

The use of language like "fat pointer" implies that a trait object is always a pointer of some form, but why? I wrote above that

[Trait objects] are normal values and can store a value of any type that implements the given trait, where the precise type can only be known at runtime.

Rust does not put things behind a pointer by default, unlike many managed languages, so types can have different sizes. Knowing the size of the value at compile time is important for things like passing it as an argument to a function, moving it about on the stack and allocating (and deallocating) space on the heap to store it.

For Foo, we would need to have a value that could be at least either a String (24 bytes) or a u8 (1 byte), as well as any other type for which dependent crates may implement Foo (any number of bytes at all). There's no way to guarantee that this last point can work if the values are stored without a pointer, because those other types can be arbitrarily large.

Putting the value behind a pointer means the size of the value is not relevant when we are tossing a trait object around, only the size of the pointer itself.

Part 2: The Sized Trait

An important piece in my story about trait objects in Rust1 is the Sized trait, so I'm slotting in this short post between [my discussion of low-level details][previouspost] and [the post on "object safety"][nextpost].


Per the [previous post][previouspost], this post is designed to reflect the state of Rust at version: rustc 1.0.0-nightly (44a287e6e 2015-01-08 17:03:40 -0800).

[previouspost]: {% post_url 2015-01-10-peeking-inside-trait-objects %} [nextpost]: {% post_url 2015-01-13-object-safety %}

Sized is a (very) special compiler built-in trait that is automatically implemented or not based on the sizedness of a type. A type is considered sized if the precise size of a value of type is known and fixed at compile time once the real types of the type parameters are known (i.e. after completing monomorphisation). For example,

  • u8 is one byte,
  • Vec<T> is either 12 or 24 bytes (platforms with 32 and 64 bit pointers respectively), independent of T,
  • pointers like &T are sized too, on 64-bit platforms &T is either 8 or 16 bytes, for sized T and unsized T respectively. This may seems like the size isn't known, but the sizedness of T is always known at compile time, so the precise one of those options is also known.

Types for which the size is not known are called [dynamically sized types (DSTs)][dst], and there's two classes of examples in current Rust4: [T] and Trait. A slice5 [T] is unsized because it represents an unknown-at-compile-time number of Ts contiguous in memory. A Trait is unsized because it represents a value of any type that implements Trait and these have wildly different sizes; I discussed this [in the previous post too][whypointers]. Unsized values must always appear behind a pointer at runtime, like &[T] or Box<Trait>, and have the information required to compute their size and other relevant properties (the length for [T], the vtable for Trait) stored next to that pointer.


There is the possibility that Rust will gain some form of "inheritance", and Niko points out to me that Sized may play an important role there too: certain types (e.g. "base classes" in an conventional inheritance scheme) make sense to be unsized.


The unsized string type str is usually considered a slice, since it is just a [u8] with the guarantee that the bytes are valid UTF-8.

Sized types are more flexible, since the compiler knows how to manipulate them directly: passing them directly into functions, moving them about in memory. Putting an unsized type behind a pointer effectively makes it sized. A Box trait object, like Box<Trait>, is the closest one can get to handling a trait object as a normal value; the Box ensures sizedness (at the expense of an allocation) without fundamentally changing the ownership semantics of a normal value.


The Sized trait gets some special syntax for use in bounds, at the moment: ?Sized. Such a bound is necessary because Sized is special: it is a default bound for type parameters in most positions, and so one needs some way to opt-in to a parameter not necessarily being sized.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn foo<T>() {} // can only be used with sized T

fn bar<T: ?Sized>() {} // can be used with both sized and unsized T


This bound is particularly special because adding the ?Sized bound to a parameter T increases the number of types that can be used for T, whereas every other trait bound reduces it.

This unusual decision was chosen because of the increased flexibility of sized types, and some data (which I now can't find in the issue tracker) which indicated that most type parameters needed to be sized. That is, not having these defaults would result in many instances of T: Sized bounds in the standard library and elsewhere.

However, I believe this data did not consider using some form of inference (like lifetime elision) to try to guess when sizedness was likely to be needed, and some data Niko has been collecting apparently implies that such inference may make removing this special case significantly more palatable. (It may or may not be so palatable so as to be worth the breaking change...)

[whypointers]: {% post_url 2015-01-10-peeking-inside-trait-objects %}#why-pointers [dst]:

Part 3: Object Safety

A trait object in Rust1 can only be constructed out of traits that satisfy certain restrictions, which are collectively called "object safety". This object safety can appear to be a needless restriction at first, I'll try to give a deeper understanding into why it exists and related compiler behaviour.


[As usual][previouspost], this post is designed to reflect the state of Rust at version rustc 1.0.0-nightly (44a287e6e 2015-01-08 17:03:40 -0800).

[previouspost]: {% post_url 2015-01-10-peeking-inside-trait-objects %} [sizedpost]: {% post_url 2015-01-12-the-sized-trait %}

This is the second (and a half) in a short series of articles on trait objects. The first one---[Peeking inside Trait Objects][previouspost]---set the scene by looking into the low-level implementation details of trait objects, and the first-and-a-half-th---[an interlude about Sized][sizedpost]---looked at the special Sized trait. I strongly recommended at least glancing over it to be familiar with trait objects, vtables and Sized, since this post builds on those concepts.


The notion of object safety was introduced in RFC 255, with the motivation that one should be able to use the dynamic trait object types Foo (as a type) in more places where a "static" Foo (as a trait) generic is expected. In a sense, it is bringing the two uses of traits---static dispatch and dynamic dispatch---closer together, reducing special handling in the language.

The high-level behaviour/restriction imposed by that RFC is: a trait object---&Foo, &mut Foo, etc.---can only be made out of a trait Foo if Foo is object safe. This section will focus on borrowed & trait objects, but what is said applies to any.

Let's look at an example of the things object safety enables: if we have a trait Foo and a function like

fn func<T: Foo + ?Sized>(x: &T) { ... }

It would be nice to be able to call it like func(object) where object: &Foo; that is, take T to be the dynamically sized type Foo. As you might guess from the context, it is not possible to do this without some notion of object safety: the arbitrary piece of code ... can do bad (uncontrolled) things.

Take it on faith (for a few paragraphs) that calling a generic method is one example of something that can't be done on a trait object. So, let's define a trait and a function like:

trait Bad {
    fn generic_method<A>(&self, value: A);

fn func<T: Bad + ?Sized>(x: &T) {
    x.generic_method("foo"); // A = &str
    x.generic_method(1_u8); // A = u8

The function func can't be called like foo(obj) where obj is a trait object &Bad because the generic method calls are illegal. There's a possible approaches here, like

  1. have signatures like <T: Foo + ?Sized>(x: &T) not work with T = Foo by default, for any trait Foo,
  2. check the body of the function to see if it is legal to have T = Bad when we ask for that, or
  3. ensure that we can never pass a &Bad into func.

Approach 1 is what existed before object safety, and is what object safety was designed to solve. Approach 2 violates Rust's goal of needing to know only the signatures of any function/method called to type-check a program. That is, if one satisfies the signature one can call it, unlike C++, there's no need to type-check internal code of each the actual instantiation of a generic because the signatures guarantee that the internals will be legal.

Approach 3 is the one that Rust takes via object safety, by ensuring that it is impossible to ever encounter a scenario in which a function with signature fn func<T: Foo + ?Sized>(x: &T) that does bad things, could have T == Foo. That is, make it so that the only way that a &Foo can be created is if there's no way that func can misbehave.

Object safety and those sort of function signatures apply particularly to UFCS (uniform function call syntax), which allows one to call methods as normal, generic function scoped under the type/trait in which they are defined, for example, the UFCS function Bad::generic_method from the trait above effectively has signature:

fn Bad::generic_method<Self: Bad + ?Sized, A>(self: &Self, x: A)

If fn method(&self) comes from a trait Foo, x.method() can always be rewritten to Foo::method(x) (modulo auto-deref and auto-ref, which possibly add an & and/or some number of *s), however, without object safety, it may not be possible to write trait_object.method() as Foo::method(trait_object). Object safety guarantees this transformation is always valid---making UFCS and method calls essentially equivalent---by outlawing creating a trait object in situations where it would be invalid.

How it works

After RFC 546 and PR 20341, making trait objects automatically work with those sort of generic functions is achieved by effectively having the compiler implicitly create an implementation of Foo (as a trait) for Foo (as a type). Each method of the trait is implemented to call into the corresponding method in the vtable. In the explicit notation of [my previous post][previouspost], the situation might look something like:

trait Foo {
    fn method1(&self);
    fn method2(&mut self, x: i32, y: String) -> usize;

// autogenerated impl
impl<'a> Foo for Foo+'a {
    fn method1(&self) {
        // `self` is an `&Foo` trait object.

        // load the right function pointer and call it with the opaque data pointer
    fn method2(&mut self, x: i32, y: String) -> usize {
        // `self` is an `&mut Foo` trait object

        // as above, passing along the other arguments
        (self.vtable.method2)(, x, y)

To be clear: the .vtable and .data notation doesn't work directly on trait objects, so that code has no hope of compiling, I am just being explicit about actual behaviour.

Object safety

The rules for object safety were set-out in that initial RFC 255, with two missed cases identified and resolved in RFC 428 and RFC 546. At the time of writing, the possible ways to be object-unsafe are described by two enums:

pub enum ObjectSafetyViolation<'tcx> {
    /// Self : Sized declared on the trait

    /// Method has someting illegal
    Method(Rc<ty::Method<'tcx>>, MethodViolationCode),

/// Reasons a method might not be object-safe.
pub enum MethodViolationCode {
    /// e.g., `fn(self)`

    /// e.g., `fn foo()`

    /// e.g., `fn foo(&self, x: Self)` or `fn foo(&self) -> Self`

    /// e.g., `fn foo<A>()`

Let's go through each case.

Update 2015-05-06: RFC 817 added more precise control over object safety via where clauses, see [Where Self Meets Sized: Revisiting Object Safety][whereselfsized].

[whereselfsized]: {% post_url 2015-05-06-where-self-meets-sized-revisiting-object-safety %}

Sized Self

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
trait Foo: Sized {
    fn method(&self);


The trait Foo inherits from Sized, requiring the Self type to be sized, and hence writing impl Foo for Foo is illegal: the type Foo is not sized and doesn't implement Sized. Traits default to Self being possibly-unsized---effectively a bound Self: ?Sized---to make more traits object safe by default.

By-value self

Update 2015-05-06: this is no longer object unsafe, but it is impossible to call such methods on possibly-unsized types, including trait objects. That is, one can define traits with self methods, but one is statically disallowed from call those methods on trait objects (and on generics that could be trait objects).

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
trait Foo {
    fn method(self);


At the moment6, it's not possible to use trait objects by-value anywhere, due to the lack of sizedness. If one were to write an impl Foo for Foo, the signature of method would mean self has type Foo: a by-value unsized type, illegal!


There is desire to remove/relax this restriction for function parameters, and especially self, to allow them to be unsized types. Niko's "Purging proc" describes the problem and the necessity for the Invoke trait as a work-around for the FnOnce trait.

Static method

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
trait Foo {
    fn func() -> i32;


There's no way to provide a sensible implementation of func as a static method on the type Foo:

impl<'a> Foo for Foo+'a {
    fn func() -> i32 {
        // what goes here??

The compiler can't just conjure up some i32---the chosen value may make no sense in context---and it can't call some other type's Foo::func method---which type would it choose? The whole scenario makes no sense.

References Self

There's two fundamental ways in which this can happen, as an argument or as a return value, in either case a reference to the Self type means that it must match the type of the self value, the true type of which is unknown at compile time. For example:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
trait Foo {
    fn method(&self, other: &Self);


The types of the two arguments have to match, but this can't be guaranteed with a trait object: the erased types of two separate &Foo values may not match:

impl<'a> Foo for Foo+'a {
    fn method(&self, other: &(Foo+'a))
        (self.vtable.method)(, /* what goes here? */)

(Using the explicit-but-invalid notation as above.)

One can't use because the method entry of self.vtable is assuming that both pointers point to the same, specific type (whatever type the vtable is specialised for), but there's absolutely no guarantee points to matching data. There's also not necessarily a (reliable) way to detect a mismatch, and no way the compiler can know a correct way to handle a mismatch even if it can be detected.

Generic method

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
trait Foo {
    fn method<A>(&self, a: A);


As discussed briefly in [the first post][previouspost], generic functions in Rust are monomorphised, that is, a copy of the function is created for each type used as a generic parameter. An attempted implementation might look like

impl<'a> Foo for Foo+'a {
    fn method<A>(&self, a: A) {
        (self.vtable./* ... huh ???*/)(, a: A)

The vtable is a static struct of function pointers, somehow we have to select a function pointer from it that will work with the arbitrary type A. To have any hope of doing this, one would have7 to pregenerate code for every type that could possibly be used for A and then fill in the huh above to select the right one. This would be effectively implicitly adding a whole series of methods to the trait:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
trait Foo {
    fn method_u8(&self);     // A = u8
    fn method_i8(&self);     // A = i8
    fn method_String(&self); // A = String
    fn method_unit(&self);   // A = ()
    // ...


and each one would need an entry in the vtable struct. If it is even possible, this would be some serious bloat, especially as I imagine most possibilities wouldn't be used.

For the more fundamental question of "is it possible", the answer is rarely: it only works if the number of possible types that can be used with the generic parameters is finite and completely known, so that a complete list can be written. I think the only circumstance in which this occurs is if all the parameters have to be bounded by some private trait (the example above fails, since A is unbounded and so can be used with every type ever, including ones that aren't even defined in scope).


Strictly speaking I suppose one could do some type of runtime codegen/JITing, but that's not really something Rust wants to build into the language, as it would require Rust programs to essentially carry around a compiler.

Part 4: Where Self Meets Sized

The concept of object safety in Rust was recently refined to be more flexible in an important way: the checks can be disabled for specific methods by using where clauses to restrict them to only work when Self: Sized.

[trait-objects]: {% post_url 2015-01-10-peeking-inside-trait-objects %} sized: {% post_url 2015-01-12-the-sized-trait %} [object-safety]: {% post_url 2015-01-13-object-safety %}

This post is a rather belated fourth entry in my series on trait objects and object safety: [Peeking inside Trait Objects][trait-objects], The Sized Trait and [Object Safety][object-safety]. It's been long enough that a refresher is definitely in order, although this isn't complete coverage of the details.


Rust offers open sets of types, type erasure and dynamic dispatch via [trait objects][trait-objects]. However, to ensure a uniform handling of trait objects and non-trait objects in generic code, there are certain restrictions about exactly which traits can be used to create objects: this is [object safety][object-safety].

A trait is object safe only if the compiler can automatically implement it for itself, by implementing each method as a dynamic function call through the vtable stored in a trait object.

trait Foo {
    fn method_a(&self) -> u8;

    fn method_b(&self, x: f32) -> String;

// automatically inserted by the compiler
impl<'a> Foo for Foo+'a {
    fn method_a(&self) -> u8 {
         // dynamic dispatch to `method_a` of erased type
    fn method_b(&self, x: f32) -> String {
         // as above

Without the object safety rules one can write functions with type signatures satisfied by trait objects, where the internals make it impossible to actually use with trait objects. However, Rust tries to ensure that this can't happen---code should only need to know the signatures of anything it calls, not the internals---and hence object safety.

These rules outlaw creating trait objects of, for example, traits with generic methods:

trait Bar {
    fn bad<T>(&self, x: T);

impl Bar for u8 {
    fn bad<T>(&self, _: T) {}

fn main() {
    &1_u8 as &Bar;

...:10:5: 10:7 error: cannot convert to a trait object because trait `Bar` is not object-safe [E0038]
...:10     &1 as &Bar;
...:10:5: 10:7 note: method `bad` has generic type parameters
...:10     &1 as &Bar;

Trait object values always appear behind a pointer, like &SomeTrait or Box<AnotherTrait>, since the trait value "SomeTrait" itself doesn't have size known at compile time. This property is captured via the Sized trait, which is implemented for types like i32, or simple structs and enums, but not for unsized slices [T], or the plain trait types SomeTrait.

Iterating on the design

One impact of introducing object safety was that the design of several traits had to change. The most noticeable ones were Iterator, and the IO traits Read and Write (although they were probably Reader and Writer at that point).

Focusing on the former, before object safety it was defined something8 like:


I'm using an associated type for Item here, but I believe it was probably still a generic parameter trait Iterator<Item> { ... at this point, and the IntoIterator trait didn't exist. However it doesn't matter: the exact same problems existed, just with different syntax.

trait Iterator {
    type Item;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;
    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { /* ... */ }

    // ... methods methods methods ...

    fn zip<U>(self, other: U) -> Zip<Self, U::IntoIter>
        where U: IntoIterator
    { /* ... */ }

    fn map<B, F>(self, f: F) -> Map<Self, F>
        where F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> B
    { /* ... */ }

    // etc

The above Iterator isn't object safe: it has generic methods, and so it isn't possible to implement Iterator for Iterator itself. This is unfortunate, since it is very useful to be able to create and use Iterator trait objects, so it had to be made object safe.

The solution at the time was extension traits: define a new trait IteratorExt that incorporated all the object unsafe methods, and use a blanket implementation to implement it for all Iterators "from the outside".

trait Iterator {
    type Item;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { /* ... */ }

trait IteratorExt: Sized + Iterator {
    // ... methods methods methods ...

    fn zip<U>(self, other: U) -> Zip<Self, U::IntoIter>
        where U: IntoIterator
    { /* ... */ }

    fn map<B, F>(self, f: F) -> Map<Self, F>
        where F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> B
    { /* ... */ }

    // etc
// blanket impl, for all iterators
impl<I: Iterator> IteratorExt for I {}

The next and size_hint methods are object safe, so this version of Iterator can create trait objects: Box<Iterator<Item = u8>> is a legal iterator over bytes. It works because the methods of IteratorExt are no longer part of Iterator and so they're not involved in any object considerations for it.

Fortunately, those methods aren't lost on trait objects, because there are implementations like the following, allowing the blanket implementation of IteratorExt to kick in:

// make Box<...> an Iterator by deferring to the contents
impl<I: Iterator + ?Sized> Iterator for Box<I> {
    type Item = I::Item;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<I::Item> {

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

(The ?Sized ensures this applies to Box<Iterator<...>> trait objects as well as simply Box<SomeType> where SomeType is a normal type that implements Iterator.)

This approach has some benefits, like clarifying the separation between the "core" methods (next and size_hint) and the helpers. However, it has several downsides, especially for cases that aren't Iterator:

  • extra traits in the documentation,
  • users will have to import those extra traits
  • it only works with default-able methods,
  • the defaults can't be overridden, e.g. there's no way for a specific type to slot in a more efficient way to implement a method

All-in-all, it was a wet blanket on libraries. Fortunately, not all was lost: let's meet our saviour.

It's a bird... it's a plane...

It's a where clause!

where clauses allow predicating functions/methods/types on essentially arbitrary trait relationships, not just the plain <T: SomeTrait>, where the left-hand side has to be a generic type declared right then and there. For example, one can use From to convert to types with a where clause.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn convert_to_string<T>(x: T) -> String
    where String: From<T>


The important realisation was that where allows placing restrictions on Self directly on methods, so that certain methods only exist for some implementing types. This was used to great effect to collapse piles of traits into a single one, for example in std::iter. Rust 0.12.0 had a swathe of extra Iterator traits: Additive..., Cloneable..., Multiplicative..., MutableDoubleEnded..., Ord....

Each of these were designed to define a few extra methods that required specific restrictions on the element type of the iterator, for example, OrdIterator needed Ord elements:

trait OrdIterator: Iterator {
     fn max(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;
     // ...

impl<A: Ord, I: Iterator<Item = A>> OrdIterator for I {
    fn max(&mut self) -> Option<A> { /* ... */ }

    // ...

The current std::iter is much cleaner: all the traits above have been merged into Iterator itself with where clauses, e.g. max:

trait Iterator {
    type Item;

    // ...

    fn max(self) -> Option<Self::Item>
        where Self::Item: Ord
    { /* ... */ }

    // ...

Notably, there's no restriction on Item for general Iterators, only on max, so iterators retain full flexibility while still gaining a max method that only works when it should:

struct NotOrd;

fn main() {
    (0..10).max(); // ok
    (0..10).map(|_| NotOrd).max();
...:5:29: 5:34 error: the trait `core::cmp::Ord` is not implemented for the type `NotOrd` [E0277]
...:5     (0..10).map(|_| NotOrd).max();

This approach works fine for normal traits like Ord, and also works equally well for "special" traits like Sized: it is possible to restrict methods to only work when Self has a statically known size with where Self: Sized. Initially this had no interaction with object safety, it would just influence what exactly that method could do.

Putting it together

The piece that interacts with object safety is RFC 817, which made where Self: Sized special: the compiler now understands that methods tagged with that cannot ever be used on a trait object, even in generic code. This means it is perfectly correct to completely ignores any methods with that where clause when checking object safety.

The bad example from the start can be written to compile:

trait Bar {
    fn bad<T>(&self, x: T)
        where Self: Sized;

impl Bar for u8 {
    fn bad<T>(&self, _: T)
        where Self: Sized

fn main() {
    &1_u8 as &Bar;

And also adjusted to not compile: try calling (&1_u8 as &Bar).bad("foo") in main and the compiler spits out an error,

...:13:21: 13:31 error: the trait `core::marker::Sized` is not implemented for the type `Bar` [E0277]
...:13     (&1_u8 as &Bar).bad("foo")
...:13:21: 13:31 note: `Bar` does not have a constant size known at compile-time
...:13     (&1_u8 as &Bar).bad("foo")

Importantly, this solves the Iterator problem: there's no longer a need to split methods into extension traits to ensure object safety, one can instead just guard the bad ones. Iterator now looks like:

trait Iterator {
    type Item;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { /* ... */ }

    // ... methods methods methods ...

    fn zip<U>(self, other: U) -> Zip<Self, U::IntoIter>
        where Self: Sized, U: IntoIterator
    { /* ... */ }

    fn map<B, F>(self, f: F) -> Map<Self, F>
        where Self: Sized, F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> B
    { /* ... */ }

    // etc

(Along with max and the other where-reliant methods from the other *Iterator traits mentioned above.)

The extra flexibility this where clauses offer is immensely helpful for designing that perfect API. Of course, just adding where Self: Sized isn't a complete solution or the only trick: the current Iterator still has the same sort of implementations of Iterator for Box<I> where I: Iterator + ?Sized, and traits using the where technique may want to adopt others that Iterator does.

Originally published 2015-01-10, 2015-01-12, 2015-01-13, and 2015-05-06.

License: TBD