brson's worklog
This contains much of my open source activity since 2015.
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:52 AM
- Attended status meeting
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:30 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 11:58 AM
- Investigated benchmark output
- 12:18 PM
- Hacked on compaction
- 3:49 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:00 PM
- Hacked on compaction
- 11:43 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:59 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 8:58 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:20 PM
- Hacked on rust client
- 2:41 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:05 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 11:53 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:53 AM
- Attended status mtg
- Attended walk and talk
- 9:44 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:10 PM
- Hacked on rust client
- 2:25 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:11 PM
- Reworked slow request pr
- 12:27 PM
- Hacked on compaction levels
- 12:51 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:47 PM
- Hacked on rust client
- 7:53 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:59 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:04 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:02 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 12:05 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:57 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 9:15 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:30 PM
- Hacked on compaction levels
- 10:58 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:13 PM
- Posted pr about slow requests
- 1:38 PM
- Hacked on table/level fullness calculations
- 2:43 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:54 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:16 PM
- Streamed hacking on rust client
- 4:22 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:00 PM
- Responded to chats
- 5:09 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:54 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:01 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:03 AM
- Updated repl docs pr
- 10:14 AM
- Approved repl pr
- 10:20 AM
- Watch ironbeetle
- 11:14 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- Merged repl docs pr
- 9:04 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:54 PM
- Streamed rust client hacking
- 5:17 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:14 PM
- Updated repl docs pr
- 3:17 PM
- Reviewed repl pr
- 3:26 PM
- Chatted
- 3:35 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:45 PM
- Streamed rust client hacking
- 6:04 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:20 PM
- Reworked rust client pr
- 4:10 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:57 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:56 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 9:01 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:40 PM
- Approved repl static allocator
- 1:56 PM
- Updated repl docs
- 2:47 PM
- Clarified slow request warning
- 3:05 PM
- Submitted repl fixes
- 6:17 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:54 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 11:14 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 6:58 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 8:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 6:55 AM
- Attended meetings
- 8:47 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:21 PM
- Posted youtube playlist to various
- 12:38 PM
- Posted repl newline investigation
- 3:05 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:28 PM
- Reviewed repl static allocator pr
- 3:40 PM
- Investigated cli parser behavior
- 4:03 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:41 PM
- Chatted about youtube and tigertracks
- 1:58 PM
- Commented on repl static allocation
- 2:05 PM
- Posted IO assert fix
- 4:49 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:52 PM
- Cleaned up youtube playlest
- 4:24 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:15 PM
- Streamed rust client hacking
- Submitted rust client pr
- 4:18 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:00 PM
- Uploaded videos to youtube
- 3:59 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Wildwood)
- 4:22 PM
- Hacked on templates
- 6:28 PM
- Clock out (Wildwood)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 6:30 PM
- Uploaded videos to youtube
- 6:40 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:55 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:59 PM
- Chatted with Chaitanya
- 3:00 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:21 PM
- Streamed rust client hacking
- 5:27 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:00 PM
- Streamed rust client hacking
- 6:40 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:35 PM
- Cut more streaming episodes for youtube
- 12:57 PM
- Chatted w/ Chaitanya
- 1:01 PM
- Posted zig fork to chat
- 1:20 PM
- Assigned myself an issue
- 1:43 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:01 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:14 PM
- Streamed hacking on the rust client
- 5:12 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:10 PM
- Streamed hacking on the rust client
- 4:32 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:40 PM
- Read build script and go bindings etc
- 12:59 PM
- Streamed hacking on the rust client
- 4:11 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:36 PM
- Streamed hacking on the rust client
- 5:02 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Wildwood)
- 1:44 PM
- Synced
- 5:11 PM
- Clock out (Wildwood)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:57 PM
- Streamed hacking on the rust client
- 5:23 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:58 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- Hacked on stdx
- 11:06 AM
- Posted PR for ringbuffer to stdx
- 11:48 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:50 PM
- Submitted invoices
- 2:09 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:09 PM
- Edited videos for youtube
- 3:51 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:32 PM
- Streamed hacking on the rust client
- 4:32 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:16 PM
- Streamed hacking on the rust client
- 6:57 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:24 PM
- Streamed hacking on rust client
- 4:23 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:40 PM
- Streamed hacking on rust client
- 5:36 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:55 PM
- Streamed hacking on rust client
- 4:22 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:05 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:48 PM
- Posted 0.16.8 release to #announcements
- 12:51 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:44 PM
- Reviewed benchmark fix
- 1:47 PM
- Commented on linux quickstart issue
- 2:05 PM
- Moved repl files to subdir
- 3:09 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:22 PM
- Streamed rust client hacking
- 10:12 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (wildwood)
- 12:58 PM
- Synced on errors and data types and module organization
- 4:39 PM
- Clock out (wildwood)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:52 PM
- Reviewed rust async fns and lifetime elision rules
- 5:27 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:46 PM
- Streamed rust client hacking
- 10:08 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:02 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:00 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 11:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:20 PM
- Streamed rust client hacking
- 4:13 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:35 PM
- LLC administrative
- 4:44 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:56 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- Attended 1 on 1
- 9:41 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (wildwood)
- 10:59 PM
- Business meeting!
- 11:20 PM
- Clock out (wildwood)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:29 PM
- Submitted test for remapping paths
- 5:55 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:59 PM
- Streamed code review
- Reviewed repl allocation pr
- 6:45 PM
- Announced release 0.16.17
- 7:18 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:29 PM
- Hacked on absolute paths tests
- Commented on test fixes
- 5:10 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:58 AM
- Attended status meeting
- 8:58 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:00 AM
- Watched IronBeetle
- 11:05 AM
- Worked on building zig
- 11:20 AM
- Reviewed repl PR
- 12:18 PM
- Posted PR for version comparison
- 1:42 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:57 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:00 PM
- Streamed rust client hacking
- 10:16 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:56 PM
- Chatted about rust client
- 1:32 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:10 PM
- Streamed rust client hacking
- 6:28 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:49 PM
- Streamed rust client hacking
- 6:08 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:30 AM
- Researched tb_client behavior
- Filed issue about repl deinit
- 11:14 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:58 AM
- Chatted
- Watched ironbeetle
- 10:57 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:10 PM
- Streamed rust client hacking
- 3:25 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:58 AM
- Closed old benchmarks pr
- 11:59 AM
- Rebased benchmark-workload branch
- 12:05 PM
- Filed bug about linux arm installation
- 12:46 PM
- Reviewed repl completion pr
- 2:05 PM
- Filed issue about dynamic allocation in the repl
- 2:19 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended walkandtalk
- 8:21 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:51 PM
- Streamed rust client hacking
- 10:17 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:32 PM
- Streamed rust client hacking
- 6:24 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 6:25 PM
- Hacked on test cases for absolute paths
- 7:25 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:56 PM
- Sent invoices
- 4:14 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:15 PM
- Sent invoices
- 4:31 PM
- Hacked on test cases for absolute paths
- 6:55 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:43 AM
- Updated repl pr
- 11:55 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:41 PM
- Merged repl pr
- 4:56 PM
- Commented on old repl pr
- 4:57 PM
- Commented on new repl pr
- 4:58 PM
- Commented about repl on slacks
- 5:06 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:58 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:07 AM
- Chatted
- 9:16 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:00 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 10:55 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:58 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- Attended 1:1
- 9:46 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 6:15 PM
- Worked on temp stream title card
- 6:49 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:39 PM
- Worked on temp stream title card
- 9:21 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:47 PM
- Addressed review of repl pr
- 5:09 PM
- Retested repl changes on windows
- 5:23 PM
- Tested repl on macos
- 5:49 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:44 PM
- Hacked on rust client
- 10:43 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:21 AM
- Posted repl allocation PR
- 12:23 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:05 PM
- Reviewed tab completion PR
- 5:29 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended status meeting
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:00 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 11:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:16 PM
- Streamed repl hacking
- 6:23 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:55 PM
- Filed issue about testing debug paths
- Commented on spaces in paths
- 4:18 PM
- Hacked on test case for spaces in paths
- 4:35 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:36 PM
- Hacked on repl static allocation
- 5:40 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:55 AM
- Attended walkytalky
- 9:04 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:01 PM
- Hacked on repl static allocation
- 7:03 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:30 PM
- Rebased and retested repro branch
- Commented on absolute path pr
- 4:48 PM
- Rebased remap-path branch of stellar-cli
- 5:04 PM
- Refreshed myself on cargo reproducible builds issue
- 5:14 PM
- Hacked on cargo reproducible builds
- 5:39 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:23 AM
- Haced on repl alloc
- 1:45 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:00 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 12:20 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:21 PM
- Rebased stellar-cli repro branch
- Fixed todos in repro branch
- 4:20 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:40 PM
- Hacked on repl allocation
- 6:36 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:00 PM
- Streamed repl alloc hacking
- Caught up on chats
- 10:38 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:41 AM
- Rebased wpaulino’s repl pr
- Responded to 2nd repl pr
- Sent messages to repl contributors
- Raised the subject of python bindings in chat
- 8:30 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 9:00 AM
- Chatted about rust client
- 9:30 AM
- Attended 1-1
- 10:00 AM
- Chatted re python bindings, rust bindings
- 10:05 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (wildwood)
- 4:00 PM
- Hacked on UI
- 7:05 PM
- Clock out (wildwood)
- Clock in (wildwood)
- 1:27 PM
- 4:30 PM
- Clock out (wildwood)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 6:56 AM
- Attended team meeting
- 8:50 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:00 AM
- Attended team meeting
- 9:05 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:42 PM
- Revewed compaction low tvr experiment results
- 8:57 PM
- Reviewed repl pr
- 11:11 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:05 PM
- Reviewed benchmark fix
- 8:37 PM
- Posted PR to reduce tidy merge conflicts
- 8:40 PM
- Hacked on benchmarks
- 9:34 PM
- Started new compaction experiment
- 9:37 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:02 AM
- Attended status meeting
- 9:01 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:59 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- Attended 1:1
- 9:50 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:50 PM
- Tested repl pr
- Closely read repl pr
- 9:27 PM
- Reviewed repl pr
- 9:52 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:09 PM
- Hacked on compaction experiments
- 9:10 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:00 PM
- Tested streaming
- Added timing estimation to compaction experiment
- Ran new compaction experiment with zipfians
- 10:20 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:00 AM
- Watched IronBeetle
- 12:50 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:54 PM
- Rebased compaction-stats branch
- 9:12 PM
- Merged zipf pr
- 9:28 PM
- Rebased benchmark-workload branch
- 9:31 PM
- Hacked on compaction experiments
- 10:40 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:54 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 9:14 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:36 PM
- Followed up on zipfian pr
- Followed up on repl pr
- 10:41 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:41 PM
- Cleaned up stellar-cli repro branch
- 6:15 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:29 PM
- Reworked stellar-cli path remapping patch
- 4:14 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:16 PM
- Read Knuth’s material on zipf’s law and similar distributions
- 5:45 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:59 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:39 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 12:17 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:54 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 8:58 AM
- Attended 1:1
- 10:01 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:15 PM
- Reworked zipfian pr
- 4:24 PM
- Rebased benchmark branch
- 4:27 PM
- Submitted draft benchmark pr
- 6:02 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:38 AM
- Sent invoice
- 11:54 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:54 AM
- Sent invoice
- 12:00 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:26 PM
- Hacked on benchmarks
- 4:53 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:43 AM
- Hacked on benchmarks
- 2:19 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:18 PM
- Hacked on benchmarks
- 5:18 PM
- Hacked on benchmarks
- 7:49 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:56 PM
- Hacked on benchmarks
- 11:11 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:48 AM
- Hacked on benchmarks
- Watched ironbeetle
- 11:56 AM
- Hacked on benchmarks
- 1:14 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:55 PM
- Hacked on benchmarks
- 5:57 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:25 PM
- Hacked on benchmarks
- 9:14 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:25 PM
- Hacked on benchmarks
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:59 PM
- Hacked on benchmark restructuring
- 2:33 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:40 PM
- Hacked on qemu-based repro isolation
- Reworked stellar-cli absolute path pr
- 7:21 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:57 PM
- Hacked on benchmarks
- 6:13 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 6:14 PM
- Hacked on qemu-based repro isolation
- 7:04 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:54 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:04 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:01 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 11:47 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended walkandtalk
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:14 AM
- Updated zipfian pr
- 1:35 PM
- Worked on probability-targeted zipfians
- 2:24 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:12 PM
- Rebased compaction branch
- 4:13 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:02 AM
- Attended status meeting
- 9:07 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:59 AM
- Researched calculating the skew of zipf from the CDF
- Watched ironbeetle
- 12:05 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 8:50 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:40 PM
- Reworked zipfian pr
- 2:16 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:34 PM
- Posted update on reproducible builds
- 1:56 PM
- Submitted pr for absolute paths in stellar-cli
- 4:43 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:00 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 11:06 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:59 PM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 1:57 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:11 PM
- Submitted PR for zipfians
- 5:42 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:10 PM
- Made minor tweaks to zipfian pir
- 10:22 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:30 PM
- Re-reviewed repl pr
- 2:17 PM
- Submitted expense receipts
- 2:34 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:52 PM
- Hacked on writing k-s unit test for zipfians
- 5:36 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:20 PM
- k-s tested zipfian number generator
- 6:32 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:45 PM
- Wrote tests and docs for zipfian
- 6:28 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:33 PM
- Wrote tests and docs for zipfian
- 10:49 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:52 AM
- Hacked on zipfian
- 1:54 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:36 AM
- Advised fabian and alex about mics and audio
- 10:44 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:59 AM
- Attended status meeting
- 8:39 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:56 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 12:05 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 9:00 AM
- Attended 1:1
- 9:50 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:16 PM
- Hacked on zipfian distribution
- 5:43 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:30 PM
- Read about recommended cargo-zigbuild
- 2:41 PM
- Commented on reproducible builds
- 3:06 PM
- Sent status report on reproducible builds
- 3:25 PM
- Hacked on sandboxing for reproducibility tool
- 7:35 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:26 PM
- Sent invoices
- 3:52 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:03 PM
- Implemented a new zipfian distribution
- Thought about how to most correctly use the zipfian distribution
- 9:13 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:07 PM
- Hacked on zipfian distribution
- 5:20 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:43 PM
- Hacked on zipfian distribution
- 3:50 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:30 PM
- Hacked on reproducibility
- 5:30 PM
- Talked to graydon about rust china
- 6:24 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended status update
- 9:04 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:03 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 11:59 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:58 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:02 PM
- Read YCSB paper
- Adapted YCSB workloads to benchmark
- 5:22 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 6:47 PM
- Started another experiment run
- Studied the ycsb zipfian generator
- 7:39 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:53 PM
- Merged install script pr
- 3:54 PM
- Added tracking of level sparsity
- Rebased compaction branch
- 4:49 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:00 PM
- Commented on wasm target metadata
- 4:57 PM
- Posted update to discord
- 5:25 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:56 AM
- Attended status update
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:45 AM
- Rebased pr
- 11:04 AM
- Attended ironbeetle
- 11:29 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:57 AM
- Attended walk-and-talk
- 8:56 AM
- Attended 1:1
- 9:45 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:26 PM
- Reviewed repl pr
- 4:18 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:50 PM
- Debugged cross-platform reproducibility in cargo
- Posted updates to discord
- 3:50 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:51 PM
- Fixed some install script issues
- 5:15 PM
- Reviewed repl raw input patch
- 5:39 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:40 AM
- Debugged out-of-tables
- Debugged broken backtraces
- 11:00 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- Debugged broken backtraces
- 11:53 AM
- Started new experiments
- 12:41 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:40 PM
- Debugged cross-platform reproducibility
- 5:28 PM
- Posted update to discord
- 5:31 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 8:45 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:19 PM
- Posted update on experiments
- 3:40 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:40 PM
- Debugged cross-platform reproducibility
- 5:40 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:45 PM
- Reviewed experiment data
- 2:08 PM
- Read more vlsm paper
- Hacked on per-level compaction strategies
- 3:30 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:32 PM
- Hacked on per-level compaction strategies
- 5:58 PM
- Ran new experiment
- 6:03 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:27 PM
- Started new compaction experiment run
- Read vlsm paper
- 3:57 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:42 PM
- Checked on experiment run
- 8:45 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 8:37 PM
- Commented on reproducible builds
- 8:46 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:00 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 12:01 PM
- Debugged failing benchmark
- Filed issue about table exceeding limits
- 1:45 PM
- Added workarounds for failing benchmarks
- 2:41 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:42 PM
- Debugged cross-platform wasm reproducibility
- Commented on wasm reproducibility
- 3:32 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:09 PM
- Cleaned up test and tidy in compaction branch
- Rebased compaction branch
- 4:13 PM
- Ran new experiments
- 4:41 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 6:24 PM
- Debugged cross-platform reproducibility re symbol naming
- 7:33 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended status report mtg
- 9:02 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:00 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 12:05 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:37 PM
- Submitted invoice
- 3:45 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:45 PM
- Submitted invoice
- Posted status update on reproducible builds thread
- 3:52 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:35 PM
- Set up stellar development vm
- Debugged irrepreducable build failures
- 5:13 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:33 PM
- Hacked on compaction strategy visualization
- Posted updates
- 7:37 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:58 PM
- Debugged compaction lookaround code
- Reran experiments
- 2:00 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:26 PM
- Improved compaction experiment scripts
- 4:55 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:33 PM
- Improved compaction experiment scripts
- 9:49 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:27 PM
- Added multi-table lookaround compaction strategies
- 3:39 PM
- Ran more compaction experiments
- 4:12 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:59 AM
- Attended walk-and-talk
- 9:00 AM
- Attended 1:1
- 9:48 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:57 AM
- Filed issue about prefetching accounts
- 11:38 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 12:07 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:12 PM
- Debugged cross-platform reproducability
- 4:07 PM
- Debugged absolute paths in wasms
- Filed issue about removing absolute paths in wasms
- 5:34 PM
- Posted update on reproducible builds
- 5:34 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:57 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 8:58 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:07 AM
- Commented on oom
- 10:25 AM
- Posted updates on compaction experiments
- 11:00 AM
- Hacked on compaction strategies
- 12:03 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:55 PM
- Posted another tidy pr
- 5:01 PM
- Hacked on compaction strategies
- 7:20 PM
- Debugged release mode bugs
- 8:40 PM
- Ran new compaction strategy tests
- 9:46 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended status meeting
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:17 AM
- Submitted lsm tidy pr
- 11:43 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 11:52 AM
- Posted issue to fix timing test
- 12:29 PM
- Debugged test runner issues
- 12:52 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 8:55 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:30 PM
- Hacked on refactoring of compaction experiments
- 8:25 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:12 PM
- Hacked on soroban-example reproductions
- Sent status update to discord
- 4:23 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:01 PM
- Merged test_min pr
- 1:07 PM
- Filed custom formatter issue
- 1:07 PM
- Filed issue about test_min ci
- 1:10 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:28 PM
- Finished reader Sarkar paper
- 2:08 PM
- Hacked on compaction strategies
- 2:39 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:01 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- Fixed test_min build failure
- 12:04 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:00 PM
- Reworked test_min PR
- 2:19 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 8:56 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:22 PM
- Hacked on soroban-example reproductions
- 4:30 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:01 PM
- Hacked on compaction
- 12:38 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:27 PM
- Hacked on compaction
- 3:09 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:02 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:57 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 12:12 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:52 PM
- Added lookaround table selection strategies to compaction
- 4:40 PM
- Hacked on compaction
- 7:47 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:54 AM
- Attended walk-and-talk
- 9:03 AM
- Attended 1:1
- 9:46 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:55 PM
- Hacked on generating compaction scatter plots from benchmark
- 5:42 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:53 PM
- Posted updated compaction scatter plots
- Submitted invoice
- 4:30 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:01 PM
- Commented on reproducible builds thread
- 5:11 PM
- Sent invoice
- 5:22 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:35 PM
- Hacked on compaction strategies
- 5:29 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:53 AM
- Attended status meeting
- 9:05 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:01 AM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 12:13 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 9:40 PM
- Debugged soroban contract repro
- 9:50 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:55 AM
- Attended walk-and-talk
- 8:29 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:17 PM
- Hacked on scatter plots for compaction strategies
- 6:12 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:39 PM
- Posted constCast pr
- 4:12 PM
- Hacked on compaction strats
- 4:52 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:22 PM
- Posted status update on reproducible builds to discord
- 5:26 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:21 PM
- Hacked on reproducible builds
- 5:20 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:55 AM
- Hearted a pr
- Attended status meeting
- 9:04 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:05 AM
- Updated newsletter with ironbeetle info
- Hacked on compaction strategies
- 12:41 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:51 PM
- Hacked on reproducible builds
- 6:55 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:56 AM
- Hacked on table iteration
- 8:04 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 9:11 AM
- Attended 1:1
- 9:45 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:00 PM
- Hacked on reproducible builds in soroban-cli
- 4:00 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 6:04 AM
- Hacked on compaction metrics
- Hacked on compaction table selection
- 7:02 AM
- Hacked on constCast fixes
- 7:13 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:58 PM
- Attended status mtg
- 5:01 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 6:55 PM
- Watched ironbeetle
- 8:00 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:47 PM
- Hacked on collecting metrics about compaction
- 4:36 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:00 PM
- Hacked on reproducible builds in soroban-cli
- 4:00 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:34 PM
- Hacked on entrypoint calling
- 5:16 PM
- Hacked on solana-move-cli
- 6:25 PM
- Chatted with aditya
- 6:41 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:55 PM
- Read through some storage and grid code
- Watched ironbeetle
- 8:12 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:21 PM
- Read more LSM papers
- Read more tigerbeetle compaction code
- 5:04 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:56 AM
- Chatted with candidate
- Sent email
- 10:36 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:48 AM
- Scheduled meeting with candidate
- 7:54 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:01 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:56 AM
- Closed stale coalesce pr
- 8:16 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 8:38 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:37 PM
- Sent invoice
- 2:49 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:50 PM
- Sent invoice
- 2:56 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:38 PM
- Read LSM papers
- Read tigerbeetle lsm code
- 6:19 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:20 PM
- Made some final reservations for trip
- Caught up on chats
- 2:02 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:57 AM
- Attended move mtg
- 11:25 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:56 AM
- Attended status meeting
- Attended walk and talk
- 9:46 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:34 AM
- Hacked on unit tests for coalesce table search
- 12:00 PM
- Chatted with Fed
- 1:00 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:22 PM
- Studied the move entrypoint code
- Began writing code to create solana messages
- 6:05 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (rib)
- 8:57 PM
- Added Vara to rust-in-blockchain
- 10:16 PM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:17 PM
- Hacked on reproducible builds
- 4:17 PM
- Hacked on reproducible builds
- 6:10 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:55 AM
- Attended status update
- 8:59 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:00 AM
- Attended move/solang mtg
- 9:59 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:00 AM
- Chatted with joran
- 10:11 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:20 PM
- Followed up on chats
- 4:48 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:38 PM
- Reworked coalesce pr
- 6:37 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:41 PM
- Hacked on wasm metadata reading/writing for reproducible builds
- 5:11 PM
- Responded to reproducible builds thread
- 5:28 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:38 PM
- Followed up on coalesce pr
- 6:04 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:14 PM
- Posted table coalesce patch
- 6:27 PM
- Chatted with jiyhun
- 6:28 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:10 PM
- Added an assertion
- 8:40 PM
- Made some more minor tweaks
- 9:03 PM
- Made some more minor tweaks
- 10:14 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:58 AM
- Reviewed test harness fixes
- 11:22 AM
- Attended mtg
- 11:26 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:58 AM
- Attended 1:1 mtg
- 12:32 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:57 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:11 PM
- Hacked on solana-move-demo
- Sent status update
- 6:05 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:57 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 8:54 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:50 AM
- Debugged coalescing
- 1:13 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:17 PM
- Cleaned up coalescing branch
- 10:11 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:56 AM
- Chatted with leigh about reproduction
- Designed an initial build reproduction tool
- 12:47 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:04 PM
- Debugged coalescing forest fuzz
- 3:02 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:39 PM
- Commented on reproducible builds
- 2:24 PM
- Commented on checked math in security forum
- 2:47 PM
- Planned some reproducibility work
- 3:01 PM
- Added
tosoroban contract build
- 3:38 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:02 AM
- Hacked on fio testing
- 10:15 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:27 AM
- Attended sync mtg
- 11:03 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:02 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 8:54 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:20 AM
- Hacked on fio testing
- 12:55 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:30 AM
- Read io_uring docs
- 11:27 AM
- Hacked on io_uring perf
- 4:50 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:49 PM
- Hacked on fio testing
- 2:56 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:56 PM
- Investigated metadata in wasm custom sections
- 3:14 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:14 PM
- Hacked on fio testing
- 4:35 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:30 PM
- Hacked on fio testing
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 6:30 PM
- Worked on move demo
- 6:58 PM
- Attended mtg
- 7:34 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:48 AM
- Followed up on emails
- 11:50 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:51 AM
- Hacked on solana-move-demo
- 3:39 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:59 PM
- Attended status meeting
- 4:55 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:13 PM
- Posted updates about solana-move-demo
- 9:32 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:53 AM
- Hacked on coalesce/compaction
- Merged CLI PR
- 12:32 PM
- Hacked on coalesce/compaction
- Talked with Fed about integrating coalesce into compaction
- 1:45 PM
- Hacked on coalesce/compaction
- 3:26 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:59 PM
- Attended walk-and-talk
- 5:00 PM
- Hacked on coalesce/compaction
- 5:58 PM
- Attended 1:1
- 6:38 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:06 PM
- Continued outlining wasmi fuzzer integration
- 12:24 PM
- Resonded to emails
- 12:51 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:51 PM
- Responded to emails
- 1:08 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:08 PM
- Reworked CLI PR
- 2:00 PM
- Hacked on compaction code
- 2:33 PM
- Reworked CLI PR
- 2:43 PM
- Hacked on compaction code
- 3:34 PM
- Chatted with Fed
- 3:50 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:07 PM
- Sent invoice
- 2:17 PM
- Posted update to token fuzzing thread
- 2:26 PM
- Sent status updates
- 2:32 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:44 PM
- Sent invoice
- 2:50 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:51 PM
- Sent invoice
- Sent emails
- 3:17 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:09 PM
- Resent January invoice
- 9:15 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Published wasm-opt 0.116.1
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:54 AM
- Reworked CLI PR
- 12:37 PM
- Continued attempting to attache coalesce search to new compaction code
- 2:15 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Reviewed a wasm-opt-rs pr
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:47 AM
- Prototyped more wasm fuzzing
- 2:06 PM
- Chatted about wasm fuzzing
- 2:35 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:35 PM
- Followed up on chat threads
- 3:46 PM
- Continued rework on CLI patch
- 4:47 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:50 PM
- Hacked on wasmi fuzzing prototype
- 7:04 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:57 PM
- Investigated integration of libfuzzer into wasmi
- 3:03 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:42 PM
- Investigated big tables in compaction code
- 4:01 PM
- Considered cli pr review feedback
- 4:22 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:43 PM
- Sent PR for example token 0 amount spend bug
- Sent PR for example token 0 amount spend bug
- Sent PR for example token 0 amount spend bug
- Sent PR for example token 0 amount spend bug
- Sent PR for example token 0 amount spend bug
- 5:22 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:57 PM
- Attended move mtg
- 6:49 PM
- Replied to pankaj
- 6:56 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:48 PM
- Reviewed changes to soroban-token-fuzzer for comet dex
- Updated comments and docs for soroban-token-fuzzer
- 2:36 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:36 PM
- Rebased coalesce patches onto new compaction code
- 3:10 PM
- Rebased cli pr
- 3:36 PM
- Hacked on wiring coalesce selection into new compaction code
- 3:51 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:13 PM
- Finished getting comet dex under test with the token fuzzer
- 3:13 PM
- Chatted various
- Reviewed changes to token fuzzer
- 3:57 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:57 PM
- Meeting with Aditya
- 4:28 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:39 PM
- Continued hacking on sui port
- 3:34 PM
- Posted PR for sui port
- 7:24 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:24 PM
- Rebased onto sui/main
- 6:42 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:44 PM
- Cleaned up move/sui history
- 3:01 PM
- Merged move pr
- 3:20 PM
- Pulled in recent solana/move changes to solana/sui
- 3:29 PM
- Updated status in discord
- 3:51 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:52 PM
- Chatted w/ jihyun about travel
- 4:09 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:09 PM
- Rebased solana/move branch
- 4:56 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:56 PM
- Attended status mtg
- 5:53 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:24 AM
- Debugged unit test failures
- 12:31 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:58 PM
- Attended walk and talk
- 4:53 PM
- Made minor cleanups and fixes to coalesce code
- Ran coalesce benchmarks some more
- 4:54 PM
- Ran coalesce benchmarks some more
- Chatted various
- 5:35 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Merged a dada PR
- Merged a dada PR
- 1:04 AM
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:11 PM
- Debugging test_min compaction issue
- Closed cli units issue
- Closed cli units issue
- 9:38 PM
- Hacked on table coalescing
- 10:00 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 10:00 PM
- Debugged contract registration bug in token fuzzer
- 11:00 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:43 PM
- Commented on various issues
- 3:49 PM
- Debugged coalescing code
- 6:29 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 10:04 PM
- Debugged env prng seed duplication
- 11:43 PM
- Commented about problems with duplicated nonces
- 11:56 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:47 AM
- Filed issue about MiB
- 12:21 PM
- Filed issue about parsing MB, etc
- Updated error handling cli pr
- 12:44 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:44 PM
- Chatted about MissingValue debugging
- 1:00 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 6:58 PM
- Debugged fuzzing for comet lp token
- 7:30 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:52 AM
- Hacked on the move-cli
- 11:00 AM
- Attended move mtg
- Chatted with pankaj
- 11:35 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:56 AM
- Attended status meeting
- 8:54 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:46 PM
- Read prs related to sui move-stdlib
- Chatted with aditya
- 6:06 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 8:27 PM
- Hacked on fixing test cases for sui port
- 11:00 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:59 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- Attended 1:1
- 10:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 6:00 PM
- Fixed a bug in coalesce iterator
- 6:02 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:30 PM
- Sent invoice
- 3:42 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:42 PM
- Responded to chats
- 3:49 PM
- Sent invoice
- 3:52 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:52 PM
- Sent invoice
- 3:58 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:58 PM
- Hacked on slide deck
- 4:20 PM
- Sent Fed a new coalesce patch
- Chatted with Fed
- 4:47 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:40 PM
- Hacked on reverting arbitrary address changes
- 12:57 PM
- Posted PR to revert arbitrary native addresses
- 1:16 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:25 PM
- Hacked on rewriting coalesce window search
- Benchmarked coalesce window search
- 9:17 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:17 PM
- Hacked on rewriting coalesce window search
- 4:19 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:57 PM
- Hacked on coalesce window search
- 11:28 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:54 AM
- Responded to messages
- Attended status meeting
- 8:54 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:16 AM
- Hacked on adding comet lp token to soroban-token-fuzzer
- 1:16 PM
- Hacked on adding comet lp token to soroban-token-fuzzer
- 4:34 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:56 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- 8:49 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 8:46 PM
- Responded to chat questions about fuzzing
- 9:07 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:26 PM
- Hacked on rewriting coalesce search code
- 10:19 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:14 PM
- Filed issue about benchmark batch size
- 12:25 PM
- Experimented with coalesce windows benchmarks
- Chatted with Fed
- 2:31 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:42 AM
- Updated backtrace PR
- 11:59 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:00 PM
- Reworked cli errors pr
- 12:46 PM
- Chatted with Fed
- 12:47 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:14 PM
- Benchmarked coalesce window search
- 6:14 PM
- Made more tweaks to coalesce code
- 6:33 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:05 AM
- Hacked on test signers on sui branch
- Hacked on move-cli in sui branch
- 10:49 AM
- Posted update to sui rebase issue
- 10:58 AM
- Attended meeting
- 11:28 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:34 AM
- Followed up on CLI error issue
- 11:39 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:53 AM
- Attended standup meeting
- 8:53 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:50 AM
- Attended walk-and-talk
- Attended 1:1
- 9:50 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:38 PM
- Updated cli pr
- 6:28 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:30 AM
- Chatted with Fed
- 11:39 AM
- Tested table coalesce window selection
- 12:12 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:56 PM
- Hacked on coalesce window selection
- 6:15 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:36 AM
- Hacked on move/solana/sui entrypoint bugs
- 12:31 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:53 PM
- Updated cli PR
- 5:07 PM
- Made more cli improvements
- 6:34 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:19 PM
- Posted pr to improve backtraces
- 3:25 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Fixed a dada build error
- 7:34 PM
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:51 AM
- Replied to chats
- 9:02 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended walk and talk mtg
- 8:42 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:42 PM
- Calculated default values in CLI help message
- 4:34 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:52 PM
- Joined community slack
- 3:55 PM
- Hacked on table coalescing
- 7:19 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:28 AM
- Hacked on backtrace propagation in errors
- 12:14 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:28 PM
- Hacked on adding cometdex lp token to token fuzzer
- 5:30 PM
- Hacked on backtrace propagation in errors
- 6:09 PM
- Sent status updates
- 6:16 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:22 PM
- Hacked on backtrace propagation in errors
- 6:49 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:56 AM
- Attended mtg
- 11:30 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended stand up meeting
- 8:43 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 8:21 PM
- Fixed test cases in sui port
- 9:49 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:56 AM
- Attended walk and talk
- Updated roadmap issue for nodepool size
- Chatted with Joran
- 9:33 AM
- Asked for a new community slack invite link
- 9:37 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:27 PM
- Updated slack invite in readme
- 5:31 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (rib)
- 7:00 PM
- Responded to awesome-blockchain-rust issue
- 7:20 PM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 9:02 PM
- Hacked on table coalescing
- 9:48 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:25 AM
- Responded to chat
- 11:29 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:30 AM
- Hacked on table coalesce window search
- 12:52 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:41 AM
- Responded to messages
- 11:43 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:44 AM
- Chatted about token fuzzer
- 12:10 PM
- Updated wasmi fuzzing issue
- 12:23 PM
- Chatted with tomer
- 12:27 PM
- Read about the sancov apis
- 12:42 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:57 PM
- Hacked on windowed iterator adapter
- 6:02 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 2:28 PM
- Hacked on table coalescing
- Hacked on windowed iterator adaptors
- 5:40 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:25 AM
- Sent invoice
- 11:42 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:42 AM
- Sent invoice
- 11:49 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:00 PM
- Sent invoice
- 12:08 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:10 PM
- Filed issue about alternative fuzzing engines
- 12:15 PM
- Sent fitzgen an email about wasmi/libfuzzer integration
- 12:39 PM
- Filed issue about proptest support
- 1:06 PM
- Worked on list of soroban fuzzing/testing issues
- 1:11 PM
- Filed issue about removing native address generation from Arbitrary
- 1:39 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended sync mtg
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:28 AM
- Commented on unsafety in move-native
- Filed issue about sui natives
- 10:06 AM
- Replied to emails
- 10:10 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 10:12 AM
- Respoded to messages
- 11:00 AM
- Updated token allowance storage issue
- 11:28 AM
- Filed issue about documenting individual token fuzzers
- 11:31 AM
- Hacked on zero allowance bloat check for token fuzzer
- Added issue about ‘smart i128’ amounts for token fuzzer
- 1:42 PM
- Closed zero allowance issue
- 1:53 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:27 PM
- Filed issue about expiration ledger
- 6:11 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 8:32 PM
- Sent fuzzing update
- 9:14 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 10:00 AM
- Added more tokens to token fuzzer
- 12:22 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:52 AM
- Set up meeting with fed
- Merged CLI pr
- 11:02 AM
- Chatted with fed about table coalescing
- 12:17 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:26 AM
- Attended movement meeting
- 10:57 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:55 AM
- Hacked on move tests under sui
- 12:33 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 8:58 AM
- Hacked on sui rebase
- 10:56 AM
- Attended move mtg
- 11:22 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:58 AM
- Attended walk and talk mtg
- 9:10 AM
- Attended 1:1 mtg
- 9:44 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:13 PM
- Joined soroban security slack and introduced myself
- 4:41 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:51 PM
- Filed issue about command line error handling
- 5:04 PM
- Filed issue about error massages and units
- 5:12 PM
- Filed issue about CLI help message defaults
- 5:47 PM
- Reworked lsm memory PR
- 5:56 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:14 PM
- Revised lsm manifest size PR
- 1:50 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:00 PM
- Followed up on chats
- 3:08 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 4:09 PM
- Reviewed issue comments
- 4:14 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 10:46 AM
- Hacked on node pool size cli argument
- 12:38 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:16 PM
- Posted PR to add cli argument for node pool size
- 2:26 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:53 AM
- Attended status mtg
- 9:01 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:56 PM
- Chatted with aditya about move roadmap
- 5:34 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:56 AM
- Attended walk and talk mtg
- 9:02 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- 10:26 AM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 10:30 AM
- Talked with tomer about soroban and fuzzing
- Made notes about soroban todos
- 11:29 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:45 PM
- Chatted w graydon about fuzzing
- 4:03 PM
- Chatted w tomer
- Collected list of tokens to fuzz
- 5:03 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:03 PM
- Responded to messages
- 5:08 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 5:09 PM
- Rebased deep dive pr
- 5:17 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:30 PM
- Commented on arbitrary-proptest quality
- Filed issue about using size_hint in arbitrary-proptest-interop
- 6:44 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:22 PM
- Responded to messages
- 12:34 PM
- Updated
- 2:46 PM
- Filed issue about
- 3:28 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:24 PM
- Hacked on integrating cometdex lp token into token fuzzer
- 6:35 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:28 AM
- Fixed storage expiry bug in soroban-token-fuzzer
- Posted update to storage expiry issue
- 12:38 PM
- Closed issue about transfer_from/burn_from success rates
- 12:49 PM
- Closed auth fuzzing issue
- 12:57 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:44 PM
- Responded to messages
- 1:49 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 1:48 PM
- Hacked on NodePool size roadmap item
- 4:46 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:41 PM
- Filed bug about v20.0.2 tag
- 2:47 PM
- Fixed auth fuzzing for token fuzzer
- 4:00 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 6:22 PM
- Debugged another storage liveness problem
- 6:54 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 8:38 AM
- Hacked on auth fuzzing for token fuzzer
- 1:18 PM
- Hacked on auth fuzzing for token fuzzer
- 2:29 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 7:19 PM
- Comented on discord about move compiler
- 7:33 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:48 AM
- Attempted to transplant move patches to sui repo
- 12:39 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 10:46 AM
- Posted update on token fuzzer to discord
- 10:54 AM
- Sent invoice
- 11:06 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:06 PM
- Sent invoice
- 11:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:10 AM
- Sent invoice
- 11:24 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:30 AM
- Chatted with Pankaj
- 11:56 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:06 AM
- Hacked on renaming data file during format
- 12:29 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 3:31 PM
- Hacked on renaming data file during format
- 5:12 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:04 PM
- Investigated zig’s use of msync in stack traces
- Experimented with modifications to build.zig
- 1:09 PM
- Read vsr formatting code
- 1:31 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:06 AM
- Investigated repl parser bug.
- Ran server and repl under valgrind.
- 11:57 AM
- Investigated simulator valgrind failures.
- 12:54 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:12 AM
- Read LSM code and docs
- 12:53 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:35 PM
- Hacked on auth fuzzing for token fuzzer
- Read soroban auth docs
- 2:09 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 11:43 AM
- Removed exit on help from repl
- 12:43 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:23 AM
- Cleaned up soroban-token-fuzzer
- 12:58 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended sync mtg
- 9:01 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:17 PM
- Debugged native account address setup in token fuzzer
- 1:51 PM
- Responded to token fuzzing discord thread
- 1:52 PM
- Debugged native account address setup in token fuzzer
- 1:58 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 7:17 PM
- Played with the benchmark
- Reviewed benchmarking pr
- 8:39 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 8:00 AM
- Attended walk-and-talk mtg
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (TigerBeetle)
- 12:54 PM
- Chatted with dj
- 2:01 PM
- Clock out (TigerBeetle)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:36 PM
- Hacked on native account address support for token fuzzer
- Began integrated comet lp token into token fuzzer
- 4:10 PM
- Sent status update
- 4:16 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:24 PM
- Debugged problems fuzzing with native account addresses
- Responded to pings
- 3:28 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:52 AM
- Reviewed comments on sui rebase
- Attended move mtg
- 11:11 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:21 AM
- Filed issue about zero allowances
- Filed issue about porting token unit tests to fuzzer
- Posted about soroban-token-fuzzer on discord
- 11:45 AM
- Debugged fuzzing with account addresses
- 12:50 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:40 AM
- Filed issue about stdlib specific failures
- 11:10 AM
- Filed issue about large vecs
- 12:01 PM
- Filed issue about nursery tests
- 12:14 PM
- Posted update on sui rebase
- 12:19 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 8:22 PM
- Cleanup and doc token fuzzer
- 9:14 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:29 PM
- Hacked on auth support for token fuzzer
- Fixed bug in token fuzzer
- Updated token fuzzer readme
- Tested token fuzzer
- 5:02 PM
- Sent status update
- 5:11 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:27 PM
- Commented on sui move rebase
- 3:57 PM
- Hacked on sui rebase
- 5:29 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:30 PM
- Hacked on soroban-token-fuzzer docs
- 5:37 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Hacked on basic-http-server byte ranges
- 11:16 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:09 PM
- Parameterized token fuzzer over arbitrary tokens
- 5:47 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:03 PM
- Hacked on token fuzzer cleanup
- Posted issue about crate observations bloat
- 3:23 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:31 PM
- Sent fuzzing update
- 2:32 PM
- Sent invoice
- 2:40 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:40 PM
- Sent invoice
- 2:50 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:50 PM
- Sent invoice
- Posted delivery
- Commented on strum upgrade
- 3:08 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:36 PM
- Debugged backtrace propagation
- 4:50 PM
- Reenabled proptest_val_cmp
- 5:09 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:02 PM
- Hacked on auth and address support for token fuzzer
- Added contract token support to token fuzzer
- Hacked on token fuzzer
- 5:27 PM
- Debugged backtrace issue
- 6:08 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:50 PM
- Hacked on storage prototype
- 2:26 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:20 PM
- Hacked on auth fuzzing for token contracts
- 4:56 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:00 AM
- Attended move mtg
- 11:15 AM
- Filed issue about rebasing onto sui
- 11:17 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:46 AM
- Hacked on storage prototype
- 12:52 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:57 PM
- Filed an issue about useless backtraces
- 6:50 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:57 PM
- Commented on using prebuilt wasm-opt bins
- 4:08 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:11 PM
- Hacked on token fuzzer
- 5:46 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:41 PM
- Closed Arbitrary for Symbol issue
- 12:43 PM
- Closed live_until pr
- 12:45 PM
- Hacked on native token fuzzer
- 4:18 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:59 PM
- Commented on arbitrary option pr
- 4:03 PM
- Filed issue about Arbitrary for Symbol
- 4:26 PM
- Added size_hint to arbitrary impls
- 4:59 PM
- Sent status update
- 5:06 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:15 PM
- Hacked on move-solana storage prototype
- 3:45 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:58 AM
- Attended move mtg
- 11:32 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:56 PM
- Attended move mtg w/ sui
- 11:46 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:04 PM
- Commented on storage entry expiration PR
- 3:15 PM
- Commented on 1-Env per host issue
- 3:23 PM
- Posted pr to improve Arbitrary Options
- 4:31 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:31 PM
- Posted pr to fix live_until ledger
- 5:41 PM
- Posted pr to fix test snapshots under fuzzing
- 6:02 PM
- Filed issue about test snapshots assuming 1 Env per test
- 6:06 PM
- Commented on proptest-arbitrary-interop
- 6:11 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:55 AM
- Hacked on proptest-arbitrary-interop
- 1:25 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:22 PM
- Hacked on storage fix
- 5:22 PM
- Sent update
- 5:38 PM
- Reviewed
patch - 5:52 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:30 AM
- Posted fix for proptest-arbitrary-interop
- 12:43 PM
- Filed an issue about implementing size_hint
- 1:16 PM
- Hacked on proptest-arbitrary-interop
- 1:56 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:00 PM
- Debugged weird interaction between native token contract and storage
- 4:35 PM
- Followed up on issues and prs
- 4:43 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:12 PM
- Posted tests for UDTs with tuple fields
- 12:23 PM
- Closed pr for testing UDTs with tuple fields
- 12:28 PM
- Hacked on broken proptests
- 1:08 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:59 AM
- Attended aptos mtg
- 10:49 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:35 AM
- Commented on arbitrary for Error
- 11:43 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:32 PM
- Investigated suspicious storage behavior
- 6:57 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:12 AM
- Hacked on storage prototype
- 12:26 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 6:52 PM
- Responded to sdk update pr
- 7:14 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:51 PM
- Merged my abi fix pr
- 5:01 PM
- Hacked on storage prototype
- 5:59 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:25 PM
- Fixed issue with Env::from_snapshot
- 2:51 PM
- Attempted to upgrade stellar_xdr
- 2:56 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:10 PM
- Commented on moving the arbitrary module to testutils
- 4:21 PM
- Moved arbitrary module to testutils
- 5:03 PM
- Sent status update
- 5:08 PM
- Debugged token fuzzer
- 6:19 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:56 AM
- Attended move mtg
- 11:35 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:23 PM
- Followed up on emails and messages
- 5:35 PM
- Hacked on fix for Env::from_snapshot
- 6:18 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:41 PM
- Sent invoice
- 12:54 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:55 PM
- Sent invoice
- 1:07 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 1:08 PM
- Submitted milestone delivery
- 1:38 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:36 PM
- Hacked on storage rtcall prototyping
- Posted ABI fixes for move-native
- 3:58 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:35 PM
- Closed adversarial arbitrary values issue
- 3:56 PM
- Filed issue about fuzzing example env setup
- 4:50 PM
- Filed issue about Env::from_snapshot improvements
- 5:26 PM
- Hacked on token fuzzing
- 6:30 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 7:34 PM
- Sent status update
- 7:46 PM
- Resonded to emails
- 8:00 PM
- Hacked on token fuzzing
- 8:22 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:26 PM
- Re-read about move storage and solana PDAs
- 5:02 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:41 PM
- Added conversions from reference tuples to ScVal
- 3:52 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:44 AM
- Hacked on impl arbitrary for tuples
- 12:42 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:26 PM
- Posted pr for impl SorobanArbitrary for tuples
- Filed bug about contracttype and tuples
- Updated SorobanArbitrary tuple bug
- 2:22 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:13 AM
- Hacked on adversarial arbitrary values
- 12:03 PM
- Attended soroban dev mtg
- Posted pr to generate heterogeneous containers
- 12:28 PM
- Attended soroban dev mtg
- 1:03 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:52 PM
- Hacked on adversarial arbitrary values
- 3:02 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:39 PM
- Made arbitrary tests deterministic
- 1:33 PM
- Fixed generation of addressses
- 2:25 PM
- Sent status update
- 2:36 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:31 PM
- Tested unicode on windows
- Updated unicode issue
- 3:24 PM
- Updated wasm-opt in substrate
- 3:57 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:58 AM
- Merged symbol naming pr
- 10:59 AM
- Attended move mtg
- 11:23 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:22 PM
- Brainstormed native token fuzzing plan
- 6:08 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:30 PM
- Reworked symbol name PR
- 4:58 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:17 PM
- Updated wasm-opt ci
- 1:42 PM
- Merged pr to add dwarf feature to wasm-opt
- 3:45 PM
- Bumped wasm-opt to 0.114.2
- 3:58 PM
- Published wasm-opt 0.114.2
- 4:57 PM
- Merged 116 update
- 6:44 PM
- Filed issue about testing LLVM symbol names
- 6:47 PM
- Published wasm-opt 0.116.0
- Updated LLVM linkage issue
- 7:26 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:48 AM
- Presented fuzz testing on discord
- 1:04 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:00 PM
- Debugged macos build failure
- 2:24 PM
- Commented on dwarf regression
- Planned fix for dwarf regression
- 2:46 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 6:03 PM
- Practiced talk
- 6:54 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 6:31 PM
- Tested streaming setup for talk
- 7:45 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:02 PM
- Hacked on token fuzzing
- 1:35 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:00 AM
- Attended move mtg
- 11:22 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:35 PM
- Responded to emails
- 4:51 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:13 PM
- Posted fix for move symbol naming
- 3:29 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:25 PM
- Sent invoice
- 2:40 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:40 PM
- Sent invoice
- 2:46 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:47 PM
- Sent invoice
- Posted milestone delivery
- 3:10 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:21 PM
- Filed issue about fuzzing support for the env crates
- 5:35 PM
- Filed a fuzzing feature request
- 5:53 PM
- Filed a fuzzing feature request
- 5:54 PM
- Filed a bug about proptest-arbitrary-interop quality
- 6:02 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Commented on chamber
- 6:58 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 9:00 AM
- Meridian
- 1:00 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:00 PM
- Presented at Meridian
- 6:00 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:57 PM
- Practiced talk
- 2:41 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:36 PM
- Filed issue about only generating contract addresses
- 5:38 PM
- Hacked on native token fuzzing
- 9:58 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:39 PM
- Practiced talk
- 6:18 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:49 PM
- Fixed a typo
- 1:16 PM
- Chatted w/ graydon
- Chatted w/ mootz
- 1:25 PM
- Triaged emails
- 1:40 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:49 PM
- Filed issue about truncating symbol names
- 2:19 PM
- Reviewed entrypoint pr
- 3:37 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:09 PM
- Reviewed conference slides
- 5:30 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 8:58 AM
- Merged cleanup pr
- 9:07 AM
- Reviewed cleaonup pr
- 9:08 AM
- Merged vector pr
- 9:11 AM
- Attended move mtg
- 9:36 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:37 PM
- Responded to issue about overlong move symbols
- 12:47 PM
- Reviewed storage example pr
- 12:51 PM
- Hacked on vector dtor
- 3:40 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:22 PM
- Filed issue about recursion limits
- 4:55 PM
- Posted fix for vector dtors
- 5:34 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:30 AM
- Attended mv mtg
- 10:37 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:19 PM
- Tested windows unicode binaryen patch
- 2:08 PM
- Investigated wasm-opt/llvm linkage issue
- 2:59 PM
- Considered cc caching in wasm-opt
- 5:02 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:05 PM
- Updated slides
- Sent slides to Leigh
- 5:13 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:47 PM
- Practiced talk
- Chatted w/ Graydon and Leigh
- 5:30 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:53 PM
- Practiced talk
- 2:46 PM
- Worked on slides
- 3:18 PM
- Chatted w/ mootz
- 3:32 PM
- Posted fuzzing patches for blend
- 4:28 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:00 AM
- Attended move mtg
- 11:26 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:40 AM
- Hacked on slides
- Hacked on demo code
- 1:27 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:04 PM
- Practiced talk
- 5:55 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:13 PM
- Filed issue about broken rbpf-tests
- 12:48 PM
- Posted pr to fix rbpf-tests’ regex
- 1:40 PM
- Investigated symbol naming problems
- 2:47 PM
- Filed issue about stripping symbol names
- 3:11 PM
- Investigating large symbol names
- 4:04 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:30 PM
- Responded to leigh
- 4:50 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 6:09 PM
- Chatted w/ graydon
- Experimented with mirai
- 6:38 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 7:51 PM
- Experimented with mirai
- 7:54 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:33 PM
- Practiced fuzz talk
- 1:30 PM
- Responded to email
- 1:44 PM
- Sent invoice
- 1:55 PM
- Sent update
- 2:06 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:06 PM
- Responded to mutex issue
- 2:18 PM
- Revied generic struct fixes
- 2:32 PM
- Submitted invoice
- 2:41 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:41 PM
- Submitted invoice
- Posted delivery PR
- 3:14 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Hacked on soral
- 5:21 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 8:31 PM
- Investigated stellar asset contract integration with stellar-core
- 9:35 PM
- Chatted with Graydon
- 9:47 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Hacked on soral
- Hacked on rustx
- 10:49 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:14 PM
- Reworked broken object iloop patch
- 1:36 PM
- Updated adversarial fuzzing issue
- 1:59 PM
- Closed stale blend pr
- 2:26 PM
- Updated blend fuzzer
- 2:28 PM
- Updated doc issue with fuzzing practices
- 3:22 PM
- Hacked on blend fuzzing
- Updated fuzzing blog
- Updated fuzzing slide
- 3:32 PM
- Updated mootz on blend fuzzing
- 3:40 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:09 PM
- Commented on build caching in wasm-opt-rs
- 12:12 PM
- Closed old unicode binaryen patch
- 12:47 PM
- Posted another fix for binaryen unicode patch
- 1:22 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:59 PM
- Hacked on adversarial arbitrary implementations
- Investigated event extenalization and bad objects
- Closed event/logs issue
- 4:26 PM
- Posted pr to avoid iloop externalizing diagnostics
- Filed issue about more checks in check_val_integrity
- 8:14 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:30 AM
- Attended move mtg
- 10:40 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:43 AM
- Hacked on fuzzing slides
- 1:45 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:11 PM
- Posted cleanup pr to blend
- 5:44 PM
- Hacked on blend fuzzing
- 6:12 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:03 PM
- Transcribed slides to google slides
- 6:17 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:45 PM
- Commented on integration testing issue
- 1:47 PM
- Sent invoice for Meridien expenses
- 2:13 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:57 AM
- Attended move mtg
- 11:35 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:09 PM
- Commented on aptos patch
- 2:23 PM
- Deleted unused code
- 2:41 PM
- Filed bug about symbol name disambiguation
- 3:51 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:51 PM
- Filed pr to fix error handling in event externalization
- 5:15 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:47 PM
- Hacked on fuzzing blog post
- Hacked on arbitrary improvements
- 4:52 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:39 PM
- Hacked on testing move stdlib
- Posted pr to test move stdlib
- 5:12 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:13 PM
- Fixed bug in Tag::is_object
- Sent status update
- 6:33 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:00 PM
- Responded to fuzzer macos linking error
- 5:39 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:08 PM
- Posted findings about fuzzer linker failure
- 5:18 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 6:10 PM
- Responded to pings
- 6:22 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 7:17 PM
- Filed fuzz-test macos linking issue
- 7:24 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:52 PM
- Hacked on Blend fuzzing
- Experimented with soroban error handling
- Hacked on slides
- 5:37 PM
- Chatted with mootz
- 5:48 PM
- Sent status update
- 5:59 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:39 PM
- Merged dwarf fixes
- Filed conformance test issue
- 4:16 PM
- Published wasm-opt 0.114.1
- 6:25 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:27 PM
- Hacked on slides
- 3:51 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:58 AM
- Attended move mtg
- 11:30 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 4:19 PM
- Merged wasm-opt pr
- 4:41 PM
- Reviewed wasm-opt dwarf patch
- 5:04 PM
- Thought about how to cache cc build results
- 5:52 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:07 PM
- Chatted with mootz
- 1:14 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 1:14 PM
- Responded to wasm-opt feature question
- 1:29 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:29 PM
- Chatted with mootz
- Looked for new fuzzing tasks
- 1:59 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:00 PM
- Commented on cargo-contract sign extension
- 2:09 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:09 PM
- Filed issue about adversarial arbitrary values
- 2:43 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:11 PM
- Merged vector refactoring pr
- 4:30 PM
- Hacked on testing stdlib
- 5:03 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:31 PM
- Hacked on fuzzing slides
- 2:47 PM
- Hacked on cpu budget timing tests
- 5:05 PM
- Sent status update
- 5:26 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:56 PM
- Hacked on fuzzing blog
- 1:30 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:36 PM
- Hacked on fuzzing blog
- 4:08 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:40 PM
- Started fuzzing slides
- 2:07 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:28 PM
- Submitted invoice
- 1:39 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:39 PM
- Submitted invoice
- 1:45 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 1:45 PM
- Submitted invoice
- 1:55 PM
- Submitted maintenance deliverable
- 1:59 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:51 AM
- Rebased budget fix
- 12:08 PM
- Rebased arbitrary duration/timepoint patch
- 12:22 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:29 PM
- Hacked on blend fuzzing
- 3:17 PM
- Hacked on budget-wallclock testing
- 3:48 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:03 PM
- Upgraded binaryen to 114
- Published wasm-opt-rs 0.114.0
- 3:51 PM
- Hacked on wasm-opt upgrades to substrate and cargo-contract
- 5:46 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Updated wasm-opt in soroban-tools
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 6:48 PM
- Closed old substrate wasm-opt 113 pr
- Updated substrate to wasm-opt 114
- 7:22 PM
- Updated cargo-contract to wasm-opt 114
- 7:40 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:54 PM
- Posted vector refactoring pr
- 5:50 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:58 AM
- Attended move mtg
- 11:43 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:06 PM
- Attempted to rebase onto upstream/aptos-main
- 4:36 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:13 PM
- Commented on build caching
- 2:44 PM
- Debugged binaryen unicode patch
- 4:03 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Hacked on soral
- 10:42 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:00 PM
- Booked meridian accomodations
- 2:12 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:30 PM
- Looked at results of cpu budget timing experiment
- 3:47 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:47 PM
- Hacked on vector refactoring
- 4:42 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:08 PM
- Applied for meridian ticket
- Chatted with tomer
- Chatted with mootz
- 3:16 PM
- Worked on meridian bookings
- 4:21 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:42 PM
- Hacked on vector refactoring
- 5:28 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 10:00 AM
- Hacked on budget-wall-clock soroban experiment
- 2:00 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:22 PM
- Reworked move-native cleanup pr
- 2:35 PM
- Merged move-native cleanup pr
- 2:58 PM
- Reviewed refactoring pr
- 3:10 PM
- Reviewed doc pr
- 3:13 PM
- Filed issue about move-native unsafety
- 4:34 PM
- Hacked on vector refactoring
- 6:13 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 7:04 PM
- Hacked on vector refactoring
- 7:33 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 8:43 PM
- Hacked on vector refactoring
- 10:19 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:17 PM
- Responded to emails
- 1:28 PM
- Hacked on blend fuzzing
- 4:19 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Posted stellar-xdr doc cleanup pr
- 11:23 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:00 PM
- Chatted with mootz
- 1:21 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:26 PM
- Merged runtime cleanup pr
- 2:27 PM
- Posted pr to put move-native in workspace
- 3:29 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:52 AM
- Experimented with blend fuzzing
- 1:13 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:04 PM
- Reviewed move rttydesc cleanup
- 3:07 PM
- Posted another runtime cleanup patch
- 3:57 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:36 PM
- Hacked on blend fuzzing
- 5:05 PM
- Sent status update
- 5:14 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:00 AM
- Attended move mtg
- 11:42 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:33 PM
- Pinged mootz about fuzzing blend contracts.
- 12:54 PM
- Chatted w/ graydon
- Chatted w/ mootz
- 1:30 PM
- Closed log_from_linear_memory pr
- 1:36 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:41 PM
- Hacked on move-native
- 5:53 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:34 PM
- Merged allocation pr
- 2:38 PM
- Posted pr to split move-native modules
- 2:46 PM
- Filed bug about extern C decls
- 3:49 PM
- Posted another move-native cleanup pr
- 4:03 PM
- Filed bug about move-native formatting
- 4:05 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:14 PM
- Reviewed source code compilation pr
- 12:28 PM
- Commented on runtime refactoring
- 12:41 PM
- Posted pr to remove allocations for move-native serialization
- 1:07 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:50 PM
- Hacked on runtime cleanup
- 3:08 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:46 PM
- Posted pr for duration and timepoint arbitrary impls
- 5:14 PM
- Sent status update
- 5:21 PM
- Posted pr to fix memory_bytes_cost function
- 5:46 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:32 PM
- Filed issue to reorganize move-native
- 1:01 PM
- Posted pr to serialize vectors of structs
- 2:31 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:31 AM
- Merged serialization patch
- Filed bug about vector comparison
- Filed bug about serialization format
- 12:47 PM
- Filed a bug about serialization allocation
- 1:01 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:18 PM
- Brainstormed new ideas
- 3:56 PM
- Chatted with tomer
- 4:08 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:08 PM
- Posted move serialization pr
- 6:43 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:04 AM
- Sent invoice
- 11:22 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:25 AM
- Sent invoice
- 11:28 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 11:28 AM
- Sent invoice
- Sent status report
- 11:43 AM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 6:20 PM
- Commented on serialization
- 6:36 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 6:59 PM
- Read the stack overflow patch
- 7:06 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:15 PM
- Applied for stellar meridian
- 12:59 PM
- Commented on soroban-examples pr
- 1:04 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:26 PM
- Commented on soroban-examples pr
- 3:44 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:44 PM
- Hacked on move serialization
- 4:56 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:27 PM
- Posted soroban fuzzing example
- Posted soroban fuzzing docs
- 4:00 PM
- Tweaked fuzzing examples and doc prs
- 4:13 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:13 PM
- Read about flux
- 2:20 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 9:41 PM
- Commented on gcc 13 build failure report
- 9:53 PM
- Published wasm-opt-rs 0.113.0
- 10:52 PM
- Posted pr to upgrade cargo-contract to wasm-opt 113
- Posted pr to upgrade substrate to wasm-opt 113
- 10:31 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Posted pr to upgrade soroban-tools to wasm-opt 113
- 11:32 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:14 PM
- Hacked on serialization
- 4:23 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:24 PM
- Submitted build fix for bcs fork
- 1:05 PM
- Hacked on bcs support for move-native
- 1:28 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:33 PM
- Hacked on move serialization
- 6:22 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:05 PM
- Updated fuzzing example for soroban-sdk 0.9
- 5:39 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:16 AM
- Hacked on fuzzing example and docs
- 1:25 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:55 PM
- Hacked on fuzzing example and docs
- 3:59 PM
- Debugged guest-fuzzer
- 4:41 PM
- Sent status update
- 4:51 PM
- Investigated stack overflows
- 5:53 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:24 AM
- Rebased guest-fuzzer
- Wrote guest-side map fuzzer
- 12:24 PM
- Hacked on fuzzing examples
- Posted pr to derive more traits for generated SorobanArbitrary types
- Hacked on fuzzing howto
- 1:41 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:28 PM
- Hacked on fuzzing example
- 1:33 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:35 PM
- Followed up on prs and issues
- 2:54 PM
- Rebased fuzzing examples
- Rebased fuzzing howto
- 3:26 PM
- Hacked on fuzzing example
- 5:43 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:14 AM
- Commented on ecdsa malleability
- 11:25 AM
- Rebased arbitrary pr
- 12:13 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:45 PM
- Hacked on fuzzing howto
- 1:07 PM
- Began reading the blend whitepaper
- 1:20 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 9:50 AM
- Hacked on guest fuzzer
- 10:50 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:50 AM
- Attended move mtg
- 11:34 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:15 PM
- Hacked on guest fuzzer
- 12:40 PM
- Filed issue about ScVec stack overflow
- 1:16 PM
- Commentod about stack overflow via guest
- 1:58 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:03 AM
- Hacked on fuzzing howto
- 12:20 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 6:10 PM
- Sent status update
- 6:30 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:51 AM
- Hacked on fuzzing howto
- Posted Error conversion patch
- 12:50 PM
- Rebased fuzzing patches
- 12:58 PM
- Reviewed and commented on issues
- Hacked on fuzzing examples and howto
- 1:53 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 7:46 AM
- Rebased guest-fuzz patches
- 9:46 AM
- Commented on fuzzing patch
- 10:15 AM
- Fixed oom in log_from_linear_memory
- 1:01 PM
- Read secp256k1 / keccak pr
- 1:57 PM
- Commented on secp256k1 signature malleability
- 2:47 PM
- Commented on log_from_linear_memory
- 2:48 PM
- Responded to email
- 2:55 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:56 PM
- Commented on license headers
- 3:50 PM
- Filed issue about struct type descriptors
- 3:58 PM
- Commented on move bytecode_instruction
- 4:15 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Posted dada lockfile update
- 5:43 PM
- Merged a dada pr
- 5:44 PM
- Merged a dada pr
- 5:48 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:23 PM
- Investigated the bytecode_instruction attribute
- 6:43 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:31 PM
- Merged binaryen 113 upgrade
- Debugged mac test failures
- 4:05 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:20 PM
- Hacked on guest-side fuzzer
- 8:13 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:24 PM
- Hacked on fuzzing howto
- 4:55 PM
- Sent status update
- 5:23 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:58 AM
- Attended move meeting
- 11:58 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:17 PM
- Read about VmInstantiation costs
- 4:50 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:48 PM
- Reviewed pings and pr comments
- 3:01 PM
- Sent invoice
- 3:08 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:15 PM
- Sent invoice
- 3:23 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:23 PM
- Posted milestone delivery
- 3:45 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:48 PM
- Posted updates to runtime types
- 4:24 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:16 PM
- Hacked on rttydescs
- 1:05 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:56 PM
- Submitted more runtime type descriptor work
- 3:22 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 3:32 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:45 PM
- Debugged binaryen 113 upgrade
- 4:10 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:11 PM
- Commented on runtime type descriptor work
- 4:12 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 6:00 PM
- Hacked on binaryen 113 upgrade
- Debugged failing conformance tests
- 8:17 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:55 PM
- Hacked on guest-side fuzzing and numeric marshalling
- 3:13 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:00 PM
- Commented on binaryen in-memory APIs
- 12:40 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:10 PM
- Hacked on fuzzing howto
- 3:45 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Commented on dalek stack frames
- 10:28 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 10:33 PM
- Followed up on debug_assert pr
- 10:37 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:31 PM
- Commented on in-memory binaryen modules
- 2:48 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:00 PM
- Commented on bumping rust toolchain
- 3:07 PM
- Removed a bogus todo
- 3:39 PM
- Chatted about generics
- 4:13 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:13 PM
- Hacked on guest-side fuzzing for object int types
- 4:29 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:18 PM
- Investigated ed25519 syscall panic
- 5:32 PM
- Investigated status conversion failure
- 5:43 PM
- Posted debug_assert removal
- 6:45 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Commented on curve25519-dalek issue
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:13 PM
- Updated fuzzing pr
- 2:57 PM
- Hacked on guest fuzzing
- 3:32 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 10:44 AM
- Filled out syscalls for guest fuzzer
- 1:54 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:17 PM
- Hacked on typed syscall guest fuzzer
- Learned how to symbolicate symbols from fuzzer
- 4:37 PM
- Sent status update
- 4:46 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:34 PM
- Posted pr to trophy case
- 2:01 PM
- Rebased fuzzing branch
- Investigated stack overflows with vecs
- 3:11 PM
- Posted fuzzing pr
- 4:08 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:11 AM
- Attended move meeting
- 11:39 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (w3f)
- 12:07 PM
- Commented on utf8 support in binaryen
- 12:15 PM
- Filed binaryen issue about non-fs apis
- Responded to wasm-opt-rs issue about non-fs apis
- 12:26 PM
- Clock out (w3f)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:43 PM
- Hacked on fuzzing examples and howto
- 2:35 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:55 PM
- Merged vector pr
- 3:08 PM
- Reviewed address_of pr
- 3:11 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 7:26 PM
- Closed stale status pr
- 7:29 PM
- Checked on state of error reform
- Read emails
- 7:35 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 10:53 AM
- Hacked on fuzzing blog post
- 11:59 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:34 PM
- Hacked on guest fuzzing
- 6:24 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 7:30 PM
- Hacked on guest fuzzing
- 7:59 PM
- Sent status update
- 8:02 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:37 AM
- Investigated problems calling contracts with RawVal
- 12:48 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:48 PM
- Commented on vect dtors
- 1:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:57 PM
- Hacked on codegen for vector rtcalls
- 3:31 PM
- Closed old debug::print issue
- 4:13 PM
- Posted pr to implement vectors
- 4:31 PM
- Filed issue about vector dtors
- 4:42 PM
- Reviewed logging patch
- 5:18 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:03 AM
- Hacked on guest-side fuzzing
- 11:44 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:48 AM
- Merged cleanup pr
- 11:52 AM
- Reviwed IR improvements
- 12:25 PM
- Hacked on native translation for vector::pop_back
- 1:09 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:30 PM
- Hacked on guest-side syscall fuzzing
- 4:02 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:06 PM
- Debugged errors in vec translation
- 5:07 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:07 PM
- Debugged contractimport + RawVal
- Filed an issue about contractimport + RawVal
- 5:58 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:39 AM
- Filed a bug about StaticTypeName values being garbage
- 1:07 PM
- Hacked on vector translation
- 1:24 PM
- Posted pr to deduplicate runtime function declarations
- 1:38 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 8:46 PM
- Hacked on codegen for vector::push_back
- 9:36 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:47 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 5:59 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 6:01 PM
- Linked the main move readme to the fork docs
- 6:08 PM
- Started hacking on vector implementations
- 6:13 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:26 PM
- Rebased arbitrary branch
- Wrote more arbitrary impls
- Asked a question about detecting broken vecs on discourse
- 4:42 PM
- Cleaned up fuzzing patches for pr
- 5:57 PM
- Fixed Status to ScStatus conversion
- 6:38 PM
- Sent status update
- 6:55 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:54 AM
- Attended move meeting
- 11:41 AM
- Filed issue to add bcs to move-native
- 11:58 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:40 PM
- Tried building with gcc 13 on macos
- 4:17 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:02 PM
- Attended ledger expiration meeting
- 1:01 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:24 PM
- Commented on wasm-opt + gcc 13 bug report
- 2:45 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Fixed a typo in llvm-lines
- 3:01 PM
- Explored ink monomorphizations with llvm-lines
- 5:37 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:37 PM
- Ran llvm-lines on the soroban timelock example contract
- 5:57 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:10 PM
- Reviewad xfail pr
- 12:24 PM
- Hacked on fixing xclippy
- 1:02 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:44 PM
- Fixed clippy errors
- 3:12 PM
- Ran move-native tests under miri
- 3:19 PM
- Disabled the ci-post-land workflow
- 3:22 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:15 PM
- Merged clippy fixes
- 4:16 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:51 AM
- Hacked on fuzzing blog post
- 12:26 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:39 PM
- Posted milestone delivery
- 1:10 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:21 PM
- Posted update on rawval comparisons
- 1:25 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:35 PM
- Wrote more fuzz blog post
- 5:01 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:29 PM
- Closed auto-filed rustsec issue
- 1:31 PM
- Disabled the “daily” gha workflow
- 1:43 PM
- Merged with upstream
- 2:15 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:16 PM
- Reworked obj-to-small comparison pr
- 2:45 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:24 PM
- Merged upstream pr
- 4:30 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:42 PM
- Rebased arbitrary patches
- 2:01 PM
- Updated soroban Tag pr
- 2:52 PM
- Updated obj-cmp pr
- 2:59 PM
- Rebased soroban-docs branch
- Rebased fuzzing branch
- 4:16 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:33 PM
- Merged pr to enable ci
- 5:53 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:53 PM
- Merged +solana feature removal pr
- 2:04 PM
- Posted move CI pr
- 2:22 PM
- Filed cargo xclippy bug
- 2:33 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:06 PM
- Rebased and landed debug_print pr
- 2:23 PM
- Posted pr to remove dbgs
- 2:25 PM
- Posted fmt pr
- 2:37 PM
- Reviewed move struct pr
- 2:56 PM
- Triaged and reviewed move issues and prs
- 3:23 PM
- Merged dbg pr
- 7:44 PM
- Merged fmt pr
- 7:44 PM
- Hacked on move ci
- 8:09 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 10:50 AM
- Sent status update
- 11:01 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:19 PM
- Posted RawVal::get_tag soundness fix
- 3:10 PM
- Updated RawVal comparison fixes
- 3:47 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:25 PM
- Fixed special cases in comparison fuzzer
- 6:46 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:11 AM
- Merged shift operator fixes
- 11:14 AM
- Re-read native function pr
- 11:36 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:13 PM
- Started writing test for object/small comparison
- 1:34 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:34 PM
- Posted fix for comparison of objects and smallvals of differing types
- 5:14 PM
- Investigated test failures
- 5:43 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:30 AM
- Filed pr to support generic native function calls
- 1:49 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:17 PM
- Responded to emails
- 4:26 PM
- Fixed a bug in RawVal comparison functions
- 4:55 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:59 PM
- Fixed comparison of RawVals of different types and objectness.
- 7:11 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 8:01 PM
- Posted update to comparison fuzzing issue
- 8:43 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:22 PM
- Rebased val-fuzz branch
- 2:18 PM
- Posted pr to validate large symbols
- 3:27 PM
- Updated comparison fuzzing issue
- 3:56 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:52 PM
- Hacked on native runtime function calls
- 4:04 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:03 PM
- Posted pr to fixed comparison functions
- 4:46 PM
- Sent status update
- 4:58 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 5:00 PM
- Responded to issue about non-fs optimization
- 5:25 PM
- Commented on wasm-opt bug report
- 5:31 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:36 PM
- Hacked on tests for comparison functions
- Closed stale arbitrary patch
- 4:13 PM
- Rebased patches
- 4:23 PM
- Commented on comparison fuzzing remediations
- 4:31 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:45 AM
- Prepared for move meeting
- 11:45 AM
- Attended move meeting
- 12:17 PM
- Posted updates about debug-print branch
- Began building debug llvm
- 12:17 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:25 PM
- Caught up on issues
- 1:29 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 1:29 PM
- Responded to binaryen unicode pr
- 1:49 PM
- Commented on binaryen filesystem::path pr
- 1:53 PM
- Updated binaryen unicode issue
- 2:29 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:11 PM
- Hacked on runtime typedescriptors
- 7:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:11 PM
- Responded to rawval comparison issue
- 2:36 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:59 PM
- Set up billing/taxes for solana labs
- 2:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:30 PM
- Fuzzed rawval/scval comparison functions
- Posted initial findings of comparison fuzzing
- 4:54 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:25 PM
- Sent invoice
- Sent status update
- 1:42 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 1:42 PM
- Submitted wasm-opt deliverable
- 2:04 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:21 PM
- Continued fuzzing rawval/scval comparison functions
- 4:17 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:25 PM
- Attended move-llvm meeting
- 1:30 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:52 PM
- Hacked on emitting runtime type descriptors
- 5:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:59 PM
- Investigated reported segfault in wasm-opt
- 2:26 PM
- Chatted with ink team about future ideas
- 2:33 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:38 PM
- Set up solana slack account
- 2:43 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:49 PM
- Investigated how llvm does unicode paths
- 3:49 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:50 PM
- Reviewed comments on rawval ord issue
- Reviewed messages
- 1:06 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:21 PM
- Responded to chat in #proj-move
- Responded to move-native build question
- 2:03 PM
- Merged lint fixes
- 2:12 PM
- Merged fmt pr
- 2:12 PM
- Rebased debug-print branch
- 2:33 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:47 PM
- Started on fuzz tests for rawval/scval comparisons
- 4:41 PM
- Sent Soroban status report
- 4:58 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:58 AM
- Attended team meeting
- Chatted with Jan
- 11:45 AM
- Commented about prebuilding llvm for ci
- 11:54 AM
- Merged platform-tools upgrade
- 12:16 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:51 PM
- Chatted with Jan
- Filed issue about fixing the move entrypoint
- 4:18 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:18 PM
- Started a fuzzing how-to for soroban docs
- 4:51 PM
- Rebased arbitrary branch
- 5:02 PM
- Commented on soroban-sdk arbitrary patch rebase
- 5:11 PM
- Filed issue about fuzzing RawVal / ScVal for comparison behavior
- 5:48 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:50 PM
- Fixed broken move build
- 1:41 PM
- Commented on rbpf-tests build error
- 1:41 PM
- Filed pr to fix move lints
- 3:19 PM
- Filed pr to run cargo x fmt
- 4:05 PM
- Upgraded sbf-tools
- 4:24 PM
- Filed issue about move-llvm CI
- 4:37 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:28 PM
- Posted PR cleaning up soroban doc page descriptions
- 1:37 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:07 PM
- Filed bug about unrendered markdown links in soroban docs
- 4:50 PM
- Wrote descriptions of pages in stellar docs
- 5:40 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:50 PM
- Reworked soroban-env arbitrary patch
- 6:28 PM
- Hacked on fuzzing blog post
- Started relearning how to build soroban docs
- 6:37 PM
- Rebased soroban-examples
- 6:54 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 9:07 PM
- Hacked on soroban blog post
- 9:29 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:58 AM
- Attended meeting about contracts
- Sent email to eric
- 11:21 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:03 PM
- Rebased arbitrary patches for soroban-env
- 1:32 PM
- Rebased arbitrary patches for soroban-sdk
- 1:34 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:30 PM
- Chatted with Anatoly
- 3:57 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:08 PM
- Reviewed btf project
- 4:17 PM
- Commented on move-native compilation problem
- 4:34 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:34 PM
- Responded to issue about embedding unit tests in wasm
- 5:10 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Chatted about detecting ink bloat
- 5:29 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 9:34 AM
- Hacked on soroban fuzzing blog
- 10:46 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:55 AM
- Filed issue to run move-native tests under miri
- 11:19 AM
- Hacked on Move-LLVM blog
- 11:27 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:04 PM
- Hacked on move blog post
- 3:36 PM
- Posted move blog post
- 4:23 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:15 PM
- Wrote down some notes on fuzzing
- 5:25 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:01 AM
- Attended move team mtg
- 11:52 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:59 PM
- Hacked on move blog post
- 4:30 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:04 PM
- Hacked on move blog post
- 5:29 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 11:46 AM
- Tested wasm-opt upgrade with cargo-contract, substrate-wasm-builder, and soroban-cli
- Bumped wasm-opt version to 112
- 12:39 PM
- Published wasm-opt 0.112.0
- 1:18 PM
- Prepared wasm-opt upgrades for cargo-contract, substrate-wasm-builder, and soroban-cli
- 1:30 PM
- Posted pr to upgrade wasm-opt in cargo-contract
- Posted pr to upgrade wasm-opt in substrate-wasm-builder
- 1:37 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Posted pr to upgrade wasm-opt in soroban-cli
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 10:36 AM
- Continued testing the timelock fuzzer
- 11:16 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:39 AM
- Made more notes for move-llvm blog post
- 12:07 PM
- Hacked on runtime type descriptors
- 1:15 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:42 PM
- Hacked on native function calls
- 2:31 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:28 AM
- Commented on arbitrary prototype naming conventions
- 11:45 AM
- Commented on soroban error handling
- 11:59 AM
- Rebased arbitrary patches
- Hacked on blog outline
- Rebased soroban-env arbitrary patch
- Rebased soroban-sdk arbitrary patch
- 1:29 PM
- Rebased soroban-example fuzz tests
- 1:31 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 6:03 PM
- Fixed a bug in timelock fuzzer
- Run the fuzzer to test budget limits
- 6:40 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 8:49 PM
- Continued trying to reset budget in fuzz test
- 8:52 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Hacked on rustx
- 10:14 PM
- Hacked on resampler
- 3:25 PM
- Hacked on resampler
- 4:37 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:35 AM
- Hacked on blog post about move llvm translation
- Responded to move reference pr
- 11:53 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:54 AM
- Read the “read tickets” pr
- 12:00 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:23 PM
- Hacked on a blog post about move llvm translation
- 4:27 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:24 PM
- Hacked on translating native functions and tydescs
- 6:00 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:11 AM
- Submitted PR to upgrade move
- 10:47 AM
- Commented on automatically building move-ir-compiler
- 10:53 AM
- Filed help-wanted issues for solana-labs/move
- 12:27 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:28 PM
- Investigated need for Clone bounds on arbitrary prototypes
- Commented about Clone bounds
- 12:38 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:51 PM
- Fixed function declarations
- 6:27 PM
- Ran fmt
- 6:28 PM
- Added codgen for references
- 6:42 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 9:48 AM
- Merged binaryen 112 upgrade
- 9:50 AM
- Posted wasm-opt-rs delivery
- 10:15 AM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- 10:28 AM
- Added rustsec advisories
- 11:01 AM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:03 PM
- Posted rs-soroban-env arbitrary patch
- Posted rs-soroban-sdk arbitrary patch
- 6:28 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Merged realtps pr
- 10:47 AM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:51 PM
- Wrote a bunch of docs for SorobanArbitrary
- 5:27 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:39 PM
- Fixed arbitrary derive for types defined in functions
- 6:27 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:19 PM
- Hacked on timelock fuzzing
- 3:44 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:31 PM
- Made notes about advancing time in tests
- 4:42 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:27 PM
- Removed “arbitrary” feature from arbitrary patches
- 1:58 PM
- Rebased arbitrary branches
- 2:47 PM
- Cleaned up arbitrary branches
- 3:20 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:40 PM
- Filed issue to upgrade to binaryen 112
- 12:46 PM
- Hacked on supporting unicode on windows on wasm-opt-rs
- 3:24 PM
- Posted binaryen unicode patch
- 4:30 PM
- Upgraded wasm-opt to binaryen 112
- 5:00 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:49 PM
- Responded to questions about datatest in #proj-move
- 1:00 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:47 PM
- Merged llvm-config-path pr
- 1:49 PM
- Merged move-native pr
- 1:55 PM
- Submitted cleanup pr
- 2:00 PM
- Commented on ignored tests
- 2:21 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:26 PM
- Hacked on timelock fuzzing example
- 4:00 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Commented on rust irc logs
- 4:31 PM
- Wrote a bit more about move-llvm for blog post
- 5:19 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:19 PM
- Posted pr adding move-native
- 6:54 PM
- Posted status update to #proj-move
- 6:58 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:14 PM
- Rebased soroban-examples
- Hacked on new timelock fuzz test
- 5:55 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:36 AM
- Closed some completed issues
- 11:41 AM
- Hacked on linking move-native to move programs
- 2:05 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:57 PM
- Hacked on arbitrary refactoring
- 5:07 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:58 AM
- Chatted with tomer
- 12:30 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:30 AM
- Hacked on SorobanArbitrary trait
- 12:46 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:39 PM
- Hacked on binaryen unicode cleanup
- 1:30 PM
- Began experimenting with integrated new binaryen apis into wasm-opt-rs
- 1:42 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:57 PM
- Merged function/module pr
- 1:59 PM
- Setup azure build environment
- 2:14 PM
- Chatted with aditya about llvm setup
- 2:30 PM
- Began hacking again on integrating move-native
- 2:42 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 11:14 AM
- Rebased binaryen unicode patch
- Hacked on test cases for binaryen unicode patch
- 12:55 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:03 PM
- Cleaned up binaryen unicode patch
- 3:35 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:05 PM
- Hacked on converting arbitrary traits to use TryFromVal instead of IntoVal
- 3:02 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:40 PM
- Approved contract extension
- Sent status report
- 6:01 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Closed old rust simd bug
- 10:05 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:45 PM
- Submitted pr for UDT enum errors
- 6:20 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 10:48 AM
- Checked on status of latest delivery
- 10:51 AM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:51 AM
- Reviewed pr comments
- Chatted with aditya
- 11:09 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:38 AM
- Rebased non-negative changes to example token contract
- 12:03 PM
- Rebased UDT enum pr
- 12:25 PM
- Commented on empty-tuple variant udts
- 1:14 PM
- Rebased arbitrary branches
- 2:47 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 7:06 PM
- Hacked on function calls
- Merged error message pr
- Merged rbpf-tests pr
- Merged test cleanup pr
- Filed
issue - Merged sbf pr
- 7:31 PM
- Filed pr to add function calls
- 7:45 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:20 AM
- Hacked on feeding dependencies to move-mv-llvm-compiler
- 11:51 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:16 PM
- Wrote code to pass dependency information to move-mv-llvm-compiler
- 2:19 PM
- Hacked on function calls
- 3:32 PM
- Filed bug to clean up test build directory
- 3:35 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:05 PM
- Posted pr to clean up mv files before tests
- 9:17 PM
- Hacked on function calls
- 11:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:36 PM
- Reviewed timelock fuzz cases
- Planned new timelock fuzz cases
- Improved fuzz_catch_panic helper
- 4:58 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:27 AM
- Hacked on upgrading rs-soroban-sdk for union spec changes
- 12:20 PM
- Commented on doc fields in specs
- 12:21 PM
- Posted pr fixing negative amounts in soroban-examples token contract
- 1:36 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:49 PM
- Commented on stackless bytecode review
- 5:05 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:16 PM
- Sent status report
- 5:35 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:36 PM
- Filed issue to switch to bpf target
- 5:44 PM
- Merged cargo fmt pr
- 5:50 PM
- Posted pr to switch to bpf target
- 6:17 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:03 PM
- Closed rbpf test issue
- Closed move-ir-tests issue
- Closed stackless bytecode issue
- 1:05 PM
- Chatted w/ aditya
- 1:09 PM
- Posted pr to improve move compiler error message
- 1:24 PM
- Commented on move ci issue
- 1:26 PM
- Posted pr to run cargo fmt
- 1:30 PM
- Posted pr to fix rbpf tests selection
- 3:46 PM
- Attempted to get move-native to link and load as bpf
- 7:02 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Hacked on musicsite
- 2:50 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:51 PM
- Hacked on soroban UDTS
- 4:31 PM
- Posted pr to expand soroban UDT enums
- Posted pr to add 13-tuple conversions to rs-soroban-env
- Posted pr to add 13-tuple conversions to rs-stellar-xdr
- 5:05 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Merged rib pr
- Merged rib pr
- 9:46 AM
- Closed rib pr
- 10:45 AM
- Submitted maintenance report to w3f
- 12:06 PM
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 1:20 PM
- Hacked on binaryen unicode paths
- 2:13 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:15 PM
- Hacked on binaryen unicode paths
- 5:21 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:21 PM
- Commented on stackless bytecode pr
- 5:24 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:59 AM
- Chatted with aditya
- 11:15 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:05 PM
- Merged move verification pass pr
- 3:15 PM
- Posted pr with stackless bytecode and rbpf test harness
- 4:10 PM
- Filed some move llvm issues
- 4:56 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:00 AM
- Posted status report to #move-proj
- 12:13 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:26 PM
- Fuzzed the timelock contract
- 4:29 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:06 PM
- Commented on the
symbol bug - 12:12 PM
- Hacked on udt enums
- 1:59 PM
- Commented on the
symbol - 2:08 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Hacked on la1 parser
- 10:06 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:06 PM
- Hacked on rbpf test harness
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:22 PM
- Hacked on udt enums
- 2:12 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:34 PM
- Hacked on udt enums
- Researched the problem with the
symbol - 4:10 PM
- Hacked on udt enums
- 4:13 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:32 PM
- Researched the problem with the
symbol - 5:43 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:29 PM
- Reworked llvm verifier pr
- 1:09 PM
- Hacked on rbpf test harness
- 2:45 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:46 PM
- Fixed build errors in soroban-examples
- Investigated exports of Static/BitSet etc
- 3:09 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:00 PM
- Hacked on move rbpf test harness
- 5:28 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 5:28 PM
- Merged pr to fix wasm-opt build badges
- 5:30 PM
- Closed wasm-opt build badge issue
- 5:31 PM
- Filed issue about missing fmt check in CI
- 5:36 PM
- Merged wasm-opt version flag fix
- 5:37 PM
- Closed wasm-opt version flag issue
- 6:38 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 8:28 PM
- Hacked on move-mv-llvm-compiler object file writing
- Hacked on move-mv-llvm-compiler linking
- 10:37 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:10 PM
- Updated wasm-opt unicode bug
- Updated binaryen unicode issue
- 3:39 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:50 PM
- Hacked on UDT enum derivation
- 5:47 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 1:17 PM
- Followed up on substrate wasm-opt 111 pr
- 1:19 PM
- Hacked on binaryen unicode support
- 6:25 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:18 PM
- Reviewed substrate-wasm-builder’s use of wasm-opt for mvp-feature compatibility
- 3:33 PM
- Documented wasm-opt features and resetting to mvp features
- 3:51 PM
- Filed bug about incorrect wasm-opt –version output
- 4:07 PM
- Hacked on binaryen unicode support
- 6:26 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:11 PM
- Read graydon’s pr changing conversion functions
- Rebased arbitrary branches and updated for IntoVal changes
- Considered changes to SorobanArbitrary based on IntoVal changes
- 2:53 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:58 PM
- Sent status update
- 6:14 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (realtps)
- 6:19 PM
- Reviewed realtps stellar pr
- 6:21 PM
- Reviewed realtps error printing pr
- 6:27 PM
- Merged realtps elrond -> multiversx pr
- 6:28 PM
- Commented about hedera hcs
- 6:46 PM
- Merged realtps stellar pr
- 6:50 PM
- Closed stellar tx count issue
- 6:51 PM
- Disabled pivx on realtps
- 7:06 PM
- Clock out (realtps)
- Hacked on la1
- 10:20 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:15 PM
- Chatted with Leigh about contracttype
- 12:24 PM
- Posted pr to improve error messages for UDTs
- 1:17 PM
- Chatted with Leigh about contracttype
- 1:37 PM
- Added another error case to contracttype enum derives
- Implemented arbitrary derive for c-like enums
- 3:18 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:59 PM
- Read llvm tutorials and referenc
- 2:59 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:38 PM
- Haced on arbitrary derive for enums
- 6:53 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 7:47 PM
- Investigated contractimpl derivation
- Chatted with Leigh about contracttype for struct-like enum variants
- 8:07 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on stackless move translation
- 1:42 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:53 AM
- Hacked on stackless move translation
- Commented on llvm verify pr
- Chatted with aditya
- 1:13 PM
- Read about llvm mem2reg
- Made minor tweaks to stackless move translation
- 2:03 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Responded to hedera issues
- 3:47 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:19 PM
- Implemented move arguments, assignment, addition
- 1:40 PM
- Implemented move branching
- 3:13 PM
- Added move_rt_abort to move-native
- Hacked on move abort instruction
- 4:22 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:45 PM
- Fixed build breakage in soroban-sdk
- 4:50 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:26 PM
- Added support for llvm function attributes
- Added codegen for move abort expression
- 6:23 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 8:50 PM
- Hacked on stackless move translation
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:01 PM
- Hacked on move ops and return statements
- Hacked on running the llvm verifier
- 3:50 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:45 PM
- Reviewed move control flow graph
- Chatted with aditya about move cfg
- 6:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 7:46 PM
- Got the llvm verifier running
- 8:24 PM
- Merged warning pr
- 8:25 PM
- Merged move-ir-tests pr
- 8:25 PM
- Closed move test harness issue
- 8:31 PM
- Added verification to llvm compiler
- 9:12 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:36 PM
- Rebased move-ir-tests pr
- 1:59 PM
- Fixed build warnings in move-vm-llvm-compiler
- 2:40 PM
- Hacked on translating move stackless bytecode
- 5:53 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:48 PM
- Hacked on arbitrary derives for tuple structs, enums
- 2:47 PM
- Hacked on arbitrary derives for different visibilities
- 4:28 PM
- Hacked on arbitrary derives for enums
- 5:05 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:57 AM
- Chatted w/ aditya about move bytecode
- 11:22 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:27 PM
- Fixed build of soroban-auth for arbitrary feature
- 3:09 PM
- Implemented SorobanArbitrary for 64-bit and 128-bit ints
- Implemented SorobanArbitrary for RawVal
- 4:49 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:06 PM
- Rebased doc-client branch
- 3:13 PM
- Wrote more solana-client docs
- 3:33 PM
- Researched the move stackless bytecode and move model
- 4:04 PM
- Wrote more solana-client-docs
- 4:07 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:10 PM
- Reviewed fuzzing of example timelock contract
- 3:37 PM
- Reviewed feedback from fuzzing rfc
- 4:07 PM
- Chatted with graydon about fuzzing
- 4:33 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:34 PM
- Reviewed resources for move bytecode compilers
- Wrote test for move script compilation
- 5:22 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:58 AM
- Chatted with a sui dev about move ir
- Chatted with aditya about testing
- 11:23 AM
- Hacked on move-ir-tests
- 12:53 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:29 PM
- Posted pr for move-ir-tests
- 1:58 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:35 PM
- Rebased move-mv-llvm-compiler cleanup
- Merged move-mv-llvm-compiler cleanup
- 2:40 PM
- Closed on move ir-tests issue
- 3:08 PM
- Learned how to compile .move to .mvir
- 4:01 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:53 PM
- Posted fuzzing rfc
- 4:23 PM
- Sent fuzzing status update
- 4:29 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:36 PM
- Hacked on client docs
- 4:42 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:43 PM
- Wrote more arbitrary tests
- Fixed arbitrary derivition for
- 5:46 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:39 AM
- Debugged broken llvm build
- 10:51 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 10:52 AM
- Wrote more soroban fuzzing rfc docs
- 11:37 AM
- Rebased arbitrary branches
- 12:33 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:45 PM
- Debugged LLVM linking failure
- 12:50 PM
- Requested review on move cleanup pr
- 12:52 PM
- Hacked on solana-client docs
- 1:25 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:08 PM
- Chatted w/ tyera about client apis
- 4:16 PM
- Wrote solana-client docs
- 4:45 PM
- Switch LLVM branches to solana-rustc/15.0-2022-08-09
- 4:55 PM
- Chatted with aditya about rbpf move testing
- 5:16 PM
- Outlined an rbpf test harness based on ir-tests
- 5:25 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:53 AM
- Fixed doc warnings
- 11:10 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 11:11 AM
- Commented on mvp_features_only for cargo-contract
- 11:17 AM
- Commented on binaryen default features
- Commented about mvp_features_only in substrate
- 11:36 AM
- Filed issue to document mvp_features_only better
- 11:37 AM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:38 AM
- Disabled optional features in wasm-opt
- 12:18 PM
- Updated panic-hook patch
- 12:20 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:25 PM
- Commented on contract allocators
- 1:33 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 9:40 AM
- Hacked on fuzzing rfc
- 10:16 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:07 PM
- Hacked on fuzzing rfc
- 12:27 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Merged rib bitcoin pr
- 7:14 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:59 PM
- Merged arbitrary test cases
- Renamed SorobanArbitraryInto to SorobanArbitraryPrototype
- 2:08 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Wrote invoices
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:35 PM
- Wrote up fuzzing rfc
- 1:34 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Submitted w3f invoice
- Submitted wasm-opt December 2022 delivery
- 2:23 PM
- Submitted stellar invoice
- 3:45 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:47 PM
- Sent soroban status update
- 4:04 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:13 PM
- Tested new build with cargo-contract
- Bumped version to 0.111.0
- 3:48 PM
- Released wasm-opt v0.111.0
- 4:20 PM
- Upgraded cargo-contract to wasm-opt 0.111.0
- 4:43 PM
- Upgraded wasm-builder to wasm-opt 0.111.0
- 5:33 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Upgraded soroban-tools to wasm-opt 0.111.0
- 5:34 PM
- Hacked on soroban-uniswap ui
- 5:34
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:41 AM
- Submitted fix for overriding panic hook
- 12:21 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:18 PM
- Researched client crate organization
- 5:32 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:01 PM
- Hacked on tests for arbitrary impls
- 4:47 PM
- Fixed handling of panic hook during cross-contract testing
- 6:58 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 10:59 AM
- Outlined tests for soroban-sdk arbitrary impls
- 11:26 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 10:39 AM
- Rebased arbitrary patches
- 11:24 AM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 9:37 AM
- Reworked feature API
- 10:29 AM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 10:48 AM
- Fixed wasm-opt feature selection
- Removed wasm_opt_sys::init
- Closed featureset doc issue
- 11:56 AM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:09 PM
- Reviewed implementation of
- 3:40 PM
- Investigated how
,cargo check
, and build profiles interact - 4:27 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Hacked on soroban-uniswap
- 5:26 PM
- Hacked on music-grammar
- 2:25 AM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:29 PM
- Implemented Arbitrary for BitSet, Static, Status, Address
- 3:15 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 8:34 PM
- Fixed contractimpl for empty contracts
- 9:28 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:15 PM
- Sent status update
- 3:36 PM
- Investigated fuzzing the built-in token contract
- 3:59 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:09 PM
- Reworked solana-sdk docs pr
- 2:42 PM
- Made improvements to move ir-tests
- 4:03 PM
- Cleaned up error handling in move-mv-llvm-compiler
- 4:24 PM
- Cleaned up bitcode writing in move-mv-llvm-compiler
- 5:37 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:55 AM
- Implemented Arbitrary for AccountId
- 12:26 PM
- Chatted with tomer
- 12:47 PM
- Squashed arbitrary branches
- 12:54 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:37 PM
- Implemented arbitrary for maps
- Implemented arbitrary derive for user datatypes
- 3:42 PM
- Sent tomer a status update
- 3:52 PM
- Reviewed the proptest-arbitrary-interop and fuzzcheck crates
- 4:15 PM
- Reworked map implementation
- 4:37 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:01 PM
- Implemented Arbitrary for BytesN
- Introduced SorobanArbitrary trait
- Drafted a pattern for deriving SorobanArbitrary, etc.
- Chatted w/ graydon
- 4:30 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:46 PM
- Began hacking on wide char support in binaryen
- 4:11 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 5:16 PM
- Hacked on wide char support in binaryen
- 5:44 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:39 PM
- Merged rs-stellar-xdr build improvements
- 2:41 PM
- Hacked on patterns for arbitrary impls of objects
- 5:55 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 11:22 AM
- Learned how to modify xdrgen and rebuild rs-stellar-xdr
- Investigated fixing the impl of Arbitrary for ScSymbol
- 1:42 PM
- Chatted wit Leigh, Graydon, and Giuliano about fuzzing and arbitrary impls
- 2:03 PM
- Submitted pr to rs-stellar-xdr makefile
- 2:25 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 11:22 AM
- Attempted to fix CI matrix
- 12:39 PM
- Made changes to the v111 upgrade PR
- 2:05 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:10 PM
- Merged CI fixes
- 3:11 PM
- Rebased binaryen upgrade
- 3:12 PM
- Chatted with azakai about changes to default features
- 3:15 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 4:32 PM
- Updated soroban-examples arbitrary branch
- 5:06 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 11:35 AM
- Filed issue about removing test code
- Filed issue about binaryen const-correctness
- Reviewed string moving patch
- 11:54 AM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:21 PM
- Made fixes to string-handling shims
- 3:36 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 4:14 PM
- Merged string handling fixes
- 4:34 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (rib)
- 4:35
- Wrote security updates for rib
- Filed mir issue to rib
- 6:24 PM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (rib)
- 8:32 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:43 PM
- Rebased Move compiler test harness
- 3:59 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:26 PM
- Upgraded crate-git-revision in rs-soroban-env
- 2:54 PM
- Upgraded crate-git-revision in rs-stellar-xdr
- 2:58 PM
- Upgraded crate-git-revision in soroban-tools
- 3:13 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:33 PM
- Chatted with Graydon
- Followed up on soroban-tools pr
- 3:35 PM
- Investigated test failure in soroban-tools pr
- 3:51 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:30 PM
- Hacked on binaryen upgrade
- 1:29 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:30 PM
- Updated crate-git-revision pr
- 2:52 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:53 PM
- Hacked on binaryen upgrade
- 3:37 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:28 PM
- Hacked on binaryen upgrade
- 1:28 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:29 PM
- Submitted patch to crate-git-revision
- 2:50 PM
- Reworked crate-git-revision patch
- 4:07 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:32 PM
- Submitted solana-sdk doc pr
- 5:45 PM
- Upgraded move build to llvm 15
- 6:08 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 12:32 PM
- Documented goals and resources for soroban fuzzing
- Installed docker desktop for windows
- Investigated how to regenerate rs-stellar-xdr
- 2:00 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:51 PM
- Wrote hello_world fuzz test with ScSymbol
- 5:31 PM
- Reported my progress to graydon
- 5:40 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:38 PM
- Debugged vector test cases in move-native
- 6:08 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:48 AM
- Hacked on solana-sdk docs
- 11:20 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:58 AM
- Implemented type_name::get native function
- Tested move-native under miri
- 1:13 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Commented on wasm-opt maintenence grant
- 4:21 PM
- Filed issue about the wasm-opt-rs CI matrix
- 4:48 PM
- Commented on wasm-opt cargo clean bug
- 4:53 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 5:10 PM
- Chatted w/ graydon about xdr
- 5:34 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:34 PM
- Debugged move-native tests
- 5:58 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Commeted on dada and ‘let’
- 2:02 PM
- Attempted to rebase dada parallel testing branch
- 2:07 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:43 PM
- Hacked on move test cases
- 3:02 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 3:02 PM
- Studied soroban examples
- Made notes about types needing arbitrary impls
- 4:51 PM
- Chatted w/ graydon
- 5:01 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:40 PM
- Fixed bugs in move-native
- 2:24 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:09 AM
- Implemented more vector-of-struct move-native calls
- 1:13 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:05 AM
- Hacked on struct interpreters for move-native
- 1:12 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Commented on failure to delete wasm-opt output
- 3:32 PM
- Commented on wasm-opt build script cleanup
- 4:07 PM
- Filed wasm-opt-rs maintenance grant
- 4:47 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:50 PM
- Reworked test cases for move-native
- 5:42 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:31 PM
- Rebased move-native branch onto aditya’s llvm-sys branch
- 5:36 PM
- Hacked on struct interpretation in move-native
- 6:48 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:10 PM
- Implement Arbitrary for Symbol
- 3:30 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 1:42 PM
- Learned how to test soroban examples
- 2:56 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Commented on nervos realtps issue
- 12:42 PM
- Thanked dnlmlr for publishing new cargo-clean-all
- 12:43 PM
- Clock in (Stellar)
- 2:32 PM
- Learned how to build soroban repos
- 3:31 PM
- Clock out (Stellar)
- Clock in (ink)
- 2:39 PM
- Experimented with debloating parity-scale-codec
- Reported on parity-scale-codec experiments
- 5:03 PM
- Clock out (ink)
- Deployed realtps ICP removal
- 1:13 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:01 PM
- Wrote vector natives for move-llvm
- Wrote tydesc reference cases for move-native
- 5:46 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Commented on wasm-opt build size issue
- 6:30 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 6:45 PM
- Hacked on move-native
- 7:11 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:01 PM
- Hacked on sdk docs
- 1:26 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:39 PM
- Implemented vec serialization for move-native
- Wrote more docs for move-native
- Implemented some vector native calls
- 5:02 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Resubmitted wasm-opt-for-rust invoice
- 11:27 AM
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:57 PM
- Responded to wasm-opt opt-level=s issue
- 2:19 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:52 PM
- Drafted wasm-opt maintenance grant
- 2:52 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:57 PM
- Rebased solana-program doc pr
- 1:04 PM
- Hacked on move-native
- 2:42 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:02 PM
- Hacked on move-native
- 5:30 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:21 PM
- Added more solana-program docs
- 1:27 PM
- Wrote more sdk docs
- 1:43 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Filed realtps issue
- 1:49 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:10 PM
- Wrote more sdk docs
- 2:29 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:19 PM
- Wrote docs for clone_zeroed
- 12:56 PM
- Chatted with tyera and jack
- Merged move-llvm compiler error handling pr
- 1:09 PM
- Revised llvm-test-harness move PR
- 1:16 PM
- Updated move-native helper functions
- 1:39 PM
- Wrote up plan for move-native runtime
- 2:55 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:05 PM
- Linked move-native in #proj-move
- 4:16 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:59 PM
- Hacked on move native runtime prototype
- 2:51 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:05 PM
- Hacked on sdk docs
- Updated solana-program docs
- 4:14 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Commented on stellar tps
- Filed issue about wrong icp tps numbers
- 2:35 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:03 PM
- Outlined what llvm-based move natives would look like
- 4:44 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Filed cargo-clean-all issue
- 1:03 PM
- Fixed broken ink doc link
- 1:24 PM
- Investigated monomarphization bloat in ink
- 3:29 PM
- 5:07 PM
- Filed issue about missing karura errors in realtps
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:38 PM
- Posted pr to fix doc links in solana-client
- Hacked on solana-sdk docs
- 6:16 PM
- Researched how move stdlib interacts with native code
- 6:34 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Chatted about monomorphization in ink
- 1:10 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:18 PM
- Posted pr to handle errors in move-llvm compiler
- 2:43 PM
- Investigated restricting call targets in rbpf
- 4:09 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Backported empty memories binaryen patch to wasm-opt-rs
- 12:05 PM
- Released wasm-opt-rs 0.110.2
- 1:37 PM
- Posted wasm-opt upgrade to cargo-contract
- 2:05 PM
- Mentioned 0.110.2 on wasm-builder pr
- 2:06 PM
- Mentioned 0.110.2 on soroban pr
- 2:08 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:48 AM
- Filed issue about AccountInfo::assign being unsound
- 11:12 AM
- Updated system_instruction pr
- 11:16 AM
- Submitted pr for move-llvm test harness
- 11:33 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Submitted wasm-opt m2 report
- 7:15 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 8:42 PM
- Read backscroll of #move-project chat
- Responded to aditya about move->llvm test harness
- Responded to review of system_instruction docs
- 9:08 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Tweaked realtps delay times for arbitrum and optimism
- 12:36 PM
- Merged wasm-opt-rs pr
- 12:56 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 6:01 PM
- Hacked on move-mv-llvm-compiler test harness
- 6:23 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 6:23 PM
- Hacked on move-mv-llvm-compiler test harness
- 6:30 PM
- Converted system_instruction examples to PDAs
- 6:52 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:39 PM
- Hacked on rework of system_instruction pr
- 5:33 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:46 PM
- Hacked on move-mv-llvm-compiler test harness
- 3:33 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:40 PM
- Commented on binaryen version
- 3:05 PM
- Closed dtolnay’s notes issue
- 5:10 PM
- Hacked on wasm-opt ci
- 7:16 PM
- Posted amendment to not provide ARM CI
- 8:05 PM
- Updated CI for i686 and alt compilers
- 8:41 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:16 PM
- Hacked on blog
- 11:41 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:25 PM
- Hacked on blog
- 4:30 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 11:28 AM
- Updated blog notes
- 11:48 AM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 6:45 PM
- Wrote more blog notes
- 8:17 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Lowered the realtps rescan delay
- 9:10 PM
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 11:48 AM
- Merged prs and issues
- Prepared 0.110.1
- 1:04 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (realtps)
- 1:05 PM
- Deployed new build of realtps
- 2:14 PM
- Commented on icp transactions
- 2:32 PM
- Filed more realtps issues
- 2:42 PM
- Clock out (realtps)
- Published wasm-opt 0.110.1
- Told substrate devs about 0.110.1
- Updated cargo-contract for 0.110.1
- 6:47 PM
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 5:30 PM
- Merged wasm-opt pr
- 5:54 PM
- Triaged wasm-opt-rs issues
- 6:13 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (realtps)
- 9:50 AM
- Redesigned courtesy_delay in realtps
- 9:59 AM
- Clock out (realtps)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 10:00 AM
- Wrote more blog
- Hacked on fix for wasm_opt_main exceptions
- 12:24 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Filed wasm-opt exception issue
- 7:13 PM
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 10:14 AM
- Wrote more blog
- 11:26 AM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:00 PM
- Wrote more blog
- 1:35 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:45 PM
- Wrote more blog
- 4:10 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 5:40 PM
- Wrote more blog
- 8:42 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:00 PM
- Hacked on notes
- 12:18 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 5:25 PM
- Hacked on blog post
- 6:47 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:57 PM
- Reviewed “solana-move” doc for aditya
- 4:07 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Filed realtps solana versioned transactions issue
- 4:16 PM
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 4:55 PM
- Updated wasm-opt-rs readme
- 5:05 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 7:11 PM
- Drafted more blog
- 8:35 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (realtps)
- 4:09 PM
- Merged algorand realtps fixes
- 4:10 PM
- Investigated realtps memleak
- Investigated adding ICP to realtps
- 7:02 PM
- Clock out (realtps)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 1:19 PM
- Wrote some wasm-opt blog
- 2:07 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (rib)
- 4:00 PM
- Merged rib prs
- Wrote rib updates
- 4:47 PM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 10:00 AM
- Published wasm-opt 0.110.0-beta.2
- 11:08 AM
- Hacked on various
- 1:28 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Posted update to wasm-builder pr
- 8:40 PM
- Commented on debuginfo bug
- 8:41 PM
- Posted pr to integrate wasm-opt with cargo-contract
- 9:00 PM
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:09 PM
- Hacked on docs and fixes
- 12:48 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:08 PM
- Reworked system_instruction pr
- 12:25 PM
- Started building the Solana move fork and its llvm
- 1:14 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:43 PM
- Read through the solana move llvm branch
- Chatted with aditya
- 4:15 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 11:03 AM
- Added
to binaryen wiki - 12:10 PM
- Ammended wasm-opt-for-rust for no-fuzzing.
- 12:55 PM
- Closed some small issues
- 1:22 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 9:41 AM
- Commented on wasm-builder integration
- 9:47 AM
- Posted binaryen readme fix
- 10:15 AM
- Updated binaryen patch
- 10:48 AM
- Hacked on wasm-opt
- 10:58 AM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Updated binaryen pr
- 4:28 PM
- Deployed algorand to realtps
- 1:18 PM
- Filed algorand issue
- 1:31 PM
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 6:55 PM
- Posted fatal error binaryen patch
- 7:41 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:35 PM
- Hacked on converting exit to Fatal in binaryen
- 1:10 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 1:35 PM
- Hacked on converting exit to Fatal in binaryen
- 2:12 PM
- Reviewed code
- 3:31 PM
- Wrote docs
- Upgraded binaryen
- Closed issues
- 5:07 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:51 PM
- Submitted pr with system_instruction docs
- 5:30 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:19 PM
- Wrote docs for system_instruction
- Starting writing new demos for system_instruction
- Investigated breakage of solana-syscall-demos
- 2:46 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:19 PM
- Read about solana compared to move
- Learned more about the move prover
- 4:46 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 6:05 PM
- Read the move paper
- 7:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:29 PM
- Learned how to use the move prover
- Learned about how Move types relate to storage
- 4:56 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 1:42 PM
- Hacked on binaryen error handling
- 3:38 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 1:29 PM
- Hacked on conformance tests
- 2:34 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Responded to realtps optimism banning
- 12:27 PM
- Investigated realtps memory leak
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:40 PM
- Continued with move tutorial
- 3:12 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:09 AM
- Worked on setting up move dev environment
- 12:17 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:10 PM
- Worked through move tutorial
- 4:40 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:55 PM
- Began learning how to build and run move
- 3:03 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 4:18 PM
- Posted cargo-contract wasm-opt integration issue
- 5:33 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Commented on rustsec advisories
- 7:44 PM
- Commented on rustsec advisories
- 7:44 PM
- Clock in (rib)
- 2:52 PM
- Hacked on rib updates
- Merged rib bitcoin updates
- 4:08 PM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:23 PM
- Updated docs-pubsub pr
- 3:26 PM
- Fixed solana_program::vote docs
- 3:34 PM
- Updated docs-system-instruction branch
- Read through rpf code for call instructions
- 4:57 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 1:10 PM
- Hacekd on wasm-opt CLI integration module
- 2:40 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 4:36 PM
- Hacked on wasm-opt CLI integration module
- Hacked on cargo-contract patch
- 6:00 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 7:52 PM
- Hacked on cargo-contract/wasm-opt integration
- Hacked on features api
- 9:19 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Commented on binaryen path handling
- 10:50 AM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:50 AM
- Rebased patch to fix broken links
- 11:07 AM
- Rebased pubsub doc patch
- 11:21 AM
- Worked on system_instruction docs
- 11:38 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 11:38 AM
- Triaged issues
- 12:39 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:30 PM
- Commented on binaryen exception handling
- 3:06 PM
- Filed binaryen unicode windows bug
- 3:55 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Commented on wasm-opt m1 review
- 11:45 AM
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 11:39 AM
- Published wasm-opt v0.0.1-preview.2
- 12:12 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Posted milestone 1 pr
- 4:17 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:00 AM
- Updated pubsub docs
- 11:32 AM
- Started hacking on sdk docs
- 12:12 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:38 PM
- Reviewed solana-client refactor pr
- 6:42 PM
- Rewored pubsub doc pr
- 6:54 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Merged a rust-anthology fix
- 5:57 PM
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 11:34 AM
- Reworked submodule detection
- 12:36 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 1:35 PM
- Filed ammendment for payment in dot instead of ausd
- 3:07 PM
- Published preview crates
- Wrote milestone 1 submission
- 3:17 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 11:44 AM
- Wrote more docs
- 12:12 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 1:41 PM
- Wrote docs
- 3:07 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 11:20 AM
- Wrote some docs
- 11:55 AM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:42 PM
- Debugged unicode paths on windows
- Filed binaryen issue about file exception handling
- 5:01 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:23 PM
- Submitted pubsub doc pr
- 5:03 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 5:35 PM
- Reviewed run function
- 6:41 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 6:42 PM
- Updated sysvar pr
- 7:09 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:06 PM
- Hacked on async pubsub example
- 1:06 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:40 PM
- Filed pr to fix macro links
- 2:51 PM
- Wrote more pubsub docs
- 3:25 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:56 AM
- Hacked on async pubsub example
- 1:11 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:57 PM
- Hacked on async pubsub example
- 3:13 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:54 PM
- Filled in more apis
- 4:09 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Filed rust simd bug
- 8:37 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:07 PM
- Wrote more pubsub docs and exaples
- 3:09 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:20 PM
- Transcribed pass names to enums
- 3:58 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:15 PM
- Wrote some blog notes for wasm-opt
- 12:37 PM
- Wrote a readme
- Downgraded to rust 1.48
- 2:50 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:48 AM
- Wrote pubsub docs
- 11:53 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:36 PM
- Removed println’s from examples
- 3:49 PM
- Hacked on pubsub api
- 5:13 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Posted salsa example fixes
- 9:17 PM
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:05 PM
- Outlined Rust API
- 4:23 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 4:50 PM
- Reveiwed and filed issues on wasm-opt-rs
- 6:19 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:03 PM
- Updated sysvar docs pr
- 5:07 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:24 PM
- Updated duplicate docs pr
- 3:51 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 11:00 AM
- Added PassOptions bindings
- 12:30 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Hacked on midi parsing
- 11:19 PM
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 12:24 PM
- Wrote some blog
- Began testing on windows
- 12:31 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:51 PM
- Filed PR to add sysvar docs
- 1:34 PM
- Updated secp256k1 pr
- 1:44 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Hacked on midi parsing
- 11:54 PM
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 10:50 AM
- Hacked on passmanager bindings
- 12:09 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:02 PM
- Updated secp256k1 pr
- 4:07 PM
- Updated sysvar docs
- 4:22 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:15 PM
- Hacked on moudel reader/writer bindings
- 6:29 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 3:59 PM
- Hacked on wasm-opt cxx bindings
- 5:40 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:25 PM
- Hacked on wasm-opt-sys linkage
- 3:49 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:46 PM
- Hacked on sysvar docs
- 2:36 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:36 PM
- Hacked on wasm-opt build
- 4:30 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 5:21 PM
- Hacked on wasm-opt main function
- 6:10 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:35 PM
- Filed pr to delete unused test function
- 4:00 PM
- Hacked on sysvar docs
- 4:06 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:37 PM
- Hackeed on sysvar docs
- 5:06 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:55 PM
- Wrote more sysvar docs
- 4:51 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (wasm-opt)
- 2:42 PM
- Hacked on building wasm-opt
- 3:41 PM
- Signed w3f cla
- 3:46 PM
- Clock out (wasm-opt)
- Updated wasm-opt proposal pr
- 7:18 PM
- Closed dada repl pr
- 10:01 AM
- Hacked on wasm-opt-rs poc
- 11:57 AM
- Posted pr for wasm-opt proposal
- 6:05 PM
- Posted pr to fix dada doc bug
- 8:21 PM
- Filed pr to improve nih-plug xtask
- 11:19 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:40 PM
- Continued documenting clock and epochschedule sysvars
- 6:04 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:35 PM
- Hacked on clock / epoch schedule sysvar docs
- 3:24 PM
- Hacked on ed25519 examples
- 5:14 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:53 PM
- Pushed a fix to secp356k1 pr
- 1:58 PM
- Commented on duplicate docs pr
- 2:00 PM
- Hacked on sysvar docs
- 2:42 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:32 AM
- Filed bug to fix duplicate solana_sdk docs
- 11:03 AM
- Updated secp256k1 pr
- Hacked on sysvar docs
- 11:28 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:47 PM
- Wrote more sysvar docs
- 5:29 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 6:12 PM
- Hacked on fixing dupe solana_sdk docs
- 6:45 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:08 PM
- Updated secp256k1 pr
- 4:31 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:54 PM
- Investigated duplicate module docs issue
- Hacked on pubsubclient docs
- 3:56 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Worked on deploying uniswap factory contract
- 7:30 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:33 PM
- Wrote more async pubsub examples
- Closed neon pr
- 2:58 PM
- Planned next items to document
- 3:43 PM
- Filed bug about duplicated modules and function docs in solana_sdk
- 4:12 PM
- Hacked on fixing duplicated modules in solana_sdk
- 4:24 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:15 PM
- Added another example to secp256k1_instruction
- 5:15 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 8:33 PM
- Posted pr for secp256k1 APIs
- 11:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:49 PM
- Wrote more secp256k1_instruction docs
- Fixed a bug in secp256k1_instruction malleability test
- Wrote complex secp256k1 program example
- Wrote async pubsubclient examples
- 5:52 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Tried to figure out how to call IC canisters with blob arguments from the command line
- Asked where the source code to the dfx tool is
- 12:58 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:32 PM
- Converted secp256k1_recover demos into API examples
- 3:25 PM
- Polished secp256k1_instruction docs
- 4:17 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Fixed typo in nih-plug
- 11:29 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:07 PM
- Filed pr to fix doc warnings
- Wrote more secp256k1 example code
- Wrote more async pubsubclient code
- Wrote test of secp256k1 program signature malleability
- 7:42 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:56 PM
- Hacked on async pubsubclient examples
- Wrote test for secp256k1_recover malleability
- Wrote more docs about secp256k1 malleability
- Hacked on secp256k1 program examples
- 6:37 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Hacked on icp project
- 6:19 PM
- Posted palkadot blog draft
- 2:44 PM
- Reviewed Aimee’s ink pr
- 3:17 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:00 PM
- Researched secp256k1 signature malleability
- Tested secp256k1 signature malleability
- Wrote docs about secp256k1 signature malleability
- 4:25 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Reviewed polkadot hackathon pr
- Responded to dylint-link mold issue
- 2:00 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:11 PM
- Wrote more about the secp256k1 native program
- 4:16 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Commented on dylint-link / mold issue
- 2:32 PM
- Reviewed a polkadot hackathon pr
- 3:21 PM
- Merged an awesome-blockchain-rust pr
- 4:01 PM
- Outlined some tasks for polkadot hackathon
- 2:31 PM
- Filed issue about dylint-link / mold interaction
- 5:36 PM
- Reviewed polkadot hackathon pr
- 6:26 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:56 PM
- Responded to neon review
- 2:00 PM
- Responded to invoke review
- 2:24 PM
- Continued trying to understand how to use the pubsub client
- Wrote more secp256k1 documentation
- 3:52 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:45 PM
- Read a bunch of secp256k1 source trying to understand malleability
- 7:00 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:26 PM
- Attempted to get pubsub client working
- Read through pubsub code
- 4:04 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Hacked on icp project
- 3:21 PM
- Hacked on icp project
- 6:19 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:20 PM
- Investigated shutdown behavior of pubsub client
- 2:27 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:35 PM
- Filed bug about invoke_unchecked unsafety
- 4:36 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:16 PM
- Wrote more secp256k1 docs
- 4:35 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:00 PM
- Wrote more secp256k1 docs
- Reviewed use of secp256k1_recover in neon
- Posted minor neon-evm ecrecover pr
- 5:49 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:47 PM
- Wrote secp256k1 docs
- 5:47 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:50 PM
- Wrote docs for get/set_return_data
- 4:04 PM
- Submitted pr to document solana_program::program
- 4:50 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 6:11 PM
- Wrote more invoke/program module docs
- 7:12 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:53 AM
- Wrote docs for invoke etc
- 1:22 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:27 PM
- Wrote invoke examples
- 4:01 PM
- Wrote more invoke docs
- 4:46 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:02 AM
- Hacked on return data docs
- 10:36 AM
- Debugged problems deploying to devnet
- 11:44 AM
- Hacked on return data examples
- 12:37 PM
- Hacked on example of secp256k1_recover
- 1:38 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:44 PM
- Hacked on sysvar examples
- Read existing production uses of secp256k1 APIs
- 4:25 PM
- Filed pr to fix sysvar module short docs
- 4:58 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:25 PM
- Postetd pr to fix message example indentation
- 12:53 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Fixed typo in MyCitadel org readme
- 3:00 PM
- Merged rust bitcoin updates to rib
- 3:39 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:40 PM
- Submitted fix for nonblocking RpcClient examples
- 4:35 PM
- Rebased backtrace patch
- Continued hacking on secp256k1 examples
- 4:57 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Merged realtps stellar pr
- 6:59 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:27 PM
- Hacked on example of sol_secp256k1_recover
- 1:26 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:43 PM
- Rebased backtrace patch
- 2:49 PM
- Began fixing nonblocking RpcClient examples
- Continued hacking on secp256k1 examples
- 3:17 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:29 PM
- Experimented with sol_secp256k1_recover syscall
- 4:28 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:43 AM
- Cleaned up backtrace API patch
- 1:02 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:06 PM
- Posted patch to enable backtrace API on bpf targets
- 3:03 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:16 PM
- Continued refining backtrace API patch
- Refactored solana-sysvar-printing for secp256k1 demo
- 5:08 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Rebased dada repl branch
- 8:56 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:57 AM
- Debugged extra bin space after backtrace API patch
- Wrote examples for secp256k1 program
- 12:32 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:50 PM
- Hacked on removing rustc_demangle / backtrace_rs dependencies from bpf std
- Hacked on examples for secp256k1 program
- 5:47 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:27 AM
- Researched secp256k1 key recovery and Solana’s implementation
- 12:55 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:54 PM
- Filed bug to fix missing solana_sdk module docs
- 10:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:25 AM
- Closed unsound program_memory API patch
- 11:28 AM
- Began building rust to investigate rustdoc bug
- 11:32 AM
- Updated solana-program docs pr
- 11:38 AM
- Investigated rustdoc bug
- Continued characterizing binary size changes due to backtrace API
- 2:07 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:00 PM
- Diagnosted problem with missing solana_sdk module docs
- Continued characterizing binary size changes due to backtrace API
- 5:28 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 7:32 PM
- Hacked on a solution to missing solana_sdk module docs
- 7:56 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:18 PM
- Investigated missing system_instruction docs
- 9:48 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:31 AM
- Investigated changes in binary size with backtrace API
- 12:49 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:57 PM
- Rebased and updated program_memory PR
- 2:18 PM
- Investigated missing system_instruction module in solana-sdk docs
- 2:32 PM
- Investigated more unsound APIs in solana_program::program_stubs
- 2:38 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:54 AM
- Reworked solana-program-cleanup pr
- 12:22 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:10 PM
- Updated backtrace issue
- 2:21 PM
- Posted PR for program_memory API changes
- Began researching secp256k native program
- 5:11 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Closed realtps elrond issue
- 5:16 PM
- Posted xoshiro typo fix
- 12:16 AM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:29 AM
- Filed pr for solana-program module descriptions
- 12:03 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Reviewed dada pr
- 11:11 PM
- Updated ribbot for new config structure
- 6:34 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:42 PM
- Continued testing the std backtrace api
- 3:54 PM
- Fixed a data race in slot_hashes
- 4:31 PM
- Wrote more solana-program module short docs
- 5:33 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:56 PM
- Continued debugging the std backtrace api
- 3:27 PM
- Wrote more solana-program module short docs
- 4:01 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:44 AM
- Hacked on solana-program module descriptions
- Attempted to remove statics from std backtrace API for solana cfg
- 12:50 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:59 PM
- Removed unused clippy lint
- 3:44 PM
- Closed unused clippy lint pr
- 3:54 PM
- Wrote more module short descriptions for solana-program
- Wrote docs for solana_program::program_memory
- Inestigated safety bugs in solana_program::program_memory
- Investigated overflow in host sol_memcpy
- 5:04 PM
- Continued testing backtrace APIs
- Filed issue about unsafe sol_memcpy etc
- 6:04 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Updated tendermint-rs spec url
- 11:45 AM
- Commented on dada logo
- 12:10 AM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:15 PM
- Tested solana rust std backtrace apis
- 2:58 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:10 PM
- Experimented with nonce account error conditions
- 12:46 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:07 PM
- Experimented with nonce account error conditions
- 1:26 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:15 PM
- Filed issue about solana-client not building on
- 2:57 PM
- Posted pr for nonce APIs
- 3:31 PM
- Ran tests on rust std backtrace APIs
- 3:32 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:52 AM
- Hacked on nonce_utils docs
- Hacked on solana std backtrace api
- 12:38 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:34 PM
- Hacked on nonce docs
- 4:41 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:05 AM
- Hacked on transaction nonce docs
- Attempted to build solana rust toolchain on macos
- 11:45 AM
- Fixed example mock Signer API
- 12:50 PM
- Hacked on transaction nonce docs
- 1:19 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:22 AM
- Wrote docs for transaction nonces
- Hacked on backtrace support
- 1:23 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:03 PM
- Wrote docs for transaction nonces
- 4:58 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Merged rib pr
- 3:19 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:28 PM
- Reworked C syscall pr
- 3:43 PM
- Reworked solana-program crate docs pr
- 3:46 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:59 AM
- Hacked on nonce docs
- Investigated f64::powi compiler bug
- 1:13 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:32 PM
- Investigated powi compiler bug
- 1:47 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:57 PM
- Investigated powi compiler bug
- 2:06 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:59 PM
- Diagnosed the powi compiler bug
- 3:35 PM
- Hacked on llvm fix for powi
- 5:30 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:19 PM
- Sent Tyera two issues in the Solana runtime
- 3:33 PM
- Fixed some type definitions in C syscalls
- 4:25 PM
- Posted PR to imrove Rust type definitions in C syscalls
- 5:54 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:20 AM
- Wrote descriptions of some bugs
- 12:55 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:05 AM
- Posted fix for RpcClient::new_sender
- 11:33 AM
- Reworked RpcClient doc link fixes
- 12:25 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:10 PM
- Updated solana-client doc patch
- 3:17 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:19 AM
- Reworked solana-program crate docs pr
- 12:52 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:40 PM
- Reworked solana-program crate docs pr
- 4:00 PM
- Fixed solana-client doc links
- 5:07 PM
- Fixed solana-runtime doc links
- 5:19 PM
- Wrote system instruction examples
- 5:27 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Posted dada pr to upgrade eyre
- 11:19 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:31 PM
- Posted PR to make Pubkey::find_program_address example runnable
- 4:21 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Updated dada repl pr
- 11:38 PM
- Hacked on dada repl
- 10:36 PM
- Filed bug about invalidated dada diagnostics
- 11:19 PM
- Fixed cargo install for dada
- 8:57 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:09 PM
- Finished solana-program crate docs
- Submitted solana-program crate doc pr
- 6:51 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:08 PM
- Hacked on solana-program crate docs re cpi
- 12:49 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:00 PM
- Hacked on solana-program crate docs re cpi
- 2:24 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 8:10 PM
- A little more hacking on solana-program docs
- 8:27 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:12 PM
- Documented sysvars in solana-program crate docs
- 6:49 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:06 PM
- Rebased solana stdout patch
- 3:09 PM
- Hacked on solana-program crate docs
- 5:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 8:25 PM
- Made some revisions to solana-program crate docs
- 8:48 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Documented dada CLI options
- 6:38 PM
- Added xtasks for dada reference grammar
- 9:23 PM
- Hacked on dada reference grammar
- 10:42 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:00 AM
- Fixed string invariants in solana stdout/stderr
- 1:54 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:43 AM
- Posted pr to not create invalid strings
- 10:51 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:28 PM
- Read Solana patches to Rust std
- Wrote more solana-program docs
- 4:16 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:58 PM
- Fixed string invariants in solana stdout/stderr
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:04 PM
- Hacked on nonce docs
- 5:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:09 AM
- Hacked on solana-program crate docs
- 12:19 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:40 PM
- Hacked on solana-program crate docs
- 4:30 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Hacked on dada grammar
- 9:59 PM
- Started hacking on dada reference grammar
- 5:30 AM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:43 PM
- Documented solana-program crate
- 4:43 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Investigated soundness of rbpf
- 12:28 AM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:12 PM
- Wrote documentation for the log module.
- 4:34 PM
- Wrote docs for solana-program crate
- 5:50 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Posted dada repl pr
- 11:23 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:51 AM
- Updated message pr
- 11:00 AM
- Hacked on solana-program crate docs
- 1:30 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:52 PM
- Wrote solana-program crate docs
- Wrote nonce account examples
- Researched bpf loader
- 5:35 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Updated dada float pr
- 9:00 PM
- Filed issue about dada float total order
- 9:03 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:57 PM
- Wrote solana-program crate-docs
- 10:44 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Filed unit parse issue
- 4:49 PM
- Added another float test
- 7:36 PM
- Commented on dada repl
- 5:44 PM
- Fixed a typo
- 7:07 PM
- Posted dada float pr
- 10:34 PM
- Hacked on rib issue
- Merged pr adding stellar to realtps
- 3:23 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:41 AM
- Submitted pr documenting solana message APIs
- 12:32 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Added apache to dada
- 4:59 PM
- Merged a my-rust-lists pr
- 12:26 PM
- Drafted a doc crediting past rust core team members
- 3:14 PM
- Submitted runtime diagnostics test harness patch for dada
- 5:56 PM
- Commented on dada repl issue
- 9:22 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:12 AM
- Hacked on nonce accounts
- Wrote more message docs
- 1:08 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:53 PM
- Continued learning how to work with nonce accounts
- 2:15 PM
- Hacked on message docs
- 3:01 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:54 PM
- Hacked on message docs
- 4:06 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:37 AM
- Asked about v0 messages
- 11:53 AM
- Worked on decompiling messages
- 12:42 PM
- Wrote more message docs
- 1:12 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:30 PM
- Wrote more nonce account code
- 4:43 PM
- Asked for review of transaction pr
- 4:49 PM
- Revised message docs
- 5:32 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Commented on dada test harness issue
- Commented on dada playground pr
- 6:12 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:30 AM
- Continued hacking on a nonce account demo
- 12:45 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Hacked on dada repl
- 12:31 AM
- Commented on fn value syntax
- 12:32 AM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:18 AM
- Continued hacking on nonce account programs
- 12:46 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Closed bad tt debug patch
- 5:00 PM
- Filed a dada repl issue
- 9:54 PM
- Fixed == parsing
- 10:42 PM
- Reviewed a string escape pr
- 10:50 PM
- Closed operators issue
- 5:37 PM
- Posted a pr to debug print token trees
- 7:34 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:24 AM
- Researched nonce accounts for implementing multisig transactions
- 12:53 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Updated dada binops pr
- Filed some dada issues
- 4:34 PM
- Commented on dada fn syntax
- 5:45 PM
- Hack on dada binops
- Posted PR to gitignore dada test directory walk
- 1:07 AM
- Posted PR to interepret dada binops
- 11:28 AM
- Hacked an slq initialize command
- 12:29 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:05 PM
- Hacked on message docs
- 4:32 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Commented on dada license
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:35 AM
- Rework transaction pr
- 12:13 PM
- Read about Solana messages
- 12:53 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Posted a dada-web pr
- 4:04 PM
- Fixed some doc warnings in dada
- 5:28 PM
- Posted pr to make dada the default bin
- 9:29 PM
- Fixed if lowering
- 9:50 PM
- Fixed more dada typos
- 10:42 PM
- Submitted some parser additions to dada
- 1:15 AM
- Fixed dada-web
- 1:15 AM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:41 PM
- Posted transaction docs pr
- 5:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Fixed some dada typos
- 8:40 PM
- Hacked on slq
- Submitted typo pr to dada
- 8:20 PM
- Submitted another small dada pr
- 8:36 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:48 AM
- Researched
functions. - 11:23 AM
- Wrote more transaction docs
- 12:22 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:31 PM
- Reviewed transaction examples
- 5:13 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:58 AM
- Hacked on transaction docs
- Updated transaction ctor issue
- 12:24 PM
- Hacked on invoke/invoke_signed examples
- 12:35 PM
- Hacked on message examples
- 1:00 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:37 PM
- Hacked on message examples
- Hacked on transaction docs
- 5:46 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Hacked on substrate support for realtps
- 6:57 PM
- Deployed realtps
- 5:03 PM
- Clock in (realtps)
- 10:00 AM
- Filtered solana vote txs
- 12:49 PM
- Clock out (realtps)
- Clock in (realtps)
- 2:13 PM
- Investigated rpc for cosmos, substrate, near, avalanche
- Investigated solana rate limiting
- 3:59 PM
- Clock out (realtps)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:07 PM
- Filed issue about transaction ctor naming
- 1:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Hacked on realtps
- 6:02 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:14 AM
- Hacked on transaction docs
- 1:06 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:10 PM
- Hacked on transaction docs
- 5:49 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:12 AM
- Hacked on transaction docs
- 12:19 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:23 AM
- Reworked instruction pr
- 10:26 AM
- Hacked on transaction docs
- 11:52 AM
- Hacked on invoke docs
- 12:15 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:57 AM
- Posted PR to list solana-cli-config in Rust docs
- 11:22 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (realtps)
- 6:49 PM
- Added tps calculations and more chains
- 8:49 PM
- Clock out (realtps)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:08 AM
- Rebased Instruction docs
- Posted instruction docs patch
- 11:53 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:45 AM
- Posted create_program_address docs pr
- 1:23 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:08 AM
- Hacked on Instruction docs
- 12:46 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:58 AM
- Reworked find_program_address pr
- 12:04 PM
- Hacked on Instruction docs
- 12:24 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:31 PM
- Hacked on instruction docs
- Submitted PR to fix ‘borsh’ spelling
- 3:46 PM
- Updated memcpy fix pr
- 4:14 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (rib)
- 10:58 AM
- Hacked on rib
- 12:30 AM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:04 AM
- Hacked on docs for find_program_address
- 12:55 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:06 PM
- Submitted pr for find_program_address
- 6:05 PM
- Removed circular dependency from find_program_address pr
- 6:19 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Posted states update for tikv engine abstraction
- 8:00 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:54 PM
- Closed old
- 12:55 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:08 PM
- Rebased memcpy fix
- 3:37 PM
- Closed RpcClient test pr
- 3:38 PM
- Updated solana-cli-config pr
- 4:00 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:55 AM
- Added a feature gate to memcpy fix
- 1:05 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:18 AM
- Added a feature gate to memcpy syscall fix
- Asked questions about testing bpf
- 11:45 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:58 PM
- Continued trying to write an example for find_program_address
- 5:29 PM
- Updated nonoverlapping memory pr
- 6:23 PM
- Continued trying to write an example for find_program_address
- 7:24 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:00 PM
- Repsonded to cli-config feedback
- 4:21 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:03 AM
- Wrote more solana-cli-config docs
- 12:20 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:59 PM
- Posted docs for solana-cli-config
- 7:14 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:30 AM
- Wrote some docs for solana-cli-config
- 12:47 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:31 PM
- Investigated implementation of create/find_program_address
- Asked Typera questions about create_program_address
- 5:49 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:42 PM
- Attempted to merge engine pr
- 1:38 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:19 AM
- Hacked on next_account_info docs
- 10:41 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:39 AM
- Posted pr for next_account_info
- 12:09 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (MASQ)
- 8:45 PM
- Investigated actix upgrade
- 10:08 PM
- Clock out (MASQ)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:40 PM
- Responded to review
- 12:57 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:12 PM
- Commented on rpcclient tests
- 2:14 PM
- Posted pr for entrypoint docs
- 3:24 PM
- Wrote examples for next_account_info
- 4:27 PM
- Submitted pr for sol_memcpy
- 4:36 PM
- Minor rework
- 4:53 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:45 PM
- Updated rpc-client test pr
- 3:52 PM
- Wrote docs for entrypoint macro
- Wrote examples for next_account_info
- 4:38 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:22 PM
- Posted updates to ‘Developing with Rust’
- 3:37 PM
- Posted PR to fix attribute
- 3:45 PM
- Read some entrypoint code
- 3:54 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:59 PM
- Reworked rpc_client tests pr
- 5:18 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:53 PM
- Rebased tikv-server pr
- 6:57 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:33 PM
- Updated clap_utils pr
- 2:42 PM
- Rebased clap_utils pr
- 3:15 PM
- Fixed clippy in rpc-client-test pr
- 3:49 PM
- Posted PR to remove @brief
- 4:51 PM
- Posted PR to expand rust docs entry point
- 5:20 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:58 AM
- Posted pr to document solana_clap_utils::keypair
- 11:27 AM
- Edited typos in solana_clap_utils pr
- 11:57 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:50 PM
- Rebased rpc client integration tests
- 4:03 PM
- Posted pr for rpc client integration tests
- 4:54 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:38 PM
- Wrote docs for signer_from_path and friends
- 8:29 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:28 AM
- Submitted pr to reorder rpcclient methods
- 11:55 AM
- Rebased docs-keypair branch
- Investigated nix upgrade
- 12:34 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:45 PM
- Sent tison an email about community building
- 1:50 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:45 AM
- Hacked on example for signer_from_path
- 1:28 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Commented on ink pr
- 6:41 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:17 AM
- Wrote some keypair docs
- 12:45 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:48 PM
- Filed bug about missing SIGNER_SOURCE_PUBKEY case
- 2:46 PM
- Wrote more docs for signer_from_path
- 3:32 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:57 AM
- Hacked on solana-clap-utils examples
- 1:11 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:48 PM
- Reworked rpc-client doc pr
- 4:50 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (finance)
- 12:00 PM
- Placed options orders
- 12:56 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 7:57 PM
- Reworked rpc_client PR
- 9:13 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:31 PM
- Responded to review of generic tikv patch
- 4:47 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:45 PM
- Rebuilt rpc-docs-patch
- 5:26 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 6:56 PM
- Attended ibg all hands
- 8:16 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:33 PM
- Merged old PR
- 4:34 PM
- Posted new generic tikv-server PR
- 4:51 PM
- Pushed more changes to generic-tikv-server PR
- 6:46 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:05 PM
- Edited docs-rpc-client patch
- 2:26 PM
- Submited RpcClient doc PR
- 2:38 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 2:19 PM
- Drafted refactoring blog
- 2:42 PM
- Attempted to make FlowController work without rocks
- 3:11 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:20 PM
- Began rewriting patches to boot generic tikv-server
- 6:16 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:03 PM
- Continued rewriting generic-tikv-server patch
- 9:15 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:30 AM
- Wrote more RpcClient docs
- 11:14 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:05 PM
- Wrote more RpcClient docs
- 1:55 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:45 PM
- Rebased docs-rpc-client patch
- Wrote more RpcClient docs
- 5:52 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 6:49 PM
- Wrote more RpcClient docs
- 7:15 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:52 PM
- Merged Aimee’s work into mine
- 2:57 PM
- Wrote a bunch more RpcClient docs
- 4:05 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 1:58 PM
- Attended IBG team building
- 3:09 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:00 AM
- Wrote more RpcClient examples
- 10:00 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:09 PM
- Looked again at FlowController
- 3:19 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:56 PM
- Wrote weekly report
- 7:58 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:36 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 1:00 PM
- Reworked tivk-server PR
- Attempted to rebase broken generic-tikv-server patch
- Investigated how to abstract FlowController
- 2:12 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:23 PM
- Debugged example for RpcClient::get_account
- 5:06 PM
- Asked for re-review of docs pr
- 5:07 PM
- Posted PR to fix getSlot specs
- 5:52 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 10:27 AM
- Rebased generic-tikv-server patch
- 11:26 AM
- Posted new tikv-server PR
- Closed old tikv-server PR
- 11:57 AM
- Attempted to merge an old test pr
- 11:59 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:30 PM
- Wrote weekly report
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:32 PM
Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:27 AM
- Wrote RpcClient examples
- 11:26 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:09 PM
- Reworked docs-rpc-client-checkpoint-3 pr
- 2:15 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:00 PM
- Chatted w/ Bijun
- 4:51 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:56 PM
- Reviewed rpc handler code
- 6:54 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:18 PM
- Rebased docs-rpc-client patch
- 3:28 PM
- Posted new RpcClient doc pr
- 4:02 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:26 AM
- Wrote RpcClient docs for simulate_transaction, etc
- 12:24 PM
- Wrote more RpcClient examples
- Rebased docs-rpc-client branch
- 12:44 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:55 PM
- Attempted to rebase tikv-server pr
- 5:58 PM
- Wrote weekly report
- 6:01 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:21 PM
- Squashed and rebased docs-rpc-client patch
- 1:47 PM
- Wrote more RpcClient docs
- 2:33 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:34 PM
- Hacked on tests and examples for RpcClient::get_stake_activation
- 5:08 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:23 PM
- Submitted readme fix to anchor
- 12:24 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 6:53 PM
- Attended ibg meeting
- 9:00 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:06 PM
- Wrote more RpcClient examples
- Followed up on RPC deserialization PR
- Rebased docs-rpc-client branch
- Asked questions on discord
- 5:20 PM
- Wrote docs and tests for RpcClient::send_transaction
- 6:40 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 10:03 PM
- Hacked on engine-agate
- 10:38 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 5:46 PM
- Rebased docs-rpc-client branch
- 5:57 PM
- Investigated HttpSender error decoding failures
- 7:15 PM
- Posted PR to fix deserialization of RPC errors
- 8:07 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:08 PM
- Commented on RPC error deserialization
- 9:15 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:54 AM
- Reworked RpcClient doc pr
- 12:11 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Responded to isis re ed25519 stack frames
- 12:28 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 1:43 PM
- Rebased agatedb-engine patch
- 2:01 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:56 PM
- Wrote progress report
- Attended storage meeting
- 8:39 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Experimented with tikv_client
- 12:11 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 10:33 PM
- Experimented with tikv_client
- 11:24 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:07 PM
- Rebased engine-simple-try2 branch
- Rebased generic-tikv-server pr
- 12:57 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:21 PM
- Made tikv-server launch with SimpleEngine
- 6:16 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 10:01 PM
- Experimented with tikv_client
- 10:24 PM
- Fixed some methods in engine_simple
- 10:26 PM
- Experimented with tivk-server on engine-simple
- 10:58 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:59 PM
- Posted PR for more RpcClient docs
- 6:25 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 1:52 PM
- Wrote more docs for RpcClient
- 2:24 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:05 PM
- Wrote more docs for RpcClient
- 3:28 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Published a beer review
- 7:52 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 12:18 PM
- Wrote more docs for RpcClient
- 1:16 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:18 AM
- Hacked on RpcClient examples and tests
- Submitted pr to fix get_block_production_with_config
- 12:57 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:08 PM
- Rebased docs-rpc-client branch
- 4:54 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 2:36 PM
- Asked for second review of tableproperties removal pr
- 2:40 PM
- Attempted to merge engine_traits_tests pr
- 2:42 PM
- Rebased generic-tikv-server patch
- 3:19 PM
- Merged engine-traits-tests pr
- Merged tableproperties abstraction removal pr
- 3:30 PM
- Updated status report
- 3:50 PM
- Rebased generic-tikv-server patch
- 4:25 PM
- Rebased engine-simple-try-2 branch
- 4:54 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:00 PM
- Hacked on RpcClient examples
- 10:00 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:44 AM
- Hacked on tests and docs for RpcClient::get_signature_statuses
- 1:36 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:23 PM
- Wrote test cases for RpcClient
- 4:38 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 2:54 PM
- Rebased docs-rpc-client patch
- 3:48 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:47 AM
- Posted PR to fix hyperlinks in feature_set docs
- 11:04 AM
- Drafted RpcClient API docs
- 11:48 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 6:05 AM
- Rebased tikv-server pr
- 6:29 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:12 PM
- Filled out weekly report
- Rebased engine-simple branch
- 7:56 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:28 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 10:35 AM
- Reworked TableProperties pr
- 12:32 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:45 AM
- Reworked RpcClient pr
- 10:54 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:11 AM
- Rebased TableProperties pr
- 12:02 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 2:02 PM
- Rebased TableProperties pr
- 3:02 PM
- Hacked on removing more TableProperties abstractions from engine_rocks
- 4:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:58 PM
- Ran rustfmt on rpcclient pr
- 4:02 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 10:51 AM
- Edited RpcClient docs
- 11:31 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 11:49 AM
- Edited RpcClient docs
- 1:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:52 PM
- Posted RpcClient pr
- 5:18 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 9:01 AM
- Hacked on RpcClient docs
- 11:44 AM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Hacked on stateright
- 9:21 PM
- Hacked on blocksy
- 11:59 PM
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:38 PM
- Reworked doc warnings pr
- Rebased doc warnings pr
- 4:17 PM
- Hacked on RpcClient examples
- 5:10 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 6:51 PM
- Fixed errors in engine_traits_tests pr
- 7:42 PM
- Fixed errors in tikv-server p
- 8:11 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- Reviewed Jay’s multi-kv patch
- 8:45 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:48 PM
- Posted pr to get rid of doc warnings in spl
- 6:03 PM
- Posted pr to fix doc warnings in solana
- 6:21 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:40 PM
- Updated status report
- 8:44 PM
- Attended ibg meeting
- 10:02 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 10:26 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 2:26 PM
- Rebased branches
- Posted engine_traits_tests pr
- 2:44 PM
- Hacked on generic-tikv-server branch
- 3:06 PM
- Posted issue to launch tikv-server with PanicEngine
- 3:46 PM
- Posted generic-tikv-server pr
- 4:07 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:33 PM
- Hacked on removing dynamic casts from engine startup
- Attempted to run tikv-server with engine_simple
- 10:36 PM
- Got tikv-server to start with engine_simple
- 11:55 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:36 PM
- Rebased generic-tikv-server branch
- 1:07 PM
- Rebased engine-simple-try-2 branch
- 1:43 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:21 PM
- Hacked on engine_simple
- 3:44 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 3:37 PM
- Drafted RpcClient crate and ctor docs
- 4:40 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:33 PM
- Rebased generic-cdc patch
- 8:12 PM
- Hacked on blocksy3 compaction
- 8:15 PM
- Rebased generic-server patch
- 9:20 PM
- Pushed rework for generic-server patch
- 10:08 PM
- Attended storage meeting
- 10:23 PM
- Wrote more sst tests
- 10:53 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Solana)
- 4:05 PM
- Collected resources for documenting Solana Rust APIs
- Drafted initial Solana API doc plan
- Learned to build and test Solana Rust API docs
- 5:51 PM
- Clock out (Solana)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:30 AM
- A bit of hacking on blocksy3
- 1:00 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:15 PM
- Responded to table properties review
- 9:20 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 10:42 PM
- Rebased generic-cdc branch
- 10:44 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:33 PM
- Hacked on engine_traits_tests
- 9:30 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 1:36 PM
- Hacked on engine_traits_tests sst tests
- 1:58 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 2:20 PM
- Hacked on engine_traits_tests sst tests
- 4:47 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:41 PM
- Updated weekly report
- 9:48 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 10:40 PM
- Hacked on engine_traits_tests
- 10:48 PM
- Hacked on engine-simple-in-tikv
- 11:46 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 6:57 PM
- Rebased generic-cdc pr
- 7:00 PM
- Rebased and re-created table-properties abstraction pr
- 7:04 PM
- Rebased generic-server pr
- 7:06 PM
- Hacked on engine-simple-try-2
- 7:31 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on blocksy3
- 1:01 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:21 PM
- Resumed work on engine-simple-try-2
- 4:26 PM
- Hacked on engine_traits_tests
- 6:57 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 10:35 PM
- Hacked on engine_traits_tests
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 10:50 PM
- Hacked on blocksy3
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:22 AM
- Got tikv-server to start with PanicEngine
- 1:43 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:15 PM
- Continued hacking on cdc crate
- Posted pr to abstract cdc over engines
- 4:24 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:06 PM
- Hacked on removing rocks from tikv-server
- 8:49 PM
- Updated weekly report
- 8:56 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:59 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 10:22 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:26 PM
- Hacked on generic-tikv-server-2-branch
- Rebased no-table-properties branch
- Started hacking on removing rocks from cdc crate
- 1:19 PM
- Rebased generic-server branch
- 2:43 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Posted solana blog
- 3:37 PM
- Commented about solana
- 8:57 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:19 PM
- Rebased TableProperties patch
- 5:19 PM
- Rebased generic-server patch
- 7:36 PM
- Posted PR to remove TableProperties abstraction
- 7:49 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:48 PM
- Updated weekly report
- 9:52 PM
- Attended storage team mtg
- Hacked on abstract tikv-server
- 10:23 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Hacked on rib
- 2:42 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:00 PM
- Attended ibg mtg
- 10:39 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Hacked on solana
- 11:36 PM
- Clock in (geonft)
- 12:34 PM
- Hacked on solana
- 2:00 PM
- Clock out (geonft)
- Hacked on solana
- 11:59 PM
- Filed bug about binary_search_by
- 1:46 AM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:00 PM
- Rebased TableProperties patch
- 5:57 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Hacked on solana
- 10:36 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:23 PM
- Hacked on removing TableProperties abstractions
- 1:26 PM
- Hacked on generic tikv::server
- 2:08 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:10 PM
- Posted PR to remove RocksEngine from tikv::server
- 9:40 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 10:37 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:47 PM
- Hacked on removing TableProperties
- 1:45 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 2:20 PM
- Hacked on removing TableProperties
- 2:55 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:50 AM
- Rebased generic-server patch
- 1:44 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 6:41 PM
- Hacked on removing TableProperties abstraction
- 8:15 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Hacked on solana
- 8:16 PM
- Clock in (geonft)
- 12:00 PM
- Hacked on solana syncing
- 3:00 PM
- Clock out (geonft)
- Clock in (geonft)
- 2:30 PM
- Hacked on solana syncing
- 5:47 PM
- Clock out (geonft)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 2:41 PM
- Hacked on removing RocksEngine from server
- Hacked on removing TableProperties abstractions
- 6:26 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Drafted rust license post
- 8:47 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:54 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- Hacked on removing rocks from server
- 10:41 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (geonft)
- 12:58 PM
- Hacked on solana
- 7:32 PM
- Clock out (geonft)
- Hacked on streamlet
- 9:39 PM
- Clock in (geonft)
- 7:47 PM
- Hacked on solana
- 9:19 PM
- Clock out (geonft)
- Hacked on streamlet
- 10:33 PM
- Hacked on geonft
- 7:20 PM
- Hacked on fstar tutorial
- 11:13 PM
- Clock in (geonft)
- 5:44 PM
- Hacked on geonft accounts
- 7:17 PM
- Clock out (geonft)
- Clock in (geonft)
- 9:36 PM
- Hacked on geonft accounts
- 10:06 PM
- Clock out (geonft)
- Hacked on streamlet
- 11:46 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 6:03 PM
- Rebuilt and retested current patches
- 6:57 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Merged rib pr
- 6:26 PM
- Merged rib prs
- Did rib stuff
- 8:17 PM
- Commented on obsolete irc channel list
- 12:22 PM
- Posted a blog post about dave
- 1:14 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on blocksy3 range deletes
- 12:22 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:11 PM
- Hacked on blocksy3 range deletes
- 9:19 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:22 PM
- Commented about raftengine
- 4:27 PM
- Hacked on removing rocks from tikv
- 5:31 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 6:57 PM
- Posted PR to replace RocksEngine with KvEngine in lock manager
- 7:30 PM
- Hacked on removing rocks from tikv
- Hacked on improving range delete in blocksy3
- 7:47 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:51 PM
- Updated weekly report
- 9:57 PM
- Attended storage meeting
- 10:16 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:07 PM
- Hacked on blocksy3 range deletes
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 1:09 PM
- Hacked on range_properties tests
- Hacked on removing rocks from server mod
- 1:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 2:43 PM
- Hacked on removing rocks from server mod
- 3:09 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:24 PM
- Hacked on removing rocks from server mod
- 6:52 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:05 PM
- Posted pr to remove rocks from server mod
- 9:17 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:10 AM
- Hacked on memory log for blocksy3
- 12:59 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Commented on deleting .rustup directory
- 10:57 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:18 PM
- Hacked on compaction for blocksy3
- 11:53 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:37 PM
- Hacked on compaction for blocksy3
- 11:28 PM
- Hacked on memory log for blocksy3
- 11:51 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:54 PM
- Posted pr to remove a rocks dep from tikv tests
- 5:11 PM
- Asked nrc to review my old raftengine patch
- 5:20 PM
- Closed old PR
- 5:26 PM
- Updated weekly report
- 5:51 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:59 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 10:25 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:26 PM
- Hacked on engine_simple
- 1:00 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 2:22 PM
- Continued trying to get engine_simple to pass the engine_traits_tests
- Posted a new write batch test case
- 4:43 PM
- Experiented running raftstore tests with engine_simple
- 6:10 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 10:21 PM
- Began writing range_properties tests
- 11:24 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Fix bugs in blocksy3
- 12:47 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:30 PM
- Hacked more on blocksy3
- Began creating engine_traits bindings for blocksy3
- 9:49 PM
- Passed a bunch of engine_traits_tests with blocksy3
- 11:48 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP) - Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 10:00 PM
- Fix bugs in blocksy3
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:24 AM
- Hacked on blocksy3
- 1:03 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:16 PM
- Updated RaftKv pr
- 4:51 PM
- Hacked on removing rocks from resolve module
- 5:02 PM
- Hacked on blocksy3
- 5:24 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:54 PM
- Commented on engine_agatedb
- Chatted on lark about agatedb
- 9:00 PM
- Asked qupeng for a review
- 9:17 PM
- Posted PR to abstract resolve module
- 9:27 PM
- Commented on tikv_kv issue
- 9:33 PM
- Attended storage meeting
- 10:31 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Commented on tikv-jemalloc
- 1:13 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:07 PM
- Ran
- 5:14 PM
- Posted PR to abstract RaftKv over engines
- 6:19 PM
- Posted Pr to abstract snap module over engines
- 6:42 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:18 PM
- Reviewed a talent plan pr
- 3:28 PM
- Checked ARM build
- 3:37 PM
- Implemented last function in blocksy3
- 3:57 PM
- Ran
- 3:59 PM
- Posted pr to fix
- 5:37 PM
- Hacked on removing engine_rocks from stats_collector
- 6:13 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:40 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 10:08 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 11:20 AM
- Checked on running fuzzer
- Adjusted miri config to allow running slow tests
- 11:46 AM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 10:55 PM
- Sent mohanson goblin overflow test case
- 11:03 PM
- Updated miri pr
- 11:10 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 2:40 PM
- Updated fuzzer for b-spec
- Built a b-spec fuzz corpus
- Ran fuzzer on ec2
- Timed a full miri run
- 3:59 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 6:02 PM
- Investigated and reported on goblin overflow bug
- Posted issue to upgrade goblin
- 6:34 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 7:40 PM
- Checked in on fuzzer running on ec2
- Investigated fuzzing bug found in goblin
- 8:11 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Clock in (rib)
- 5:45 PM
- Merged rib pr
- 6:03 PM
- Updated ribbot
- 7:00 PM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (rib)
- 9:15 PM
- Hacked on rib edition
- 11:00 PM
- Clock out (rib)
- Hacked on webtools
- 12:04 AM
- Submitted Nervos invoice
- 8:00 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:02 PM
- Updated engine prs and issues
- Updated status report
- Hacked on removing PerfContext from Cursor
- Hacked on miri support for agatedb
- 7:46 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:57 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 10:23 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:09 PM
- Requested reviews and updated engine_traits_tests pr
- 5:10 PM
- Hacked on abstracting StatsCollector
- 6:45 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Hacked on webtool
- 12:30 AM
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 4:08 PM
- Rebuilt b-extension gcc with mohanson’s instructions
- Set up ec2 fuzzing machine
- Began running ckb-vm/fuzz with corpus
- Created miri CI patch
- Posted pr to upgrade libfuzzer-sys
- 5:29 PM
- Pested pr to run ci under miri
- 5:38 PM
- Posted updates to telegram group
- 5:54 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 8:25 PM
- Continued setting up ec2 for fuzzing
- 8:47 PM
- Investigated no_panic attribute
- Investigated firecracker for running virtualized ckb-vm
- 9:20 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Add a rustbelt post to rust-anthology
- 11:42 PM
- Hacked on synthtest
- 1:23 AM
- Hacked on geonft
- 7:36 PM
- Posted pr editing the rand book
- 8:15 PM
- Hacked on synthtest
- 11:30 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:51 PM
- Updated arm pr
- 3:53 PM
- Updated raft engine pr
- 4:02 PM
- Updated kv extraction pr
- 4:03 PM
- Attempted to merge kv extraction pr
- 4:04 PM
- Commented on state of engine abstraction
- 4:41 PM
- Opened engine_agate issue
- 4:46 PM
- Hacked on removing engine_rocks deps from tikv crate
- 5:15 PM
- Reviewed mutable refactor pr
- 5:20 PM
- Posted pr removing some of engine_rocks from tikv_kv
- 5:41 PM
- Posted pr to remove a use of rocks engine from tikv
- 5:46 PM
- Updated status report
- 5:46 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:43 PM
- Installed new chat tool
- 9:57 PM
- Attended storage meeting
- 10:26 PM
- Posted a PR adding tests of engine ctor behavior
- 11:06 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 9:17 PM
- Played with Rocket
- 10:14 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 3:22 PM
- Investigated assembly calls into
for unwind safety - Set up computer to run mohanson’s rfuzzing fuzzer
- Tried to get a working b-extension toolchain
- 4:23 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Hacked on cocoverse storybook
- 4:11 PM
- Posted another beer tasting
- 4:43 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:14 PM
- Updated kv extraction pr
- 6:18 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Attended band practice
- Hacked on dsp
- 11:23 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:43 PM
- Attempted to merge engine_traits_tests
- 7:50 PM
- Updated weekly report
- 7:54 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:03 PM
- Updated arm pr
- 4:05 PM
- Updated engine_traits_tests pr
- 4:07 PM
- Updated generic raft engine traits
- 4:15 PM
- Ran agatedb under miri
- 4:58 PM
- Ran agatedb under valgrind
- 5:23 PM
- Rebased tikv_kv pr
- 5:47 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Merged rib pr
- 12:03 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:06 PM
- Updated arm fix pr
- 5:09 PM
- Updated kv extraction pr
- 5:14 PM
- Updated generic raft engine pr
- 5:15 PM
- Updated engine test suite pr
- 5:45 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:56 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 9:30 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (finance)
- 11:23 AM
- Placed options orders
- 1:32 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (personal)
- 5:16 PM
- Hacked on ink draft
- 7:15 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 4:56 PM
- Posted regex fix for test suite
- 5:40 PM
- Reported b-extension crash
- 6:48 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 3:21 PM
- Ran unit tests under miri and valgrind
- 5:26 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 6:12 PM
- Continued valgrinding ckb-vm
- Attempted to cherry-pick fix to riscv-bitmanip toolchain
- 7:09 PM
- Chatted w/ Xiao
- 7:56 PM
- Hacked on running ckb-vm-test-suite with miri
- Investigated bug in ckb-vm-test-suite regex on osx
- 8:35 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 6:33 PM
- Updated engine_traits_tests PR for reviews
- 7:07 PM
- Pinged volunteer about Mutable trait
- 7:14 PM
- Commented on tikv arm64 bug
- 7:31 PM
- Fixed extract-kv PR build
- 8:01 PM
- Updated generic raft engine PR
- 8:25 PM
- Posted PR to fix arm build
- 8:43 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 9:19 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 9:39 PM
- Submitted PR to add names to CI jobs
- 10:38 PM
- Posted some testing ideas
- Chatted a bit with xiao
- 11:26 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Clock in (personal)
- 2:05 PM
- Hacked on taxes
- 4:58 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 3:45 PM
- Looked at mohanson’s rfuzzing project
- 3:49 PM
- Continued debugging the ckb-vm-test-suite build
- 4:48 PM
- Succeeded at running and passing the test suite
- 5:39 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Clock in (finance)
- 11:17 AM
- Placed options orders
- 2:59 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 5:21 PM
- Ran and experimented with ckb-vm-test-suite
- 8:42 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Clock in (personal)
- 6:32 PM
- Hacked on contract-game
- 7:33 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 5:03 PM
- Reviewed mohanson’s instruction decoding pr
- 7:23 PM
- Reported progress to mohanson
- 牛年快乐!
- 7:29 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Clock in (finance)
- 10:30 AM
- Placed option orders
- 2:04 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 4:50 PM
- Read the B extension patches
- 7:04 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Clock in (Nervos)
- 9:15 PM
- Read half of the risc-v b spec
- 10:18 PM
- Clock out (Nervos)
- Clock in (personal)
- 1:13 PM
- Hacked on contract-game
- 4:22 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (personal)
- 5:27 PM
- Hacked on contract-game
- 9:34 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:33 PM
- Ran
- Rebased kv extraction pr
- 1:17 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:08 PM
- Merged raftstore engine_rocks removal
- 3:14 PM
- Updated weekly report
- 3:22 PM
- Posted engine_traits_tests
- 5:48 PM
- Attended global all hands
- 7:26 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:14 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 4:56 PM
- Closed rib pr
- 5:38 PM
- Drafted rib issue
- 6:49 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:05 AM
- Rebased engine_traits_tests
- Hacked on extracting kv module from tikv
- 11:10 AM
- Filed PR to extract tikv_kv
- 1:43 PM
- Updated engine abstraction issue op
- 1:48 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 11:15 AM
- Continued drafting dfinity experience report
- Published dfinity blog
- 5:22 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 10:05 PM
- Hacked on engine_simple
- 11:14 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:08 PM
- Filed PR to remove engine_rocks from raftstore
- 5:22 PM
- Updated weekly report
- 5:31 PM
- Rebased engine_traits_tests
- 6:11 PM
- Chatted w/ nrc
- 6:20 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:56 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:15 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:15 PM
- Reviewed cloud provider PR
- 5:23 PM
- Rebased engine_traits_tests
- Hacked on removing engine_rocks from raftstore
- 6:50 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (finance)
- 9:16 AM
- Placed options trades
- 12:47 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 1:47 AM
- Hacked on engine_simple
- 2:53 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 11:20 AM
- Explored dfinity
- 1:19 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (personal)
- 5:57 PM
- Explored dfinity
- Posted PR to fix dfinity doc bug
- 7:27 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Updated meal-swap
- 5:44 PM
- Clock in (personal)
- 5:57 PM
- Explored dfinity programming
- 9:04 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:40 PM
- Hacked on engine_simple
- 11:50 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Offered suggestions to gregweber about dynamic loading and plugins
- 12:38 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Updated meal-swap
- 2:30 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 2:30 PM
- Commented on cargo dependency deduplication
- 2:43 PM
- Filed a cargo feature request to help with feature propagation
- 3:15 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 6:45 PM
- Watched some dfinity videos
- 8:00 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:49 AM
- Hacked on simple_engine
- 1:39 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:56 PM
- Reviewed unsafe code in MetricsFlusher patch
- 6:57 PM
- Followed up / rebased all prs
- Updated weekly report
- 7:39 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:21 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on simple_engine
- 1:29 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Merged resume pr
- 1:27 PM
- Updated my old rust syntax reference
- 1:43 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 10:58 PM
- Hacked on simple_engine
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 12:00 AM
- Filed PR to fix a build bug in lalrpop
- 12:42 AM
- Filed a build bug against pikelet
- 1:13 AM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (personal)
- 12:54 PM
- Hacked on ink blog
- 2:30 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on new engine_simple backend
- 1:39 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Wrote up some more ink notes
- 3:18 PM
- Merged website PR
- 5:42 PM
- Posted “unconditional loops are unconditionally awesome”
- 5:42 PM
- Merged another old website PR
- 5:43 PM
- Tweeted my loop post
- 5:45 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:16 PM
- Hacked on new engine_simple backend
- 7:50 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 9:00 PM
- Hacked on bloop
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on new engine_simple backend
- 1:14 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 1:47 PM
- Hacked on contract-game
- 5:22 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Drafted blog about
- 6:00 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 10:28 PM
- Hacked on new engine_simple backend
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on new engine_simple backend
- 1:04 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 1:39 AM
- Hacked on new engine_simple backend
- 2:05 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:36 PM
- Hacked on new engine_simple backend
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:17 PM
- Reviewed metrics flusher pr
- 4:29 PM
- Responded to issue about Mutable/WriteBatch trait design
- 4:36 PM
- Pinged Little-Wallace on old typaram reduction pr
- 4:37 PM
- Updated tikv engine_traits pr indicate what it’s blocked on
- 4:49 PM
- Rebased and requested review on delete_range pr
- 4:51 PM
- Updated generic raftstore pr
- 4:55 PM
- Updated perf context pr to master
- 5:14 PM
- Ran against master
- 5:21 PM
- Rebased engine_traits_tests
- 5:22 PM
- Posted pr to delete impl EngineIterator for DBIterator
- 5:57 PM
- Began extracting tikv::storage::kv
- Filed issue to extract tikv::storage::kv
- 6:40 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:56 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:19 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:00 PM
- Hacked on new engine_simple backend
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 2:23 AM
- Hacked on commit process for engine_simple
- 4:09 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Added a readme to archaea
- 6:19 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 1:32 AM
- Experimented with new log structure for engine_simple
- 3:03 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 5:39 PM
- Drafted some blog about substrate
- 7:32 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Drafted more blogs
- 9:44 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Experimented with new index structure for engine_simple
- 12:29 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 1:33 AM
- Experimented with new index structure for engine_simple
- 2:32 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (finance)
- 9:00 AM
- Placed options orders
- 12:15 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:30 PM
- Experimented with new index structure for engine_simple
- 5:50 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:15 PM
- Experimented with new log structure for engine_simple
- 9:10 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:01 PM
- Experimented with new log structure for engine_simple
- 11:47 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 10:29 AM
- Filed issue about simplifying kv module
- Filed issue about merging Mutable with WriteBatch
- 11:02 AM
- Rebased engine_traits_tests
- 11:17 AM
- Wrote tests for write batch save points
- 1:23 PM
- Submitted PR for delete_range
- 2:25 PM
- Rebased generic raft engine patch
- 3:02 PM
- Rebased perfcontext patch
- 3:11 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Mentioned ‘mustprogress’ llvm attribute on loop miscompilation issue
- 3:52 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:00 PM
- Thought a lot about how to implement range queries in engine_simple
- Thought a lot about how to implement range properties in engine_simple
- 6:00 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:25 PM
- Experimented with new index structure for engine_simple
- 10:42 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:22 PM
- Experimented with new index structure for engine_simple
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 12:00 AM
- Reviewed substrate code
- 12:44 AM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (personal)
- 4:44 PM
- Hacked on substrate
- 6:58 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 2:43 PM
- Rebased fix for feature build opts
- 2:48 PM
- Updated perfcontext pr
- 3:31 PM
- Updated raftengine macro pr
- 4:23 PM
- Updated weekly report
- 4:32 PM
- Wrote more engine_traits tests
- Wrote more engine_traits docs
- 5:28 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:55 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:19 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 11:20 PM
- Hacked on memstuff
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Hacked on memstuff
- 1:09 AM
- Clock in (personal)
- 1:30 PM
- Read some substrate code
- 3:57 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:16 PM
- Hacked on cargo feature build fix
- Opened PR to fix cargo features
- 6:11 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 4:52 PM
- Hacked on contract-game
- 6:37 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:40 AM
- Hacked on cargo feature build fix
- 12:50 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on cargo feature build fix
- 12:33 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 1:13 PM
- Hacked on contract-game
- 6:54 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:27 PM
- Hacked on cargo feature build fix
- 7:43 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:42 PM
- Hacked on cargo feature build fix
- 9:28 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 1:45 PM
- Hacked on cargo feature build fix
- 5:30 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:29 PM
- Hacked on cargo feature build fix
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:02 PM
- Merged some prs to my-rust-lists
- 6:01 PM
- Hacked on fixing use of cargo features
- 7:41 PM
- Filed issue about cargo feature build problems
- 8:19 PM
- Hacked on fixing use of cargo features
- 9:10 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:21 PM
- Rebased engine_traits_tests
- Rebased def_raft_engine macro patch
- Investigated
cargo check
failure on master - 5:45 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 6:35 PM
- Investigated
cargo check
failure on master - 7:18 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 3:40 PM
- Hacked on contract-game
- 4:51 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (personal)
- 1:52 PM
- Hacked on nervos bugs
- 3:24 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (personal)
- 4:21 PM
- Hacked on contract-game
- 5:26 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (personal)
- 3:40 PM
- Did some more parity bounty work
- 4:50 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (personal)
- 8:00 PM
- Hacked on nervos bugs
- 11:30 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:25 PM
- Rebased engine_traits_tests
- 8:45 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Investigated Nervos bugs
- 11:32 PM
- Clock in (personal)
- 3:13 PM
- Submitted bug bounty report to parity
- 6:32 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:53 PM
- Commented on perfcontext pr
- 5:42 PM
- Ran miri on agatedb skiplist again
- Reworked perfcontext patch
- 7:46 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- Updated perfcontext pr
- 8:20 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:52 PM
- Rebased writebatch pr
- Rebased raftengine pr
- 5:12 PM
- Investigated feedback on perfcontext pr
- 5:29 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 2:10 PM
- Updated writebatch pr
- Updated raftengine pr
- 2:16 PM
- Updated engine_traits_tests patch
- Updated perfcontext patch
- 2:38 PM
- Chatted about engine_rocks::config
- Filed issue about engine_rocks::config
- 4:13 PM
- Posted pr to abstract PerfContext
- 5:42 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:56 AM
- Updated and submitted all invoices
- Send email to liu cong
- 10:09 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (finance)
- 10:11 AM
- 1:04 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:35 PM
- Updated WriteBatch patch
- 5:49 PM
- Commented on little-wallace’s type parameter patch
- 5:58 PM
- Updated report on engine traits
- 6:18 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:56 PM
- Updated raftengine pr
- 8:14 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:37 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 12:00 AM
- Posted patch to upgrade libm in wasmi
- 12:32 AM
- Clock out (personal)
- Hacked on stupid-paxos
- 2:57 AM
- Drafted more substrate blog
- 7:00 PM
- Clock in (rib)
- 5:29 PM
- Blogged about parity
- 9:00 PM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (personal)
- 11:00 PM
- Hacked on wasi
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Commented on libm license
- 5:13 AM
- Commented on the rust license
- 5:24 AM
- Hacked on parity for a while
- 6:15 AM
- Foolishly hacked on wasi all night
- 9:01 AM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:50 PM
- Updated weekly report
- 4:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:23 AM
- Wrote more tests for write batches
- 4:24 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on write batches
- 1:11 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:20 AM
- Hacked on write batches
- 11:45 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:44 PM
- Wrote more tests for write batches
- Updated writebatch pr
- 1:36 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (rib)
- 5:43 PM
- Continued ink blog
- 6:42 PM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (finance)
- 9:55 AM
- Placed options orders
- 12:47 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:25 PM
- Rebased engine_traits_tests
- Commented on reddit markdown guide
- 11:35 PM
- Hacked on write batches
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (rib)
- 6:44 PM
- Drafted parity ink blog
- 10:30 PM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:47 PM
- Rebased patches
- Posted generic raft engine patch
- Posted writebatch api cleanup
- 5:52 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:57 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:15 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Modularized implementation of RaftEngine
- 1:18 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (rib)
- 2:54 PM
- Drafted ink blog
- Submitted fix to ink tutorial
- 4:28 PM
- Drafted ink blog
- 5:23 PM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (finance)
- 10:00 AM
- Placed options orders
- 11:46 AM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:57 PM
- Attended all-hands
- 9:43 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:32 PM
- Modularized implementation of RaftEngine
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 1:52 AM
- Hacked on engine_traits_tests
- Refactored WriteBatch api
- 4:01 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 4:09 PM
- Explored substrate programming
- 6:39 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (personal)
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on moment
- 1:48 AM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:03 PM
- Hacked on engine_traits WriteBatch refactoring
- 10:53 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:07 AM
- Implemented more engine_traits_tests
- 1:24 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 2:05 AM
- Hacked on engine_traits_tests
- 2:59 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:51 PM
- Hacked on engine_traits_tests
- 5:24 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:49 PM
- Added tests for delete_range_cf to engine_traits_tests
- Implemented delete_range_cf in engine_simple
- 9:07 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:22 PM
- Investigated WriteBatch api
- 9:46 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (personal)
- 11:04 PM
- Hacked on moment
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:40 PM
- Rebased patches
- Integrated blocksy2 into engine_simple
- 5:45 PM
- Updated weekly tasks
- 5:59 PM
- Began making engine_traits_tests work with blocksy2
- 6:18 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:00 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:15 PM
- Implemented features for engine_traits_tests for engine_simple
- 8:49 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Hacked on polkadot contract impressions
- 6:37 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:24 PM
- Rebased patches
- 4:27 PM
- Posted patch to convert tikv crate to engine crates
- 5:03 PM
- Hacked on PerfContext abstraction
- 5:26 PM
- Added task tracking document for engine traits
- 5:47 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (rib)
- 4:16 PM
- Merged rib job posting
- 4:32 PM
- Merged a rib contribution
- 4:49 PM
- Merged a rib contribution
- 5:52 PM
- Wrote a spotlight for rib
- 6:28 PM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (finance)
- 9:54 AM
- Placed options trades
- 12:23 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:37 PM
- Rebased patches
- Replaced a few more rocksisms in tikv
- 6:10 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Reviewed Ayinger Bavarian Pils
- 4:17 PM
- Hacked on blam
- 12:41 AM
- Clock in (finance)
- 8:30 AM
- Placed options trades
- 11:07 AM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (personal)
- 11:08 AM
- Hacked on blam
- 1:14 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (personal)
- 4:50 PM
- Hacked on blam parser
- 6:35 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (personal)
- 8:22 PM
- Hacked on blam parser
- 10:40 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (personal)
- 3:28 PM
- Worked on ctk
- 5:41 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Hacked on website for CHTK
- 12:35 AM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:28 PM
- Rebased engine_traits_tests
- Hacked on removing RocksEngine from tikv
- Posted engine abstraction status update
- 5:43 PM
- Closed old leak fix
- 5:53 PM
- Hacked on removing RocksEngine from tikv
- 6:50 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:06 PM
- Hacked on removing RocksEngine from tikv
- 8:13 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:58 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 9:25 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:50 PM
- Merged engine_test patch with master
- Continued removing CFNamesEXt
- Built and tested agatedb
- 6:50 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:10 PM
- Merged engine_test PR
- 7:45 PM
- Chatted w/ LittleWallace about link time
- 8:28 PM
- Fixed ub in agatedb
- 8:35 PM
- Rebased engine_traits_tests / sled patch
- Rebased cfhandle removal patch
- 8:37 PM
- Posted patch to remove CFHandle from engine_traits
- 9:39 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (finance)
- 10:22 AM
- Placed options trades
- 12:42 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 10:30 AM
- Hacked on simple storage engine
- 12:24 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:30 AM
- Hacked on simple storage engine
- 6:56 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on simple storage engine
- 12:56 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 6:00 PM
- Submitted invoices
- 6:48 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:00 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 9:30 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:00 PM
- Hacked on simple storage engine
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on simple storage engine
- 4:20 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on simple storage engine
- 3:00 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:00 PM
- Hacked on simple storage engine
- 4:30 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:20 PM
- Hacked on simple storage engine
- 8:00 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:33 PM
- Hacked on simple storage engine
- 8:41 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 10:00 PM
- Hacked on simple storage engine
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (finance)
- 8:55 AM
- Placed options trades
- 12:40 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 6:50 PM
- Sketch out API for simple tikv-specific storage engine
- 7:39 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:11 PM
- Hacked on simple storage engine
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:31 AM
- Implement sled iterators
- 3:42 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Hacked on docuverse
- 8:12 PM
- Clock in (writing)
- 3:11 PM
- Hacked on Rust is for Blockchain
- 4:55 PM
- Clock out (writing)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:40 PM
- Hacked on engine_sled and engine_traits_tests
- 6:50 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:42 PM
- Rebased engine_test patch and asked for review
- Continued implementing engine_sled
- Continued removing CFNamesExt
- 6:54 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:00 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 9:18 PM
- Hacked on engine_traits_tests
- 9:26 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (finance)
- 8:30 AM
- Placed options trades
- 10:33 AM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:13 PM
- Updated engine_test PR for makefile integration
- 4:49 PM
- Integrated engine_sled into engine_test
- Created engine_traits_tests and began writing tests for engine_traits
- Hacked on removing column family handles from engine_traits
- 7:09 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:00 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 9:49 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:26 PM
- Attempted to merge tikv generics patch
- 5:29 PM
- Rebased engine_test patch
- 5:33 PM
- Posted engine_test patch
- 6:17 PM
- 7:48 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (finance)
- 8:30 AM
- Placed options orders
- 10:54 AM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:33 PM
- Rebased engine_test patch
- Continued abstracting raftstore tests over engine_test
- Posted small patch for abstracting tikv crate
- Hacked on abstracting tikv rocksdb_engine module over engines
- 9:18 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 9:49 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (finance)
- 11:34 PM
- Reviewed last week’s performance
- Planned tomorrow’s moves
- 11:52 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (cocoverse)
- 3:00 PM
- Added recipes
- 4:04 PM
- Clock out (cocoverse)
- Clock in (finance)
- 4:05 PM
- 6:54 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (finance)
- 10:00 AM
- Placed options orders
- 12:51 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:47 PM
- Rebased engine_test patch
- Fixed CompactedEvent PR
- Continued converting raftstore tests to engine_test
- 5:04 PM
- Posted weekly todos
- 6:12 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:21 PM
- Continued converting raftstore tests to engine_test
- 9:17 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Practiced coq via software foundations
- 3:21 AM
- Clock in
- 4:15 PM
- Postetd blog about NEAR contract development
- 10:32 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:00 PM
- Worked through NEAR beginner docs
- 6:27 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:30 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 10:01 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:08 PM
- Rebased CompactedEvent abstraction branch
- 4:33 PM
- Completed security awareness training
- 4:45 PM
- Posted CompactedEvent pr
- Posted daily status report
- 7:31 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (finance)
- 12:00 PM
- Placed options trades
- 1:09 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (rib)
- 2:31 PM
- Hacked on rib
- 7:41 PM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (finance)
- 2:00 PM
- Placed options trades
- 3:00 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:53 PM
- Investigated abstraction of PerfContext
- Investigated abstraction of CompactedEvent
- 4:44 PM
- Began abstracting CompactedEvent
- 6:45 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:28 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 9:56 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:15 PM
- Sent invoices for August
- 5:38 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:26 PM
- Closed raftstore refactoring patch
- 12:34 PM
- Re-reviewed changes to WriteBatch
- 12:47 PM
- Posted pr to remove uses of RocksEngine
- 3:19 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Commented on safe transmute rfc
- 5:07 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:00 AM
- Posted pr to add more raftstore generics
- 1:29 AM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (finance)
- 8:54 AM
- Placed options trades
- 10:22 AM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 12:38 PM
- Reviewed write batch cleanup
- 2:48 PM
- Hacked on making raftstore testable with multiple engines
- Hacked on removing more RocksEngine deps from raftstore
- 7:24 PM
- Filed daily report
- Filed weekly todos
- 9:01 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 9:53 PM PM
- Hacked on removing more RocksEngine deps from raftstore
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:17 AM
- Began converting raftstore to use engine_test
- 12:37 PM
- Reviewed jemalloc upgrade
- 12:47 PM
- Removed more uses of RocksEngine from raftstore
- 3:26 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (finance)
- 1:30 PM
- Placed options trades
- 2:10 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:43 AM
- Commented on engine testing
- 1:32 PM
- Begin hacking on engine_test crate
- 4:10 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Started writing a history of Rust
- 4:13 PM
- Hacked on Rust history
- 5:48 PM
- Published weekly report
- Updated list of personal writings
- 9:08 PM
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 6:09 PM
- Reviewed MvccPropertiesExt
- 6:44 PM
- Reviewed skiplist engine
- 6:51 PM
- Chatted with greg
- 7:03 PM
- Proposed engine_test crate
- 7:26 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 2:30 PM
- Recorded takes for video
- 3:30 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (rib)
- 12:00 AM
- Wrote intro
- Wrote spotlight
- Closed rib PR
- 1:38 AM
- Wrote more intro
- 1:58 AM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 1:59 PM
- Scheduled judging slot
- 2:15 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (finance)
- 1:00 PM
- Sold options
- 2:06 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (rib)
- 2:30 PM
- Wrote more intro
- 3:00 PM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 9:00 PM
- Wrote script for demo video
- 10:28 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 6:30 PM
- Submitted PR addiing more generics to raftstore
- 7:12 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:45 PM
- Closed raftstore generics PR
- 8:47 PM
- Reviewed raftstore generics PR
- 8:50 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 11:38 PM
- Chatted w/ Qupeng
- 11:39 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 1:54 PM
- Reviewed jemalloc patch
- Rebased raftstore generics patch
- 4:21 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 2:20 PM
- Added markdown support
- 2:41 PM
- Added error handling
- 3:50 PM
- Use the contract revert message
- 4:28 PM
- Updated status UI
- Added block explorer links
- 6:26 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (finance)
- 10:00 AM
- Placed options orders
- 1:27 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 7:25 PM
- Hacked on raftstore generics
- 7:54 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:22 PM
- Hacked on raftstore generics
- 8:33 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 9:30 PM
- Hacked on raftstore generics
- 10:21 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:04 PM
- Commented on raftstore generics patch
- 5:06 PM
- Merged master into rafstore generics patch
- 5:31 PM
- Updated raftstore generics PR
- 7:16 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 4:00 PM
- Hacked on transaction ui
- 8:22 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 9:40 PM
- Hacked on transaction ui
- 11:43 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (finance)
- 12:00 AM
- Planned options trades
- 1:18 AM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (finance)
- 10:00 AM
- Sold options
- 12:43 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 5:57 PM
- Hacked on type-parameterizing raftstore
- 7:03 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:10 PM
- Hacked on type-parameterizing raftstore
- 8:19 PM
- Submitted PR to parameterize mesages and peers over engines
- 8:28 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:57 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 12:00 AM
- Tried to build unminified js-ipfs from source
- 12:04 AM
- Posted daily update
- 12:57 AM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 2:50 PM
- Attempted to merge makefile arm fix
- 2:52 PM
- Hacked on type-parameterizing raftstore
- 9:00 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (finance)
- 5:22 PM
- Placed new lx options
- 5:41 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 10:30 PM
- Tried to build unminified js-ipfs from source
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:12 PM
- Posted PR to disable SSE on ARM
- 3:24 PM
- Hacked on adding generics to raftstore
- 6:32 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:27 PM
- Hacked on adding generics to raftstore
- 9:24 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 4:37 PM
- Posted pr to remove uses of RangeProperties
- 6:11 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 9:30 PM
- Hacked on solidity contract and web3 integration
- 11:19 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 5:49 PM
- Submitted project checkin
- 5:56 PM
- Hacked on storing messages with js-ipfs
- 8:30 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 9:30 PM
- Published daily hacklog
- 9:59 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (finance)
- 12:52 AM
- Planned options trades
- 2:00 AM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (finance)
- 10:00 AM
- Executed options trades
- 12:06 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 3:00 PM
- Investigated web-suitable IPFS APIs
- 4:22 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 6:53 PM
- Hacked on removing use of RangeProperties from raftstore
- 8:21 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:53 PM
- Hacked on removing RangeProperties from raftstore
- 9:09 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 10:30 PM
- Posted hackfs update
- 11:53 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Rented a car
- 2:40 PM
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 10:45 PM
- Posted daily log
- 11:23 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 10:07 PM
- Updated hacklog
- 10:46 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 10:15 PM
- Posted hacklog
- 11:17 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 3:51 PM
- Attempted to merge afl arm fix
- 3:55 PM
- Attempted to build on arm
- 4:02 PM
- Posted PR to remove uses of raw_util::new_engine
- 5:17 PM
- Posted daily update
- Posted weekly todos
- 5:18 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (finance)
- 5:37 PM
- Prepared Monday options trades
- 6:16 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (PingCAP)
- 8:28 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:55 PM
- Clock out (PingCAP)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 4:00 PM
- Prototyped the UI
- 5:11 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 10:00 PM
- Prototyped the UI
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (rib)
- 3:15 PM
- Hacked on rib
- 5:54 PM
- Clock out (rib)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 4:00 PM
- 6:30 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (HackFS)
- 10:00 PM
- 10:46 PM
- Clock out (HackFS)
- Clock in (finance)
- 10:54 AM
- Placed options orders
- 2:00 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in
- 3:43 PM
- Fixed build for removing Engines container
- 4:08 PM
- Hacked on removing engine crate
- Built tikv on ARM
- Looked into making minitrace-rust work on ARM
- 5:05 PM
- Fixed minitrace-rust build on ARM
- 5:15 PM
- Posted PR to remove engine crate
- 5:47 PM
- Posted PR to fix afl build on ARM
- 5:49 PM
- Posted daily updates
- Posted weekly todos
- 5:51 PM
- Clock in (finance)
- 6:09 PM
- Planned weekly options
- 7:22 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in
- 8:30 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:45 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:20 PM
- Reviewed new contract
- 5:29 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:29 PM
- Fixed build error in engine::rocks PR
- 7:42 PM
- Commented on removing protobuf dependency from engine_traits
- 8:33 PM
- Posted pr to remove engine::Engines
- 8:35 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:00 PM
- Attended sv meetings
- 7:07 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:40 PM
- Chatted with Yi Wu about engine_traits abstractions
- 4:43 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:15 PM
- Chatted with Yi Wu about engine_traits abstractions
- 6:53 PM
- Clock out
- Worked on dadjam 2020
- 7:09 PM
- Clock in
- 6:24 PM
- Asked for help merging doc pr
- 6:26 PM
- Hacked on removing Engines from engine crate
- Hacked on removing rocks module from engine crate
- Updated daily report
- 6:28 PM
- Posted PR to move engine::rocks to engine_rocks::raw
- 7:22 PM
- Attended 1:1
- 7:51 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:42 PM
- Attempted to merge doc pr
- 5:49 PM
- Hacked on removing Engines from engine crate
- Hacked on removing rocks module from engine crate
- 7:31 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:30 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 9:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:20 PM Split compile-time-2 draft into 3 parts
- 7:02 PM
- Clock out
- Posted MobileCoin doc fix
- 6:40 PM
- Clock in
- 4:24 PM
- Sent email to Jinpeng re contract
- Chatted w/ Queeny
- 4:40 PM
- Clock out
- Merged rib pr
- 5:48 PM
- Wrote intro to rib
- 7:12 PM
- Clock in
- 4:00 PM
- Drafted contract renegotiation letter
- 4:48 PM
- Drafted blog post about TiKV issues
- 8:08 PM
- Clock out
- Asked skade to publish new leveldb bindings per
- 11:41 PM
- Clock in
- 6:00 PM
- Drafted potential resignation letter
- 7:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:05 PM
- Commented on util removal PR
- 5:13 PM
- Fixed merge conflicts on util removal PR
- 5:34 PM
- Read thread sanitizer on yatp
- 5:36 PM
- Hacked on removing Engines type from engine crate
- 6:43 PM
- Posted daily updates
- Clock out
- Clock in (finance)
- 1:00 AM
- Set up option trades
- 4:00 AM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (finance)
- 9:30 PM
- Set up option trades
- 2:05 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in (finance)
- 1:30 AM
- 4:00 AM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in
- 5:59 PM
- Updated weekly todos
- 6:01 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:30 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 9:10 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on mem-basics
- 1:07 AM
- Clock in
- 7:02 PM
- Hacked on deleting engine crate
- Chatted w/ Liue Cong
- Posted patch to remove
- 8:47 PM
- Posted daily report
- 8:49 PM
- Hacked on mem-basics
- 8:49 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:30 PM
- Hacked on deleting engine crate
- 4:57 PM
- Responded to a telegram message
- 4:57 PM
- Chatted w/ Calvin
- 7:05 PM
- Created mem-basics repo
- 7:05 PM
- Attended 1:1 w/ jinpeng
- 8:15 PM
- 8:33 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:49 PM
- Hacked on deleting engine crate
- Ran asan on test crate
- 9:57 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:17 PM
- Posted PR to remove duplicate DATA_KEY_PREFIX_LEN
- 5:22 PM
- Updated and merged generics cleanup PR
- 6:07 PM
- Updated and merged db_exists PR
- 6:34 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on coconut-coin
- 12:08 AM
- Clock in (finance)
- 2:00 PM
- Made options trades
- 6:24 PM
- Clock out (finance)
- Clock in
- 4:02 PM
- Attempted to merge iterator cleanup
- 4:04 PM
- Continued trying to get asan backtraces
- Fixed 2 memory leaks in tikv_util test suite
- 5:29 PM
- Ran asan against keys crate
- Hacked on multiple patches to remove code from engine crate
- 5:35 PM
- Posted PR to fix leaks in tikv_util tests
- 5:43 PM
- Posted PR to add exists function to engine_traits
- 5:54 PM
- Ran asan against txn_types crate
- Ran asan against codec crate
- 5:58 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:30 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 9:04 PM
- Investigated asan report in tokio-threadpool
- 9:18 PM
- Filed bug about tokio-threadpool bad reads
- 10:10 PM
- Tested yatp with asan
- 11:05 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:24 PM
- Attempted to merge syncsnapshot patch
- 6:27 PM
- Fixed ub cherry-pick merge conflict
- 6:33 PM
- Rebased engine::stats patch
- 6:39 PM
- Debugged engine::iterator removal patch
- 6:42 PM
- Asked for help with asan symbol names
- 7:16 PM
- Fixed use of rocks iterators in engine::iterator removal patch
- 7:22 PM
- Posted engine_traits doc patch
- 7:36 PM
- Posted PR to clean up raftstore generics
- 7:41 PM
- Posted daily report
- 7:43 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:51 PM
- Responded to emails and messages
- 8:42 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:10 PM
- Attempted to merge syncsnapshot patch
- 5:12 PM
- Hacked on removing iterable module from engine crate
- 5:23 PM
- Posted PR to remove
- 7:18 PM
- Hacked on removing
- 8:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:14 PM
- Posted PR to move
- 10:19 PM
- Updated daily report
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:25 PM
- Updated codec UB PR
- 2:42 PM
- Attempted to merge syncsnapshot patch
- 2:45 PM
- Cherry-picked UB fixes to 4.0
- Rebased engine_traits doc patch
- Continued hacking on raftstore generics cleanup
- Began investigating test suite sleep removal
- 3:03 PM
- Reviewed tiup metadata format
- 3:32 PM
- Posted 4.0 UB cherry-pick
- 3:45 PM
- Hacked on replacing KvEngine bounds with Snapshot
- 5:58 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on rust-doc-tool
- 7:44 PM
- Fixed a ribbot bug
- 12:14 AM
- Updated rust-anthology
- Updated rust-doc-tool
- 12:17 AM
- Clock in
- 12:18 AM
- Investigated CI failure for SyncSnapshot removal
- Fixed UB in codec crate
- 2:23 AM
- Clock out
- Hacked on rib
- 5:55 PM
- Clock in
- 7:30 PM
- Attended mtg w/ jinpeng
- Posted PR to fix undefined behavior in codec crate
- 8:40 PM
- Posted 2 tikv bugs to miri trophy case
- 8:43 PM
- Attempted to merge SyncSnapshot pr
- 8:43 PM
- Reviewed sysinfo pr
- 8:47 PM
- Responded to q about ub pointer calculation
- 9:17 PM
- Clock out
- Updated my-rust-lists
- 11:03 PM
- Clock in
- 4:39 PM
- Closed tiflash pr
- 4:42 PM
- Chatted with Yi Wu about secure slices
- 5:12 PM
- Chatted with Maple Fu about the use of failure in talent-plan
- 5:13 PM
- Attempted to merge snapshot pr
- 5:21 PM
- Began removing SyncSnapshot type
- 5:35 PM
- Continued documenting engine_trats
- 5:36 PM
- Continued running miri on codec crate
- 6:04 PM
- Posted SyncSnapshot removal PR
- 10:03 PM
- Posted daily report
- 10:05 PM
- Clock in
- 10:47 PM
- Investigated SyncSnapshot PR CI error
- 10:56 PM
- Clock out
- Commented on home_dir definition
- 1:25 PM
- Hacked on rust-doc-tool
- Learned some solidity
- Clock in
- 3:00 PM
- Reviewed ub fix
- 3:25 PM
- Posted tikv stacked borrowing error to miri trophy case
- 3:35 PM
- Attempeted to merge tidb_query_vec_executors servo_arc fix
- 3:38 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:31 PM
- Ran miri on tidb_query_normal_expr
- 8:31 PM
- Rebased engine_traits docs patch
- 8:35 PM
- Reviewed crc64fast crate
- Ran miri on tidb_query_normal_executors
- 9:02 PM
- Ran miri on tidb_query_vec_aggr
- 9:07 PM
- Ran miri on codec
- Hacked on engine_traits docs
- Attempted to merge snapshot traits pr
- 9:41 PM
- Posted PR to fix clippy warnings
- 9:43 PM
- Clock out
- Requested a new release of leveldb crate
- 9:51 PM
- Built and tested lighthouse on arm
- Built and tested rust-ipfs on arm
- 10:32 PM
- Clock in
- 3:44 PM
- Attempted to merge error description pr
- 3:48 PM
- Chatted w/ Calvin about blog post
- 4:44 PM
- Investigated UB in servo_arc
- 5:01 PM
- Filed UB servo_arc bug
- 6:02 PM
- Added servo_arc to miri trophy case
- 6:05 PM
- Filed another servo_arc UB bug
- 6:19 PM
- Attempted to merge error description pr
- 6:23 PM
- Filed fix for stacked borrowing error in tidb_query_vec_executors
- 6:35 PM
- Filed PR to replace servo_arc with std Arc
- 6:42 PM
- Reviewed ub fix
- 7:20 PM
- Posted daily report
- 7:23 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:09 PM
- Merged talent-plan PR
- 6:17 PM
- Rebased talent-plan PR
- 6:23 PM
- Merged talent-plan PR
- 6:24 PM
- Reviewed talent-plan PR
- 6:29 PM
- Pinged people on talent-plan PR
- 6:32 PM
- Posted PR to move rust and dss courses into subdir
- 6:41 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:34 PM
- Replied to talent-plan PR
- 8:39 PM
- Clock out
- Posted faster-hex ARM patch
- 1:28 PM
- Clock in
- 1:32 PM
- Tested tikv on ARM
- Continued miri-testing tidb_query_vec_expr
- Looked for broken tests in tikv test suite
- Pinged solotzg re tiflash diff reduction patch
- 2:37 PM
- Hacked on engine_traits docs
- Hacked on replacing KvEngine bounds with Snapshot bounds
- 4:41 PM
- Rebased engine_traits docs patch
- Rebased snapshot bounds patch
- 6:28 PM
- Attempted to merge unsafe fixes
- 6:56 PM
- Attempted to merge error description patch
- 6:56 PM
- Posted PR to replae KvEngine bounds with typarams
- 7:00 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 9:22 PM
- Clock out
- Set up EC2 ARM instance
- Updated setup scripts for fedoralikes
- 10:36 PM
- Commented on assignment destructuring
- 12:07 AM
- Clock in (personal)
- 12:16 PM
- Clock in
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on converting KvEngine bounds to Snapshot
- 12:48 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:38 PM
- Reported ryu stacked borrowing error
- 5:50 PM
- Responded to some messages
- Continued miri-testing tidb_query_vec_expr
- Hacked on engine_traits docs
- Attended mtg with jinpeng
- 8:14 PM
- Posted PR to fix undefined behavior in ryu
- 8:32 PM
- Posted miri trophy case PR
- 8:40 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:08 PM
- Attempted to merge error description patch again
- 4:29 PM
- Hacked on “common rust errors” blog
- Hacked on engine_traits documentation
- Hacked on replacing KvEngine bounds with Snapshot bounds
- 4:53 PM
- Responded to linda
- 4:55 PM
- Updated unsafe code pr
- 6:42 PM
- Ran tidb_query_common under miri
- 6:46 PM
- 9:12 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:11 PM
- Filed UB RowSlice bug
- 10:57 PM
- Rand tidb_query_datatype under miri
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on rust-doc-tool
- 6:21 AM
- Clock in
- 5:30 PM
- Chatted w/ queeny
- Attempted to merge error description pr
- 6:22 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in (personal)
- Removed self from awesome-rust-mentors
- 6:30 PM
- Hacked on rust-anthology
- 7:37 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:30 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:48 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on rust-doc-tool
- Clock in
- 2:29 PM
- Researched pingcap candidate
- Chatted w/ candidate
- 4:06 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in (personal)
- 12:00 PM
- Hacked on ckb bounty
- 1:08 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in
- 4:54 PM
- Updated RocksEngine PR again
- 5:07 PM
- Posted PR to remove error descriptions
- 6:46 PM
- Ran miri on tikv_utils
- Posted two minor unsafe fixes
- 7:28 PM
- Investigated memory leak in slog-global
- 9:04 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on ckb-rpc-test
- Clock in (personal)
- 3:00 PM
- Hacked on ckb-rpc-test
- 7:33 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (personal)
- 9:00 PM
- Worked on ckb bounty
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on midi2
- 2:28 AM
- Clock in
- 5:29 PM
- Updated current raftstore PR
- 5:50 PM
- Reviewed metrics pr
- 6:09 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on midi2 implementation
- 3:01 AM
- Clock in
- 2:08 PM
- Posted PR to minimize diff between tiflash and release-3.1
- 7:10 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:00 PM
- Attended tiflash meeting
- 8:26 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:45 PM
- Reviewed removal of Snapshot typaram
- 1:58 PM
- Really completed compile-time-2 draft
- 3:33 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:27 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:45 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:00 PM
- Completed compile-time-2 draft
- 5:56 PM
- Hacked on ? I forget
- Clock in (personal)
- 11:00 AM
- Researched CKB SDKs
- 1:18 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in
- 9:29 PM
- Responded to question about removing snapshot typaram
- 10:16 PM
- Merged master into raftstore-rocksengine pr
- 10:26 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:09 PM
- Fixed build for raftstore/RocksEngine PR
- 8:12 PM
- Tried to merge tikv DB PR
- 8:12 PM
- Clock out
- Responded to ckb thread
- 8:20 PM
- Clock in
- 2:21 PM
- Hacked on engine-traits-raftstore-rocksengine
- Hacked on engine-traits-tikv
- Begin writing “Rust in easy-mode”
- Updated list of Rust CLI tools
- Published
- 3:42 PM
- Posted pr to replace DB with RocksEngine
- 6:47 PM
- Hacked on engine-traits-raftstore-rocksengine
- 8:14 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:43 PM
- Posted PR to convert RocksEngine to typarams in raftstore
- 11:54 PM
- Posted daily report
- 11:55 PM
- Clock out
- Posted CKB experience report
- 6:47 PM
- Clock in (personal)
- 3:45 PM
- Hacked on serdif
- 5:28 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in (personal)
- 7:30 PM
- Learned to send ckb on testnet
- 8:47 PM
- Hacked on serdif
- 9:13 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in
- 1:50 AM
- Hacked on removing engine_rocks from raftstore
- 4:19 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:59 PM
- Attended all hands meeting
- 7:30 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:20 PM
- Updated engine/protobuf PR
- 9:29 PM
- Updated daily report
- 9:31 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:00 PM
- Hacked on removing engine_rocks from raftstore
- 11:12 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in (personal)
- 12:12 AM
- Hacked on serdif
- 1:45 AM
- Clock out (personal)
- Updated ribbot
- 4:46 PM
- Clock in
- 9:45 PM
- Replied to Jinpeng
- Continued recording pass timings for blog post
- 9:48 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in (personal)
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on ribbot
- 12:17 AM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in
- 3:31 PM
- Updated raftstore pr again
- 3:34 PM
- Hacked on compile-time-2
- 4:23 PM
- Merged raftstore pr
- 4:24 PM
- Rebased engine-traits-even-more-more-raftstore branch
- Rebased engine-traits-generic-tikv branch
- 4:33 PM
- Hacked on compile-time-2
- 4:49 PM
- Sent Calvin draft of next blog post
- 4:51 PM
- Posted PR to remove protobufs from engine crate
- 4:57 PM
- Timed build passes for compile-time-2 blog
- 5:01 PM
- Posted PR to remove iterators from engine crate
- 5:23 PM
- Posted daily report
- 5:27 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:04 PM
- Attended global team mtg
- 7:30 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in (personal)
- 3:22 PM
- Hacked on ribbot
- Configured EC2 instance for personal development
- 3:34 PM
- Hacked on ribbot
- 7:21 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in
- 8:00 PM
- Attended r2d2 meeting
- 8:25 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in (personal)
- 8:26 PM
- Hacked on ribbot
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in
- 5:59 PM
- Updated daily reports
- 6:02 PM
- Updated and merged raftstore patch
- 6:46 PM
- Finished collected sccache timing results
- 6:49 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:30 PM
- Attempted to debug segfault in raftstore patch
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:42 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:20 PM
- Reviewed grpc coredump fix
- 10:29 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:50 PM
- Hacked on compile-time-2 draft
- Did sccache timing experiment
- 3:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:15 PM
- Reviewed tiup
- 6:03 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:00 PM
- Attended 1:1 w/ Jinpeng
- 8:22 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:33 PM
- Updated airbnb reservations
- Responded to sara
- Updated engine PR
- 3:57 PM
- Clock out
- Responded to Josh
- 7:04 PM
- Continued attempting to run CKB devnet
- 10:59 PM
- Responded to Aaron
- Responded to Sara
- 4:37 PM
- Signed EIN application
- 5:11 PM
- Clock in
- 6:37 PM
- Updated engine PR
- 7:55 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on wasm-encrypted-pastebin
- 9:43 PM
- Clock in
- 2:33 PM
- Fixed merge conflicts in raftstore pr
- 5:49 PM
- Helped Aimee with
- Hacked on dispatch-test
- 8:32 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in (personal)
- 2:39 PM
- Hacked on ckb getting started blog
- 4:27 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in
- 4:27 PM
- Attempted to fix build for raftstore rocksdb removal
- 5:34 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:52 PM
- Pushed a fix to raftstore rocksdb removal
- 8:10 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:31 PM
- Updated engine-traits-even-more-raftstore branch
- 7:44 PM
- Posted PR to remove engine dep from raftstore
- 8:09 PM
- Reviewed patch
- 8:46 PM
- Posted daily report
- 8:52 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:57 PM
- Updated engine abstraction issue
- 2:11 PM
- Updated raftstore pr
- 2:31 PM
- Clock out
- Did airbnb reviews
- Responded to mom
- Responded to Sarah
- 2:46 PM
- Ordered EIN for Common Orbit
- 3:02 PM
- Responded to various emails
- 3:29 PM
- Clock in
- 5:30 PM
- Hacked on dispatch-test
- 7:40 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:29 PM
- Updated raftstore pr to master
- 2:40 PM
- Reviewed writebatchvec patch
- 3:41 PM
- Reviewed writebatchvec patch
- 4:00 PM
- Updated engine crate pr to master
- 4:13 PM
- Updated engine-traits-even-more-raftstore branch
- 5:25 PM
- Resolved conflicts on raftstore pr
- 5:55 PM
- Clock out
- Attempted to follow dev instructions for CKB
- 9:24 PM
- Clock in
- 9:33 PM
- Read patch to remove engine from
- 9:41 PM
- Chatted w/ Little-Wallace
- 9:47 PM
- Clock out
- Commented on Rust+wasm
- 6:39 PM
- Clock in
- 6:46 PM
- Re-reviewed mutable patch
- 6:46 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:30 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 8:51 PM
- Clock out
- Added to rust-anthology
- 7:10 PM
- Clock in
- 4:36 PM
- Resolved conflicts with engine-traits-more-raftstore
- 4:39 PM
- Started hacking on SME
- 5:08 PM
- Resolved conflicts with engine-traits-mutable
- 5:24 PM
- Updated engine-traits-even-more-raftstore branch
- 5:31 PM
- Hacked on abstracting properties
- Hacked on removing rocksdb from tikv crate
- 7:51 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:55 PM
- Re-reviewed mutable patch
- 5:37 PM
- Attempted to merge engine::util patch
- Hacked on raftstore properties abstraction
- 6:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:06 PM
- Attended 1:1 w/ Jinpeng
- 8:15 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:36 PM
- Merged engine-traits-more-raftstore with master
- 11:51 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:15 PM
- Reviewed new jemalloc check script
- Hacked on raftstore properties abstraction
- 9:19 PM
- Clock out
- 9:36 PM
- Chatted w/ Little-Wallace
- Clock in
- 10:29 PM
- Reviewed metricsflusher patch
- 10:33 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on moment
- Clock in
- 8:20 PM
- Posted weekly todos
- Attended storage team mtg
- 9:00 PM
- Chatted w/ Little-Wallace
- 10:11 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:37 PM
- Reviewed another engine abstraction pr
- 3:44 PM
- Posted PR for raftstore abstraction
- Posted PR for engine crate migration
- 4:15 PM
- Created new branch merging all outstanding abstraction branches
- 4:46 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:08 PM
- Hacked on removing engine dep from raftstore
- 10:03 PM
- Clock out
- 11:22 PM
- Clock in
- Hacked on parameterizing raftstore
- 11:37 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:47 PM
- Posted util patch
- 3:29 PM
- Rebased engine-traits-more-raftstore patch
- 3:30 PM
- Rebased engine-traits-mutable patch
- 3:32 PM
- Hacked on removing Peekable from engine
- 4:11 PM
- Hacked on parameterizing raftstore
- 4:11 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:22 PM
- Reviewed compactionjobinfo pr
- 5:48 PM
- Hacked on raftstore abstraction
- Hacked on engine migration
- 7:03 PM
- Updated util patch
- Hacked on raftstore abstraction
- Hacked on engine migration
- 9:43 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:00 PM
- Hacked on compile-time-2 blog post
- 5:42 PM
- Clock in
- 6:37 PM
- Attempted to merge writebatch pr
- 6:43 PM
- Attempted to merge raftstore pr
- 6:43 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:12 PM
- Updated raftstore pr
- 8:35 PM
- Rebased engine-traits-util branch
- 8:35 PM
- Attempted to merge raftstore pr
- 8:48 PM
- Posted daily status report
- 8:50 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:40 PM
- Updated writebatch pr
- 2:47 PM
- Updated raftstore pr
- 2:57 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:52 PM
- Reviewed writebatch mutability pr
- 5:43 PM
- Reviewed rocksdb writebatch mutability pr
- 5:53 PM
- Clock out
- Responded to dad
- Responded to mom
- 6:43 PM
- Reviewed talent-plan pr
- 6:45 PM
- Closed stale talent-plan pr
- 6:51 PM
- Reviewed talent-plan pr
- 6:51 PM
- Reviewed talent-plan pr
- Reviewed talent-plan pr
- 6:59 PM
- Reviewed talent-plan pr
- 7:02 PM
- Clock out
- Updated rust-is-for-blockchain
- 10:57 PM
- Clock in
- 6:00 PM
- Attended sv meeting
- Took a pass over compile time blog
- 6:30 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:07 AM
- Reviewed eventlistener PR
- 11:33 AM
- Merged all abstraction outstanding branches into a new branch
- 12:07 PM
- Hacked on raftstore engine conversion
- Hacked on removing types from engine crate
- 3:25 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:30 PM
- Attended storage mtg
- 7:47 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:35 AM
- Updated writebatch pr
- Updated raftstore pr
- Hacked on more engine abstraction
- 1:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:33 PM
- Pushed fixes to raftstore pr
- 5:48 PM
- Posted daily report
- 5:54 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:00 PM
- Hacked on blog draft
- Hacked on writebatch abstraction
- Attended r2d2 monthly
- 7:40 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:25 AM
- Posted PR to convert much of raftstore to engine traits
- 3:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:00 PM
- Chatted w/ jinpeng
- Chatted w/ overvenus
- 8:25 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:00 AM
- Created new EC2 instance for tikv hacking
- Created scripts for setting up my Linux environment
- 10:53 AM
- Merged writebatch patch with master
- Set up new beastdb build environment
- 11:20 AM
- Hacked on beastdb
- Hacked on writebatch patch
- 3:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:30 PM
- Chatted w/ queeny
- 4:52 PM
- Hacked on writebatch patch
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:57 PM
- Hacked on writebatch patch
- Approved MetricsFlusher PR
- 7:16 PM
- Posted daily work
- Chatted w/ Queeny
- Chatted w/ Liu about beastdb
- Hacked on writebatch patch
- 7:49 PM
- Posted WriteBatch abstraction patch
- 8:28 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:00 PM
- Attended SV all-hands
- Chatted w/ tangliu re beastdb and tiup
- Rebased writebatch patch again
- Hacked on writebatch abstraction
- 7:22 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:00 PM
- Rebased writebatch abstraction patch
- 1:51 PM
- Continued hacking on writebatch abstraction
- 3:17 PM
- Posted weekly status report
- Posted weekly work report
- Posted weekly todos
- 3:30 PM
- Continued hacking on writebatch abstraction
- 3:58 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:30 PM
- Attended storage team meeting
- 7:50 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:07 PM
- Attended GC compaction filter meeting
- Merged fail-rs clippy patch
- 8:27 PM
- Reviewed MetricsFlusher patch
- 9:00 PM
- Updated engine abstraction master issue
- 9:00 PM
- Updated tablepropertiescollection pr
- 9:51 PM
- Chatted with hicq about engine abstraction
- 10:01 PM
- Rebased writebatch patch
- 10:02 PM
- Posted daily log
- 10:04 PM
- Clock out
- Updated bloop dependencies
- Clock in
- 8:58 PM
- Chatted with hicq about engine abstraction
- 9:09 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:00 PM
- Attended NA meeting
- Chatted wi yiwu about encryption extensions
- 6:05 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:59 PM
- Updated tableproperties pr
- 8:19 PM
- Pushed fix to fail-rs clippy PR
- 8:46 PM
- Begin rebasing writebatch patch
- 8:48 PM
- Posted daily report
- Clock out
- Clock in (personal)
- 9:00 AM
- Hacked on bloop
- Clock in
- 6:00 PM
- Posted weekly todos
- Rebased writebatch patch
- Attempted to merge rust-rocksdb upgrade
- 6:37 PM
- Filed fail-rs CI
- 6:59 PM
- Reviewed fail-rs patch
- 7:06 PM
- Posted tableprops patch
- 8:44 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in (personal)
- 12:26 PM
- Hacked on bloop
- Wrote a little story
- 3:00 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in
- 1:00 PM
- Attended performance review
- 2:01 PM
- Clock out
- Ordered respirators for issa
- 3:03 PM
- Clock in
- 8:30 PM
- Added status reporting to blog
- Posted status report
- 10:54 PM
- Clock out
- Updated personal website css again
- Clock in
- 3:50 PM
- Begin rebasing writebatch abstraction patch
- Added atom feed to personal website
- 4:47 PM
- Attempted to merge rust-rocksdb upgrade
- 4:54 PM
- Continued rebasing writebatch
- 5:53 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:50 PM
- Attempted to merge rust-rocksdb upgade
- Continued rebasing tableprops patch
- 8:14 PM
- Clock out
- Chatted w/ Queeny
- Updated personal website
- Signed up for instagram
- Clock in
- 9:30 AM
- Attended engine team mtg
- 9:50 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:00 AM
- Re-ran ci for rocksdb upgrade
- 11:19 AM
- Requested re-review of engine_panic
- 11:33 AM
- Updated website CSS
- Began rebasing writebatch patch
- 1:57 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:06 PM
- Merged engine_panic
- 3:25 PM
- Clock out
- Updated resume CSS
- 5:29 PM
- Updated personal site css
- 7:10 PM
- Hacked on personal site css
- 11:09 PM
- Clock in
- 3:59 PM
- Reviewed nrc’s tikv error handling pr
- 5:19 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:03 PM
- Posted tikv weekly todos
- 6:05 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:30 AM
- Replied to June re whatever yo
- 10:30 AM
- Posted weekly report
- Hacked on writebatch abstraction
- Continued working through software foundations
- 12:47 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:49 AM
- Hacked on engine-traits-writebatch
- 11:43 AM
- Updated rust-rocksdb patch
- 11:51 AM
- Continued hacking on ‘unwrap’ docs
- 12:25 PM
- Posted new “unwrap” docs
- 1:11 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:00 PM
- Hacked on engine-traits-writebatch
- Hacked on std docs
- 5:23 PM
- Updated engine_panic pr
- 6:00 PM
- Clock out
- Updated my-rust-lists
- 11:34 PM
- Chatted w/ June
- 12:24 PM
- Submittid rib to r/cryptotechnology
- 12:58 PM
- Continued trying to build rust API docs
- Clock in
- 5:43 PM
- Hacked on beastdb
- Hacked on writebatch abstraction
- 7:46 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:53 PM
- Hacked on writebatch abstraction
- 10:19 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:20 AM
- Attended na meeting
- Updated rust-anthology
- 8:48 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:40 AM
- Triaged todos
- 10:52 AM
- Rebased rust-rocksdb rc tableprops patch
- 11:113 AM
- Posted rust unwrap doc patch
- 12:35 PM
- Hacked on writebatch abstraction
- 1:20 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:07 PM
- Chatted about the storage engine team
- 3:19 PM
- Hacked on writebatch abstraction
- 5:58 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on rib
- Updated basic-http-server
- 11:09 PM
- Updated rust-anthology
- 12:36 AM
- Updated writings
- 12:42 AM
- Added todos to basic-http-server
- Cleared out some inbox items
- Merged rib pr
- 6:16 PM
- Clock in
- 9:30 AM
- Attended engineering meeting
- Chatted about tiflash
- 10:37 AM
- Clock out
- Hacked on “aimee learns rust”
- Clock in
- 6:58 PM
- Posted weekly todos
- 7:11 PM
- Hacked on abstracting writebatch
- 9:30 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:50 PM
- Approved calamity for
- 8:01 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:13 PM
- Hacked on calamity draft
- 2:27 PM
- Commented on Rust GC
- 3:17 PM
- 3:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:38 AM
- Send final timing graph to calvin
- 11:41 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on table properties tests
- 12:20 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:32 AM
- Began running table property tests under valgrind
- 10:40 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:03 PM
- Posted PR to add reference-counted TablePropertiesCollection bindings to rust-rocksdb
- 1:29 PM
- Hacked on WriteBatch abstraction
- 4:13 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:03 AM
- Continued timing bisection
- 11:05 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:52 PM
- Fixed maptime bisect skip
- 10:56 PM
- Hacked on rc table properties tests
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:25 PM
- Ran more timing bisection
- 1:28 PM
- Hacked on maptime
- 1:56 PM
- Rewrote more table_properties code
- 2:21 PM
- Ran more timing bisection
- 2:24 PM
- Hacked on table_properties abstraction
- Ran more timing bisection
- 3:14 PM
- Clock out
- Helped Aimee w/ ribbot
- Clock in
- 4:54 PM
- Hacked on table_properties abstraction
- 5:12 PM
- Hacked on maptime bisection
- 5:18 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:00 PM
- Hacked on table_properties
- 10:39 PM
- Rebased table_properties
- 11:51 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:40 PM
- Ran more timing bisection
- 8:47 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:00 AM
- Ran more timing bisection
- 11:15 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:45 PM
- Ran more timing bisection
- 9:56 PM
- Clock out
- 12:23 PM
- Sent final draft of calamity to Calvin
- 1:13 PM
- Continued hacking on calamity
- 1:38 PM
- Emailed the author of sccache
- 1:40 PM
- Commented on TableProperties
- 1:51 PM
- Continued hacking on RC TableProperties bindings
- 3:06 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:59 PM
- Continued bisecting commit timings
- 10:03 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:45 AM
- Checked on new tikv timing run
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:25 PM
- Added more options to maptime
- 3:32 PM
- Hacked on RC TableProperties
- 4:13 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:50 PM
- Hacked on RC TableProperties
- 7:13 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:00 PM
- Posted tikv build time graph
- 9:37 PM
- Started bisecting build times
- 9:42 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:09 AM
- Pushed recent changes to compile time blog
- 9:22 AM
- Attended meeting w/ Liu
- 9:45 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:00 AM
- Resumed bisection attempts
- Updated personal website
- 12:42 PM
- Wrote more RC TableProperties code
- 12:45 PM
- Hacked on maptime bisection
- 2:06 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:01 PM
- Restarted tikv timing tests
- 10:13 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:53 PM
- Hacked on maptime bisection
- 9:17 PM
- Started bisecting tikv compile times
- 10:35 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:49 PM
- Began adding new reference-counted TablePropertiesCollection abstraction to rust-rocksdb
- Hacked on calamity draft
- 1:13 PM
- Hacked on reference-counted TablePropertiesCollection abstraction
- 2:19 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:00 PM
- Hacked on TablePropertiesCollection abstraction
- 3:17 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:17 PM
- Hacked on TablePropertiesCollection abstraction
- 5:46 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:25 PM
- Hacked on TablePropertiesCollection abstraction
- 6:29 PM
- Filled out status report
- 6:35 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:14 PM
- Hacked on TablePropertiesCollection abstraction
- 3:03 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:00 PM
- Hacked on beastdb
- 2:30 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:43 PM
- Re-review space-saver PR
- 2:56 PM
- Posted weekly update
- 3:18 PM
- Submitted material for my poem
- 4:25 PM
- Attended all-hands
- Rehearsed white snake
- 10:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:12 PM
- Continued trying to build early rust commits
- 12:50 PM
- Hacked on maptime bisection
- Rebased TableProperties patch
- 5:42 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:00 PM
- Hacked on calamity
- Tried timing old builds of rust
- Pinged Ted about distributed rust builds
- 2:29 PM
- Created Rust moon landing image
- 4:13 PM
- Hacked on adding bisection to maptime
- 4:46 PM
- 5:07 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:28 PM
- Practiced for musical
- Pracited poetry
- 10:21 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:00 AM
- Spent way too much time getting gnuplot to display hypertext
- 3:57 PM
- Submitted 2019 performance review
- 5:41 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:22 PM
- Collected line counts for servo
- 1:35 PM
- Hacked on calamity draft
- 5:10 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:10 AM
- Submitted weekly report
- 12:17 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:24 AM
- Collected LOC for rust/servo
- Hacked on beastdb
- 2:59 PM
- Posted engine abstraction tracking issue
- 3:08 PM
- Closed old engine abstraction issue
- 3:09 PM
- Posted engine abstraction status update
- Posted engine abstraction stuff to #engine-sig and WeChat
- 3:26 PM
- Launched new EC2 instance for old rustc build timings
- Attempted to build first Rust commit
- 3:54 PM
- Added tikv-ctl to beastdb
- 4:21 PM
- Completed timing build of Rust initial commit
- 4:33 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:48 PM
- Hacked on calamity
- Published basic-http-server 0.8.1
- 4:01 PM
- 5:58 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:00 PM
- Updated snapshot abstraction patch again
- 5:04 PM
- Merged snapshot abstraction patch
- 5:28 PM
- Rebased engine_panic patch
- Posted engine_panic PR
- 5:49 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:59 PM
- Hacked on beastdb
- Re-reviewed space-reserving PR
- 2:03 PM
- Collected total lines of code for TiKV for blog
- 4:13 PM
- Hacked on beastdb
- Began draft of “making a monster”
- 4:19 PM
- Resolved merge conflicts an snapshot pr
- 4:29 PM
- Clock out
- Emailed re Rust at Reddit
- 5:32 PM
- Clock in
- 9:57 AM
- Rebased engine_panic patch
- 10:12 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:27 AM
- Attended engine team mtg
- Hacked on beastdb
- 7:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:40 AM
- Hacked on beastdb
- 4:21 PM
- Clock in
- 12:13 PM
- Hacked on beast
- 4:14 PM
- Made beast public
- Reviewed disk space recovery PR
- 6:32 PM
- Updated snapshot abstraction pr
- Updated weekly report
- 6:47 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:59 PM
- Hacked on beast
- 10:07 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:24 AM
- Chatted about RustCon.Asia
- 12:34 PM
- Hacked on compile-time blog post
- Commented on Rust trademark policy
- 2:59 PM
- Hacked on compile-time blog post
- 4:40 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on compile-time blog post
- Clock in
- 2:00 PM
- Reviewed engine iterator update
- 3:52 PM
- Reviewed talent-plan fix
- Reviewed talent-plan fix
- 4:04 PM
- Hacked on compile-time blog post
- 6:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:41 PM
- Clock in
- 8:00 PM
- Filled in weekly report
- 8:13 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:00 PM
- Filed bug about panic=abort
- 2:23 PM
- Posted PR to turn on panic=unwind
- 2:31 PM
- Posted benchmarks for panic=unwind
- 3:26 PM
- Hacked on calamity draft
- Posted bug about rust-dev list remaining open
- 6:38 PM
- Hacked on calamity draft
- 8:41 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:04 PM
- Hacked on dispatch-test for calamity draft
- 9:19 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:50 PM
- Hacked on dispatch-test
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:01 PM
- Clock in
- 9:28 PM
- Posted weekly report
- 9:38 PM
- Posted engine abstraction todos
- 9:38 PM
- Wrote readme for “The Beijing Beast”
- 10:13 PM
- Clock out
- Spent forever debugging wireguard configuration
- 4:36 PM
- Clock in
- 11:00 AM
- Reviewed nrc’s style guide
- Posted style guide patch
- Posted style guide review
- 1:57 PM
- Clock out
- Practiced coq
- 5:19 PM
- Clock in
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on panic_engine
- 12:55 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:35 AM
- Hacked on panic_engine
- 12:20 PM
- Reviewed nrc’s style guide
- 6:30 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:45 PM
- Reviewed nrc’s style guide
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on Chinese cheat sheet
- Clock in
- 11:31 AM
- Merged engine_traits crate docs
- Reopened bot-closed engine_traits PR
- Hacked on ingest_external_file_cf PR
- 2:03 PM
- Hacked on TableProperties abstraction
- Hacked on engine_panic
- Merged more snapshot abstraction
- 6:42 PM
- Posted PR for more snapshot abstraction
- Posted PR for ingest_external_file_optimized
- 7:01 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:30 PM
- Hacked on panic_engine
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:43 PM
- Finished review for Calvin
- 7:05 PM
- Clock out
- Commented on rustup command removal
- 10:04 PM
- Clock in
- 11:44 AM
- Responded to a review
- 5:15 PM
- Updated docs PR
- 5:15 PM
- Updated snapshot PR
- 5:21 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:07 PM
- Filed issue about ingest_external_file_optimized
- 3:35 PM
- Updated snapshot PR
- 4:06 PM
- Started hacking on engine_traits refactor
- 5:06 PM
- Hacked on compilation model calamity
- 5:24 PM
- Updated maptime catch-up function
- 5:45 PM
- Began re-running compile-time benchmarks
- 5:45 PM
- Reviewed makefile PR
- 5:52 PM
- Clock in (personal)
- 9:19 AM
- Hacked on parade
- 9:44 AM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in
- 10:01 AM
- Filed issue about typaram equality
- 10:17 AM
- Attended engine status update mtg
- 10:47 AM
- Attended 1:1 w/ Jinping
- 11:47 AM
- Clock in
- 2:43 PM
- Posted memory leak patch
- 3:01 PM
- Filed JIRA issue for memory leak
- 3:02 PM
- Hacked on engine abstraction call for participation
- Filed PR to update engine_traits docs
- 4:31 PM
- Filed JIRA issue for engine_traits docs
- 4:33 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:12 PM
- Filed PR to parameterize tikv over snapshot
- 8:48 PM
- Filed JIRA issue for snapshot parameterization
- 8:51 PM
- Updated engine abstraction tracking issue OP
- 8:57 PM
- Posted engine abstraction status report
- 9:31 PM
- Posted engine todos
- 9:49 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:03 AM
- Posted weekly update
- 11:18 AM
- Hacked on snapshot abstraction
- Reviewed tests feature fixes
- 4:00 PM
- Hacked on snapshot abstraction
- Experimented with test features
- 5:01 PM
- 5:34 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:26 AM
- Hacked on blocksy
- Reviewed sorted Cargo.tomls
- 2:27 PM
- Hacked on snapshot generics pull-up
- Looked for memory leaks in tikv
- 5:36 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:08 AM
- Updated rocksdb clippy PR
- Fixed memory leak in Titan bindings
- 10:52 AM
- Filed JIRA bug for titan leak
- 10:53 AM
- Commented on broken short backtraces
- 1:32 PM
- Reported panic=abort + backtrace findings to breeswish
- 3:45 PM
- Hacked on TableProperties abstraction
- Hunted for tikv memory leaks
- 5:29 PM
- 6:20 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:00 AM
- Attended NA mtg
- 9:20 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:41 AM
- Posted PR to fix rocksdb clippy issues
- 4:02 PM
- Filed JIRA bug for rocksdb clippy
- 4:04 PM
- Ran tikv under valgrind
- Investigated backtraces with panic=unwind for breeswish
- 6:34 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:42 AM
- Rebased snapshot patch
- 2:04 PM
- Hacked on snapshot pull-up
- 6:05 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in (personal)
- 6:30 AM
- Hacked on moment
- 11:24 AM
- Clock out (personal)
- Hacked on moment
- 5:15 PM
- Clock in
- 1:28 PM
- Fixed merge conflicts in iolimiter patch
- 1:44 PM
- Hacked on snapshot abstraction
- 2:46 PM
- Filed bug about timing-dependent test
- 3:15 PM
- Hacked on snapshot abstraction
- 4:02 PM
- Filed snapshot abstraction PR
- 4:58 PM
- Closed bitrotted storage_types PR
- 5:00 PM
- Reviewed regioniterator pr
- 5:19 PM
- Filed status report
- Clock out
- 5:23 PM
- Clock in
- 6:00 PM
- Attended mtg w/ Ana
- 6:38 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on moment
- 9:07 PM
- Clock in
- 5:10 PM
- Filed JIRA issues
- 5:17 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:18 AM
- Resolved conflicts in IOLimiter patch
- 11:04 AM
- Responded to abstraction patch
- 11:43 AM
- Hacked on snapshot abstraction
- 12:37 PM
- 1:18 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:30 PM
- Hacked on snapshot abstraction
- 4:07 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:11 PM
- Clock in
- 4:30 PM
- Hacked on snapshot migration
- Attended NA meeting
- Hacked on snapshot migration
- 11:14 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:10 PM
- Hacked on Peekable abstraction
- 6:57 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:50 PM
- Posted engine status report
- Posted engine todos
- 8:58 PM
- Merged master into IOLimiter PR
- Merged master into abstraction PR
- 8:59 PM
- Attended engine team meeting
- 9:56 PM
- Clock out
- Commented about basic-http-server
- 7:33 AM
- Commented on orbtk
- 8:11 AM
- Clock in (personal)
- 4:00 PM
- Hacked an basic-http-server
- 8:50 PM
- Published basic-http-server 0.8
- 11:27 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:25 AM
- Documented engine_traits
- 11:45 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:05 PM
- Filed PR for more engine abstraction
- Commented on engine abstraction
- 4:26 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:06 PM
- Reviewed nrc’s style guide
- 7:00 PM
- Clock out
- Posted basic-http-server 0.7 to /r/rust
- 7:30 PM
- Clock in
- 8:00 PM
- Attended NA all hands
- 9:31 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:36 PM
- Hacked on snapshot abstraction
- Hacked on basic-http-server
- 2:42 PM
- Hacked on snapshot abstraction
- Hacked on F* tutorial
- 3:47 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:30 PM
- Hacked on snapshot abstraction
- Hacked on F* tutorial
- 6:55 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:36 PM
- Hacked on snapshot abstraction
- 2:10 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in (personal)
- 5:00 PM
- Hacked on basic-http-server async/await
- 10:39 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in
- 5:38 PM
- Posted engine conversion pr
- 6:01 PM
- Updated IOLimiter patch
- 7:19 PM
- Hacked on snapshot abstraction
- 8:12 PM
- Clock out
- Submitted next week todos
- 1:15 PM
- Merge talent-plan pr
- 3:26 PM
- Clock in (personal)
- 2:34 PM
- Merged ferris-fencing PR
- 4:17 PM
- Replied re ferris-fencing
- 4:20 PM
- Hacked on rust-in-china slides
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in
- 4:49 PM
- Reviewed prometheus procinfo patch
- 5:11 PM
- Filed weekly report
- 5:19 PM
- Rebased IOLimiter patch
- 5:27 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:06 PM
- Updated sst abstraction trait
- 1:27 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:00 PM
- Responded to zhang jinpeng about next steps in engine abstraction
- 4:20 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in (personal)
- 3:25 PM
- Created rust-in-china repo
- 5:39 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in
- 5:40 PM
- Closed westmere pr
- 5:57 PM
- Posted PR to abstract IOLimiter
- 5:58 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in (personal)
- 5:59 PM
- Commented on rust blockchain users
- 6:14 PM
- Outlined some rust-in-china
- 7:24 PM
- Hacked on rust-in-blockchain
- 10:00 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in
- 7:11 AM
- Filed PR to update rust-rocksdb
- 7:22 AM
- Merged sst patch with master
- 7:29 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:41 PM
- Hacked on IOLimiter engine-traits
- 2:27 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:00 PM
- Hacked on IOLimiter engine-traits
- 5:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:00 PM
- Hacked on IOLimiter engine-traits
- Hacked on Iterable engine_traits
- 9:55 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in (personal)
- 8:10 AM
- Hacked on bloop
- 4:00 PM
- Clock out (personal)
- Clock in
- 9:27 PM
- Filled out todo page
- 9:28 PM
- Attended engine team meeting
- 9:59 PM
- Chatted w/ jinpeng and siddon
- 10:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:49 AM
- Hacked on sst abstraction
- Filled out weekly report
- 9:42 AM
- Filed rust-rocksdb RC-based SST iterator
- 10:04 AM
- Filed SST abstraction
- 11:40 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:00 AM
- Hacked on sst abstraction
- 11:30 AM
- Clock out
- Merged ferris-fencing patch
- 8:14 AM
- Clock in
- 9:00 AM
- Hacked on sst abstraction
- 9:31 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:52 PM
- Hacked on generic sst_importer
- 1:07 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:00 PM
- Hacked on generic sst_importer
- 3:09 PM
- Attended 1:1 w/ Ana
- 3:34 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:24 AM
- Commented on engine_traits
- 7:24 AM
- Hacked on generic sst_importer
- 9:51 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:00 PM
- Attended NA meeting
- 5:30 PM
- Addressed pr comments
- 6:09 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on rust-vm slides
- 12:44 PM
- Clock in
- 11:50 AM
- Repoened westmere pr
- 12:17 PM
- Rebased engine_traits cleanup
- 12:20 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on ferris-fencing
- Hacked on rust-vm slides
- 11:59 PM
- Clock in
- 9:50 AM
- Updated sst_importer PR
- 10:01 AM
- Hacked on engine_traits cleanup
- 11:55 AM
- Closed stale westmere pr to make room for new prs
- 3:02 PM
- Posted engine_traits cleanup PR
- 3:02 PM
- Merged sst_importer abstraction
- 5:52 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:56 AM
- Rebased and rustformatted sst_importer
- 10:04 AM
- Updated storage_types PR
- 10:35 AM
- Updated engine team todo list
- 10:47 AM
- Updated sst_importer PR
- 3:26 PM
- Clock in
- 8:30 AM
- Attended mtg w/ Ana
- 9:00 AM
- Filed status report
- 9:26 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:31 AM
- Reworked sst_importer engine abstraction
- 2:18 PM
- Clock out
- 10:45 AM
- Debugged ckb-vm
- 11:39 AM
- Clock in
- 11:23 AM
- Updated engine todos
- 11:31 AM
- Hacked on sst_importer engine abstraction
- 3:09 PM
- Reviewed sst_importer PR
- 4:07 PM
- Submitted ckb-vm error pr
- 5:14 PM
- 6:01 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:00 AM
- Hacked on being-rust
- 11:47 AM
- Hacked on being-rust
- Delivered being-rust talk
- 9:05 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:00 AM
- Hacked on being-rust
- 12:21 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:24 PM
- Hacked on being-rust
- 4:02 PM
- Attended dinner with talent-plan people
- 8:51 PM
- Hacked on being-rust
- 10:31 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on slide deck template
- 12:09 AM
- Clock in
- 8:00 AM
- Attended meeting with Ana
- 9:00 AM
- Filled out weekly report
- 9:16 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:54 AM
- Made bloop public
- Attended tikv mtg
- Asked chiko to change talk title
- Hacked on bloop
- 11:10 AM
- Wrote being-rust abstract
- 1:52 PM
- Booked guangzhou hotel
- 2:02 PM
- Booked flight to rustfest
- 4:28 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on slide deck template
- 11:59 PM
- Clock in
- 10:29 AM
- Began testing raftstore engine abstraction
- Filed a bug against pest
- 11:45 AM
- Hacked on slide template
- 3:00 PM
- Attempeted to make raftstore abstraction patch build
- 4:35 PM
- Hacked on engine abstraction
- 6:14 PM
- Chatted
- 7:55 PM
- Hacked on engine-abstracting sst_importer
- 8:45 PM
- Clock out
- 9:45 AM
- Hacked on bloop
- 10:44 AM
- Clock in
- 10:45 AM
- Began testing raftstore engine abstraction
- 1:49 PM
- Outlined Rust talent plan talk
- Created slide deck template
- 5:26 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on bloop
- 6:20 PM
- Clock in
- 10:20 AM
- Drafted more calamity
- Met w/ Tang Liu
- 3:00 PM
- Attended meeting with James
- 4:04 PM
- Reviewed engine abstraction pr
- 6:13 PM
- 9:06 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on bloop
- 2:25 PM
- Hacked on bloop
- 6:21 PM
- Hacked on bloop
- 12:12 AM
- Hacked on bloop
- 9:06 PM
- Clock in
- 3:30 PM
- Ran more timing tests
- 3:41 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:30 PM
- Drafted more “calamity”
- 5:58 PM
- Added fill-gaps command to maptime tool
- 6:04 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on bloop
- 11:59 PM
- Clock in
- 12:00 PM
- Pushed updates to storage_types PR
- 2:33 PM
- Synced “calamity” draft
- 2:37 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on rust-in-blockchain #4
- Edited
- Clock in
- Begin setting up wireguard
- 1:36 PM
- Continued attempting to set up wireguard
- 6:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:00 AM
- Hacked on maptime graphing
- Posted compile time graph
- 12:47 PM
- Hacked on maptime catch-up command
- 1:19 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:36 AM
- Fixed maptime environment bugs
- Collected more compile time commits
- Resumed compile time timing
- 11:59 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:36 PM
- Reviewed engine_rocks
- 2:24 PM
- Fixed another bug in maptime
- Re-ran timing tests
- 2:29 PM
- Added gnuplot support to maptime
- 5:32 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:50 AM
- Re-starting compile time timing
- 12:14 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:00 AM
- Attended OKR meeting
- Hacked on maptime
- 10:55 AM
- Published fancy_flocks
- Published atomic_blobject
- Published parse_list
- Hacked on maptime
- 5:00 PM
- Mentored a rust user
- 5:18 PM
- Collected compile-time related commits
- Began timing compile-time over time
- 6:10 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:08 AM
- Hacked on maptime
- Reviewed engine_rocks PR
- 5:04 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:00 AM
- Attended ecosystem Q3/Q4 meeting
- 9:41 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:00 PM
- Hacked on maptime
- 5:50 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:20 AM
- Hacked on raftstore extraction
- Rebased raftstore branch for storage_types crate
- Filed bug to extract storage_types
- 2:51 PM
- Posted PR to extract storage_types
- Updated dependency upgrade PR
- 3:38 PM
- Hacked on extracting raftstore
- 6:10 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:07 AM
- Chatted about rocksdb build times
- 10:25 AM
- Rebased extract-raftstore branch
- Posted PR to upgrade all deps
- 3:22 PM
- Posted PR to fix doc tests
- 4:03 PM
- Hacked on raftstore extraction
- 6:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:37 AM
- Chatted in #rust-training
- Filed training bug about project 4 benchmarks
- 11:52 AM
- Re-reviewed engine trait pr
- 11:55 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:00 AM
- Updated “calamity” draft
- 10:15 AM
- Re-reviewed engine-traits pr
- 10:53 AM
- Reviewed tmit
- 11:31 AM
- Began rebasing raftstore extraction
- Hacked on ‘calamity’ draft
- Enabled AWS hong kong region
- 12:01 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:20 PM
- Chatted various
- 11:35 PM
- Hacked on ‘calamity’
- 12:01 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:54 PM
- Updated compile time wiki with q3 improvements
- 1:57 PM
- Posted q3 compile time improvements to wechat
- 2:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:01 AM
- Created fancy_flocks repo
- 6:10 AM
- Created atomic_blobject repo
- 6:16 AM
- Created maptime repo
- 6:20 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:50 PM
- Sent carl invite to tikv-wg slack
- 12:52 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:05 PM
- Collected various links
- Chatted various
- Restarted q3 compile-time timings test
- 1:58 PM
- Posted status report
- 2:28 PM
- Incorporated more feedback into calamity draft
- 2:45 PM
- Moved “calamity” draft to
- 3:20 PM
- Re-started q3 compile time measurements yet again
- 3:36 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:01 AM
- Hacked on tool to measure compile times
- 2:25 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:50 PM
- Ran hasty script to collect q3 compile time change
- 5:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:35 AM
- Reviewed raft dep updates
- 12:38 AM
- Re-reviewed new engine abstraction PR
- 1:08 AM
- Merged raft-rs deps
- 1:08 AM
- Chatted about contributor engagement
- Signed up for awesome-rust-mentors
- 2:00 AM
- Hacked on personal website
- Merged raft PR
- 3:19 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:41 PM
- Re-reviewed unsafe code improvements
- 2:42 PM
- Attended 1:1 Ana
- 4:06 PM
- Clock out
- Approved awesome-rust-mentors additon
- 4:50 PM
- Clock in
- 10:33 AM
- Reviewed callback changes
- 11:28 AM
- Posted draft rust in china to tikv channel
- 11:39 AM
- Commented on callback references
- 12:17 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:50 PM
- Update sst_importer PR
- 6:01 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:50 PM
- Chatted various
- Reviewed raft typo fixes
- 8:10 PM
- Commented on criterion and forks
- 8:14 PM
- Reviewed raft delay PR
- 8:22 PM
- Reviewed raft test case PR
- 8:26 PM
- Sent Yanqing contact info for a contributor
- Reviewed new engine abstraction PR
- 8:56 PM
- Reviewed unsafe code patch
- 9:00 PM
- Hearted a PR
- 9:02 PM
- Sent Yanqing another contributor to recognize
- 9:05 PM
- Clock out
- Sent Aimee draft of ‘why rust?’ solicitation
- 11:40 PM
- Clock in
- Updated rustup pr
- 9:40 AM
- Chatted w/ Ana
- 10:06 AM
- Updated unused crate detection issue
- 10:23 AM
- Responded to Pratayush
- 10:28 AM
- Chatted w/ #ecosystem
- 10:41 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:27 AM
- Filed bug to extract raftstore
- 11:33 AM
- Hacked on raftstore extraction
- 4:07 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:39 PM
- Hacked on “calamity” draft
- 4:16 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:30 PM
- Sent email to Xuelian and Duan Bing about Hangzhou trip
- 5:40 PM
- Mentioned draft progress to Calvin
- 5:47 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:20 PM
- Chatted w/ Calvin
- Drafted more “calamity”
- 7:36 PM
- Clock out
- Commented about stability guarantee
- 7:46 PM
- Clock in
- Responded to rustup feedback
- 9:38 PM
- Began updating rust upgrade again
- 9:38 PM
- Closed deadlock test pr
- 9:40 PM
- Rebased rafstore extraction on top of master
- 11:56 PM
- Merged rustup PR w/ master and retested
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:11 PM
- Updated rust upgrade PR
- 1:19 PM
- Updated march PR
- Updated keys extraction PR
- 1:41 PM
- Commented on LockMgr dispatch
- 2:09 PM
- Closed old compile-time issue
- 2:11 PM
- Closed old compile-time issue
- 2:13 PM
- Commented on old hash functions
- 2:31 PM
- Commented on workspace organization
- 2:46 PM
- Responded to Arve re issues to work on
- 2:47 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:30 PM
- Reviewed unsafe PR
- 3:46 PM
- Hearted a PR
- 3:50 PM
- Re-reviewed jemalloc pr
- 3:58 PM
- Sent Yanqing 3 contributors to swag
- 4:29 PM
- Hacked on calamity draft
- 5:00 PM
- Updated weekly reports
- 5:14 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:00 PM
- Attended tikv meeting
- 8:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:57 PM
- Posted new “calamity” draft
- 11:06 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:00 PM
- Reviewed raft lint pr
- 3:01 PM
- Met w/ Ana
- 3:45 PM
- Reviewed raft pr
- 3:48 PM
- Responded to Jack about publishing rocksdb crate
- 3:59 PM
- Responded to Ed re training course
- 4:06 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:25 PM
- Re-reviewed jemalloc pr
- 3:27 PM
- Commented on engine abstraction pr
- 4:17 PM
- Encouraged a contributor
- 4:18 PM
- Responded to tangliu
- 4:18 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:43 AM
- Hacked on raftstore extraction
- 3:58 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:18 AM
- Hacked on raftstore extraction
- 9:00 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:50 PM
- Updated rust update pr for review
- 4:01 PM
- Updated rust update pr for review
- 6:01 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:25 PM
- Chatted about clippy bummers
- Opened deadlock unit test pr
- 9:55 PM
- Posted -march benchmark results
- 10:00 PM
- Rebased raftstore extraction
- 10:24 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on raftstore extraction
- 12:24 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:57 PM
- Hacked on importer extraction
- 3:03 PM
- Hacked on raftstore extraction
- Hacked on deadlock detector tests
- 3:16 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:30 PM
- Hacked on raftstore extraction
- Hacked on deadlock detector tests
- 4:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:45 PM
- Hacked on raftstore extraction
- Hacked on deadlock detector tests
- 6:24 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:11 PM
- Mentioned cargo-udeps to tikv team
- Posted sst_importer extraction PR
- 8:39 PM
- Began experimenting with cargo-udeps
- 8:44 PM
- Thanked est31 for cargo-udeps
- Thanked est31 for cargo-udeps
- 8:45 PM
- Closed sst_importer PR
- 8:52 PM
- Posted PR to extract keys crate
- 10:11 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:00 PM
- Began re-running march=westmere benchmarks
- 6:20 PM
- Hacked on training project 5
- 7:39 PM
- Updated status report
- 7:44 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:24 PM
- Chatted with tangminghua
- Attended tikv meeting
- Commented on rust-wasi license
- 7:23 PM
- Commented on rust runtime exception
- 7:29 PM
- Chatted w/ Calvin re “calamity” draft
- 7:41 PM
- Hacked on extracting raftstore
- Revived patch to extract sst_importer
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:20 AM
- Hacked on training plan part 5
- 12:58 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:53 PM
- Hacked on training plan part 5
- 6:23 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:20 PM
- Reviewed dep updates
- 9:29 PM
- Chatted in #rust-training
- Responded to Stjepan re crossbeam-skiplist
- 9:41 PM
- Commented on rust upgrade
- 9:48 PM
- Commented on march patch
- 10:04 PM
- Asked zhouqiang-cl how to find CI os/gcc versions
- 10:15 PM
- Asked about KVM fix
- 10:27 PM
- Updated -march patch for old builders
- 10:51 PM
- Re-reviewed jemalloc patch
- 11:06 PM
- Hacked on deadlock unit tests
- Hacked on rust upgrade
- Updated rust upgrade pr
- 11:12 PM
- Filed rust bug re redundant_semicolon lint
- 11:41 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:00 PM
- Attended NA team meeting
- 8:35 PM
- Clock out
- Updated bloop dependencies
- Added rst todo to basic-http-server
- 5:24 PM
- Clock in
- 1:30 PM
- Attended tokio-tracing talk
- Took notes on tokio tracing
- 2:27 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:52 PM
- Posted rustconf tokio-trace notes
- 10:56 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- Attended enterprise rust unconference
- Attended lunch w/ Carl
- 2:27 PM
- Reported about lunch w/ Carl
- 2:32 PM
- Merged kvproto pr
- 3:31 PM
- Merged talent-plan patch
- 3:40 PM
- Merged talent-plan patch
- 3:41 PM
- Merged home patch
- 3:47 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:35 PM
- Reviewed jemalloc PR
- 4:41 PM
- Reviewed protobuf-build patch
- 4:45 PM
- Commented on debuginfo compression
- 4:47 PM
- Commented on rustup
- 4:50 PM
- Merged talent-plan PR
- 4:58 PM
- Merged talent-plan PR
- 5:00 PM
- Attended 1:1 w/ Ana
- 5:53 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:09 AM
- Hacked on process scheduler + deadlock unit tests
- 1:14 PM
- Hacked on process scheduler + deadlock unit tests
- 3:21 PM
- Hacked on process scheduler + deadlock unit tests
- Hacked on engine abstraction
- 4:50 PM
- Hacked on engine abstraction
- Chatted w/ tangminghua re engine abstraction
- 6:05 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:10 PM
- Chatted w/ Liu
- 9:05 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:10 PM
- Edited “rust in blockchain” rustfest cfp
- Submitted “rust in china” rustfest cfp
- Submitted “the tikv compile time saga” rustfest cfp
- 4:02 PM
- Reviewed jemalloc fix
- 4:32 PM
- Attended NA meeting
- 5:51 PM
- Commented on async I/O
- 6:18 PM
- Began reading tangminghua’s engine abstraction patch
- Commented on engine abstraction
- 7:51 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:35 AM
- Attended NA team building escape room and lunch
- 2:11 PM
- Brainstormed w/ Jacob re showcase ideas
- 5:25 PM
- Chatted w/ Shen Li
- 6:16 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:55 AM
- Hacked on adding test cases to process scheduler
- Attended team lunch
- 1:56 PM
- Hacked on adding test cases to process scheduler
- Turned on travis for home crate
- 2:19 PM
- Hacked on adding test cases to process scheduler
- 3:23 PM
- Attended NA team meeting
- 6:05 PM
- Clock out
- Met w/ Kevin re podcast
- Clock in
- 3:38 PM
- Attended 1:1 w/ Ana
- 4:41 PM
- Posted PR to fix a type name
- 5:06 PM
- Hacked on adding test cases to process scheduler
- 5:37 PM
- Hacked on adding test cases to process scheduler
- Gave “calamity” draft to calvin
- 7:35 PM
- Hacked on adding test cases to process scheduler
- 8:38 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:56 AM
- Hearted coprocessor dag extraction pr
- 12:06 PM
- Hacked on import extraction
- Submitted q’s for pingcap na q&a
- 12:53 PM
- Hacked on import extraction
- 1:06 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:03 PM
- Finished extracting import crate
- 3:14 PM
- Rebased rust upgrade
- 3:25 PM
- 4:25 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:15 PM
- Pushed new rust upgrade merge
- 8:24 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:05 PM
- Began testing rustup to nightly-2019-08-12
- Submited PR to fix ‘boostrap’ typo
- Hacked on module extraction
- 4:18 PM
- Closed stale maybe_clone PR
- 4:30 PM
- Submitted PR to rustup to nightly-2019-08-12
- 4:31 PM
- Hacked on extracting import crate
- 6:22 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:49 PM
- Hacked on extracting import crate
- 7:27 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:00 AM
- Chatted w/ Shen Li, Queeny, Ed
- Triaged worklog
- 11:45 AM
- Filed bug re -Z self-profile
- 11:52 AM
- Filed bug re -Z share-generics
- Filed bug to create unused crate detection tool
- 11:54 AM
- Performed more home crate maintenance
- 12:10 PM
- Went to team lunch
- Responded to Graydon
- Hacked on “calamity” draft
- 3:29 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:17 PM
- Hacked on “calamity” draft
- 4:55 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:55 PM
- Attended tikv mtg
- 7:54 PM
- Clock out
- Investigated RustConf sponsors and finances
- 8:19 PM
- Clock in
- 2:00 PM
- Finished testing dev profile line numbers
- 2:18 PM
- Configured custom debug toolchain
- 2:21 PM
- Filed PR to fix rustc help text
- 2:54 PM
- Attended 1:1 Ana
- 3:49 PM
- Hacked on “calamity” draft
- Built tikv with -Z binary-dep-depinfo
- 4:25 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:02 PM
- Hacked on “calamity” draft
- 5:30 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:04 PM
- Commented on clippy unused crate reporting
- 2:16 PM
- Commented in #dev-tools about unused crate analysis
- 2:19 PM
- Merged
PR - 2:45 PM
- Released
0.4.1 - 3:05 PM
- Hacked on
for compile-time tool - 3:48 PM
- Commented on rustup home PR
- 3:54 PM
- Commented about home crate
- 3:56 PM
- Clock out
- Commented on PingCAP Rust deployment
- 5:14 PM
- Noted more Rust adopters on Reddit
- 5:46 PM
- Clock in
- 5:47 PM
- Posted PR to turn on line numbers for dev profile
- 6:25 PM
- Closed fixed librssl issue
- 6:33 PM
- Commented on Rust licensing
- 7:34 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:59 PM
- Responded to Dom re rustconf plans
- Responded to Aaron
- 10:14 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:25 AM
- Commented on Arc::clone
- 9:29 AM
- Filed JIRA issue to write compile-time measuring tool
- 9:39 AM
- Book RustConf travel for a friend
- 12:05 PM
- Chatted w/ various about travel
- Chatted w/ nrc about Rust core team
- 2:48 PM
- Hacked on compile-time measurement tool
- 2:49 PM
- Emailed graydon re
- Hacked on compile-time measurement tool
- 3:24 PM
- Hacked on compile-time measurement tool
- Attended global team meeting
- 5:52 PM
- 6:30 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:49 PM
- Chatted w/ siddon re detecting unused crates
- 8:53 PM
- Asked on #dev-tools about detecting unused crates
- 9:00 PM
- Began building rustc with debug!
- 10:17 PM
- Filed issue for clippy unused crate lint
- 10:37 PM
- Clock out
- PNA Rust on HN again
- 11:15 PM
- Filed bug about Rust COPYRIGHT file
- 3:28 AM
- Filed bug about compiler-builtins license
- 4:00 AM
- Filed bug about libm license
- 4:08 AM
- Filed more Rust licensing bugs
- Drafted “rust licensing fiasco”
- 6:19 AM
- Created rust-plus org
- 11:59 PM
- Clock in
- 3:00 PM
- Attended 1:1 w/ Ana
- 3:42 PM
- Began stracing march patch
- 4:06 PM
- Posted update about march patch re rocksdb
- 4:54 PM
- Submitted -march PR
- 5:32 PM
- Closed stale jemalloc patch
- 5:38 PM
- Updated rustup patch to regenerate dockerfile
- 5:47 PM
- Updated rustup patch for clippy
- 6:56 PM
- Attended tikv team meeting
- 8:00 PM
- Updated rustup patch for clippy some more
- 8:11 PM
- Clock out
- 7:30 AM
- Hacked on basic-http-server
- Published 0.6.3 of basic-http-server
- 9:31 AM
- Closed basic-http-server URL escaping issue
- 9:43 AM
- Clock in
- 10:28 AM
- Reviewed logging pr
- Merged logging pr
- 10:28 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:12 PM
- Hacked on march patch and testing
- 2:08 PM
- Hacked on personal website
- 2:16 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:22 PM
- Edited webinar blog post
- 4:53 PM
- Chatted w/ Samantha
- 5:01 PM
- Attended global team meeting
- 5:44 PM
- Clock out
- Posted RIB call for contribution to TWiR call for participation
- 6:04 PM
- Clock in
- Bought RustConf tickets
- 2:32 PM
- Scheduled more fall travel
- 3:04 PM
- Added more Rust blockchain companies to my list
- 3:04 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:30 PM
- Booked more travel arrangements
- Filed URL-escaping basic-http-server bug
- 4:48 PM
- Posted PR to rust in blockchain call for contributors
- 5:38 PM
- Clock in
- 1:30 PM
- Drafted “calamity”
- 3:09 PM
- Clock out
- Continued drafting “reality is not what you expect”
- 4:49 PM
- Clock in
- 4:50 PM
- Continued drafting “calamity”
- 6:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:00 AM
- Drafted “calamity”
- 12:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:45 AM
- Brainstormed about “calamity”
- 10:30 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:58 AM
- Hacked on “calamity”
- 11:46 AM
- Clock out
- Hacked on personal website
- 10:12 AM
- Clock in
- 11:20 AM
- Reviewed rocks libz patch
- 11:27 AM
- Continued testing march updates
- 11:32 AM
- [Continued testing toolchain upgrade](
- 11:32 AM
- Filled out meeting availability
- 12:11 AM
- Chatted w/ tangminghua re engine abstraction
- 12:27 PM
- Filed bug to investigate pathalogical compile-time cases
- 12:33 PM
- Commented on pipelining bug
- 12:33 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:33 PM
- [Continued testing toolchain upgrade](
- Hacked on “The Rust Compilation Model Calamity”
- 2:27 PM
- Hacked on “The Rust Compilation Model Calamity”
- 5:42 PM
- Wrote status report
- 5:50 PM
- Submitted PR to upgrade toolchain for pipelining fix
- 6:03 PM
- Chatted about reporting w/ ecosystem team
- Collected march testing reports for analysis
- Attended tikv team meeting
- Gave CaitenChen suggestions about HN content
- 8:15 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:54 AM
- Mentioned to spacejam that tikv is going to integrate sled
- 12:24 PM
- Reviewed client-rust dep fixes
- 12:34 PM
- Merged client-rust fixes
- 12:37 PM
- Re-registered for tikv slack with pingcap email
- 12:56 PM
- Pinged HeroicKatora re pathological compile time problems
- 1:05 PM
- Filed pipelining rlib bug
- 1:11 PM
- Began upgrading toolchain for pipelining
- 1:24 PM
- Filed basic-http-server anchor issue
- 1:28 PM
- Filed PR against rustup to link to rustup-components-history
- 1:38 PM
- Chatted w/ Jane re Rust/Blockchain promotion
- 2:08 PM
- Commented on pipelining bug
- 2:08 PM
- Began testing march patches
- 3:30 PM
- Clock out
- 5:30 PM
- Hacked on personal website
- 6:18 PM
- Clock in
- 6:23 PM
- Upvoted “PNA Rust” HN post
- 6:23 PM
- Commented in #rust-training
- 7:06 PM
- Chatted with tangminghua re engine abstraction
- 7:37 PM
- Chatted various
- 8:30 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:42 AM
- Chatted w/ tangminghua re engine abstraction
- 10:48 PM
- Partially triaged slack
- Started build of -march patch
- 11:04 PM
- Collected DB-related papers
- 2:07 PM
- Chatted about fall conf / china schedule
- 2:08 PM
- Merged website fix
- 2:15 PM
- Hacked on personal website
- Finished benchmarking release+incremental runtime
- Helped Samantha w/ blog post draft
- 4:36 PM
- Re-read compile-time blog post
- Attended global team meeting
- 5:48 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:05 PM
- Chatted w/ Calvin re assessment and okrs
- 11:34 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:16 PM
- Booked web3, colorado gold rust, rust belt rust, rustfest barcelona tickets
- 1:15 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:50 PM
- Posted results of new release+incremental tests
- 2:34 PM
- Updated compile time wiki
- 2:35 PM
- Posted incremental results to WeChat
- Began benchmarking incremental runtime
- 2:38 PM
- Hacked on march
- 4:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:27 PM
- Re-reviewed rust-client mocking
- 4:31 PM
- Submitted Q3 OKRs
- 4:42 PM
- Submitted status reports
- 5:08 PM
- Merged talent-plan typo PR
- 5:08 PM
- Merged talent-plan typo PR
- 5:09 PM
- Merged talent-plan fix PR
- 5:10 PM
- Reviewed tikv raftstore counter
- 5:19 PM
- Re-reviewed tikv prost patch
- 5:30 PM
- hearted a PR
- 5:31 PM
- Reviewed tikv double-run fix
- 5:35 PM
- Reviewed decimal conversion function
- 5:41 PM
- Reviewed fail-rs update
- 5:51 PM
- Re-reviewed storage module PR
- 5:53 PM
- Merged fail-rs update
- 6:15 PM
- Clock in
- 9:17 AM
- Reviewed rust-client mocking refactor
- 9:33 AM
- Reviewed tikv 3.0 release announce
- 10:00 AM
- Clock out
- 12:07 PM
- Hacked on “Rust is for Blockchain”
- Delivered “Rust is for Blackchain” talk
- Clock in
- 1:58 PM
- Re-reviewed gprc prost pr
- 2:00 PM
- Clock out
- Hacked on “Rust is for Blockchain”
- Clock in
- 11:30 AM
- Mostly socialized with Kevin
- 3:45 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:00 PM
- Attended na meeting
- 5:40 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:55 AM
- ???
- Clock in
- 11:28 AM
- Commented on -march patch
- 11:36 AM
- Reviewed rust-client refactoring
- 11:41 AM
- Reviewed tikv prost patch
- 1:00 PM
- Responded to #rust-training qs
- 1:13 PM
- Commented on training multiple log issue
- 1:13 PM
- Filed training issue to illustrate logs
- 1:14 PM
- Continued testing incremental release builds
- 1:53 PM
- Closed thinlto issue
- 2:00 PM
- Posted initial incremental results
- 2:04 PM
- Posted initial incremental results to wiki
- 2:05 PM
- Commented on release
dir - 2:21 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:27 PM
- Wrote status reports
- 5:10 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:22 PM
- Ordered presentation clicker
- 1:43 PM
- Triaged email
- 1:53 PM
- Met w/ Ana
- 4:08 PM
- Signed up for benefits
- 4:41 PM
- Began incremental+bench timing
- 5:25 PM
- Reviewed ecosystem team okrs again
- 5:35 PM
- Reviewed tipb prost update
- 5:36 PM
- Reviewed tipb prost update
- 5:39 PM
- Reviewed kvproto prost update
- 5:41 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:15 AM
- Reviewed fail-rs mutex pattern
- 10:23 PM
- Edited q3 eco team okrs
- 11:05 PM
- Chatted about okrs
- 11:10 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:03 PM
- Hacked on min cpu reqs
- 4:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:59 AM
- Helped fuyang w/ talent-plan issues
- 11:44 AM
- Attended weekly meeting
- 1:50 PM
- 1:56 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:42 PM
- Posted status reports
- 5:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:00 PM
- Attended OKR mtg
- 9:09 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:30 PM
- Triaged todos
- 1:00 PM
- Commented on thinlto issue
- 3:04 PM
- Updated release profile PR
- 3:06 PM
- Chatted w/ Ana
- 3:41 PM
- Filed bug to turn on incremental for release/bench
- 3:59 PM
- Filed jira bug to test incremental for release/bench
- 4:02 PM
- Registered for WeChat Work
- 4:09 PM
- Dealt with payroll issue
- 4:18 PM
- Began running incremental+release tests
- 4:23 PM
- Reviewed talent-plan readme update
- 4:26 PM
- Closed talent-plan readme issue
- 4:27 PM
- Reviewed talent-plan toc pr
- 4:28 PM
- Closed talent-plan toc issue
- 4:28 PM
- Merged talent-plan typo fixes
- 4:29 PM
- Merged talent-plan typo fixes
- 4:30 PM
- Merged talent-plan typo fixes
- 4:31 PM
- Merged talent-plan typo fixes
- 4:31 PM
- Merged talent-plan fixes
- 4:32 PM
- Closed stale “test-run” talent-plan issues
- 4:40 PM
- Closed talent-plan dev-deps issue
- 4:41 PM
- Reviewed hashbrown pr
- 4:50 PM
- Reviewed client-rust timestamp pr
- 4:56 PM
- Reviewed client-rust str conversion pr
- 4:58 PM
- Reviewed retain_by_offset optimization
- 5:27 PM
- Restarted incremental+release tests
- 5:29 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:20 PM
- Chatted about panic_hook, exit, and c++ static dtors
- 9:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:00 AM
- Chatted w/ Niko re compile time
- 11:07 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:40 PM
- Filed issue to measure tikv compile times over time
- 1:34 PM
- Posted re-work to release profile patch
- 2:02 PM
- Rebased dev-docs-etc patch
- 2:16 PM
- Merged basic-http-server structopt PR
- 2:19 PM
- Merged basic-http-server bind PR
- 2:22 PM
- Reviewed basic-http-server PR
- 2:39 PM
- Reviewed client-rust proptest PR
- 3:01 PM
- Reviewed client-rust bench PR
- 3:05 PM
- Reviewed client-rust deref PR
- 3:06 PM
- Reviewed style guide PR
- 3:13 PM
- Reviewed client-rust nightly toolchain PR
- 3:18 PM
- Re-reviewed logging PR
- 3:19 PM
- Posted twir issue
- 3:30 PM
- Closed weekly twir jira issue
- 3:31 PM
- 3:51 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:32 PM
- Hacked on removing dead test suites
- Commented on basic-http-server caching
- Hacked an basic-http-server
- 2:27 PM
- Closed fixed basic-http-server error
- 2:28 PM
- Published basic-http-server 0.6
- 3:07 PM
- Posted basic-http-server 0.6 to /r/rust
- 3:24 PM
- Posted results of disabling test suites
- 3:51 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:21 AM
- Submitted final invoice
- 11:35 AM
- Hacked on release profile
- 2:07 PM
- Hacked on disabling tests
- 2:52 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:39 PM
- Approved double-panic pr
- 4:02 PM
- Collected numbers for release profile changes
- 5:06 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:23 PM
- Submitted PR to reduce release bulid time
- 6:51 PM
- 6:55 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:20 PM
- Posted tikv q3 okr ideas
- 3:35 PM
- Chatted w/ Calvin
- 3:58 PM
- Filled out status report
- 5:44 PM
- Merged a talent-plan PR re prerequisites
- 5:59 PM
- Merged talent-plan PR to italicize task diffs
- 6:01 PM
- Merged project 4 advanced parallelism PR
- 6:02 PM
- Created Rust training course 1.0 epic
- 6:08 PM
- Approved rust-client refactor
- 6:12 PM
- Re-reviewed sse42 script fix
- 6:21 PM
- Re-reviewed storage doc changes
- 6:24 PM
- Attended review meeting
- 7:32 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:05 AM
- Hacked on talent-plan
- Triaged slack
- Triaged todos
- Commented on concurrent map challenge
- 11:11 AM
- Posted PR for project 4 advanced parallelism
- 11:19 AM
- Filed bug for project indexes
- 11:21 AM
- Filed bug to write overview of concurrent types
- 11:23 AM
- Filed bug to add building blocks for advanced parallelism
- 11:25 AM
- Filed bug to enqueue writers
- 11:30 AM
- Filed bug to split project 4
- 11:36 AM
- Filed bug to write roadmap
- 11:36 AM
- Triaged slack
- 11:56 AM
- Filed bug to update course descriptions
- 11:58 AM
- Started investigating 3.0 rustc cherry-pick
- 12:04 PM
- Chatted w/ Ana
- 1:53 PM
- Evaluated q2 okrs
- Filled out q2 personal assessment
- 4:38 PM
- 5:03 PM
- Emailed be re rust in brave
- Attended NewSQL meetup
- Chatted about opening #talent-training
- 6:38 PM
- Attended NewSQL meetup
- 7:26 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:00 PM
- Commented on 3.0 toolchain upgrade pr about sys-info fix
- 9:08 PM
- Clock out
- Commented on be and Rust
- 11:29 PM
- Clock in
- 6:41 PM
- Brain-dumped thoughts about talent-plan lock-free readers in slack
- 7:05 PM
- Commented on rust-client
&'static str
example ugliness - 7:18 PM
- Published big_s
- 8:00 PM
- 8:28 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:52 AM
- Filed talent-plan grammar issue
- 2:16 PM
- Hacked on project 4
- 4:30 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:29 PM
- Triaged slack
- Triaged email
- Hacked on project 4
- Clock out
- 8:20 PM
- 9:02 PM
- Clock in
- Hacked on project 4
- Clock out
- 9:24 PM
- 3:34 PM
- Hacked on basic-http-server
- 6:46 PM
- Clock in
- 2:59 PM
- Asked questions about TcpListener in #beginners
- Responded to maybe_clone feedback
- 3:41 PM
- Hacked on project 4
- 4:31 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:50 PM
- Closed pipelining issue
- 2:51 PM
- Filled in next jira sprint
- 3:04 PM
- Wrote status report
- 3:10 PM
- Merged talent-plan typo fix
- 3:15 PM
- Merged talent-plan formatting fix
- 3:16 PM
- Merged talent-plan bb-3 clarifications
- 3:17 PM
- Merged talent-plan contributing docs
- 3:17 PM
- Reviewed storage docs
- 3:27 PM
- Reviewed rust-client refactoring
- 3:41 PM
- Reviewed rust-client refactoring
- 3:52 PM
- Reviewed rust-client refactoring
- 3:55 PM
- Reviewed rust-client existential patch
- 4:13 PM
- Reviewed sse42 script fix
- 4:44 PM
- Closed project 5 code issue
- Closed project 5 outline issue
- 4:49 PM
- Filled out status reports
- 5:00 PM
- Clock in
- 6:57 PM
- Attended i18n meeting
- 7:23 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:36 PM
- Responded to a q in #talent-training
- Posted PR to clarify talent-plan bb-3 exercises
- 2:44 PM
- Triaged todos
- 2:52 PM
- Chatted w/ Ana
- 3:31 PM
- Revised talent-plan blog posts
- 4:50 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:56 PM
- Updated talent-plan bb-2 PR
- 9:00 PM
- Began reviewing sse42 script fix
- 9:09 PM
- Reviewed blog post
- 9:12 PM
- Reviewed a talent-plan PR
- 9:15 PM
- Reviewed a talent-plan PR
- 9:21 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:11 PM
- Posted about pipelining to wechat
- 1:17 PM
- Sent a chat message about the name “talent-plan”
- 2:00 PM
- Reviewed talent-plan typos
- 2:08 PM
- Filed a PR to update talent-plan
- 2:18 PM
- Filed many talent-plan issues
- 3:22 PM
- Filed bug about rust import error message
- 3:41 PM
- Posted PR to fix sse check
- 3:57 PM
- Hacked on removing maybe_clone
- 7:30 PM
- Chatted w/ Queeny
- Revised talent-plan blog posts for and
- 8:10 PM
- Filed issue to delete maybe_clone
- 9:38 PM
- Posted PR to delete maybe_clone
- 9:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:33 AM
- Triaged slack
- 10:39 AM
- Reviewed fail-rs mutex patch
- 11:05 AM
- Commented on combining bins
- 11:18 AM
- Reviewed and merged a minor PR
- 11:20 AM
- Triaged slack
- Triaged email
- Triaged todos
- Lunch
- 1:16 PM
- Posted ‘greasing the wheels’ to blog
- 1:31 PM
- Began testing build with cargo pipelining
- Began benchmarking build with cargo pipelining
- 2:06 PM
- Merged talent-plan relicense
- 2:31 PM
- Sent draft of pingcap/tikv talen-plan blog post to Calvin
- 3:29 PM
- Posted PR to turn on cargo pipelining
- 5:28 PM
- Posted pipeline compilation update to irlo
- 5:48 PM
- Clock out
- 11:03 AM
- Commented on unnamed constant fcp
- 11:04 AM
- Clock in
- 11:15 AM
- Posted compile-time numbers for turning off debuginfo for dev/test/bench
- 11:38 AM
- 11:50 AM
- Clock out
- Set up a CKB miner on the testnet
- 12:16 PM
- Clock in
- 2:37 PM
- Merged talent-plan typo fixes
- 2:38 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:12 PM
- Merged PR to turn off debuginfo
- 1:13 PM
- Posted debuginfo message to forum
- 1:19 PM
- Posted deuginfo message to wechat groups
- 1:21 PM
- Triaged slack
- 1:27 PM
- Filed fail-rs bug about
feature - 1:32 PM
- Merged fail-rs helper fn
- 1:33 PM
- Commented on prometheus pr re CLA
- 1:42 PM
- Triaged email
- 1:48 PM
- Merged typo fix
- 2:24 PM
- Responded to users thread re pna
- 2:26 PM
- Closed talent plan mvp project
- 2:29 PM
- Responded to a talent-plan issue
- 2:33 PM
- Triaged talent plan issues and PRs
- 2:37 PM
- Closed fail-rs issue
- 2:38 PM
- Pinged spacejam about sled in talent-plan
- 2:42 PM
- 2:48 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:39 PM
- Filed an issue about modifying both rustc and gcc debuginfo
- 4:58 PM
- Filed issue about bench bot + compile times
- 5:22 PM
- Pinged DCjanus about his proxy
- Updated personal status report
- 6:02 PM
- Filed issue to turn on pipelining
- 6:37 PM
- Began upgrading toolchain for pipelining
- Closed training course epic
- 6:46 PM
- Attended global team meeting
- 7:48 PM
- 8:08 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:21 PM
- Triaged todos
- 2:39 PM
- Attended meeting w/ Ana
- 3:29 PM
- Filled out some paperwork
- 4:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:21 PM
- Merged talent-plan PR
- 6:22 PM
- Merged more talent-plan PRs
- 6:25 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:25 AM
- Asked for experience report recommendation
- 10:28 AM
- Sent Kevin some personal info
- 10:45 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:42 AM
- Merged Calvin’s course announcement changes
- Merged talent-plan PR
- 11:52 AM
- Merged talent-plan PR
- 11:54 AM
- Filed bug on debug spew
- 12:17 PM
- Hacked on project 4
- 3:37 PM
- Posted course announcements to various places
- 5:30 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:20 PM
- Chatted about MVCC
- Merged 2 talent-plan PRs
- 7:58 PM
- Closed a talent-plan PR
- 7:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:45 PM
- Commented on hackernews thread
- 9:03 PM
- Merged talent-plan PR
- 9:06 PM
- Responded to chat
- 9:14 PM
- 9:21 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on rust training
- 1:00 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:27 AM
- Chatted with someone
- Attended NA meeting
- Reviewed a PR
- 1:31 PM
- Reviewed training panic hook PR
- 3:34 PM
- Wrote draft course announcement
- 5:07 PM
- Hacked on rust training
- Chatted
- 7:29 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:22 PM
- Reworked cargo config PR
- 9:30 PM
- Hacked on rust training
- 9:41 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:36 PM
- Re-reviewed snappy patch
- 1:46 PM
- Created #rust-training on
- 1:59 PM
- Merged project 5 code
- 2:11 PM
- Merged project 5 outline
- 2:13 PM
- Merged talent-plan top-level readme
- 2:14 PM
- Re-worked talent-plan rust readme pr
- 2:43 PM
- Merged talent-plan rust readme pr
- 2:43 PM
- Merged building-blocks 1
- 4:01 PM
- Finished building-blocks 2
- 5:47 PM
- Hacked on rust training
- Filed bug against predicates
- 10:18 PM
- Hacked on rust training
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:00 AM
- Commented on talent-plan goals
- 12:03 PM
- Submitted PR to relicense rust talent-plan
- 3:12 PM
- Submitted PR to overhaul readme and lesson plan
- 5:09 PM
- Filed issue to rename rust course
- 5:48 PM
- Clock out
- 12:45 PM
- Thanked nnethercote for documenting Rust benchmarks
- Clock in
- 12:46 PM
- Filed issue to clarify CLA
- 1:22 PM
- Reviewed nrc’s code review proposal
- 2:28 PM
- Chatted w/ Yiling re project 5
- 2:48 PM
- Posted talent-plan README PR
- Chatted about talent-plan being pingcap-agnostic
- 3:47 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:01 AM
- Investigated westmere features
- Investigated diference between gcc and rustc features
- 12:24 AM
- Posted -march findings to tikv issue
- 12:37 AM
- Commented on Box::new
- 1:22 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:32 PM
- 1:32 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:28 PM
- Posted status reports
- Talked to Calvin
- 7:43 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:00 AM
- Posted Rust project 5 outline
- 12:12 AM
- Chatted w/ Calvin
- 12:25 AM
- Clock out
- Chatted w/ Aimee
- Read ckb-vm source
- Chatted w/ Xiao
- 2:18 AM
- Posted power_of_2 PR to ckb-vm
- 2:57 AM
- Posted round_page PR to ckb-vm
- 3:31 AM
- Clock in
- 1:11 PM
- Commented on fail-rs default features
- 2:01 PM
- Filed bug about fal-rs failing crater
- 2:06 PM
- Posted dist_release patch to release-3.0
- Chatted w/ Ana
- 4:24 PM
- Filed bug about TiKV not being run on crater
- 5:04 PM
- Filed bug about better cpu tuning
- 6:27 PM
- Asked for re-review on cargo profile changes
- 6:48 PM
- Merged dist_release PR into master
- 7:25 PM
- Attended monthly global team meeting
- Filed issue about Dockerfile using make
- 9:02 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:41 PM
- Merged training fix
- 12:43 PM
- Filed training bug re crediting Yiling
- 12:47 PM
- Added note about dbg! to talent-plan
- 1:16 PM
- Fixed KvsEngine naming
- 1:23 PM
- Filed another talent-plan issue
- 1:53 PM
- Filed another talent-plan issue
- 1:58 PM
- Added note about future scan projects
- 2:17 PM
- Filed another talent-plan issue
- 2:27 PM
- Reviewed project 4 code
- 2:56 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:00 PM
- Submitted expense reports for RustCon Asia and Percona Live
- Chatted w/ Xuwei Fu about “scan” operation
- 7:58 PM
- Chatted w/ zhouqiang about dist_release
- Chatted various
- 9:06 PM
- Posted request for more eyes on dist_release in wechat
- 9:34 PM
- Posted PR to remove rust talent-plan static site
- Posted issue to re-create static site
- 9:44 PM
- Hacked on project 5
- Discussed dist_release on wechat
- Discussed various on #talent-plan
- Updated various talent-plan issues
- 11:43 PM
- Posted Rust project 5 outline
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:30 PM
- Triaged
- Re-reviewed HTTP mem profiling
- 3:37 PM
- Updated sys-info to 0.5.7
- 3:42 PM
- Triaged
- 3:48 PM
- Merged talent plan pr
- 5:24 PM
- Reviweed patch to list tests for each section
- 5:54 PM
- Commented on talent-plan scan issue
- 5:57 PM
- Triaged rust training prs and issues
- 6:59 PM
- Reviewed client-rust PR
- 7:13 PM
- Reviewed client-rust PR
- 7:15 PM
- Reviewed client-rust PR
- 7:17 PM
- Clock out
- 1:20 PM
- Hacked on Rust in China
- 3:35 PM
- Hacked on Rust in China
- 4:46 PM
- 7:10 AM
- Drafted rust in china blog post
- 8:00 AM
- 10:00 AM
- Drafted rust in china blog post
- 3:57 PM
- Clock in
- 9:36 AM
- Checked jemalloc-free build
- 9:54 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:57 AM
- Reviewed client-rust cleanup
- 5:58 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:46 AM
- Hacked on project 4
- 8:44 AM
- Chatted w/ Queeny and Liu
- 10:00 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:26 AM
- Hacked on wsl ulimits
- Hacked on project 4
- Attended Percona Live
- 3:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:00 PM
- Updated status reports
- 6:27 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:00 PM
- Attendend i18n meeting
- 9:44 PM
- Responded to SRE “release” profile question
- 10:06 PM
- 10:11 PM
- Commented about opt-level=1 + cmake
- Commented about opt-level=1 + cmake
- Commented about opt-level=1 + cmake
- Commented about opt-level=1 + cmake
- 10:42 PM
- Commented about opt-level=1
- 10:44 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:00 AM
- Attended Percona Live keynotes
- Hacked on project 4
- 10:17 AM
- Attended PingCAP talks
- Hacked on project 4
- 12:46 PM
- Attended Percona Live
- 5:30 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:14 AM
- Approved logging PR
- 11:15 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:15 PM
- Commented on skeptic PR
- 1:15 PM
- Rebuilt WSL environment
- Commented about rustup post-install
- Filed bug about rustup post-install experience
- 3:24 PM
- Added rustup readme to personal writings, etc
- 4:42 PM
- Hacked on project 4
- 5:51 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:30 AM
- Posted cargo pipelining results to testlog
- 11:41 AM
- Assigned cargo pipelining task to myself
- 11:42 AM
- Merged patch to turn off tikv_alloc default features
- 11:43 AM
- Asked for re-review on compile time patches
- 11:27 AM
- Asked for review from hoverbear on sys-info
- 11:52 AM
- Closed old raftstore extraction
- 11:55 AM
- Asked for re-review of dist-release patch
- 11:56 AM
- Posted SRE pr for dist_release
- 12:19 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:14 PM
- Triaged email
- Reviewed tipb / kvproto prs
- 3:26 PM
- Chatted w/ Ana
- 6:35 PM
- Investigated spa for queeny
- Hacked on project 4
- 6:35 PM
- Filed bug about futures compat module
- 6:35 PM
- Reviewed client-rust futures upgrade
- 9:18 PM
- Reworked training project 4
- 9:25 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:21 PM
- Reviewed sys-info PR
- Tested cargo pipelining
- 4:47 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:57 PM
- Reviewed logging pr
- 11:06 PM
- Analyzed cargo pipelining tests
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:00 PM
- Upgraded toolchain to test cargo pipelining
- 1:40 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:42 PM
- Reviewed snappy patch
- 6:04 PM
- Attempted to build tikv with upgraded toolchain
- 6:28 PM
- Attempted to upgrade sys-info to fix get_mem_info error
- Upgraded sys-info
- 6:38 PM
- Attended i18n meeting
- 7:30 PM
- Write pipelining test script
- Ran pipelining test script locally
- 7:42 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:00 PM
- Hacked on project 4
- 7:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:35 AM
- Hacked on project 4
- 12:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:41 PM
- Attended NA meeting
- 1:51 PM
- Chatted w/ Queeny
- 2:44 PM
- Hacked on project 4
- 6:01 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:54 PM
- Hacked on project 4
- 7:03 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:30 PM
- Hacked on project 4
- 7:40 PM
- Clock out
- Updated website with writings and Rust work
- Hacked on basic-http-server
- Clock in
- 11:31 AM
- Updated various rocksdb-debuginfo threads
- Read latest jepsen report
- 12:18 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:46 PM
- Commented on large moves
- 2:58 PM
- Merged panic=abort
- 3:19 PM
- Filed cargo bug
- 5:01 PM
- Re-worked cargo profiles
- 6:13 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:00 PM
- Attended i18n meeting
- 8:00 PM
- Hacked on cmake-rs
- 10:54 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:08 PM
- Chatted w/ Ana
- Chatted w/ others
- 8:09 PM
- Reviewed no-fail fixes
- 8:55 PM
- Re-worked cargo profiles pr
- 9:34 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:53 AM
- Triaged email
- Triaged slack
- Triaged todos
- 11:19 AM
- Filed rustc-perf description bug
- 12:50 PM
- Chatted about talent-plan bugs
- Filed talent-plan receiver bug
- 1:57 PM
- Re-worked panic=abort bug
- 2:01 PM
- Sent emails about contracts
- 2:49 PM
- Merged talent plan pr
- 4:26 PM
- Merged talent plan pr
- 4:44 PM
- Closed talent plan issue
- 4:45 PM
- Reviewed Yilin’s minidump draft
- 5:20 PM
- Posted dist_release pr
- 5:57 PM
- Posted cargo profiles PR
- 8:54 PM
- 8:56 PM
- Clock out
- Comented on RUST_BACKTRACE
- 11:01 PM
- Clock in
- 10:00 AM
- Attended i18n meeting
- 10:54 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:28 PM
- Reviewed HTTP memory profiling
- 3:53 PM
- Commented on panic=abort
- 3:56 PM
- Re-re-re-re… reviewed tikv_alloc cfgs
- 4:52 PM
- Responded to Niko
- 7:27 PM
- Merged talent-plan pr
- 7:39 PM
- Merged talent-plan pr
- 7:40 PM
- Reviewed multi-log talent-plan pr
- 8:09 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:47 AM
- Traiged slack
- 10:56 AM
- Closed cargo-bloat PR
- 11:32 AM
- Filed cargo issue about git revs
- 12:52 PM
- Commented on git revs in tikv
- 12:52 PM
- Added a “P: Low” tag to tikv
- 1:01 PM
- Drank coffee with Liu
- 2:16 PM
- Reviewed RFC numbering PR
- 2:52 PM
- Re-reviewed tikv_alloc features PR
- 3:07 PM
- Re-reviewed dockerfile
- 3:45 PM
- Commented on jemalloc 0.3 pr
- 4:28 PM
- Re-merged binutil pr
- 5:35 PM
- Merged binutil pr
- 5:50 PM
- Helped Sun Xiaoguang with some dropck problem
- 7:11 PM
- Updated JIRA sprint
- 8:00 PM
- Wrote personal status report
- Wrote project status reports
- 8:13 PM
- 8:16 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:45 AM
- Submitted invoice
- Reviewed owning_ref PR
- 11:54 AM
- 12:04 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:39 PM
- Reworked panic=abort PR
- 2:50 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:30 AM
- Removed old notes from talent plan
- 10:38 AM
- Reviewed tikv-cli rfc
- 11:28 AM
- Reviewed CI pr
- 1:16 PM
- 2:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:04 PM
- Hacked on panic=abort
- 3:46 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:35 PM
- Approved profiling PR
- 8:37 PM
- Posted panic=abort patch
- 9:05 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:21 AM
- Triaged
- 10:54 AM
- Re-starting timing raftstore extraction
- 10:58 AM
- Re-reviewed tikv_alloc features
- 11:11 AM
- Posted compile time results of extracting pd to various places
- 12:52 PM
- Hacked on developer docs
- Reviewed Rossi’s presentation
- 3:44 PM
- Sent Rossi presentation notes
- 6:29 PM
- Continued writing dev docs
- 8:18 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:50 PM
- Hacked on cargo profiles
- 9:33 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:30 PM
- Begin timing effects of preliminary raftstore extraction
- 2:52 PM
- Triaged
- 2:56 PM
- Hacked on dev docs
- 5:34 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:43 PM
- Filed talent-plan issues
- Chatted w/ team about Rust
- Reviewed a refactoring pr
- 4:18 PM
- Added to rust-anthology master list
- 4:25 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:48 PM
- Created many talent-plan bugs
- Closed old talent-plan repo
- 5:13 PM
- 5:44 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:41 PM
- Merged a minor talent plan pr
- 7:55 PM
- Configured talent-plan so interns can merge
- 8:04 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:50 AM
- Reworked jemalloc 0.3 pr
- 12:01 PM
- Reviewed docker pr
- 12:58 PM
- Began testing tikv_alloc features
- 1:32 PM
- Filed bugs for training project
- Collected readings for mapleFU
- Re-reviewed tikv_alloc features
- 6:17 PM
- Filed bugs for training project
- 7:30 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on pd / raftstore extraction
- 1:40 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:37 AM
- Posted about Titan to
- Posted about Titan to r/tikv
- 10:58 AM
- Responded re error-chain
- 11:07 AM
- 11:44 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:34 PM
- Merged cleanup pr
- Updated doc pr
- Closed stale PR
- 4:08 PM
- Reviewed “safe_panic” PR
- 4:12 PM
- Reviewed panic pr
- 4:29 PM
- Updated jemalloc PR
- 6:37 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:40 PM
- Closed previous raftstore extraction pr
- 2:27 PM
- Reopened raftstore extraction pr
- Hacked on pd / raftstore extraction
- 6:34 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:55 PM
- Hacked on pd / raftstore extraction
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:57 AM
- Updated status reports
- 9:25 AM
- Commented on error-chain maintenance
- 10:09 AM
- Approved profiler PR
- 11:14 AM
- Posted wip pd/raftstore extraction
- 11:25 AM
- Attended TiKV team meeting
- 12:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:52 PM
- Hacked on raftstore extraction
- 7:32 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:25 AM
- Updated pipelining issue
- 9:56 AM
- Triaged todos
- 10:17 AM
- Posted suggestion for
cargo build-deps
- 10:45 AM
- Helped Liu with building deps in cargo
- 11:02 AM
- Triaged emails
- 11:04 AM
- Reviewed training compaction PR
- 11:10 AM
- Merged unused features PR
- 11:03 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:26 PM
- Reviewed training rm command
- 3:20 PM
- Chatted w/ Calvin re compile time blog post
- 3:58 PM
- Chatted w/ Max re various
- 5:15 PM
- Commented on disabling features
- 5:23 PM
- Merged disabling features PR
- 5:36 PM
- Requested swag for @psinghal20
- 5:52 PM
- Reviewed toolchain upgrade
- 5:57 PM
- Reviewed hashmap upgrade
- 6:10 PM
- Filed bug about rustup -V
- 6:23 PM
- Attended dinner w/ Liu
- 7:34 PM
- Commented on lockfile v manifest
- 8:45 PM
- 8:48 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:43 AM
- Chatted w/ Yiling
- Hacked on compile time blog post
- 12:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:34 PM
- Hacked on compile time blog post
- 3:33 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:08 PM
- Posted about error-chain maintenance
- 4:39 PM
- Hacked on compile time blog post
- Chatted w/ Liu and Jay re refactoring
- 5:48 PM
- Chatted w/ Yiling re project 4
- 6:27 PM
- Outlined rust project 4
- 7:01 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:50 AM
- RustCon Asia
- Hacked on raftstore extraction
- 5:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:36 AM
- RustCon Asia
- 12:00 PM
- Clock out
- Lunch
- Clock in
- 1:30 PM
- TiKV team building
- 8:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:00 AM
- RustCon Asia
- 12:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:00 AM
- RustCon Asia
- 5:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:00 AM
- Filled out status reports
- 9:31 AM
- Chatted w/ Ana and Nick
- 10:00 AM
- Begin triage
- 10:00 AM
- Attended tikv meeting
- 12:17 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:52 PM
- Commented on PingCAP CLA
- 2:34 PM
- Reviewed double-panic fix
- 2:49 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:27 AM
- Hacked on docs
- 12:40 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:40 PM
- Re-worked a cleanup pr
- 5:06 PM
- Re-opened unfatten-bins issue
- 6:01 PM
- Posted pr moving code around
- 6:09 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:16 PM
- Updated JIRA
- Signed-off commits
- 8:41 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:00 PM
- Attended weekly meeting
- 1:25 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:41 PM
- Begin triage
- 1:41 PM
- Re-reviewed util extraction
- 1:53 PM
- Responded to q
- 1:56 PM
- Re-reviewed disable unused features pr
- 2:06 PM
- 2:15 PM
- End triage
- Posted status update
- Upated sprint
- 2:38 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:57 PM
- Attended meeting w/ Ana
- 3:35 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:58 PM
- Merged talent plan 2
- 5:05 PM
- Reworked rust project 3
- 5:18 PM
- Filed bug to link libunwind
- 5:32 PM
- Closed tcmalloc issue
- 5:35 PM
- Filed bug to document allocators
- 5:40 PM
- Updated jemallocator 0.3 pr
- 5:57 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:52 PM
- Reviewed project 3
- 7:16 PM
- Reviewed cpu profiling
- 7:28 PM
- Reviewed criterion upgrade pr
- 7:31 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:28 AM
- Posted benchmarks for disabled features
- 10:38 AM
- Closed rocksdb imports issue
- 10:48 AM
- Reviewed util extraction
- 11:02 AM
- Analyzed module dependencies
- 11:20 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:00 PM
- Commented on module extraction
- 4:14 PM
- Updated basic-http-server with svg mime type
- Hacked on tikv cleanup
- 5:20 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:07 PM
- Posted cleanup PR
- 7:15 PM
- Hacked on tikv API docs
- 7:48 PM
- Posted PR to upgrade jemallocator
- 8:34 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:00 PM
- Posted tcmalloc upgrade PR
- 9:28 PM
- Requested new feature tooling
- 9:41 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:20 PM
- Researched Rust ergonomics history
- 3:11 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:09 PM
- Re-reviewed tcmalloc patch
- 5:32 PM
- Commented on empty test case issue
- 5:36 PM
- Commented on empty test case pr
- 5:37 PM
- Reworked tcmalloc static link patch
- 6:52 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:49 PM
- Commented on tcmalloc
- 7:59 PM
- Commented on talent-plan forum
- 8:04 PM
- Booked more china accomodations
- 9:11 PM
- Replied to niko
- 9:16 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:34 AM
- Begin triage
- 10:35 AM
- Closed jira ticket for rust project 2
- 10:46 AM
- 11:19 AM
- End triage
- Posted tikv bin size breakdown
- 11:34 AM
- Hacked on project 3
- 1:02 PM
- Attended global mtg
- 1:37 PM
- Hacked on project 3
- 2:10 PM
- Sent intro email to niko
- 3:11 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:57 PM
- Hacked on project 3
- 3:11 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:40 PM
- Hacked on project 3
- 4:56 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:59 PM
- Posted project 3 text
- 6:32 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:39 PM
- Merged project 2 text
- 3:52 PM
- Reviewed project 2 pr
- 5:41 PM
- Emailed shirly
- 6:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:44 PM
- Closed unfatten-bins issue
- 7:47 PM
- Created
- Posted time-passes sums for debug build
- 8:20 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:45 PM
- Hacked on unfatten-server branch
- 6:14 PM
- Measured unfatten-server branch
- Wrote in compile-time blog
- 7:00 PM
- 7:40 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:00 PM
- Responded to Yilian
- 1:08 PM
- Researched tcmalloc stats
- 2:06 PM
- Reworked jemalloc-ctl patch
- 2:33 PM
- 2:54 PM
- Attended ecosystem mtg
- 4:02 PM
- Sent emails asking for compile time testing
- Filed bug for compile time testing
- 4:33 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:00 PM
- Attended weekly tikv meeting
- 7:49 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:13 PM
- Responded to tcmalloc static linking
- 8:15 PM
- Re-reviewed engine abstraction
- 8:20 PM
- Resonded to emails
- 8:32 PM
- Reviewed codec patch
- 9:04 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:45 PM
- Begin triage
- 12:46 PM
- 1:32 PM
- End Triage
- 1:32 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:52 PM
- Outlined project 3
- 4:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:47 PM
- Filed more training project tasks
- 4:58 PM
- Submitted outline of project 3
- 5:22 PM
- Updated JIRA sprint
- 5:27 PM
- Wrote status report
- Wrote project status reports
- 5:56 PM
- Posted personal Q2 okrs
- 6:10 PM
- 6:16 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:39 PM
- Reworked a training pr
- 9:05 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:57 PM
- Attended ecosystem meeting
- 3:02 PM
- Hacked on jemalloc-ctl 0.3
- Posted script fix for makefile profiles
- 4:10 PM
- Filed bug to publish ralloc
- 5:02 PM
- Merged ralloc fixes
- 5:03 PM
- Commented on jemallocator 0.3
- 5:06 PM
- Posted PR to implement StdError for jemalloc-ctl
- 5:24 PM
- Reviewed a jemallocator patch
- 5:28 PM
- Hacked on megamalloc
- 6:35 PM
- Posted PR to build tcmalloc
- 8:08 PM
- Re-reviewed tcmalloc patch
- 8:24 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:49 AM
- Re-reviewed tcmalloc patch
- 10:08 AM
- Files some bugs against jemallocator
- 10:58 AM
- Filed bug about const fn error msg
- 11:21 AM
- 12:01 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:54 PM
- Attended NA meeting
- 1:27 PM
- Begin triage
- 1:28 PM
- Reviewed an abstraction pr
- 1:51 PM
- Triaged email
- 1:58 PM
- 2:09 PM
- End triage
- 2:09 PM
- Reviewed feature disablement
- 3:01 PM
- Commented on prometheus docs
- 3:15 PM
- Chatted w/ Ed
- 3:27 PM
- Emailed Peter Tang for office addresses
- Emailed contacts in Shanghai and Hangzhou
- 3:37 PM
- Sent Ed et al email re rustc contracting
- 5:00 PM
- 5:12 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:29 PM
- Attended tikv q2 okr mtg
- 9:03 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:18 PM
- Merged talent plan pr
- 1:24 PM
- Read about bitcask
- Hacked on training project 2
- 3:26 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:42 PM
- Posted new b-c-p results
- 4:45 PM
- Posted project 2 text
- 7:09 PM
- Emailed Kun Jin about RustCon acomodations
- 7:21 PM
- Posted more benchmarks
- 7:52 PM
- Sent Yiling interesting issues to work on
- 8:03 PM
- 8:14 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:28 PM
- Merged cargo profiles
- 6:41 PM
- Posted test results to wiki
- 6:50 PM
- Updated config profiles
- 7:38 PM
- 8:03 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:28 PM
- Filed bug to add rm to training
- 1:32 PM
- Began running bench-cargo-profile on IDC machine
- 1:46 PM
- Reviewed engine abstraction
- Commented on tikv log truncating
- Fixed merge conflicts in tcmalloc pr
- 2:34 PM
- Responded to contributor email
- 2:54 PM
- Triaged email
- 2:57 PM
- Chatted w/ Ana
- 4:02 PM
- Fixed merge conflicts in tcmalloc pr
- 4:27 PM
- Reviewed fatal! fix
- 4:43 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:53 PM
- Attended i18n meeting
- 7:46 PM
- Closed stale PR
- 7:52 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:54 PM
- Chatting w/ Yiling
- 9:15 PM
- Reviewed cargo-audit PR
- 9:25 PM
- Reviewed disabling extra test cases
- 9:36 PM
- Merged training pr
- 9:42 PM
- Merged training pr
- 9:45 PM
- Merged training pr
- 9:50 PM
- Commented on sync hyper
- 10:06 PM
- Reviewed project 2 code
- 11:46 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:08 PM
- Filed issue on training goals
- 2:07 PM
- Filed isue on training lessons
- 2:10 PM
- Merged some js fixes for rust course
- 2:21 PM
- Hacked on training project 2
- Attended nosql meetup
- 6:45 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:39 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 8:44 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:36 PM
- Fixed scrolling in talent-training/rust
- 2:12 PM
- Posted TWiR issues
- 2:31 PM
- Attempted to sign up for rustcon
- 3:42 PM
- Submitted invoice
- 3:53 PM
- Filed tasks for Rust training project
- 4:27 PM
- 4:37 PM
- Ordered rustcon ticket
- 4:44 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:48 PM
- Posted apologies to two PRs in review
- 8:51 PM
- Clock out
- Commented on tikv binaries
- Clock in
- 12:51 PM
- Attended NA meeting
- 1:30 PM
- Attended dbass meeting
- 2:51 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:41 PM
- Triaged email
- Updated jemalloc issue
- 7:03 PM
- Commented on AtomicCell
- 7:30 PM
- Reviewed percolator lab
- 7:39 PM
- Reworked training pr
- 8:33 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:11 PM
- Reviewed training pr
- 11:28 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:05 PM
- Completed text for project 1
- 7:25 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:00 AM
- Chatted w/ Liu
- Chatted w/ Ana
- Chatted w/ a contributor
- Reviewed a resume
- 11:41 AM
- Begin triage
- 11:43 AM
- Commented on incremental bug
- 11:55 AM
- Commented on DEFAULT_DATA_DIR
- 11:57 AM
- 12:15 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:30 PM
- Chatted w/ Liu
- 4:05 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:22 PM
- Posted a rust training PR
- 5:48 PM
- Responded to email from Yilin
- 6:29 PM
- Reviewed kvproto update
- 7:28 P
- Responded to makefile-profiles2 PR
- 7:36 PM
- Posted compile time benchmarks to confluence
- 7:38 PM
- 7:44 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:18 AM
- Posted incremental timings
- 10:58 AM
- Hacked on training project 1
- 12:10 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:48 PM
- Hacked on training project 1
- 3:32 PM
- Posted status report
- 4:03 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:25 AM
- Filed issue to reorganize tikv_alloc’s features
- 1:57 AM
- Offered tikv_alloc issue to a contributor
- 2:00 AM
- Posted PR to fix tikv_alloc build
- 2:16 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:48 PM
- Begin triage
- 12:53 PM
- Triaged slack
- 1:02 PM
- Reviewed tikv cli rfc
- 1:12 PM
- Approved RPN pr
- 1:20 PM
- 2:15 PM
- Commented on tcmalloc profiling
- 2:26 PM
- Commented on allocators
- 3:03 PM
- Posted rework to alloc abstraction pr
- 3:35 PM
- Closed lto issue
- 3:42 PM
- Created issue for b-c-p
- 3:48 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:18 PM
- Reworked makefile-profiles patch
- 9:40 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:37 PM
- Posted PR for makefile-profiles
- 11:17 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on bench-cargo-profile
- 1:33 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:25 PM
- Attended 1:1 w/ Ana
- 1:20 PM
- Collected list of tools developed for compile time project
- 1:41 PM
- Attended Yi’s presentation
- 2:49 PM
- Commented about Duration’s Debug impl
- 3:35 PM
- Hacked on bench-cargo-profile
- 4:34 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:19 PM
- Filed bug on jemallocator stats feature
- 10:18 PM
- Filed bug on jemallocator git rev
- 10:29 PM
- Reviewed tcmalloc patch
- 11:39 PM
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:03 AM
- Hacked on bench-cargo-profiles
- 12:04 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:43 PM
- Attended global meeting
- 1:33 PM
- Hacked on bench-cargo-profiles
- Continued collecting benchmark results
- Wrote a script to measure rss
- 3:22 PM
- Pinged Niko re upstream contracting
- 3:54 PM
- Commented on lockfiles and –locked
- 4:21 PM
- Merged tikv governance PR
- 4:41 PM
- 4:46 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:55 PM
- Attended 1-1 w/ Liu
- 7:03 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:49 PM
- Hacked on bench-cargo-profile
- 9:17 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:59 PM
- Hacked on bench-cargo-profile
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:31 PM
- Began benchmarking opt-level=2
- 2:44 PM
- Set up development on IDC 30.31
- Began hacking on full makefile-profiles
- 4:01 PM
- Closed sccache issue
- 4:17 PM
- Closed profiling issue
- 4:20 PM
- Closed panic=abort issue
- 4:22 PM
- Triaged JIRA compile time project
- 4:39 PM
- Filed issue to unfatten tikv-server
- 4:50 PM
- Filed bug about calling cargo search unconditionally in makefiles
- 5:01 PM
- Filed issue to disable empty test suites
- 5:05 PM
- Commented on cargo not being able to override test/bench
- 5:22 PM
- Ran more benchmarks
- Hacked on makefile-profiles
- Asked for help running go-ycsb
- 7:27 PM
- Posted PR to fix DEFAULT_DATA_DIR
- 8:19 PM
- Attempted to get go-ycsb working
- Asked for help with go-ycsb
- Collected more benchmarks
- 8:54 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:00 PM
- Began benchmarking full LTO vs thin LTO
- 1:15 PM
- Responded to kvproto cfg issue
- 1:55 PM
- Commented on inner-function style
- 2:37 PM
- Commented on makefile-profiles PR
- 4:51 PM
- Postetd status update
- 4:57 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:49 PM
- Posted LTO benchmark results
- 6:53 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:30 AM
- Chatted w/ Liu
- 10:44 AM
- Begin various benchmarks
- Triaged todos
- 12:17 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:15 PM
- Posted project reports
- 1:40 PM
- Moved Q1 okrs to wiki
- 2:02 PM
- Timed full and partial rebuilds with complex configuration
- Sent Kevin resume
- 3:06 PM
- Posted some results to dylibs issue
- 3:26 PM
- Commented on makefile-profiles PR
- 4:04 PM
- Closed prometheus 2018 upgrade
- 4:09 PM
- Unassigned myself from prometheus 1.0 task
- 4:11 PM
- Assigned prometheus rust 2018 task to nrc
- 4:13 PM
- Posted timing experiment to debuginfo issue
- 7:32 PM
- Posted timing experiment to lto issue
- 7:32 PM
- Posted timing experiment to incremental issue
- 7:33 PM
- Posted timing experiment to panic=abort issue
- 7:34 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:50 PM
- Chatted in #tikv-compiling-time
- 1:16 PM
- Timed passes for the tikv release build
- 2:12 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:00 PM
- Responded to dylib issue
- 1:26 PM
- Posted issues to twir
- 1:32 PM
- Asked to be unwaitlisted for wed rust meetup
- 1:39 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:03 PM
- Closed a dupe bug
- 2:08 PM
- Responded to a contributor email
- 2:41 PM
- Began testing sccache
- 3:19 PM
- Commented on raft log clone issue
- 3:56 PM
- Emailed Jay and Qupeng asking for help with IDC benchmarking
- 5:07 PM
- Experimented with sccache
- straced tikv to look for long-running processes
- Commented on tcmalloc pr re –no-default-features
- 7:09 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:56 PM
- Posted strace ld-timings
- 7:58 PM
- Reviewed kvproto pr
- 8:06 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:10 AM
- Attended 1:1 w/ Ed
- Started timing dynamic rocksdb
- Continued hacking on slides
- 11:29 AM
- Continued hacking on slides
- 12:00 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:52 PM
- Attended NA meeting
- 1:34 PM
- Delivered NA presentation
- 2:57 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:50 PM
- Begin triage
- 3:50 PM
- Triaged slack
- 3:52 PM
- Commented on toolchain upgrade
- 3:55 PM
- Triaged email
- Triaged jira
- 4:14 PM
- Triaged todos
- 4:25 PM
- End triage
- Submitted invoice
- 4:37 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:04 PM
- Posted instructions for reproducing my dynamic rocksdb build
- 6:22 PM
- Filed bug on logs not being flushed
- 6:44 PM
- Attended meeting re This Week in TiKV
- Pushed updates to dylib branch
- 7:43 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:55 PM
- Hacked on tidb-rust-presentation
- 9:11 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:12 PM
- Responded to a q on slack
- 2:12 PM
- Created issue to dynamically link rocksdb
- 2:28 PM
- Posted update on rocksdb dylibs to issue
- 7:04 PM
- Testing tikv with rocksdb dylibs
- Posted updatte on rocksdb dylibs
- 7:18 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:10 AM
- Begin triage
- 11:13 AM
- Helped Yi w/ Rust timer question
- 11:27 AM
- Asked about fallible dtor patterns in #rust-libs
- 12:08 PM
- Triaged todos
- 12:18 PM
- End triage
- Updated weekly status report
- 12:33 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:30 PM
- Hacked on training project 1
- 3:10 PM
- 3:58 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:52 PM
- Commented re double panicking
- 4:52 PM
- Commented re double panicking
- Commented re double panicking
- 4:56 PM
- Reviewed cargo-tee feature-extracting code
- 5:37 PM
- Shared list of flaky tests with nrc
- 5:42 PM
- Attended NA meeting
- 6:55 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 2:46 PM
- Collected benchmarks on different cargo profiles
- 2:54 PM
- Begin triage
- 3:02 PM
- Triaged slack
- 3:16 PM
- Commented on flaky test
- 3:29 PM
- Triaged email
- 3:40 PM
- Triaged jira
- Triaged todos
- 4:06 PM
- Posted PR to add experimental cargo profiles
- 5:28 PM
- Submitted PR to add structure to rust course
- 6:26 PM
- Re-worked prometheus 2018 upgrade
- 6:51 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:20 AM
- Began timing various profiles for makefile-profiles pr
- 10:58 AM
- Attended team building lunch and bowling
- 3:32 PM
- Hacked on profile timing scripts
- Restarted profile timing
- 3:51 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:10 PM
- Met w/ Liu
- 6:22 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:53 AM
- Hacked on custom build profiles
- 10:08 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:35 AM
- Chatted w/ Niko
- 10:42 AM
- Begin triage
- 10:50 AM
- Created some todos
- 10:58 AM
- Triaged slack
- Triaged WeChat
- 11:03 AM
- Encouraged a contributor
- Triaged email
- 11:28 AM
- Triaged todos
- 11:39 AM
- End triage
- Attempted to install QQ
- Filed weekly twir issue
- 11:53 AM
- Filed issue for NA presentation
- 11:55 AM
- Hacked on NA presentation
- 12:33 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:19 PM
- Provisioned new machine for benchmarking
- 2:26 PM
- Commented on stack protection in rocksdb
- 3:44 PM
- Asked for feedback about modularization
- 3:55 PM
- Filed issue on MustConsumeVec panic on drop
- Filed issue on PendingCmd panic on drop
- 5:12 PM
- Filed issue about leaking secrets on drop
- 5:29 PM
- Posted contributor issues to twir
- 6:37 PM
- Requested review on prometheus issue
- 6:43 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:10 PM
- Hacked on makefiles for compiler optimizations
- 11:39 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:15 PM
- Timed incremental compilation for TiKV
- 6:12 PM
- Posted incremental compilation timings
- 6:46 PM
- 6:51 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:43 PM
- Reviewed a pr to remove extern crate
- 8:53 PM
- Reviewed nrc’s tidy pr
- 8:57 PM
- Merged extern crate PR
- 9:05 PM
- Reviewed readme PR
- 9:12 PM
- Reviewed raft doc PR
- 9:16 PM
- Reviewed fail CI PR
- 9:30 PM
- Reviewed raft CI PR
- 9:33 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:46 PM
- Hacked on custom build profiles
- Built with panic=abort for integration testing
- Set up a new EC2 instance for benchmarking
- 2:25 PM
- Sent email to niko/aaron/alex about contracting for compile time improvements
- Mentioned tide/romio/juliex in #tikv-team
- 3:20 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:59 PM
- Hacked on custom build profiles
- 9:00 PM
- Responded to #tikv-team
- 9:15 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:45 PM
- Hacked on custom build profiles
- 8:56 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:00 PM
- Attended i18n meeting
- Commented on stack protection bug
- 7:17 PM
- Attended TiKV meeting
- 7:48 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:15 PM
- Submitted proposals to cfp
- 11:19 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:09 PM
- Hacked on course HTML framework
- 4:22 PM
- Started writing project 1 and lesson 1 for talent-training
- 7:35 PM
- Completed structure of rust talent training
- 7:43 PM
- Posted link to training material in slack
- 8:12 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:31 AM
- Attended NA meeting
- 11:26 AM
- Begin triage
- 11:31 AM
- Commented on rocks not using jemalloc
- 12:02 PM
- Merged rust client CI PR
- 12:05 PM
- Merged raft max_size API PR
- 12:08 PM
- Triaged work email
- 12:10 PM
- 12:14 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:00 PM
- Attended 1-1 w/ Kevin
- 1:40 PM
- End triage
- Sent invoice
- 2:19 PM
- Commented on Brave internship
- 2:31 PM
- Filed jira ticket to investigate overvenus’s translation of mit course
- 2:39 PM
- Filed github ticket to write project 1
- 2:41 PM
- Filed JIRA ticket to write project 1
- 2:43 PM
- Hacked on slide material
- 4:14 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:48 PM
- Hacked on slides
- 8:04 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:31 AM
- Reviewed raft CI pr
- 11:37 AM
- Triaged slack
- 11:46 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:24 PM
- Commented on binary size issue
- 6:54 PM
- Filed bug about eliminating tikv-server-portable
- 6:59 PM
- Filed bug about git deps
- 7:28 PM
- Added details to tikv coprocessor contributor issue
- 7:55 PM
- Posted contributor issues to twir
- 7:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 11:58 AM
- Hacked on cargo-bloat
- Posted analysis of generics bloat
- 5:41 PM
- Posted analysis of generics bloat
- 5:45 PM
- Experimented more with cargo-bloat
- 6:24 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:02 PM
- Begin triage
- 1:03 PM
- Pushed updates to grpc update
- 1:17 PM
- Chatted w/ Yi about Rocks’s allocator
- 1:17 PM
- Investigated allocation in rocks
- Triaged slack
- 1:42 PM
- Approved and merged tikv style guide
- 1:52 PM
- Converted minidump issue into contributor issue
- 1:59 PM
- Commented on
- 2:05 PM
- Commened on tidb-ctl PR
- 2:14 PM
- Closed stale tikv issue
- 2:22 PM
- Triaged pingcap inbox
- 2:23 PM
- Commented on rocks/jemalloc issue
- 3:26 PM
- Read ‘what’s new in tikv
- 3:36 PM
- End triage
- 3:36 PM
- Re-reviewed dyn patch
- 4:27 PM
- Experimented with features for tcmalloc pr
- 6:10 PM
- Read new comments on max_size PR
- 6:13 PM
- Posted fix for log_wrappers not linking tikv_alloc
- 6:31 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:43 PM
- Updated grpc pr
- 6:46 PM
- Reviewed raft raw example
- 6:50 PM
- Merged raft raw example
- 6:53 PM
- Approved raft PR
- 6:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on training site
- 12:21 AM
- Hacked on prometheus
- 12:30 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:43 PM
- Approved comment guide PR
- 12:43 PM
- Approved raft rust 2018 upgrade
- 12:49 PM
- Wrote status update
- Posted PR to fix prometheus benches
- 2:00 PM
- Filed JIRA issue for prometheus benches
- 2:19 PM
- Posted new prometheus rust 2018 PR
- 2:26 PM
- Updated deep-dive-tikv copyediting PR
- 2:35 PM
- Merged deep-dive-tikv copyediting PR
- 2:40 PM
- Posted PR to upgrade grpc to Rust 2018
- 3:39 PM
- Commented on grpc rust 2018 issue
- 3:42 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:00 PM
- Attended i18n meeting
- 6:56 PM
- Looked into CI failures on grpc rust 2018 PR
- 6:57 PM
- Continued investigating grpc issues
- 7:22 PM
- Attended Tikv meeting
- 7:35 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:00 AM
- Hacked on training code
- 1:11 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:51 PM
- Hacked on training code to make it vaguelly presentable
- 4:25 PM
- Read talent-training PR review
- Implemented some changes from talent-training PR
- Responded to sanitizer issue
- 5:51 PM
- Approved raft PR
- 5:52 PM
- Approved raft PR
- 5:59 PM
- Commented on talent-training PR review
- 7:24 PM
- Merged talent-training PR
- 7:24 PM
- Chatted at Ana
- Spread the latest TWIR
- 7:44 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:15 PM
- Resumed upgrading prometheus to rust 2018
- 10:26 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 10:45 PM
- Hacked on training site
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:30 AM
- Hacked on training code
- 12:02 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:40 PM
- Chatted w/ Yi about allocator profiling
- 12:48 PM
- Attended Samantha’s presentation
- 1:42 PM
- Sent Samantha feedback on presentation
- 1:56 PM
- Responded to a q on WeChat Rust China
- 2:04 PM
- Triaged slack
- Triaged discourse
- 2:06 PM
- Hacked on training code
- 4:56 PM
- Peered with Greg on coprocessor bug
- 5:46 PM
- 6:08 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 6:50 PM
- Hacked on training code
- 7:28 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:45 PM
- Hacked on training code
- 11:59 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:00 PM
- Hacked on slide / text structure for training materials
- 7:14 PM
- Filed issue on engine abstraction step
- 7:23 PM
- Posted TiKV issues to TWIR
- 7:38 PM
- Updated next steps for dev-opt profile issue
- 7:45 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 9:14 PM
- Hacked on javascript for training slides
- 11:38 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 3:00 PM
- Began another attempt to benchmark debuginfo
- 3:01 PM
- Begin triage
- 3:58 PM
- Routed PingCAP GitHub emails to
- 4:05 PM
- Reorganized various notes
- Continued benchmarking debuginfo configs
- 4:37 PM
- Posted updates on rust-skeptic overhaul
- 5:32 PM
- Posted debuginfo benchmarks
- 5:55 PM
- Installed WeChat for Windows
- 6:13 PM
- Approved raft example PR
- 6:21 PM
- 6:28 PM
- End triage
- Read and responded to contributor email from Pratyush
- 6:50 PM
- Reviewed raft API change
- 7:04 PM
- Reviewed dyn trait PR
- 7:52 PM
- Followed up on tcmalloc PR
- 7:58 PM
- Reviewed tikv comment guidelines
- 8:59 PM
- Commented on minidump issue
- 9:03 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 4:36 PM
- Begin triage
- 4:36 PM
- Triaged slack
- Triaged work email
- 4:42 PM
- Triaged GitHub email
- 4:59 PM
- Triaged todos
- 5:18 PM
- End triage
- Send ana some msgs
- 5:20 PM
- Assigned minidump issue to compile time jira epic
- 5:24 PM
- Updated JIRA sprint
- Wrote status report
- Sent Ana status report
- 5:42 PM
- Filed bug for next week’s twir
- 5:45 PM
- Attended i18 meeting
- Attended TiKV meeting
- 7:38 PM
- Began benchmarking rust-skeptic changes against rust-cookbook
- 7:47 PM
- Responded to liu re rocksdb’s allocator
- 7:49 PM
- Reviewed tcmalloc PR
- 9:14 PM
- Commented on i18n meeting schedule
- 9:27 PM
- Reviewed client-rust failure PR
- 9:45 PM
- Commeted on dyn Trait PR
- 9:49 PM
- Encouraged a contributor
- 9:51 PM
- Encouraged a contributor
- 10:03 PM
- Reviewed raft 0.5
- 10:09 PM
- Stalled a review
- 10:11 PM
- Reviewed client-rust readme
- 10:13 PM
- Reviewed raft examples
- 10:15 PM
- Reviewed and merged fail COC
- 10:17 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 1:05 PM
- Started testing build times w/ and w/o debuginfo
- 1:16 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 5:55 PM
- Threw away build time results
- Chatted w/ liu and zhouquiang
- Commented on minidump ticket
- 6:26 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 8:30 PM
- Commented on tikv call for participation
- 9:01 PM
- Posted twir to WeChat
- 9:03 PM
- Clock out
- Posted comment to rust-skeptic issue
- Posted comment to rust-skeptic issue
- Clock in
- 10:54 AM
- Triaged various
- Submitted invoice
- 11:40 AM
- Triaged slack
- 11:43 AM
- Signed up for PingCAP meetup
- 11:49 AM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:55 PM
- Commented about the process for upgrading TiKV to 2018
- 1:07 PM
- Posted experience report to urlo
- 1:30 PM
- Commented on TiKV OKRs
- 2:19 PM
- Triaged pingcap email
- Triaged rust discord
- 2:24 PM
- Reviewed client-rust README PR
- 3:04 PM
- Reviewed client-rust kvproto fix
- 3:27 PM
- Commented on rustup cleanup issue
- 3:55 PM
- Reviewed rustup curl-removal PR
- 4:00 PM
- Commented on engine abstraction
- 4:35 PM
- Hearted a contributor PR
- 4:42 PM
- Hearted a contributor PR
- 4:44 PM
- Commented on a rustup issue
- 4:51 PM
- Triaged email
- 5:01 PM
- Asked #tikv-team for a stale sprint to be deleted
- 5:15 PM
- Commented on prometheus 2018
- 5:16 PM
- Commented on rustup optional docs
- 5:48 PM
- Commented on training pr
- 7:20 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 12:03 PM
- Asked for help geting rustc output from cargo
- Discussed various issues on slack
- 12:41 PM
- Posted next steps to engine abstraction issue
- 1:21 PM
- Moved all compile-time issues into project cards
- 1:33 PM
- Filed issue to remove
extern crate
- 2:07 PM
- Commented on use_extern_macros issue
- 2:14 PM
- Commented on prometheus const fn issue
- 2:20 PM
- Reviewed raft patch
- 2:53 PM
- Reviewed raft patch
- 2:56 PM
- Filed issue to remove extern crate
- 2:58 PM
- Filed issue to convert to dyn triat
- 2:58 PM
- Triaged various issues
- 3:52 PM
- Clock out
- Clock in
- 7:25 PM
- Posted contributor issues to TWIR
- 7:39 PM
- Chatted w/ jay about tikv-server-portable
- 7:51 PM
- Clock out
- Merged 4 PRs into stdx
- 8:51 PM
- Commented on skeptic PR
- 10:29 PM
- Hacked on basic-http-server
- Hacked on bloop-lang
- Hacked on intro to rust on fuchsia
- Hacked on avx2 memchr
- Filed cargo uninstall bug
- Installed uutils
- Filed cargo install warning bug
- 10:41 PM
- Submitted recursion lint patch
- 11:19 PM
- Commented on comrak feature request
- 11:24 PM
- Hacked on avx2 memchr
- Wrote memories of RustConf and yoga with Kandis
- Clock in
- Wrote good memories
- 1:23 PM
- Clock in
- 2:30 PM
- 3:13 PM
- Triaged my todo list
- Listened to Jason’s new song and replied
- Finished laundry
- Responded to a rustup thread
- 4:56 PM
- Commented on “Fork us on GitHub” PR
- 1:49 PM
- Asked for review of a www pr
- 1:49 PM
- Asked for merge of www pr
- Asked for merge of www pr
- 1:50 PM
- Posted std::alloc doc update
- 3:35 PM
- Posted global_alloc patch to the reference
- 3:48 PM
- Posted fix tot commonmark website
- 1:43 PM
- Commented on commonmark forum re release date
- 1:45 PM
- Thanked jgm for his work on the commonmark spec
- 1:59 PM
- Posted installer updates to rust-www
- Posted installer updates to
- Posted PR to add armv7 to rust installers
- Merged fixe for cargo-crusader
- 8:56 PM
- Followed up on security@
- 9:21 PM
- Commented on xdg rfc
- 1:14 PM
- Reportetd $security-bug to
- 12:00 PM
- Followed up on security bug
- 1:15 PM
- Posted massive screed about supporting rustup with platform-aware cargo
- 7:40 PM
- Proposed deprecating env::home_dir
- 6:56 PM
- Commented on platform-specific dir RFC
- 7:48 PM
- Commented on cargo platform-dirs bug
- 10:32 PM
- Commented on home_dir suckage
- 10:37 PM
- Commented on TiDB blog post
- 2:11 PM
- Commented on llogiq’s blog post
- 2:14 PM
- Commented on MesaLink
- 2:28 PM
- Commented on XDG RFC
- 4:10 PM
- Attended physical therapy
- 9:00 AM
- Triaged todos
- 12:08 PM
- Triaged personal emails
- 12:50 PM
- 0/40:0/30
- Responded to aturon re rustfest
- 12:57 PM
- 0/30:0/10
- Confirmed medical claims
- 1:04 PM
- 0/40:0/10
- Confirmed dental claims
- 1:09 PM
- 0/10:0/0
- Triaged mozilla emails
- 1:09 PM
- 0/70:0/40
- Filled out intake form
- 2:31 PM
- Created new recovery email account
- 2:54 PM
- 0/20:0/10
- Responded to spanish tutor
- 3:09 PM
- Responded to recruiter
- 3:09 PM
- Read mozilla departure email
- 3:41 PM
- 0/60:0/10
- Investigated Mozilla 401k contact info
- 3:49 PM
- 0/50:0/0
- Wrote shopping list
- 3:49 PM
- Planned tomorrow’s hike
- Researched camping sites
- 4:17 PM
- Exited bed
- 4:10 AM
- Exited house
- 4:33 AM
- Gymmed 3 hours
- 8:00 AM
- Meditated 38 minutes
- 10:25
- Read some pride and prejudice
- Exited bed
- 4:20 AM
- Exited house
- 4:36 AM
- Gymmed
- 8:00 AM
- Responded to an email
- 9:54 AM
- Responded to spanish tutor
- 10:18 AM
- Transcribed some journals
- 3:09 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Emailed sister
- 3:10 PM
- Ordered second water bottle
- 3:21 PM
- 50/0:0/0
- Practiced spanish
- 4:16 PM
- 30/0:30/0
- Responded to spanish tutor
- 4:18 PM
- 10/30:0/20
- Responded to graydon
- Responded to spanish tutor
- Responded to mom
- 6:00 PM
- Responded to Federico
- 6:01 PM
- Exited bed
- 4:18 AM
- Exited house
- 4:34 AM
- Gymmed
- 7:20 AM
- Meditated in park
- 9:40 AM
- Read some pride and prejudice
- 11:00 AM
- Sketched ‘who I want to be’
- 1:34 PM
- Drew a picture
- 3:10 PM
- Cooked dinner
- 5:25
- Transcibed daily notes
- 5:27 PM
- Transcribed cba for ‘having an inferiority complex’
- 11:20 AM
- Wrote email re SSRI efficacy
- 11:53 AM
- Poked at master plan
- 12:05 PM
- Transcribed a journal entry
- 12:22 PM
- Set up meeting with Tim Kuehn
- 12:30 PM
- Worked on thoughtlink
- Wrote about getting started with Foundation
- 4:43 PM
- 50/0:40/30
- Laundered clothes
- 4:44 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Practiced spanish
- 5:07 PM
- 30/:20/0
- Contacted a spanish tutor
- 5:39 PM
- 0/30:10/0
- Attended physical therapy
- 9:00 AM
- Submitted laptop for reimaging
- 11:00 AM
- Wrote CBA for ‘having an inferiority complex’
- 1:20 PM
- Read some ‘10 days to self esteem’
- 1:00 PM
- Exited bed
- 4:20 AM
- Exercised at gym
- 7:30 AM
- Brainstormed in park
- 10:00 AM
- Backed up secrets
- 1:10 PM
- Practiced spanish
- 1:45 PM
- Practiced spanish
- 4:29 PM
- Researched spanish verbs
- 4:57 PM
- Exited bed
- 4:00 AM
- Exercised at gym
- 7:00 AM
- Attended physical therapy
- 9:30 AM
- Watch eclipse-watchers
- 11:00 AM
- Transcribed more ‘intro to cbt’
- 11:36 AM
- Responded to budziq re skeptic
- 12:30 PM
- Responded to mw
- 12:30 PM
- Responded to mom
- 12:33 PM
- Accepted a linkedin invite
- 12:33 PM
- Reviewed felton airbnb host
- 12:41 PM
- Responded to _
- 1:10 PM
- Responded to Tim Kuehn
- 1:34 PM
- Attended dentist appointment for cavity filling
- Purchased groceries
- 5:07 PM
- Sent emails to Dan and Alon
- 5:45 PM
- Emailed cmr
- Emailed vikrant
- 6:20 PM
- Breakfasted with Niko
- Brainstormed ‘ThoughtLink Assistant’
- Thanked parents for dried fruit basket
- 6:26 PM
- Resigned from Mozilla
- Posted public farewell message
- Attended rustconf hallway track
- Worked on blog
- 11:18 AM
- Worked on intro to cbt
- 12:00 PM
- Worked on cognitive cheat sheet
- Responded to Felix
- 8:40 PM
- Up at 4:40 AM
- Exercised
- Threw away apartment junk
- Laundered clothes
- 2:07 PM
- Added to master plan
- 2:35 PM
- Ordered gym trial membership
- 3:27 PM
- Purchased combo lock for gym
- Emailed Alex
- 5:00 PM
- Attended physical therapy
- Attended dentist appointment
- Purchased laptop from work
- Copied movies to USB
- Copied contacts from Mozilla email
- Installed maschine
- Added “3 obstacles” to master plan
- 2:24 PM
- Wrote readme for accessing secrets
- 2:32 PM
- Updated farewell draft
- 4:59 PM
- Requested cobra info from Mozilla HR
- 5:00 PM
- Responded to aturon
- 5:00 PM
- Filled out new medical claims
- 6:34 PM
- Weekly accounting
- 6:34 PM
- Emailed graydon
- 3:44 PM
- Emailed alisha
- 4:04 PM
- Emailed Bjorn at Parity
- Sent email to Andy Grover re Stratis
- 12:08 PM
- Posted issue to add more external links to guidelines
- 1:53 PM
- Converted guidelines to mdbook
- 2:16 PM
- Comment on error-chain backtrace performance
- 10:56 AM
- Filed error-chain issues
- 12:07 PM
- Updated libz blitz op with same-file and error-chain
- 12:12 PM
- Asked acrichto to take over discourse billing
- 1:34 PM
- Merged basic-http-server pr
- 1:43 PM
- Published basic-http-server 0.2
- 1:54 PM
- Gave acrichto access to my projects
- Emailed Jack about moving to servo team
- Emailed Joanne about taking leave of absence
- 2:22 PM
- Rescheduled cookbook ux chat
- 2:53 PM
- Responded to hunter re maidsafe meetup
- Follewed up on env_logger
- 3:30 PM
- Merged cookbook pr
- 5:16 PM
- Merged cookbook pr
- 5:16 PM
- Merged cookbook pr
- Merged cookbook pr
- 5:32 PM
- Merged cookbook pr
- 5:42 PM
- Merged cookbook pr
- 5:45 PM
- Closed cargobomb issue
- 5:49 PM
- Merged cookbook pr
- 6:07 PM
- Merged cookbook pr
- 6:11 PM
- Scheduled meeting with alisha
- 6:14 PM
- Updated resume
- Replied to imperio re rustdoc
- 1:42 PM
- Replied to susy research email
- 1:59 PM
- Commented on merged collections / alloc
- 9:06 AM
- Filed parity resolution issue
- 10:29 AM
- Updated parity pr
- 10:52 AM
- Updated 1.19 relnotes
- 10:58 AM
- Responded to stdx thread
- 11:34 AM
- Started cargobomb nightly
- 11:41 AM
- Reviewed some rfc
- 1:13 PM
- Triaged cargobomb beta
- 2:36 PM
- Met with heartsucker re tuf / rustup integration
- Copied tuf notes into rustup issue tracker
- 11:01 AM
- Filed issue about rustup remove_dir_all module
- 11:24 AM
- Posted rustup issue to twir
- 11:26 AM
- Filed home_dir issue
- 4:34 PM
- Created home crate
- 5:11 PM
- Used home crate in rustup
- 5:12 PM
- Reopened a guidelines pr
- 5:34 PM
- Reviewed a cookbook pr
- 6:21 PM
- Reviewed a cookbook pr
- Responded to alisha
- 6:33 PM
- Responded to travis email
- 6:50 PM
- Commented about the original ocaml compiler
- 11:46 AM
- Welcomed Ashley and Sebastian to community team
- 11:58 AM
- Started 1.19-beta.4 cargobomb
- 1:16 PM
- Triaged todos
- Published stdx 0.119.0-rc
- 2:29 PM
- 30/0:40/10
- Posted a guideline issue
- Posted a guideline issue
- 3:29 PM
- Closed a guidelines issue
- 3:46 PM
- Commented on close conventions
- 4:16 PM
- Updated API guidelines
- 6:31 PM
- 30/0:40/0
- Pinged dtolnay about guidelines updates
- 6:33 PM
- Commented on ? in main rfc
- 7:42 PM
- Praised PingCAP
- 7:44 PM
- Praised Ralf’s unsafe code validation strategy
- 7:53 PM
- Merged stdx fix
- 10:01 AM
- Sent tshepang a friendly email
- 10:21 AM
- Merged stdx pr
- 10:24 AM
- Merged stdx pr
- 10:24 AM
- Commented on stdx issue
- 10:30 AM
- Closed old stdx issue
- 10:31 AM
- Added build / test to stdx travis config
- 10:39 AM
- Bumped stdx deps
- 10:55 AM
- Reviewed skeptic PR
- 11:08 AM
- Filed skeptic bug to produce better test names
- 11:12 AM
- Posted skeptic issue to twir
- 11:12 AM
- Added skeptic tests to stdx
- 11:22 AM
- Filed skeptic hash bug
- 11:43 AM
- Worked on anthology outline
- 5:22 PM
- Filed issue about cookbook visual design
- Sent email to blake winton re cookbook ux
- Sent email to budziq re cookbook updates
- 1:13 PM
- Posted semver VersionReq serialization issue to twir
- 1:18 PM
- Scheduled meeting with sebastian
- 1:32 PM
- Asked for confirmation of a beta fix
- 1:34 PM
- Asked for confirmation of a beta fix
- 1:35 PM
- Asked for confirmation of a beta fix
- 1:35 PM
- Commented on 1.19 relnotes
- 1:40 PM
- Prepared cargobomb beta.4
- Praised florob’s inline asm presentation
- Responded to tlively on wasm thread
- 2:33 PM
- Commented on cargobomb run
- 2:42 PM
- Commented on cargo jobserver
- 2:44 PM
- Praised rustdoc redux
- 2:47 PM
- Attended infra meeting
- Merged cargobomb patch
- 3:38 PM
- Commented on rand crate
- 4:32 PM
- Invited bsmith to 7/25 rand meeting
- Sent email to burntsushi about rand evaluation
- Reviewed log patch
- 5:47 PM
- Posted blitz update
- 8:09 PM
- Sent emails to top libz blitz contributors
- 8:41 PM
- Conducted release triage
- Posted triage minutes
- 9:56 AM
- Responded to email re log pr
- 10:27 AM
- Worked on cargo-index-tool
- 11:14 AM
- Posted an issue to twir
- 11:16 AM
- Booked taipei hotel
- 11:24 AM
- Booked rustconf hotel
- 11:31 PM
- Published cargobomb nightly
- 11:33 AM
- Bumped beta to .4
- 11:52 AM
- Posted release status update
- 11:53 AM
- Responded to someday thread
- 12:06 PM
- Checked an fcp
- 12:30 PM
- Checked an fcp
- 12:36 PM
- Checked an fcp
- 12:40 PM
- Posted a cargobomb nightly
- 12:43 PM
- Did FCPS
- 0/50:0/0
- Worked on cargo-index-tool
- 4:00 PM
- Praised shepmaster’s play update
- 9:47 AM
- Organized anthology master list
- 9:59 AM
- Triaged todos
- Hearted lots of comments
- 10:59 AM
- 40/0:20/0
- Replied to community team email
- 11:00 AM
- Merged skeptic pr
- 1:39 PM
- Published skeptic 0.11
- 1:44 PM
- Responded to budziq re skeptic
- 1:45 PM
- Responded to hunter re maidsafe meetup
- 1:52 PM
- Updated backports
- 5:55 PM
- Updated release notes
- 5:59 PM
- Updated release status
- 5:59 PM
- Merged log pr
- 6:10 PM
- Closed log issue
- 6:10 PM
- Updated anthology master list
- 6:12 PM
- Responded to heartsucker re meeting timing
- 6:16 PM
- Triaged email
- 6:25 PM
- 30/30:0/30
- Commented on fuchsia
- 6:44 PM
- Followed up on someday list
- 6:54 PM
- Posted about uutils
- 7:18 PM
- Posted another regression to release status
- 7:21 PM
- Commented on gcc review
- 7:47 PM
- Commented about doc redirects
- 8:03 PM
- Merged guidelines pr
- 9:02 PM
- Posted gcc issues
- Posted gcc update to evaluation thread
- 9:16 PM
- Posted gcc issues to twir
- 9:23 PM
- Hearted mbrubeck’s regression fix
- 9:30 PM
- Commented on how rust is tested
- 10:49 AM
- Commented on how rust is tested
- 10:50 AM
- Attended libs meeting
- 2:56 PM
- Commented on guidelines issue
- 2:56 PM
- Posted comment to parity panic hook patch
- 3:27 PM
- Commented on cargobomb
- 3:58 PM
- Posted ‘How Rust is tested’
- Posted to HN
- Posted to /r/programming
- Posted to /r/rust
- 10:10 AM
- Merged fix to my blog
- 10:52 AM
- Merged fix to my blog
- 10:52 AM
- Fotted imperio
- 11:35 AM
- Emailed alisha re rustfest
- 11:41 AM
- Attended diesel meeting
- 3:14 PM
- Triaged todos
- 4:49 PM
- Posted link to Rust gamedev talk
- 6:11 PM
- Merged skeptic pr
- 7:03 PM
- Merged skeptic pr
- 7:04 PM
- Released skeptic 0.10.1
- 7:14 PM
- Responded to packt
- 7:17 PM
- Responded to 1aim libz blitz applicants
- 7:39 PM
- Responded to heartsucker re tuf
- 8:38 PM
- Helped with gcc evaluation
- 9:17 PM
- 0/20:20/0
- Updated libz blitz thread
- Bumped threadpool evaluation
- 9:28 PM
- Praised ggez
- 10:49 PM
- Responded to jlal
- 6:53 PM
- Praised dtolnay’s semver trick
- 7:48 PM
- Sent japaric email about embedded vendor outreach
- 11:01 AM
- Update my project list
- 11:01 AM
- Triaged my own project organization
- 11:56 AM
- Merged a httptest PR
- 2:03 PM
- Triaged todos
- 11:26 AM
- Triaged emails
- 11:56 AM
- 10/20:0/10
- Posted parity panic_hook PR
- 12:11
- 20/0:20/0
- Fixed crusader build
- 12:37 PM
- Reviewed a patch
- 5:46 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- Reviewed log pr
- 7:43 PM
- Merged stdx pr
- 7:44 PM
- Merged stdx pr
- 7:44 PM
- Posted some guidelines issues to twir
- 7:49 PM
- Sent email to alisha about stdx testing
- 8:38 PM
- Posted libz blitz update
- 3:21 PM
- Updated ‘how rust is tested’ blog
- 5:03 PM
- Responded to Paige re zcash
- 9:37 AM
- Responded to tlively re emscripten upgrade
- 10:49 AM
- Sent an email on llvm upgrade coordination
- 10:52 AM
- Hearted a rayon pr
- Hearted a rayon pr
- 12:09 AM
- Commented about gcc backend
- 3:02 PM
- Commented about San Jose meetup
- 11:22 PM
- Sent email to japaric about no_std
- 10:08 AM
- Commented on rustup
- 10:17 AM
- Bumped tuf thread
- 12:53 PM
- Reviewed rls pull
- 1:06 PM
- Sent bascule email about error-chain
- 1:46 PM
- Responded to libz blitz thread
- 2:27 PM
- Followed up on error-chain review
- 3:51 PM
- Commented on tikv update
- 9:28 PM
- Sent email to Raph re Rust on Fuchsia
- 11:30 AM
- Wrote more ‘intro to rust on fuchsia’
- 11:53 PM
- Responded to rustup q
- 11:53 AM
- Merged rustup bump
- 2:09 PM
- Released rustup 1.5.0
- 6:54 PM
- Commented on Rust novelty
- 7:41 PM
- Praised Redox gsoc student
- 7:53 PM
- Responded to japaric email
- 8:13 PM
- Started cargobomb beta
- 9:49 AM
- Triaged todos
- 10:08 AM
- Filed rustup bug about windows UNC paths
- 10:16 AM
- Posted rustup bug to twir
- 10:17 AM
- Reopened rust bug about guard traits
- 12:22 AM
- Filed bug about rustup show error
- 10:30 AM
- Posted rustup show bug to twir
- 10:31 AM
- Updated rustup rust-toolchain patch
- 10:31 AM
- Responded to q about regression tracking
- 11:27 AM
- Commented on question mark in main
- 11:42 AM
- Comented on stdx-check
- 1:42 PM
- Hearted test fixes
- 1:44 PM
- Praised the mod team for their judgement
- 1:53 PM
- Attended infra meeting
- 3:17 PM
- Praised Susie Struble for community research
- Praised George Roter for community research
- 3:18 PM
- Sent catch-up email to cmr
- 4:05 PM
- Responded to parity team
- 5:26 PM
- Sent Yamakaky reminder about error-chain review
- 5:50 PM
- Commented on no-llvm pr
- 6:36 PM
- Commented on regression tracking
- 6:41 PM
- Responded to etcdev
- 6:43 PM
- Merged rustup pr
- 7:03 PM
- Merged rustup pr
- 7:04 PM
- Merged rustup pr
- 7:14 PM
- Merged rustup pr
- 7:21 PM
- Updated rustup bash_profile pr
- 7:39 PM
- Bumped rustup version
- 7:56 PM
- Filed bug to add resume support to other rustup backends
- 8:11 PM
- Posted rustls issue to twir
- 8:11 PM
- Updated rustup deps
- 8:14 PM
- Triaged rustup issue
- 8:19 PM
- Filed issue to add reqwest to rustup
- 8:35 PM
- Posted reqwest rustup backend to twir
- 8:36 PM
- Triaged todos
- 10:05 AM
- Updated rustup package availability fix
- 10:06
- 10/0:0/0
- Fixed rustup windows build issues
- 10:27 AM
- Contacted various cryptocurrency Rust users
- 2:06 PM
- Began uploading nightly cargobomb
- 2:11 PM
- Began preparing beta cargobomb
- 2:11 PM
- Updated 1.19 relnotes with libs pr
- 2:17 PM
- Backported beta patches
- 2:32 PM
- Posted about regression process
- 2:41 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 3:02 PM
- Filed nightly regression
- 3:24 PM
- Praised a contributor’s cleanup patch
- 3:28 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 3:33 PM
- Updated cargobomb blacklist
- 3:37 PM
- Triaged cargobomb nightly
- 0/20:10/0
- Responded to yann from 1aim
- 7:08 PM
- Responded to email re tuf
- 7:09 PM
- Attended core team meeting
- 3:27 PM
- Clicked a checkbox
- 3:28 PM
- Triaged todos
- 3:39 PM
- Reviewed ? in main
- 4:37 PM
- Wrote about the Rust Assurance Group
- 10:38 AM
- Reminded burntsushi to start the gcc evaluation
- 10:46 AM
- Commented on structopt subcommand support
- 11:09 AM
- Thanked TeXitoi for structopt
- 11:49 AM
- Attended libs meeting
- 2:04 PM
- 0/30:10/10
- Reviewed
- 2:06 PM
- Posted updates to roadmap blogpost
- 3:14 PM
- Hearted a bunch of posts
- 3:15 PM
- 40/0:20/0
- Responded to cuviper email re num
- 3:37 PM
- Responded to bluss email re ndarray, petgraph
- 3:37 PM
- Triaged emails
- 3:39 PM
- 10/30:0/0
- Responded to japaric’s status report
- 4:53 PM
- 20/20:20/0
- Triaged 1.18 bootstrap failure
- 4:59 PM
- Checked an FCP box
- 5:00 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Pinged stdx contrib
- 5:02 PM
- 0/30:0/10
- Pinged stdx contrib
- 5:03 PM
- 0/30:0/10
- Pinged stdx contrib
- 5:03 PM
- 0/30:0/10
- Merged stdx patch
- 5:05 PM
- Merged stdx patch
- 5:08 PM
- Commented on stdx either type
- 5:21 PM
- Sent email to packagers about 1.18 bootstrap bug
- 5:35 PM
- Responded to Rust MX user
- 6:31 PM
- 0/30:10/0
- Responded to indian community organizer
- 6:52 PM
- 0/30:0/10
- Emailed hunter about maidsafe event promotion ideas
- 7:10 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Sent positive email re style team
- Responded to pearl re maidsafe event
- Triaged todos
- 11:49 AM
- Posted .rust-version patch
- 1:04 PM
- 30/0:20/0
- Commented on doc comments on statements
- 1:32 PM
- Attended tools meeting
- 2:01 PM
- 0/30:0/20
- Invited cuviper to rayon evaluation
- 2:23 PM
- Pinged sfackler for a log review
- 2:40 PM
- Commented on log PR
- 2:48 PM
- 0/20:20/0
- Updated blitz spreadsheet
- 3:23 PM
- 20/10:40/0
- Updated roadmap text for libz blitz
- 3:39 PM
- 0/30:10/0
- Merged rand doc update
- 3:45 PM
- Scheduled rand
- 4:00 PM
- Posted about out-of-band crate evaluations
- 5:00 PM
- Commented on ring
- 5:07 PM
- Sent various emails to crate authors about libz blitz evaluations
- 6:40 PM
- 10/30:40/20
- Wrote more about Rust testing
- 9:20 AM
- Hacked more on rustup file overrides
- 3:44 PM
- Conducted release triage
- 10:12 AM
- Posted about regression tracking changes
- 10:29 AM
- Hearted a comment
- 10:49 AM
- Hacked on rustup version file
- 11:32 PM
- Commented on rustup win 10 crash
- 11:33 PM
- Commented on rustconf
- 11:35 PM
- Commented on blitz
- 1:39 PM
- Thanked people for relicensing heapsize
- 2:12 PM
- Hearted the heapsize relicense PR
- 2:12 PM
- Gave some advice about log documentation
- 2:26 PM
- Posted skeptic bug to twir
- 3:26 PM
- Refreshed error-chain evaluation
- 3:59 PM
- Posted libz blitz status update
- 4:06 PM
- Posted new blitz issues to twir
- 4:09 PM
- Send Yann email about incentivised libz blitz
- 4:51 PM
- Sent email re crate evaluation schedule
- 6:04 PM
- Commented on paid platform support
- 9:44 PM
- Posted about iota
- 10:51 PM
- Attended core team meeting
- Triaged todos
- Hacked on rustup version file
- 2:36 PM
- Posted release triage reminder
- 2:41 PM
- Responded to email about tuf
- 4:01 PM
- 0/30:0/10
- Responded to email from nasa42 about rustconf
- 4:07 PM
- Requested rust-dev aws account
- 4:18 PM
- 0/30:0/10
- Responded to maidsafe email
- 5:07 PM
- 0/30:10/20
- Cross-posted bad codegen issue from bugzilla
- 5:34 PM
- Updated bugzilla codegen issue
- 5:36 PM
- 0/30:0/0
- Commented on beta revert
- 5:38 PM
- Commented on duplicate dylibs
- 6:01 PM
- Triaged rustup issue
- 6:09 PM
- Triaged
- 6:10 PM
- Responded to libz blitz / rustfest thread
- 6:22 PM
- 0/40:0/0
- Commented on www PR
- 6:46 PM
- Commented on www PR
- 6:50 PM
- Helped alisha with a PR
- 7:28 PM
- Bumped beta
- 10:04 AM
- Triaged todos
- 10:05 AM
- Commented on env_logger patch
- 10:10 AM
- Merged skeptic fix
- 10:14 AM
- Released skeptic 0.10.0
- 10:25 AM
- Thanked kodraus for running crate review
- 2:03 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 2:30 PM
- Postetd libz blitz update
- 2:38 PM
- Congratulated sean on hyper 0.11
- 3:02 PM
- Commented about nodebug nightlies
- 3:48 PM
- Hearted various posts
- 3:56 PM
- 40/0:40/10
- Booked room for maidsafe meetup
- 4:37 PM
- Triaged todos
- 9:48 AM
- Reviewed Niko’s epoch doc
- 10:34 AM
- Scheduled meeting with Alisha
- 10:41 AM
- Triaged emails
- 0/50:0/10
- Uploaded cargobomb beta
- 10:55 AM
- Upgraded cargobomb-prod and ran prepare-local
- 10:56 AM
- Prepared cargobomb nightly
- 11:00 AM
- Backported beta patches
- 11:11 AM
- 10/0:0/0
- Asked question about Servo’s use of rustup file overrides
- 11:22 AM
- Attended dev tools meeting
- Attended style team meeting
- 4:09 PM
- Commented on wasm backend
- 4:10 PM
- Reviewed wasm backend patch
- 4:19 PM
- 30/30:20/0
- Started cargobomb nightly run
- 4:24 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 4:40 PM
- Closed issue
- 4:49 PM
- Triaged cargobomb beta
- 20/20:0/10
- Updated cargobomb blacklist
- 5:03 PM
- Met with alisha
- 6:11 PM
- Reviewed skeptic PR
- 6:11 PM
- Made budziq a cookbook collaborator
- 6:18 PM
- Reviewed stdx pr
- 6:25 PM
- Reviewed stdx pr
- 6:38 PM
- Reviewed stdx pr
- 6:48 PM
- Commented on fs2 advisory locks
- 12:02 PM
- Commented on rustup xzs
- 8:39 AM
- Commented on memmap stdx example
- 7:49 AM
- Triaged todos
- 8:41 AM
- Continued cargobomb beta
- 0/0:0/0
- 9:10 AM
- Filed cargobomb broken-list issue
- 9:15 AM
- Filed cargobomb blacklist issue
- 9:18 AM
- Filed issue about cargobomb generate-lockfile containerization
- 9:19 AM
- Hearted a comment
- 9:24 AM
- Reviewed rustup PR
- 9:31 AM
- Reviewed rustup PR
- 9:46 AM
- Reviewed rustup PR
- 10:17 AM
- Reviewed rustup PR
- 10:20 AM
- Reviewed a rustup PR
- 10:23 AM
- Reviewed a rustup PR
- 10:25 AM
- Commented on rustup msi
- 10:39 AM
- Rebased rustup manifest fix
- 10:42 AM
- Updated rustup issue
- 11:04 AM
- Bumped rustup version
- 11:11 AM
- Added more rustup release docs
- 11:14 AM
- Updated reference update op
- 2:09 PM
- Hearted wasm backend
- 2:24 PM
- Filed rustup pr to remove some travis caching
- 2:52 PM
- Disabled rustup doc upload
- 3:05 PM
- Sent email about new aws root account
- 4:31 PM
- Commented on wasm backend
- 4:38 PM
- Updated cloudfront invalidations
- 5:46 PM
- Filed rustup downgrade bug
- 5:59 PM
- Released rustup 1.4.0
- 6:12 PM
- 0/30:30/10
- Updated rustup platform support
- 6:24 PM
- Filed issue about rustup using the combined installer
- 6:41 PM
- Responded to q about combined installer
- 6:41 PM
- Updated www platform support
- 6:33 PM
- Thumbsed tomprince’s cargobomb run
- 7:09 PM
- Started hacking on rustup version file
- 2/20:20/0
- Triaged todos
- Followed up on a crater run
- 0/20:0/30
- 9:44 PM
- Started cargobomb beta
- 10:17 AM
- 0/0:0/0
- Reviewed 1.19 relnotes
- 10:53 PM
- 10/0:30/0
- Added memmap to stdx
- 11:12 PM
- Rebased stdx travis support
- 11:26 PM
- Wrote for stdx
- 11:57 PM
- 20/10:20/0
- Filed cargobomb bug about generate-lockfile latency
- 1:44 PM
- Hearted a comment from aturon
- 2:02 PM
- Heartad a comment from aturon
- 2:03 PM
- Hearted a comment from pnkfelix
- 2:04 PM
- Hearted a comment from aturon
- 2:04 PM
- Hearted a comment from nmatsakis
- 2:06 PM
- Hearted a comment from nmatsakis
- 2:07 PM
- Hearted a comment from nmatsakis
- 2:08 PM
- Reviewed a PR
- 2:13 PM
- Hearted a bunch of comments
- 2:23 PM
- 40/0:30/0
- Established kindess entry points
- 20/0:30/0
- Repsonded to Kris at Figma
- 2:35 PM
- 20/0:0/0
- Pinged carl re mio evaluation
- 2:38 PM
- 0/10:0/0
- Scheduled A/V for next 3 crate evaluations
- 2:49 PM
- 0/0:0/10
- Scheduled some crate evaluations
- 2:57 PM
- Closed stdx bug
- 3:49 PM
- Filed stdx-check feature request
- 4:22 PM
- Filed fnv stdx issue
- 4:22 PM
- Filed num_cpus stdx issue
- 4:22 PM
- Filed walkdir stdx issue
- 4:22 PM
- Updated itertools stdx issue
- 4:23 PM
- Posted stdx issues to twir
- 4:25 PM
- Posted stdx update
- 4:45 PM
- 0/30:20/10
- Posted stdx validation issue
- 4:54 PM
- Attended rustconf meeting
- 11:00 AM
- Closed lazy_static issue
- 12:03 AM
- Updated libs roadmap progress
- 12:59 PM
- Attended core meeting
- 2:00 PM
- Retrying crater run
- 4:50 PM
- Responded to email re stickesr
- 4:52 PM
- Hearted a comment
- 8:21 AM
- Hearted a comment
- 8:48 AM
- Thanked people
- 8:48 AM
- Posted fix for windows-gnu regression
- 9:20 AM
- 0/20:20/10
- Continued trying to fix crater
- 9:40 AM
- Tested 1.18 release artifacts
- 9:53 AM
- Asked Aaronepower to do 1.19 relnotes
- 10:03 AM
- Clicked an rfc
- 2:44 PM
- Attended libs meeting
- Attended wasm meeting
- 2:44 PM
- Responded to Rust india email
- 3:05 PM
- Commented on error-chain
- 4:06 PM
- Tagged cookbook tracking issue
- 5:04 PM
- Merged cookbook PR
- 5:25 PM
- Updated stdx
- 5:27 PM
- Posted cookbook flate2 tracker
- 5:39 PM
- Filed cookbook issue
- 5:42 PM
- Filed stdx quick_main issue
- 5:50 PM
- Sent huon drink invite
- 6:06 PM
- Filed issue to deprecate rustc-serialize attribute
- 11:08 AM
- Asked for update on incremental compilation
- 11:10 AM
- Updated milestone predictions
- 11:12 AM
- Filed AVR tracking issue
- 11:17 AM
- Commented about blitz tracking issues
- 11:19 AM
- Triaged todos
- 11:27 AM
- Scheduled meeting with steve
- 11:29 AM
- Reviewed cargobomb custom toolchain patch
- 11:42 AM
- Generated cargobomb nightly report
- 11:53 AM
- Posted message about VS2017 compatibility
- 1:42 PM
- 20/0:10/0
- Bumped incremental from the roadmap
- 1:44 PM
- Attended dev tools meeting
- 1:55 PM
- Thanked nrc for conducting dev tools meeting
- 1:55 PM
- Merged crater fix
- 2:16 PM
- Deployed new crater build
- 2:17 PM
- Thanked a contributor
- 2:20 PM
- Started building toolchains for crater
- 2:28 PM
- Updated .s3cfg on cargobomb machines
- Uploadad cargobomb nightly
- 3:01 PM
- Published a nightly cargobomb run
- 4:17 PM
- Set up cargobomb-try
- 4:21 PM
- Hacked on fix for windows-gnu regression
- Thanked shepmaster for AVR update
- 4:45 PM
- Commented on VS 2017 compatibility
- 4:56 PM
- Tagged a pr for relnotes
- 5:01 PM
- Updated milestone predictions
- 5:01 PM
- Reviewed more rustconf cfps
- 5:21 PM
- Retried a crater run
- 5:36 PM
- Filed regression
- 5:38 PM
- Responded to email about wasm
- 5:43 PM
- Filed regression
- 5:49 PM
- Filed regression
- 6:01 PM
- Updated milestone predictions
- 6:15 PM
- Filed regression
- 6:18 PM
- Filed regression
- 6:27 PM
- Filed regression
- 6:39 PM
- Filed regression
- 6:51 PM
- Filed regression
- 6:54 PM
- Filed regression
- 6:59 PM
- Triaged cargobomb nightly
- 7:02 PM
- Wished dtolnay good luck at new job
- 7:11 PM
- Commented on bors-ng
- 10:21 AM
- Commented on walkdir recipes
- 10:53 AM
- Commented on LLVM stability
- 11:08 AM
- Commented on LLVM patches
- 11:35 AM
- Commented on wasm backend
- 2:46 PM
- Started nightly cargobomb run
- Attended infra meeting
- 3:36 PM
- Bumped beta backport priority
- 3:36 PM
- Re-reviewed 1.18 relnotes
- 3:37 PM
- Commented on rust snaps
- 4:55 PM
- Commented on rustup snaps
- 5:11 PM
- Posted snap issues to twir
- 5:11 PM
- Commented on error-chain issue
- 5:22 PM
- Gave erickt aws access
- 5:37 PM
- Responded to email re wasm
- 6:21 PM
- Responded to japaric email
- 6:34 PM
- Commented on rustup crash
- 6:56 PM
- Hearted a post from niko
- 7:05 PM
- Pinged a contributor for updates
- 7:19 PM
- Merged a log pr
- 7:28 PM
- Filed log bug
- 7:33 PM
- Heated a contribution from alisha
- 7:42 PM
- Commented on default log levels
- 7:46 PM
- Pinged some people
- 7:48 PM
- Commented on issue
- 7:58 PM
- Encouraged a contributor
- 8:01 PM
- Filed guideline issue on sealed traits
- 8:03 PM
- Pinged a contributor for updates
- 8:06 PM
- Encouraged a contributor
- 8:21 PM
- Posted blitz status update
- 8:40 PM
- Posted blitz tasks to twir
- 8:40 PM
- Tagged a pr
- 8:42 AM
- Updated vs2017 pr
- 8:50 AM
- Conducted release triage
- 10:06 AM
- Filed issue to revert rls packaging
- 10:06 AM
- Commented on rls packaging
- 10:06 AM
- Commented on rust’s scala influence
- 10:16 AM
- Updated 1.18 relnotes
- 10:28 AM
- Updated 1.18 relnotes backport
- 10:31 AM
- Triaged todo list
- 10:52 AM
- Started rebuilding cargobomb servers
- Responded to graydon email
- 11:06 AM
- Followed up on (closed) self-pr
- 11:07 AM
- 0/0:0/0
- Follow up on (closed) byteorder self-pr
- 11:08 AM
- 10/0:0/0
- Thanked a contributor
- 11:10 AM
- 0/30:10/0
- Followed up on rfc
- 11:12 AM
- 0/30:0/0
- Reviewed global allocator rfc
- 11:31 AM
- 0/50:30/0
- Submitted new gcc msvc patch
- 1:05 PM
- Built cargobomb containers for new machines
- 1:22 PM
- Updated rust msvc patch
- 1:43 PM
- Updated milestone predictions
- 1:46 PM
- Commented on cargobomb custom toolchains
- 1:57 PM
- Updated cargo gcc dep
- 2:09 PM
- Updated rls gcc dep
- 2:10 PM
- Updated rustup for vs 2017
- 2:12 PM
- Hearted a comment
- 3:06 PM
- Approved a backport
- 3:41 PM
- Filed 1.18 regression
- 3:54 PM
- Added backport documentation to forge
- 4:01 PM
- Triaged cargobomb beta run
- 4:03 PM
- Commented on walkdir cookbook suggestions
- 4:35 PM
- Commented on walkdir eval
- 4:42 PM
- Updated ethcore’s name on friends page
- 5:14 PM
- Started nightly cargobomb
- 5:50 PM
- Started rebuilding cargobomb crate list
- 5:50 PM
- Did more rustconf cfp reviews
- 6:38 PM
- Updated cargobomb repo cache
- 6:41 PM
- Closed union backport
- 11:39 AM
- Backported release notes
- 11:41 AM
- Attended core team mtg
- 2:22 PM
- Prepped for cargobomb mtg
- 2:22 PM
- Reviewed some thing
- 5:31 PM
- Rebased msvc patch
- 9:09 AM
- 10/50:0/20
- Investigated cargobomb problems
- Reviewed 1.18 relnotes
- 10:06 AM
- Backported relnotes for 1.18
- 10:13 AM
- Fixed cargobomb readme
- 10:58 AM
- Updated secrets in 1Password
- 11:30 AM
- Commented on cargo packaging C
- 2:27 PM
- Documented crater and cargobomb setup
- 3:03 PM
- Set up new cargobomb machines
- 3:04 PM
- Scheduled cargobomb meeting
- 3:05 PM
- Responded to email from alisha
- 5:09 PM
- Set up new cargobomb servers
- Closed beta backport
- 6:24 PM
- Backported untagged unions
- 6:28 PM
- Made some suggestions for walkdir cookbook
- 12:17 PM
- Commented on cookbook issue
- 12:20 PM
- Commented on mio cookbook
- 12:22 PM
- Did some walkdir examples
- 12:43 PM
- Started a cargobomb beta
- 12:50 PM
- Enabled badges on irlo
- 9:40 AM
- Fixed msvc cross-compile bug
- 9:46 AM
- Updated rustup for msvc cross-compile
- 10:13 AM
- Updated cargo for msvc cross-compile
- 10:14 AM
- Posted rustconf reminder
- 11:06 AM
- Reviewed RustConf CFPs
- 11:33 AM
- Bumped a beta
- 12:23 PM
- Commented on bitflags examples
- 12:26 PM
- Filed cookbook search bug
- 1:05 PM
- Filed cookbook terminology bug
- 1:22 PM
- Fixed cookbook science badge
- 1:38 PM
- Wrote cookbook about page
- 2:05 PM
- 20/30:10/0
- Commented on vendored crates
- 9:31 AM
- Assigned KodrAus to lead walkdir
- 9:34 AM
- Reviewed 1.18 relnotes
- 9:52 AM
- Added num_cpus to blitz list
- 10:01 AM
- Commented on num_cpus behavior
- 10:01 AM
- Closed beta issue
- 10:03 AM
- Closed beta issue
- 10:12 AM
- Bumped beta version
- 10:17 AM
- Reproduced a beta bug
- 10:17 AM
- Commented on beta bug
- 10:18 AM
- Updated 1.18 release status
- 10:27 AM
- Finished crater run
- 10:34 AM
- Finished crater run
- 10:34 AM
- Finished crater run
- 10:40 AM
- Finished crater run
- 10:40 AM
- Fineshed crater run
- 10:40 AM
- Reviewed a pr
- 11:20 AM
- Removed stray lockfile
- 11:49 AM
- Updated rustup for MSVC 2017
- 11:53 AM
- Updated rust for MSVC 2017
- 11:56 AM
- Updated cargo for MSVC 2017
- 12:00 PM
- Filed cookbook name collision bug
- 1:02 PM
- Posted about name cookbook name collision
- 1:03 PM
- Posted gcc-rs cleanup
- 1:44 PM
- Filed cmake msbuild issue
- 2:31 PM
- Filed gcc msbuild issue
- 2:32 PM
- Updated gcc msbuild discovery
- 3:16 PM
- Updated cmake msbuild discovery
- 3:16 PM
- Updated cargo for msvc 2017
- 5:29 PM
- Filed rustup linked toolchain windows bug
- 5:32 PM
- Updated rls for msvc 2017
- 5:36 PM
- Fixed lzma-sys for msvc 2017
- 6:55 PM
- Activated ci for stdx
- 9:50 AM
- Submitted ‘rust and csv parsing’ to rust-learning
- 10:18 AM
- Closed old issue
- 1:24 PM
- Updated gcc-rs for vs2017
- 6:20 PM
- Backported openssl build fix
- 7:24 PM
- Started crater run
- 11:23 AM
- Started crater run
- 11:26 AM
- Started crater run
- 11:28 AM
- Started crater run
- 11:31 AM
- Started crater run
- 11:33 AM
- Sent reqwest guest invites
- 12:26 PM
- Thanked a contributor
- 12:33 PM
- Thanked a contributor
- 12:35 PM
- Updated blitz op
- 12:42 PM
- Updated crate list
- 12:43 PM
- Asked for walkdir evaluator
- 12:47 PM
- 10/10:0/0
- Attended core team meeting
- Posted gcc msvc 2017 fix
- 3:32 PM
- Responded to alisha
- 4:20 PM
- Booked mexico flight
- 4:42 PM
- Praised a contributor
- 4:42 PM
- Commented on llvm fork
- 5:00 PM
- Commented on packaging changes
- 5:08 PM
- Responded to email re fuchsia
- 5:23 PM
- Continued a crater run
- 5:39 PM
- Filed cookbook bug
- 5:53 PM
- Continued a crater run
- 5:56 PM
- Continued a crater run
- 6:08 PM
- Continued a crater run
- 7:05 PM
- Commented on ep_codepad
- 10:49 AM
- Uploaded cargobomb beta report
- 11:04 AM
- 0/0:0/0
- Reviewed a license change
- 11:31 AM
- Started preparing a cargobomb nightly run
- 12:57 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Triaged cargobomb beta
- 1:37 PM
- 0/20:0/10
- Posted 1.18 release status
- 1:37 PM
- Commented on msvc 2017 detection
- 1:45 PM
- Filed issue to add rls to non-rustup installers
- 1:47 PM
- 10/20:0/0
- Posted rls installer issue to twir
- 1:50 PM
- Poked at discourse settings
- 1:59 PM
- Commented on numeric field names
- 3:46 PM
- Commented on untagged unions
- 3:48 PM
- Commented on drop in static
- 4:04 PM
- Asked for updates on associated consts
- 4:05 PM
- Closed dupe
- 4:08 PM
- Asked for updates on struct field attributes
- 4:25 PM
- Commented on macro reexport
- 4:30 PM
- Updated release milestone predictions
- 4:33 PM
- 20/20:20/20
- Commented on misplaced forum post
- 4:54 PM
- Commented on miscompiling libc
- 5:01 PM
- Responded to cookbook question
- 5:10 PM
- 0/20:10/0
- Posted new crate ideas to blitz thread
- 5:20 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Backported patches
- 6:19 PM
- Responded to email re fuchsia forum
- 6:48 PM
- Responded to alisha
- 10/20:0/0
- Praised burntsushi’s csv tutorial
- 9:01 PM
- Filed bug about cargo hanging on stdx
- 1:38 PM
- Published new stdx
- 4:49 PM
- Responded to email about wasm
- 8:52 PM
- Sent email to Susy about contribution research
- 9:04 PM
- Responded to alisha about cookbook
- 9:07 PM
- Responded to dtolnay re libz blitz
- 7:23 PM
- Praised nim authors
- 7:29 PM
- Updated user logo
- 7:43 PM
- Published result_iter
- 5:33 PM
- Praised Aaronepower for filing the relnotes
- 10:30 AM
- Hearted Aaronepower
- 10:38 AM
- Hearted a bunch of comments
- 10:39 AM
- Cleaned out inbox
- 10:41 AM
- Commented on rustup default features
- 10:49 AM
- Commented on rustup panic=abort
- 10:59 AM
- Refreshed the cargobomb dataset
- 11:03 AM
- Commented on no_std stabilization
- 11:12 AM
- Hearted a post
- 11:13 AM
- Commented on cargo installing rustup
- 11:16 AM
- Updated blitz template
- 11:26 AM
- Started prep for beta cargobomb
- 11:28 AM
- Updated blitz crate list
- 11:38 AM
- Updated log eval
- 1:34 PM
- Posted log doc tweaks
- 2:17 PM
- Updated log eval
- 2:20 PM
- Started beta cargobomb run
- 3:19 PM
- Mentored alisha
- 7:10 PM
- Closed url issue
- 7:10 PM
- Commented on something
- 7:12 PM
- Commented on something
- 7:16 PM
- Commented on something
- 7:18 PM
- Commented on something
- 7:26 PM
- Posted blitz update
- 7:34 PM
- Sent libz blitz update to vikrant for twir
- 7:38 PM
- Posted request for walkdir lead
- 7:44 PM
- Updated blitz contribution header
- 7:46 PM
- Changed ldap password
- 7:50 PM
- Scheduled libs recording
- Posted walkdir lead to twir
- 7:58 PM
- Complimented Manish’s RustFest keynote
- Praised a blog about contributing
- 10:01
- Praised tokio-based python event loop
- 10:07
- Hearted a newbie
- 10:11 AM
- Hearted a quote
- 10:12 AM
- Commented on arm tier 1
- 10:16 AM
- Hearted a comment
- 10:23 AM
- Documented how I use cargobomb
- 11:11 AM
- Hearted cuviper
- 11:20 AM
- Bumped beta version
- 11:29 AM
- Triaged todo list
- 11:33 AM
- 0/20:0/10
- Prepared for standup reporting
- 11:42 AM
- 0/0:0/0
- Responded to allocator email
- 11:45 AM
- Updated rustup meeting hangout
- 11:49 AM
- 0/0:0/20
- Updated license exceptions
- 12:20 PM
- Filed bug about openssl crate license
- 12:24 PM
- Posted thread-id to blitz thread
- 12:27 PM
- Filed thread-id license bug
- 12:33 PM
- Commented on contribution experience report
- 1:17 PM
- Hearted an update
- 1:20 PM
- Clarified a rustup easy bug
- 1:43 PM
- Closed rustup issue
- 1:51 PM
- Commented on rustup issue
- 1:53 PM
- Attended rustup meeting
- Attended embedded meeting
- 5:15 PM
- Commented on tooling ci
- 5:41 PM
- Commented on rustup component deps
- 5:52 PM
- Asked Aaronepower to submit 1.18 relnotes
- 5:55 PM
- Commented on toolchain pinning
- 6:14 PM
- Filed bug to extract manifest handling code
- 6:29 PM
- Tried to reproduce a rustup bug
- 6:35 PM
- Closed rustup bug
- 6:44 PM
- Commented on rustup issue
- 6:46 PM
- Commented on rustup issue
- 6:48 PM
- Closed rustup issue
- 6:50 PM
- Commented on rustup parallelism
- 7:06 PM
- Closed a rustup issue
- 7:09 PM
- Commented on rustup issue
- 7:12 PM
- Commented on rustup issue
- 7:14 PM
- Commented on rustup issue
- 7:16 PM
- Closed rustup issue
- 7:18 PM
- Commented on rustup issue
- 7:19 PM
- Posted rustup roadmap
- 7:23 PM
- Posted rustup issues to twir
- 7:28 PM
- Commented on rustup comment
- 8:57 AM
- Praised sozu
- 9:17 AM
- Commented on stackoverflow
- 9:23 AM
- Commented on rust-lang maintenance
- 9:37 AM
- Sent alisha email re libz blitz
- 9:59 AM
- Commented on d&i projects
- 10:07 AM
- Posted wasm test suite bug to twir
- 10:34 AM
- Pushed result_kit repo
- 10:39 AM
- Updated someday list
- 10:43 AM
- 0/10:0/0
- Triaged todos
- 10:44 AM
- 0/10:0/0
- Updated faq
- 11:19 AM
- 20/0:0/0
- Commented on -Z unstable
- 11:24 AM
- Booked conference room for rustup discussion
- 11:26 AM
- 0/30:0/0
- Uploaded cargobomb report
- 12:45 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Attended core team mtg
- Nominated a pr for backport
- 3:00 PM
- Backported prs to beta
- 3:03 PM
- 0/20:0/0
- Triaged cargobomb nightly regressions
- 3:15 PM
- 0/30:0/10
- Updated cargobomb blacklist
- 3:15 PM
- Suggested cfg_if for libz blitz
- 3:42 PM
- Summarized new libz blitz crates
- 4:03 PM
- Updated log cookbook entries
- 5:07 PM
- Commented on quick_main in cookbook
- 5:23 PM
- Merged cookbook reqwest example
- 5:28 PM
- Triaged cookbook issue
- 5:40 PM
- Filed cookbook issue
- 5:41 PM
- Commented on quick_error
- 5:46 PM
- Thumbsed a contributor
- 5:47 PM
- Commented on restful cookbook example
- 5:50 PM
- Responded to cookbook issue
- 5:37 PM
- Triaged cookbook issues
- 5:58 PM
- 10/20:10/10
- Commented on rust-url maintenance
- 9:56 AM
- Reviewed a rustup pr
- 10:00 AM
- Ignored a flaky rustup test
- 10:03 AM
- Started rustup 1.3 build
- 10:06 AM
- Commented on cookbook issue
- 10:43 AM
- Reviewed cookbook pr
- 10:43 AM
- Filed cookbook bug
- 10:47 AM
- Posted cookbook bug to twir
- 10:48 AM
- Reviewed relnotes patch
- 12:26 PM
- Responded to email re nasa contest
- Commented eprintln
- 1:15 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 1:20 PM
- Updated blitz schedule
- 2:17 PM
- Reviewed cookbook pr
- 2:23 PM
- Thanked a contributor
- 8:06 PM
- Posted cleanup pr
- 8:08 PM
- Filed cookbook issue for log crate
- 9:17 PM
- Posted pr for cookbook log examples
- 9:19 PM
- Posted update to log eval
- 9:22 PM
- Commented on chrono
- 9:31 PM
- Released rustup 1.3
- 9:36 PM
- Posted log evaluation to call for participation
- 11:13 AM
- Merged rust-installer rewrite
- 12:19 PM
- Closed rust issue
- 1:12 PM
- Merged rust friend
- 1:14 PM
- Commented on regression
- 1:20 PM
- Reviewed rustup xz support
- 1:48 PM
- Updated release milestones for xz
- 1:49 PM
- Reviewed rustup pr
- 1:51 PM
- Reviewed rustup pr
- 1:53 PM
- Reviewed rustup pr
- 1:54 PM
- Upgraded curl for rustup
- 2:05 PM
- Reviewed rustup pr
- 2:10 PM
- Nominated remove_dir_all for crate of the week
- 2:17 PM
- Updated flaky rustup test
- 2:23 PM
- Reviewed rustup pr
- 2:31 PM
- Reviewed rustup pr
- 2:39 PM
- Responded to master-alt request
- 2:56 PM
- Reviewed rustup pr
- 4:06
- Discussed cargobomb future
- Filed bug about flaky rustup test
- 4:51 PM
- Bumped rustup version
- 4:59 PM
- Responded to emails
- Responded to alisha
- 5:25 PM
- Posted memmap tracking issue
- 5:27 PM
- Posted memmap issues to twir
- 5:29 PM
- Updated blitz thread
- 5:37 PM
- Commented on log crate
- 5:39 PM
- Thanked ben fry for being nice to me
- 5:51 PM
- Responded to trademark inquiry
- 5:55 PM
- Reviewed a rustup pr
- Responded to rustup arm report
- 12:18 PM
- Started cargobomb nightly
- 3:17 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 3:31 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 3:45 PM
- [Filed stable regression](
- 4:00 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 4:20 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 4:40 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 5:25 PM
- Thanked a contributor
- 5:40 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 5:46 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 5:57 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 6:04 PM
- Filed stable regression
- 6:07 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 6:11 PM
- Thanked a poster re maidsafe
- 6:18 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 6:22 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 6:27 PM
- Responded to log thread
- 8:10 PM
- Responded to error-chain question
- 10:33 PM
- Followed up on nightly breakage
- Updated license guideline
- 10:20 AM
- Launched libz blitz
- 11:20 AM
- Merged guidelines license
- 11:24 AM
- Commented on test coverage
- 11:37 AM
- Commented on cookbook example
- 1:22 PM
- Submitted cookbook issues to twir
- 1:25 PM
- Commented on license
- 1:33 PM
- Commented on concurrency
- 2:18 PM
- Started new cargobomb nightly
- 2:49 PM
- Reviewed a rustup patch
- 3:21 PM
- Reviewed a rustup patch
- 3:25 PM
- Commented on dropbox rust
- 3:32 PM
- Commented on rustup android patch
- 4:14 PM
- Comented on rustup nightly fix
- 4:16 PM
- Thanked people on blog
- 5:48 PM
- Conducted release triage
- 10:35 AM
- Merged a PR
- 1:50 PM
- Merged a PR
- 1:51 PM
- Filed guidelines issue about macro generation
- 1:52 PM
- Commented on bitflags issue
- 1:56 PM
- Merged aggressive remove_dir_all into tempdir
- 1:58 PM
- Filed guidelines issue
- 2:00 PM
- Filed rust-url issue
- 2:26 PM
- Filed rust-url issue
- 2:31 PM
- Filed rust-url issue
- 2:36 PM
- Filed rust-url issue
- 2:48 PM
- Merged nomicon update
- 2:53 PM
- Filed rust-url issue
- 2:57 PM
- Filed rust-url pr
- 3:09 PM
- Filed rust-url issue
- 3:15 PM
- Filed rust-url issue
- 3:19 PM
- Filed rust-url issue
- 3:28 PM
- Filed rust-url issue
- 3:32 PM
- Filed rust-url issue
- 3:34 PM
- Filed rust-url issue
- 3:35 PM
- Filed rust-url issue
- 3:37 PM
- Filed rust-url eval tracking issue
- 3:52 PM
- Posted rust-url bugs to cfp
- 3:59 PM
- Reviewed nomicon change
- 4:16 PM
- Updated guidelines
- 4:28 PM
- Closed a cookbook issue
- 4:38 PM
- Filed cookbook issue
- 4:41 PM
- Merged rust-installer PR
- 9:27 PM
- Reviewed slice::reverse opt
- 12:06 AM
- Commented on nightly breakage
- 12:22 AM
- Commenmted on awesome-rust
- 12:46 AM
- Filed cookbook bug
- 1:10 AM
- Sent email to eholk/sunfish re wasm
- Did various release milestone updates
- 11:06 AM
- Filed issue on style guidelines cargo features
- 11:25 AM
- Encouraged a project to find outdated crates
- 11:38 AM
- Merged cookbook pr
- 3:19 PM
- Commented on release milestones
- 3:38 PM
- Commented on CARGO_TARGET_DIR
- 4:51 PM
- Commented on etherpad play
- 10:19 AM
- Commented on wayland badness
- 10:23 AM
- Commented on heapsize license
- 10:35 AM
- Completed url evaluation
- 11:34 AM
- Attended meetings
- Commented on cstr
- 5:14 PM
- Commented on LLVM
- 2:05 PM
- Conducted url crate evaluation
- 5:18 PM
- Submitted discourse expenses
- 5:27 PM
- Submitted forms for libs meeting a/v
- 5:36 PM
- Submitted stockholm t-shirt expenses
- 5:39 PM
- Submitted more expenses
- 6:05 PM
- Booked portland trip
- Merged updates to cookbook
- 6:55 PM
- Sent email about sfo spaces
- 7:27 PM
- Sent email to maidsafe
- Sent email to dtolnay re libz blitz
- 8:01 PM
- Praised japaric’s new blog
- 1:33 PM
- Commented on unikernels
- 1:42 PM
- Commented on relnotes process
- 2:38 PM
- Posted etherpad + play idea
- 5:47 PM
- Hearted an announcement
- 5:52 PM
- Starred a repo
- 5:53 PM
- Praised skylane wayland implementation
- 5:57 PM
- Hearted Rust video course by sunjay
- 6:00 PM
- Hearted comment about learning Rust by hsivonen
- 6:03 PM
- Praised llogiq blog post
- 6:09 PM
- Hearted a bunch of crates
- 6:12 PM
- Hearted some calls for participation
- 6:14 PM
- Filed issue about cwd in skeptic
- 11:20 PM
- Filed issue about dirty cwd in cookbook
- 11:20 PM
- Commented on error handling pattern
- 11:52 PM
- Commented on installation
- 11:58 PM
- Sent lunch offer to Eileen
- 6:44 PM
- Attended meetings
- Updated blog relnotes branch
- 9:24 AM
- Solicited a new relnotes maintainer
- 9:36 AM
- Reviewed patch
- 9:40 AM
- Filed issue about misleading crate number in rustdoc
- 9:46 AM
- Sent email to Brendan re Brave
- 10:34 AM
- Talked with Susie about community building
- 11:08 AM
- Followed up on js linkage type
- 1:13 PM
- 0/20:0/30
- Reviewed rust-installer xz changes
- 1:25 PM
- 0/20:0/10
- Updated 1.17 relnotes
- 9:44 AM
- Commented on rustc-serialize
- 9:46 AM
- Triaged todos
- 10:18 AM
- 10/30:0/30
- Checked on nightly cargobomb run
- 10:20 AM
- 0/0:0/0
- Filed bug about differing slice APIs
- 11:26 AM
- Worked on libz blitz blog post
- 2:23 PM
- 20/40:0/30
- Scheduled video call with eholk
- 6:41 PM
- Reviewed a patch
- 6:52 PM
- Triaged email
- 7:10 PM
- 0/0:0/40
- Read alisha’s email
- 0/30:0/0
- 7:12 PM
- Sent email re chinese conference
- 7:32 PM
- 10/30:20/10
- Invited Eileen to Rust meetup
- 7:34 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Sent libz blitz status update
- 8:03
- 0/20:10/20
- Sent url prep email to simon/sean
- 8:03
- 10/30:10/20
- Reviewed channel bump
- 9:41 AM
- Tested 1.17 build
- 10:01 AM
- Reviewed sscache pr
- 10:20 AM
- Thanked a contributor
- 10:46 AM
- Commented on fram_raw_parts nulls
- 3:22 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 3:59 PM
- Updated milestone predictions
- 6:02 PM
- Updated release notes for 1.17
- 6:04 PM
- Triaged todo list
- 12:39 PM
- Prepared nightly cargobomb run
- Filled out discourse feedback
- 12:47 PM
- Sent email to graydon
- 1:15 PM
- Filed pto
- 1:16 PM
- Responded to email
- 1:22 PM
- Responded to email
- 1:30 PM
- Reviewed a windbg patch
- 2:11 PM
- Started nightly cargobomb run
- 2:45 PM
- Investigated crater breakage
- 2:51 PM
- Posted crater run
- 8:05 PM
- Emailed japaric re reference
- 10:14 AM
- Emailed Alisha for status update
- 1:36 PM
- Responded to felix re cargobomb
- 2:07 PM
- Responded to OSCON email thread
- 2:07 PM
- Responded to an email about ‘nice’
- 2:10 PM
- Commented on Rust v Haskell
- 2:47 PM
- Responded to graydon
- 4:16 PM
- Commented on rustup curl breakage
- 1:28 PM
- Commented on rust-src
- 6:59 PM
- Commented on rustdoc bs
- 5:07 PM
- Responded to rustup bustage
- 11:21 AM
- Updated cargobomb nightly report
- 3:42 PM
- Continued preparing cargobomb beta report
- Started cargobomb nightly
- Conducted release triage
- 10:01 AM
- Dry-ran unsafety talk
- 11:04 AM
- Started nightly cargobomb run
- 11:24 AM
- Checked an fcp
- 11:38 AM
- Posted cargobomb beta report
- 2:35 PM
- Did dry run of unsafety talk
- 4:29 PM
- Scheduled ride to SF
- 4:29 PM
- Sent headshots to qcon
- Sent spencer request for new headshot
- 10:45 PM
- Scheduled meeting to discuss qcon keynote
- Reviewed sebastian’s blog post
- Created mx photo album
- 11:32 PM
- Posted servo stale windows build bug
- 11:49 PM
- Responded to email re outreachy
- Sent acrichto easydns key
- 1:14 PM
- Closed 1.18 blocker
- 1:52 PM
- Converted HashMap to BTreeMap in manifest generator
- 1:53 PM
- Posted triage update
- 4:14 PM
- Uploaded cargobomb beta report to s3
- 4:14 PM
- Sent email to Tibbs re part of that world
- 6:05 PM
- Commented on skeptic bug
- 11:47 AM
- Merged rustup bump
- 11:49 AM
- Sent Christian congrats re GNOME Builder
- 12:35 PM
- Updated cloudfront invalidations
- 3:34 PM
- Released rustup 1.2
- 3:38 PM
- Merged stdx pr
- 3:57 PM
- Responded to restup thread
- 4:01 PM
- Emailed myself receipts
- Dealt with outreachy/gsoc stuff
- Dealt with china threads
- Requested additional nights with tom at qcon
- Added dtolnay as collaborator to api guidelines
- Responded to dtolnay re libz
- 6:21 PM
- Worked on unsafety slides
- 12:44 PM
- Pinged Graydon about headshot
- triaged todo list
- 1:44 PM
- Reviewed bitflags pr
- 1:54 PM
- Closed bitflags bug
- 1:58 PM
- Closed bitflags bug
- 1:58 PM
- Closed bitflags bug
- 1:59 PM
- Commented on tempdir bug
- 2:02 PM
- Reviewed libz blitz evaluations
- 2:20 PM
- Posted libz issues to twir
- 2:20 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Pinged aturon and japaric
- Caught up on vc detection bug
- 4:54 PM
- Added msvc detection to 1.17 milestone
- 4:58 PM
- Filed issue to improve msvc detection
- 5:04 PM
- Posted msvc detection issue to twir
- 5:04 PM
- Commented on stability
- 5:07 PM
- Reviewed rustup pr
- 5:09 PM
- Fixed rustup zsh issue
- 5:48 PM
- Reviewed rustup www detection
- 5:51 PM
- Merged rustup patch
- 5:52 PM
- Merged www example change
- 5:55 PM
- Updated www example
- 6:05 PM
- Cleaned up www example
- 6:29 PM
- Merged www pr
- 6:31 PM
- Merged rustup pr
- 6:35 PM
- Requested rustup rebase
- 6:40 PM
- Fixed spaces in www example
- 6:43 PM
- Closed www issue
- 6:45 PM
- Updated www friends
- 6:54 PM
- Bumped rustup version number
- 7:09 PM
- Merged skeptic thing
- 10:12 PM
- Commented on skeptic bug
- 11:10 PM
- Merged fix to my blog
- 6:16 PM
- Merged fix to my blog
- 6:18 PM
- Started cargobomb run
- Thanked a contributor
- 8:34 PM
- 9:15 AM
- Started 1.16 release
- 9:26 AM
- Hearted a nagisa comment
- 9:26 AM
- Filed rustup update bug
- 9:55 AM
- Filed rustup bug
- 9:57 AM
- Filed rustup bug
- 10:03 AM
- Checked a windows fcp
- 10:08 AM
- Updated milestone predictions for windows subsystems
- 10:10 AM
- Released Rust 1.16
- 10:37 AM
- Attended Rust standup
- 1:00 PM
- Sent email to candidate
- 1:57 PM
- Triaged todos
- 1:57 PM
- 0/0:0/50
- Commented on tier 1 FreeBSD
- 2:46 PM
- Commented on release schedule
- 2:46 PM
- Triaged rustup issues
- 5:01 PM
- Assembled notes on travis failures
- 5:01 PM
- Commented on next steps for pwrabs
- 6:10 PM
- Commented on buildbot
- 6:20 PM
- Responded to gsoc applicant via irc
- 6:28 PM
- 0/20:0/10
- Reviewed rustup pr
- 6:43 PM
- Triaged rustup issue
- 6:44 PM
- Reviewed rustup pr
- 6:52 PM
- Closed rustup issue
- 7:00 PM
- Closed rustup issue
- 7:02 PM
- Commented on rustup issue
- 7:05 PM
- Closed rustup issue
- 7:09 PM
- Triaged rustup issue
- 7:10 PM
- Triaged rustup issue
- 7:22 PM
- Triaged rustup issue
- 7:28 PM
- Closed rustup issue
- 7:31 PM
- Triaged rustup issue
- 7:32 PM
- Commented on rustup issue
- 7:37 PM
- Commented on rustup issue
- 7:44 PM
- Triaged issue
- 7:46
- Posted rustup bugs for twir
- 7:48 PM
- Reviewed rustup pr
- 7:54 PM
- Sent email to outreachy candidate
- 8:05 PM
- Conducted gsoc interview
- 11:20 AM
- Filed easy rustup bug
- 11:20 AM
- Posted easy bug to twir
- 11:23 AM
- Posted solicitation for react-accelerator
- 11:32 AM
- Responded to Martin about wasm
- 11:41 AM
- Posted emscripten llvm upgrade info
- Reviewed a pr
- 12:57 PM
- Attended core team mtg
- 2:00 PM
- Testing 1.16 release
- 2:57 PM
- 0/30:0/0
- Triaged todo list
- 0/10:0/10
- 3:05 PM
- Updated release process
- 3:09 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 3:15 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 3:16 PM
- Updated www for release
- 3:24 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Reviewed www example pr
- 3:32 PM
- Reviewed www example pr
- 3:38 PM
- Reviewed www pr
- 3:52 PM
- Posted emscripten pwrabs idea
- 4:51 PM
- Created bitflags libs tracking issue
- 5:52 PM
- 20/0:0/0
- Triaged todo list
- 10:50 AM
- 10/10:0/0
- Generated nightly cargobomb report
- 10:50 AM
- 0/0:0/0
- Sent chocolate to aturon
- 11:05 AM
- 30/10:20/0
- Posted cargobomb nightly report
- 0/0:0/0
- Posted tempdir/remove_dir_all call for participation
- 11:21 AM
- Alerted nasa42 to a job posting
- 11:23 AM
- Reviewed a pr
- 12:27 PM
- Made docs required again
- 12:34 PM
- Commented on incorrect home_dir definition
- 1:20 PM
- Triaged
- 3:03 PM
- Added libs team mtg video to libz blitz page
- 3:05 PM
- Merged style guidelines reformatting
- 3:08 PM
- Sent japaric email re embedded
- 6:59 PM
- 20/20:30/20
- Booked flight to china
- 0/30:0/60
- Reviewed a pr
- 12:51 PM
- Thanked rillian for testing 1.16 beta w/ firefox
- 1:33 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 3:58 PM
- Responded to outreachy applicant
- 6:16 PM
- Filed bug about incorrect beta version
- 7:57 PM
- Started new beta cargobomb run prep
- 8:01 PM
- Conducted outreachy interview
- 10:07 AM
- Thanked jseyfried for backport
- 10:07 AM
- Tried to get beta to test properly
- 10:20 AM
- Reviewed a pr
- 10:28 AM
- Commented on build system bug
- 11:27 AM
- Merged beta backports
- 2:17 PM
- Started beta build
- Started stable build
- 2:24 PM
- Followed up on discourse report
- 3:03 PM
- Sent email about storing Rust secrets
- 3:25 PM
- Triaged todo list
- 3:40 PM
- 0/0:0/30
- Responded to hackfest email
- 3:58 PM
- Sent bio to qcon organizer
- 4:22 PM
- 0/30:0/10
- Responded to email about mac isolation
- 0/0:0/10
- Closed old bitflags pr
- 6:29 PM
- Followed up on old tempdir pr
- 6:39 PM
- Responded to outreachy applicant
- 20/30:20/0
- 7:03 PM
- Sent a letter to a gsoc applicant
- 0/30:0/30
- 7:11 PM
- Sent a letter to gsoc applicant
- 10/10:0/10
- Sent a letter to gsoc applicant
- 10/10:0/10
- 7:37 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 8:00 AM
- Conducted release triage
- 9:58 AM
- Triaged todos
- 0/0:0/10
- 11:04 AM
- Updated cookbook invite with libz blitz pad
- 0/0:0/0
- 11:06 PM
- Copied bitflags eval to etherpad
- 0/0:0/0
- 11:27 AM
- Thanked BurntSushi for helping with libz blitz
- 11:31 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 12:33 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 12:26 PM
- Attended standup meeting
- Triaged emails
- 1:12 PM
- 10/30:0/10
- Started nightly cargobomb run
- 1:13 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Sent email to outreachy candidate
- 1:21 PM
- Made beta backports
- 1:44 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 1:53 PM
- Prepared for cookbook mtg
- 2:08 PM
- 0/20:10/0
- Updated discourse cc
- 2:11 PM
- Conducted cookbook mtg
- 3:53 PM
- Filed cookbook polish issue
- 3:53 PM
- Filed cookbook brainstorm issue
- 4:00 PM
- Responded to nrc re style team
- 5:07 PM
- 0/40:0/40
- Responded to contact from hackillinois
- 5:24 PM
- 20/10:20/10
- Responded to swag request
- 5:34 PM
- 0/0:0/10
- Filed discourse bug report for a user
- 5:45 PM
- 0/0:?/?
- Sent starter bugs to contributor
- 6:48 PM
- 0/10:10/20
- Responded to applicant
- 7:14 PM
- Triaged student emails
- 0/40:0/50
- 7:18 PM
- Interviewed research intern candidate
- 11:03 PM
- Reviewed pr
- 1:20 PM
- Responded to a pr
- 4:59 PM
- Gave KiChjang kudos
- 5:23 PM
- 20/10:30/20
- Triaged todo list
- 5:24 PM
- 0/10:0/10
- Sent t-shirts to students
- 5:48 PM
- 0/10:0/0
- Invited students to cookbook mtg
- 6:05 PM
- Read semver proposal
- 7:17 PM
- 10/20:30/20
- Commented on semver proposal
- 7:17 PM
- 0/50:30/10
- Filed beta regression
- 7:30 PM
- Updated blocker bug pr
- 12:09 PM
- 7:00 AM
- Interviewed *soc candidates
- 9:15 AM
- Chatted with acrichto about blockers
- Investigated crater fail
- 10:42 AM
- Reviewed patch
- 11:32 AM
- Chatted with Dan about wasm
- Conducted libs mtg
- Reviewed a rustbuild fix
- 3:32 PM
- Tested unhardlinking files to fix release blocker
- 4:28 PM
- Added new book to release milestones
- 5:16 PM
- Responded to graydon re registration
- 5:23 PM
- Responded to Andrew about a crate review
- Responded to an intern candidate
- Reviewed stable sort rfc
- 6:46 PM
- Rejected some intern candidates
- 0:60:10/30
- Responded to intern candidates
- 7:32 PM
- Responded to community teaching thread
- 7:44 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- Scheduled rust cookbook mtg
- 0/0:0/0
- 5:50 PM
- Announced skeptic 0.7.1
- 5:55 PM
- Sent nrc email about leaving the style team
- 5:58 PM
- Closed bitflags issue
- 6:00 PM
- Finished bitflags evaluation
- 6:43 PM
- 20/40:30/0
- Asked burntsushi if he could do tempdir eval
- 6:49 PM
- 0/0:0/10
- Commented on beta bumping
- 7:11 PM
- Responded to a gsoc applicant
- Sent hackillinois receipts
- 7:07 PM
- Responded to email thread about survey data
- 7:12 PM
- Responded to a gsoc applicant
- 7:17 PM
- Responded to outreachy applicant
- 7:55 PM
- Updated libz blitz process
- 12:42 PM
- Pushed new api guidelines to repo
- 1:02 PM
- Submitted fixes for byteorder
- 1:09 PM
- Praised yamakaky
- 10:41 AM
- Attended mtgs about a/v stuff
- Commented on libc 1.0
- 11:54 AM
- Talked to japaric about embedded Rust
- 2:15 PM
- Filed regression
- 5:27 PM
- Triaged a beta cargobomb report
- 5:29 PM
- Attempted to fix rustbuild cargo problem
- 6:05 PM
- Sent video links out to guests
- 6:11 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Scheduled libs mtg recording
- 0/20:0/0
- 6:18 PM
- Responded to a student email
- 6:57 PM
- Started beta cargobomb run
- 0/0:0/0
- Filed byteorder issues
- 7:52 PM
- 0/0:0/20
- Hacked on some byteorder remediations
- 8:53 PM
- Talked to Jan-Erik about wasm project
- Emailed quasar author about wasm projects
- 10/0:0/10
- Forwarded Alex’s Hackillinois receipts to Radhir
- 11:04
- Sent my Hackillinois expenses to Radhir
- 11:09
- Organized info about *soc candidates
- 0/20:0/0
- 11:50 AM
- Sent updates about *soc progress
- 11:50 AM
- Filled out culture survey
- 12:12 PM
- Attended standup
- 1:00 PM
- Sent japaric mtg invite
- 1:37 PM
- 10/0:0/30
- Added personal contact links to mozilla gsoc wiki
- 1:48 PM
- Scheduled interviews with gsoc candidates
- 0/40:0/30
- 5:22 PM
- Commented on modifying toml files
- 7:17 PM
- Updated milestone predictions
- 8:26 PM
- 9:34 AM
- Triaged todos
- 10/20:0/10
- 9:44 AM
- Commented about tokio
- 10:18 AM
- Closed old issue
- Added unstable tags to issues
- 10:40 AM
- Closed beta regression
- 11:03 AM
- Filed nightly regression
- 11:08 AM
- Filed nightly regression
- 11:20 AM
- Attended core team mtg
- Commented on proprietary testing
- 2:17 PM
- Filed nightly regression
- 2:44 PM
- Filed nightly regression
- 3:02 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 3:24 PM
- Reviewed doc fix
- 3:49 PM
- Ordered pizza for meetup
- Sent thank you message to Radhir at Hackillinois
- 20/0:20/0
- 4:34 PM
- Triaged
- 5:03 PM
- Commented on thanks changes for 1.16
- 5:08 PM
- Triaged beta cargobomb run
- Posted 1.16 release status
- 5:20 PM
- Posted update to xdg thread
- 0/70:0/10
- 7:09 PM
- Responded to Simon about tooling
- 7:48 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 10:48 AM
- Updated someday list
- Triaged todo list
- 11:37 AM
- 10/30:20/10
- Merged forge page
- 3:05 PM
- Merged platform update
- 3:05 PM
- Triaged emails
- 3:25 PM
- 20/40:0/10
- Filed bug to track beta cargo regression
- 3:28 PM
- Thanked igouy for benchmarks game
- 3:44 PM
- 20/0:10/10
- Pinged aturon about renewal reimbursement
- 3:47 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Merged forge pr
- 4:27
- Sent Lucy a Hackillinois report
- 30/10:30/0
- 4:27 PM
- Thanked a contributor
- 5:55 PM
- Responded to outreachy email
- 6:28 PM
- 30/30:0/20
- Sent email to gsoc applicant
- 7:03 PM
- Sent email to gsoc applicant
- 7:04 PM
- Dealt with wasm threads
- 10/40:10/40
- Sent email to Mike Hoye about gsoc process
- 7:11 PM
- Sent email to researcher working on wasm
- Hacked on program to compare servo vs firefox crash rates
- 12:48 PM
- Commented on cargobomb
- Commented on cargobomb
- 1:45 AM
- Wikified rust swag thread
- 2:18 AM
- Sent email to student to get t-shirt sizes
- 12:45 PM
- Praised a student
- 3:44 PM
- Drafted Rust performance blog
- 8:53 PM
- Posted what I’m doing this week
- 9:37 PM
- Commented about Rust malloc
- 9:44 PM
- Filed fs2 advisory locking bug
- 12:48 AM
- Commented on build integration
- 10:06 AM
- Mentored Hackillinois
- Responded to two emails about rust on wasm
- 12:46 PM
- Encouraged a contributor
- 3:13 PM
- Triaged
- 1:14 PM
- Closed a bug
- 1:16 PM
- Triaged
- 1:27 PM
- Mentored Hackillinois
- Hacked on rust-cookbook
- 12:31 PM
- Hacked on rustup rls support
- 12:31 PM
- Hacked on rustup rls support
- 5:50 PM
- 8:45 AM
- Posted cargobomb beta report
- 10/10:0/10
- 9:46 AM
- Commented on pr
- 9:49 AM
- Reviewed build system pr
- 9:54 AM
- 20/10:10/0
- Thanked people for triaging
- 10:09 AM
- Triaged todo list
- 10:10 AM
- Praised rillian’s work on rust
- 10:25 AM
- Reviewed cargo serde pr
- 10:35 AM
- Conducted intern interview
- 11:50 AM
- Submitted Outreachy proposals
- 12:03 PM
- Triaged some emails
- 12:55 PM
- Attended core team mtg
- Attended tools team mtg
- Commented on some bug
- Posted comments about simple crates to write
- 4:38 PM
- Helped jntrnr / nrc with sysroot paths
- 4:55 PM
- Thanked a wpr rep
- 5:06 PM
- Triaged emails
- 5:28 PM
- Backported PRs
- 7:03 PM
- Sent woboats email about mentorship
- 7:17 PM
- Responded to email about rust teaching meetup
- 7:30 PM
- Filled out hackillinois form
- 8:06 PM
- 9:00 AM
- Attended d&i meeting
- 10:00 AM
- Discussed cross-compile sow
- 11:00 AM
- Attended intern debrief
- 11:30 AM
- Interviewed intern candidate
- 12:15 PM
- Attended libs meeting
- 2:00 PM
- Discussed signing with manish
- 2:30 PM
- Reviewed pr
- Posted cargobomb run
- 3:58 PM
- Thanked dtolnay for attending mtg
- 9:57 AM
- Merged skeptic pr
- 11:14 AM
- Merged skeptic pr
- 11:14 AM
- Drafted rust-cookbook
- 11:38 AM
- Worked on byteorder review for libz blitz
- 2:02 PM
- Praised gnome builder rustup integration
- 2:02 PM
- Updated quotes and press
- Posted kudos for frewsxcv
- 8:30 PM
- Scheduled libz blitz
- Sent dtolnay invite to libs meeting
- Sent email about libz blitz schedule
- 9:25 PM
- Evaluated byteorder crate
- Hacked on rustup rls support
- 7:44 PM
- Updated milestone predictions
- 8:55 PM
- Replied to libz blitz guests
- Started cargobomb run
- 10:01 AM
- Commented on stack probes
- 10:19 AM
- Drafted hackillinois plan
- Thanked alex for triaging beta bugs
- 11:46 AM
- Started cargobomb run
- 0/0:0/0
- 11:49 AM
- Forwarded libz blitz email to bluss
- 12:03 PM
- Responded to liz about wasm
- 12:12 PM
- Drafted hackillinois plan
- 40/10:40/10
- 2:10 PM
- Send hackillinois contact updates
- 2:13 PM
- Uploaded new cargobomb nightly report
- 2:31 PM
- 0/10:0/0
- Scheduled cross-compile sow mtg
- 2:50 PM
- Commented on 1.16 relnotes
- 3:35 PM
- Responded to some forum posts
- Commented on rustup homebrew breakage
- 4:19 PM
- Reviewed a rustup pr
- 4:29 PM
- Attended Rust standup
- 1:06 PM
- Updated milestone predictions
- 1:06 PM
- Commented on rust participation metrics
- 1:14 PM
- Responded to rep on community list
- 1:20 PM
- Sent reps manager feedback on Vigneshwar
- 2:24 PM
- Triaged emails
- 0:30:0/70
- 2:24 PM
- Shipped stickers to organizer
- 2:41 PM
- Posted kudos to stephenbuys
- 5:10 PM
- Booked room for Rust events
- 5:42
- 0/40:0/10
- Followed up on renewal
- 5:51 PM
- 0/20:0/10
- Filed issue to remove
- 5:56 PM
- Filed issue to rewrite COPYRIGHT
- 5:59 PM
- Triaged
- 6:01 PM
- Posted 1.16 release status
- 6:38 PM
- Sent email to libz blitz guests
- Reviewed a pr
- 9:12 AM
- Reviewed a pr
- 9:45 PM
- Unbanned a user
- 11:00 AM
- Triaged todo
- 11:30 AM
- Reviewed a pr
- 11:34 AM
- Reviewed a pr
- 11:35 AM
- Updated relnotes
- 12:01 PM
- Updated milestone predictions
- 12:03 PM
- Commented on Rc::into_raw
- 2:28 PM
- Updated -fPIC pr
- 3:04 PM
- 20/10:5/0
- Triaged irlo posts
- 20/20:10/20
- 5:39 PM
- Filled tools team poll
- 5:54 PM
- Posted about new nightlies
- 5:57 PM
- Responded to email about swag
- 6:15 PM
- Responded to email about inda reps
- 6:33 PM
- Triaged email
- 10/20:20/10
- Commented on lib deduplication
- 7:41 PM
- Sent email about outreachy
- 7:43 PM
- Sent email to Julia about rgsoc
- 30/0:10/10
- 7:52 PM
- Filed ICE
- 11:27 AM
- Reviewed a pr
- 11:40 AM
- Conducted intern interview
- 1:54 PM
- Fineshed cargobomb triage
- 3:08 PM
- Pinged people affected by regression
- 3:12 PM
- Triaged
- 3:16 PM
- Added SPARC to
- 5:29 PM
- Nominated an fcp
- 6:06 PM
- Wrote 1.16 relnotes
- 6:54 PM
- Reopened a bug to wait for backport
- Updated milestone predictions
- 7:08 PM
- Triaged todos
- 11:27 AM
- Started nightly cargobomb run
- 11:28 AM
- Reordered cancelled sticker order
- 11:38 AM
- 0/10:0/0
- Reviewed servo-specific builders
- 12:39 PM
- Reviewed backports
- 12:46 PM
- Replied to sparc email
- 12:53 PM
- Praised an RFC
- 3:02 PM
- Responded
- Sent email about SUSE support
- 3:32 PM
- Booked tickets to gnome hackfest
- 4:12 PM
- Triaged email
- 20/40:20/10
- Reviewed Alon’s proposal
- 5:49 PM
- 20/20:10/20
- Sent email about ndk support
- 6:23 PM
- Posted about rgsoc
- 6:29 PM
- Triaged
- Debugged cargobomb problems
- Restarted cargobomb nightly run
- Posted -fPIC test
- 8:24 PM
- Filed beta regression
- Filed beta regression
- 8:53 PM
- Triaged half a cargobomb report
- 9:06 PM
- Thanked a poster
- Wrote about the rust test suite
- Updated on homebrew source overwrite
- 2:13 PM
- Posted 1.15.1 postmortem
- 3:39 PM
- Filed tagging issue
- 4:26 PM
- Created release milestone
- 4:33 PM
- 30/0:20/0
- Reviewed a pr
- 5:38 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 5:39 PM
- Commented on split stacks
- 6:19 PM
- Thanked packagers
- 6:42 PM
- Responded to email about Rust on Solaris
- 7:03 PM
- Reviewed backports
- 7:05 PM
- Swapped cargobomb disks
- Started cargobomb nightly run
- Thanked
- 7:43 PM
- Thanked dylanmckay for avr port
- 7:54 PM
- Conducted triage
- 9:23 AM
- Posted triage minutes
- 9:26 AM
- Triaged release steps
- 9:36 AM
- Uploaded 1.15.1 to archives
- Tested 1.15.1 -fPIC fix
- Fixed 1.15.1 tag
- 10:13 AM
- Updated www release date for 1.15.1
- 10:31 AM
- Updated blog for 1.15.1
- 10:56 AM
- Sent email about tagging issue
- 12:35 PM
- Posted about packaging contacts
- 12:45 PM
- Thanked cuviper
- 3:34 PM
- Reviewed patch
- 3:52 PM
- Helped pcwalton test pathfinder
- 4:19 PM
- Updated master relnotes
- 4:30 PM
- Updated beta bootstrap compiler
- 4:33 PM
- Emailed graydon re renewal
- 4:43 PM
- Investigated github tag verification
- 5:05 PM
- Worked on 1.15.1 postmortem
- Praised raph’s fancy-regex
- 1:20 AM
- Didn’t sleep. Office early
- 7:00 AM
- Emailed henri about debian
- 11:13 AM
- Emailed suse packagers
- 11:40 AM
- 10/0:0/10
- Attended core team mtg
- Attended tools mtg
- Talked to acrichto about new 1.15.1 build
- Commented on mdbook license
- 3:36 PM
- Posted about triage
- 3:43 PM
- Reviewed beta fix
- 5:01 PM
- Reviewed a patch
- 5:23 PM
- Commented on rustbuild
- 7:00 PM
- Reviewed mdbook patch
- 8:33 PM
- Complimented lifthrasiir on chrono
- 10:14 AM
- Sent email to Lucy about Mozilla swag
- 10:42 AM
- Conducted intern interview
- 11:26 AM
- Asked potch about mozilla swag
- Reviewed build system fix
- 11:47 AM
- Bumped stable release date on master
- Bumped stable release date on stable
- 11:52 AM
- Closed rust-buildbot issue
- 11:53 AM
- Started beta cargobomb run
- 0/0:0/0
- Talked to acrichto and steve about bookshelf
- Talked to acrichto about tools team
- Talked to somebody about wpr process
- 2:28 PM
- Talked to acrichto about dev team and release infra
- 3:37 PM
- Asked for update on pal pr
- 3:41 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 3:59 PM
- Responded to ubuntu email
- 4:43 PM
- Send email about libz blitz to doc team
- 4:50 PM
- Reviewed cargo pr
- 5:03 PM
- Commented on sparc support
- 6:11 PM
- Encouraged ehiggs’ cargo templates
- 6:21 PM
- Responded to ci
- 6:26 PM
- Filed –version precision bug
- 6:36 PM
- Updated www for 1.15.1
- 6:40 PM
- Updated blog for 1.15.1
- 7:45 PM
- Restarted stable build
- 10:51 AM
- Reviewed 128 bit atomics revert
- 10:51 AM
- Reviewed qemu patch
- 11:00 AM
- Reviewed some pr
- 12:12 PM
- Reviewed a patch
- 1:35 PM
- Hacked on api guidelines
- 1:50 PM
- Attended libs mtg
- Attended style mtg
- Reviewed pr
- 3:25 PM
- Sent emails to sandstorm folks
- 3:51 PM
- Ordered Rust t-shirts
- 5:52 PM
- Created bors.svg
- 7:08 PM
- Ordered Rust stickers
- 7:12 PM
- 30:20:40/0
- Pulled together info for libz blitz
- 7:26 PM
- Wrote some XDG thoughts
- 2:39 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 6:54 PM
- Posted kudos for xen0n
- 20/0:20/10
- 7:14 PM
- Attended intern debrief
- Commented on linux support
- Sent email to Ubuntu Firefox packager
- 2:19 PM
- Sent email updated about Ubuntu packaging status
- Thanked mw for incremental writeup
- 3:06 PM
- cc fitzgen re libbacktrace
- 3:24 PM
- Merged buildbot fix
- 4:41 PM
- Backported fix to beta
- 5:04 PM
- Submitted readme update for 1.15.1
- 5:13 PM
- Thanked cuviper for his xdg opinion
- Sent xdg email to tools team
- 7:55 PM
- Commented on C-ABI
- 9:19 AM
- Started releasing 1.15
- 9:21 AM
- Finished releasing 1.15
- 10:20:20/10
- 10:34 AM
- Tagged release
- 10:51 AM
- Triaged
- 11:21 AM
- Investigated soundness bug
- 11:36 AM
- Filed issue about www fonts
- 11:41 AM
- Made list of weekly accomplishments for standup
- 10/0:0/0
- Attended standup meeting
- 1:00 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 1:28 PM
- Deployed rust-buildbot fixes for cuviper
- Reviewed makefile removal pr
- 1:47 PM
- Updated stdx
- 1:52 PM
- 20/0:10/0
- Conducted intern interview
- 4:22 PM
- Sent email update on Firefox packaging
- Sent email to RHEL Firefox packager
- 8:05 PM
- Nominated Yamakaky for FOTF
- 10/0:30/10
- 8:18 PM
- Commented on point release
- 8:52 PM
- Sent email to sylvestre about Debian packaging
- 9:07 PM
- Responded to an email
- Improved install browser detection
- Improved install browser detection
- 11:35 AM
- Investigated journals related to validation
- Started nightly cargobomb run
- 12:09 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Reviewed redox patch
- 1:09 PM
- Attended core team mtg
- Commented on nightlies
- 2:46 PM
- Tagged 1.15 w/o signing
- 0/0:0/0
- 2:48 PM
- Updated release process for tagging
- 2:50 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Reviewed 1.15 relnotes
- 5:07 PM
- 10/0:?/?
- Updated www for 1.15
- 5:38 PM
- 0/0:?/?
- Sent email to cuviper about XDG
- 6:11 PM
- 20/0:?/?
- Commented on xdg rfc
- 6:14 PM
- 0/10:?/?
- Merged rustup www update
- Merged www update
- 6:16 PM
- Emailed Larissa about Outreachy
- 7:02 PM
- 10/0:10/0
- Sent email to doc team about the libz blitz
- 7:43 PM
- 20/20:30/0
- Filed issue about missing
- Thankd jistone for helping suse packager
- Sent email about linux outreach
- 6:00 PM
- Triaged
- 6:21 PM
- Sent email about internals blog
- 6:49 PM
- Conducted intern interview
- 10:52 AM
- Commented on graydon at apple
- 11:06 AM
- Commented on llvm upgrade
- 11:29 AM
- Coordinated llvm upgrade
- 11:37 AM
- Published 1.15 RC
- 1:14 PM
- Updated beta bootstrap
- 1:16 PM
- Updated master bootstrap
- Updated release process
- 1:23 PM
- Started a beta
- 1:29 PM
- Fixed cargo bug
- 1:51 PM
- Merged forge changes
- 1:58 PM
- Merged forge pages
- 2:00 PM
- Completed release steps
- 0/0:0/10
- Reviewed makefile removal
- 4:05 PM
- 20/0:10/10
- Reviewed some pr
- 4:18 PM
- Started beta
- 4:48 PM
- Merged a friend
- 4:51 PM
- Triaged a www issue
- 4:53 PM
- Responded to stdx suggestion
- 5:00 PM
- Commented on stdx issue
- 5:03 PM
- Commented on wasm issue
- 5:18 PM
- Reviewed a rustdoc patch
- 5:19 PM
- Followed up on 1.15 testing
- 5:22 PM
- Commented on core bloat
- 5:31 PM
- Sent emails about xdg rfc
- 6:23 PM
- Triaged
- 6:23 PM
- Triaged pings
- 6:51 PM
- 0/40:?/?
- Sent yet another email about xdg rfc
- 9:07 PM
- Sent more emails about some crap
- 10:12 PM
- Go to bed
- Restarted stable build
- 11:17 AM
- Commented on syntax index discoverability
- 11:22 AM
- Updated inter opportunities
- 11:24 AM
- Reviewed a pr
- 1:05 PM
- Triaged todo
- 1:11 PM
- Triaged email
- 1:18 PM
- Attended libs mtg
- Reviewed pr
- 3:26 PM
- Wrote a *soc proposal
- 5:36 PM
- Responded to gnome hackfest email
- 5:36 PM
- Submitted RGSoC proposals
- 6:49 PM
- Updated quotes-and-press for new lwn articles
- 10:14 AM
- Posted og_fmt
- 10:23 AM
- Talked with acrichto about release process
- Posted heart logo
- 11:27 AM
- Started 1.15 build
- Updated release process
- 12:03 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- 12:41 PM
- Reviewed api stablization
- 12:45 PM
- Reviewed doc pr
- 12:47 PM
- Updated release milestones
- 12:53 PM
- Praised llogiq’s stdx-dev
- 1:27 PM
- Commented on stdx serde issue
- 1:40 PM
- Opened stdx candidates issue
- 1:41 PM
- Reviewed rust-central-station
- 2:18 PM
- Commented on fastcomp upgrade
- 2:30 PM
- Thanked kripken and dylanmckay for porting fastcomp
- 2:34 PM
- Asked a question about wasm simd bustage
- 2:44 PM
- Closed wasm issue
- 2:48 PM
- Triaged wasm issue
- 2:50 PM
- Triaged wasm issue
- 2:54 PM
- Triaged wasm issue
- 3:00 PM
- Finished wasm triage
- 3:09 PM
- Triaged
- 3:13 PM
- Investigated buildbot missing slaves
- 3:33 PM
- Thanked matklad for cargo fixes
- 3:44 PM
- Reviewed a cargo pr
- 3:47 PM
- Triaged
- 3:49 PM
- Commented on i128 cfgs
- 4:01 PM
- Triaged pings
- 4:04 PM
- Triaged email
- 4:30 PM
- Commented on rust rtos
- 4:43 PM
- 8:30 AM
- Conducted triage
- 10:00 AM
- Commented on bench stabilization
- 11:20 AM
- Investigated a crater problem
- 1:11 PM
- Registered with easydns
- Expensed registration
- 0/20:0/0
- 1:35 PM
- Reviewed niko’s blog post
- Submitted niko’s blog post to /r/rust
- 1:50 PM
- Rebased removal of bogus lifetime errors
- 1:59 PM
- 10:10:0/0
- Purged ping inbox
- 2:09 PM
- Reviewed pal refactor
- 2:16 PM
- Helped a newbie
- 2:38 PM
- Triaged todo list
- Answered a question about cfg
- 2:59 PM
- Praised cargo-outdated
- 3:04 PM
- Commented on python lldb bug
- 3:12 PM
- Investigated prelude resolution bug
- 3:25 PM
- Finished testing diagnostics patch
- 3:26 PM
- 0/0:0/0
- Merged rustup patch
- 3:34 PM
- Responded to bking email
- 3:42 PM
- Passed around links to participation team changes
- 3:49 PM
- Reviewed cargo openssl fix
- 4:09 PM
- Reviewed cargo openssl backport
- Upgraded rustup openssl
- 4:12 PM
- Reviewed pal patch
- 4:29 PM
- Commented on some i128 patch
- 4:31 PM
- Commented on fixed issue
- Investigated openssl security advisory
- 5:15 PM
- 0/20:10/0
- Triaged email
- 10/10:20/0
- Booked flights and hotels for hackillinois
- 6:50 PM
- 0/10:0/50
- Confirmed hackillinois attendence
- 0/10:0/10
- Publish og_fmt
- 11:25 PM
- Added InfoWorld award to quotes and press
- 9:01 AM
- Praised a contributor for the prelude crate
- 9:38 AM
- Called Hackillinois organizer
- Commented on rustw dylib issue
- Filed issue about rustup proxy create
- 11:23 AM
- Investigated rustw issue
- 12:09 PM
- Reviewed pr
- 12:10 PM
- Attended core team meeting
- Attended tools team meeting
- Attended one-on-one
- Pinged ntrnr about metrics
- Pinged mw about internships
- 4:19 PM
- Triaged cargobomb results
- 10/0:0/0
- Triaged wierd bug
- 6:30 PM
- Posted triage reminder
- 6:36 PM
- Thanked jntrnr for setting up standup mtg
- Filed bug re rustdoc –help
- 7:03 PM
- Accepted LinkedIn invites
- Triaged email
- 0/20:0/5
- 7:04 PM
- Responded to RGSoC contact
- 7:12 PM
- Added a Paris event to calendar
- 7:23 PM
- Responded to all emails
- 7:31 PM
- 10/30:10/10
- Reviewed manifest generator
- 10/30:30/0
- 7:55 PM
- Commented on rand platform
- Conducted intern interview
- 10:06 AM
- Investigated internship opportunities
- 11:10 AM
- Reviewed a pr
- 11:29 AM
- Praised a contributor
- 11:37 AM
- Filed lldb detection bug
- 11:55 AM
- Investigated flaky test on beta
- 12:10 PM
- Investigated println! perf
- 2:28 PM
- Investigated crater problem for niko
- Started a crater run
- 2:36 PM
- Finish todo triage
- 2:40 PM
- Started crate builds for 2 crater runs
- 0/0:0/0
- 2:53 PM
- Ordered birthday chocolate for Mom
- Ordered surprise chocolate for Jason
- 3:05 PM
- Performed pleasure/pain prediction on todo list
- 3:05 PM
- Investigated crater queue bugs
- 3:35 PM
- Wasted time investigating println! performance
- 6:23 PM
- Investigated rust-lldb rustup issue
- 6:39 PM
- 0/20:20/0
- Reviewed rustup PATH fix
- 6:53 PM
- 0/40:0/10
- Finished a crater run
- 0/0:0/0
- Finished a crater run
- 0/0:0/0
- 7:00 PM
- Sent email to Sean about Outreachy internships
- 7:36 PM
- Submitted awesome-rust stdx pr
- Poked at stdx
- 11:49 AM
- Triaged beta regressions (none)
- 12:02 PM
- Finished crater run
- Fineshed crater run
- 1:16 PM
- Started crater
- 1:50 PM
- Started beta cargobomb run
- 1:55 PM
- Reviewed redox patch
- Attended libs team meeting
- Attended style team meeting
- Reviewed a pr
- 3:32 PM
- Reviewed –enable-platform pr
- 4:51 PM
- Commented on stdx issue
- Closed stdx issue
- Commented on stdx issue
- Commented on stdx itertools
- Commented on stdx layout
- 5:17 PM
- Commented on rustup pr
- 5:30 PM
- Rebased rustup pr
- 5:34 PM
- Closed rustup pr
- 5:36 PM
- Merged rustup pr
- 5:37 PM
- Merged rustup pr
- 5:38 PM
- Reviewed rustup pr
- 5:45 PM
- Reviewed rustup pr
- 5:50 PM
- Responded to email
- Responded to service ticket
- Posted stdx update
- Posted stdx update to /r/rust
- 7:11 PM
- Merged stdx pr
- 9:45 PM
- Complimented rust-run author
- 11:00 AM
- Commented on .rs domains
- Filed categorization bug
- Posted about rust funding opportunities
- 11:53 AM
- Triaged todos
- 11:55 AM
- Continued crater run
- 0/0:0/0
- 12:09 PM
- Confirmed working manifests in beta
- 12:12 PM
- Started a new beta
- 0/0:0/0
- 12:14 PM
- Checked an fcp
- Reviewed backtrace patch
- Reviewed a fcp
- Reviewed an fcp
- Reviewed an fcp
- Reviewed an fcp
- Reviewed an fcp
- Started a crater run
- Reviewed an fcp
- Reviewed an fcp
- Reviewed an fcp
- Reviewed an fcp
- Reviewed an fcp
- Reviewed an fcp
- Reviewed fcps
- 2:54 PM
- Followed up on Feb meetup reservation
- Triaged emails
- 5:30 PM
- Posted xdg braindump
- 9:07 PM
- Responded to q about error-chain template
- Started a beta
- Triaged todos
- 10:57 AM
- Nominated backport
- Nominated backport
- Thanked a tester
- Made backports
- 11:11 AM
- Reviewed pr
- Triaged
- Train to SF
- 12:35 PM
- Predicted pleasure/pain on cargo XDG thread
- 12:56 PM
- Begun re-reviewing cargo xdg rfc
- Continued a crater run for niko
- 4:30 PM
- Submitted patch to randomize friends page
- 7:13 PM
- Commented on generate-lockfiles
- Attended community team meeting
- Poked at http servers for underhanded example
- Commented on arewestdlibyet
- 10:00 AM
- Commented on async hyper
- Encouraged a contributor
- 10:25 AM
- Verified nightly manifest fixes
- Posted 1.15 release status
- 10:48 AM
- Triaged
- Helped a newbie investigate target specs
- 12:20 PM
- Attended core team mtg
- Talked to acrichto about release engineering
- Reviewed infra pr
- Reviewed infra pr
- Reviewed infra pr
- Reviewed infra pr
- 2:00 PM
- Thanked cuviper for testing Rust 1.15
- Posted RLS packaging roadmap
- 4:04 PM
- Updated release infra tracking issue
- Sent email to Rust team about RLS packaging roadmap
- 4:09 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- Closed fixed issue
- Backported beta patches
- 5:57 PM
- Filed issue about wasm C exports
- Updated emscripten tracking issue
- Responded to CryZe’s emcc feedback
- 6:20 PM
- Responded to email about Rust in Rust
- 6:26 PM
- Edited security assessment
- 9:44 AM
- Commented on rgsoc
- Commented on windows link change
- Pinged nrc about rls release
- 10:56 AM
- Sent email to CryZe about Rust + wasm feedback
- 11:09 AM
- Triaged todo
- 11:18 AM
- Scheduled meeting to talk about Rust release changes
- Discussed rustup security with est31
- 11:43 AM
- Conducted intern interview
- Tried running a rust game on windows
- 2:00 PM
- Updated 1.15 relnotes
- 2:22 PM
- Accepted a beta backport
- Backported beta patches
- 2:52 PM
- Posted more unstable feature analysis
- Tested a patch for niko
- 3:24 PM
- Deployed manifest fix
- Merged beta fix
- 3:34 PM
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Closed dupe
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Conducted new issue triage
- Conducted nightly regression triage
- 4:45 PM
- Merged www PR
- Triaged emails
- 5:14 PM
- Triaged www pr
- Triaged www pr
- Reviewed www pr
- Triaged www pr
- Ordered pizza for meetup
- Expensed meetup pizza
- 5:30 PM
- Filed rustup bug
- Verified bugfix for niko
- Reviewed patch
- 5:57 PM
- Filed issue about linkedlist api
- Sent blady ch 13-14 reviews
- 8:35 PM
- Hacked on manifest cargo url fix
- Reviewed pr
- 1:07 PM
- Reviewed redox patch
- Filed rustup bug
- 2:14 PM
- Started test of manifest fix in dev
- Filed beta regression
- Reviewed redox patch
- Filed beta regression
- 3:30 PM
- Commented on better errors for missing linkers
- Reviewed build system pr
- Reviewed patch
- Commented on socket conversions
- Reviewed a patch
- Reviewed a patch
- 4:07 PM
- Reviewed a patch
- Tested manifest cargo url fix in dev
- 6:38 PM
- Fixed cargo manfiest url bug
- Conducted release triage
- Posted triage minutes
- 10:03 AM
- Commented on niko’s main thread
- Added another Rust gsoc project to wiki
- Sent email about gsoc
- 10:38 AM
- Encouraged fixes to uninhabited types
- Conducted intern interview
- 2:54 PM
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Attended community team meeting
- Responded to sticker email
- Commented on benchmark stabilization
- 11:00 AM
- Commented on s.rlo mirrors
- 11:14 AM
- Filed bug about test crate swapping
- Triaged
- 11:47 AM
- Commented on unreachable code bug
- Commented on regression
- Reviewed a PR
- Filed bug about windows socket closing
- 5:18 PM
- Reviewed DESTDIR support
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Reviewed doc RFC
- 5:48 PM
- Restarted buildbot
- 9:19 PM
- Commented on MIR-only rlibs
- Posted 1.15 relnotes
- 12:40 PM
- Updated relnotes pr
- 2:00 PM
- Commented on distributing mir
- Filed regression
- Triaged
- Filed regression
- Filed regression
- Filed regression
- Filed regression
- Filed regression
- Filed regression
- Filed regression
- 4:00 PM
- Triaged nightly cargobomb
- Posted release status
- 4:14 PM
- Commented on rust jobs
- 4:30 PM
- Commented on OUT_DIR regression
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Requested FCP nom
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Commented on custom_derive
- Commented on custom_attributes
- Commented on drop_types_in_const
- Commented on const_fn
- Investigated status of rocket unstable features
- 6:33 PM
- Triage
- Posted release milestone predictions
- 7:00 PM
- Sent email to Lin about Rust/wasm
- Triaged email
- Responded to gsoc inquiry
- Filled out participation form
- 8:00 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- Nominated a backport
- 9:44 PM
- Conducted intern interview
- Retried a pr
- Filled out interview scorecard
- 11:56 AM
- Checked an fcp
- Commented on fcp
- Checked an fcp
- Checked an fcp
- Commented on issue
- Attended libs mtg
- Completed cargobomb nightly run
- Picked up yubikey
- 4:00 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- Writing 1.15 release notes
- Started cargobomb beta run
- 6:48 PM
- Triaged todos
- 10:41 AM
- Reviewed a pr
- 11:13 AM
- Commented about logos email address
- Checked an fcp
- Updated cargobomb shared data
- 1:54 PM
- Merged rustup pr
- Filled an fcp
- Responded to an fcp
- Approved an fcp
- Approved an fcp
- Denied an fcp
- Canceled an fcp
- Checked an fcp
- Checked an fcp
- 2:56 PM
- Commented on rustup publication issue
- Tried to fix rustup msi build
- Clicked an fcp
- 3:32 PM
- Reviewed an fcp
- 4:53 PM
- Reviewed a rustup pr
- 5:09 PM
- Reviewed a rustup pr
- 5:23 PM
- Thanked manish
- Reviewed a rustup pr
- 5:41 PM
- Merged rustup mips pr
- Reviewed rustup pr
- Closed old rustup pr
- Reviewed rustup pr
- Merged rustup pr
- Closed a rustup pr
- Updated rustup toolchain
- 5:52 PM
- Started nightly cargobomb run
- Commented on rustup debugging
- Tried to reproduce a rustup error
- Continued crater run
- 10:24 AM
- Praised cmr’s robigalia logo design
- Responded to email
- Triaged emails
- 11:02 AM
- Ordered YubiKey
- 11:26 AM
- Reviewed a patch
- Posted benchmark stabilization proposal
- 2:00 PM
- Renewed for 9 years
- Submitted expense report
- 3:53 PM
- Filed rustup bug
- Filed rustup bug
- Filed rustup bug
- Filed rustup bug
- Filed rustup bug
- Filed rustup bug
- Commented on rust-docs
- Printed ch 11-14 of blandy for review
- 5:09 PM
- Finished crater run
- Commented on benchmarks
- Approved an urlo post
- Thanked a contributor
- Posted about backport nominations
- 5:37 PM
- Commented on fastcomp
- Commented on rustfix
- Responded to gsoc thread
- 6:51 PM
- Chatted with acrichto
- Merged fireflowers PR
- Attended community team meeting
- Brainstormed security vulnerabilities
- Added a blog post to fireflowers
- 10:56 AM
- Triaged beta / stable regressions for niko
- Attended core team meeting
- Brainstormed security vulnerabilities
- Replaced lenovo brick
- Started a crater run
- Met with aturon
- 4:00 PM
- Reviewed www pr
- Updated www
- Reviewed pr
- Finished security exercise
- 5:07 PM
- Sent Lin email about rust wasm status
- Continued crater run
- Posted OUT_DIR bug
- Accepted invite to fri wasm lunch
- Merged www translation
- Followed up on cargo issue
- Triaged todos
- 10:36 AM
- Thanked a contributor
- Reviewed proc macro error fixes
- 10:52 AM
- Scheduled mtg with aturon
- 10:57 AM
- Reviewed a pr
- Reviewed a redox patch
- Reviewed a rustbuild patch
- Thanked a contributor
- 11:24 AM
- Blocked an fcp
- 12:40 PM
- Writing emscripten roadmap
- Closed emscripten issue
- 12:58 PM
- Closed emscripten issue
- Closed old emscripten tracking issue
- Filed wasm issue
- Filed wasm issue
- Filed wasm issue
- Filed wasm issue
- Filed wasm issue
- Filed wasm tracking issue
- Posted wasm roadmap
- 1:25 PM
- Thanked a contributor
- Commented on regression
- 2:05 PM
- Commented on bad merge
- Reviewed www font pr
- Reviewed www pr
- Reviewed redox patch
- Reviewed rustbuild patch
- 3:35 PM
- Emailed jackpot51 about redox
- 5:26 PM
- Wrote a little fireflowers
- Published fireflowers
- 9:55 PM
- Responded to unstable feature thread
- Checked on nightlies
- 11:51 AM
- Filed issue about cargo generate-lockfiles registry update
- 12:19 PM
- Lunch
- 12:57 PM
- Started crater run on nightly
- 12:57 PM
- Started nightly cargobomb run
- 1:00 PM
- Commented on pinyin cargo OUT_DIR bug
- Filed probor regression
- 1:23 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 1:32 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 1:38 PM
- Reviewed beta backports
- Bumped beta version
- Started a beta build
- 1:50 PM
- Filed beta regression
- 1:59 PM
- Filed beta regression
- Updated OUT_DIR bug
- Filed beta regression
- Triaged cargobomb beta regressions
- 2:13 PM
- Reviewed a patch
- 2:23 PM
- Reviewed a patch
- Triaged
- Thanked a contributor
- Thanked a contributor
- 2:44 PM
- Triaged
- Triaged emscripten bug
- Triaged emscripten bug
- Reviewed an emscripten patch
- Filed emscripten target spec bug
- Thanked some contributors
- 3:38 PM
- Triaged emscripten bug
- Filed rustup issue with rust-gdb
- Closed emscripten bug
- 3:47 PM
- Closed non-bug
- Triaged
- Commented on issue
- Reviewed a pr
- Reviewed a pr
- Reviewed a pr
- 4:38 PM
- Posted nightly crater report
- Triaged nightly crater report
- 4:59 PM
- Reviewed alloc_frame pr
- Triaged
- Triaged emscripten bug
- 6:10 PM
- Commented on LLVM upgrade
- Sent email to Alon and Dan about LLVM upgrade
- 6:34 PM
- Triaged emscripten issue
- Linked an emscripten issue
- Triaged emscripten issue
- Triaged emscripten issue
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Chatted with cmr about robigalia std porting
- 7:06 PM
- Reviewed a pr
- Reviewed a pr
- Investigated nightly msis
- Commented on ‘headers’
- Helped a contributor
- 8:38 PM
- Filed bug about target specs
- Triaged emscripten issue
- Triaged emscripten issue
- Triaged emscripten issue
- Finished emscripten triage
- 9:00 PM
- Conducted triage
- Triaged issue
- Posted triage minutes
- Sent email about Rust 1.15 backporting
- Filed bug
- Filed bug
- Filed bug
- Filed bug
- Filed bug
- Triaged a cargobomb run and filed bugs
- Reviewed a pr
- Posted more quotes and press
- Commented on emscripten error
- Commented about jemalloc
- Triaged issue
- Triaged
- Investigated a bug
- Triaged
- Sent an email
- Nominated an fcp
- Nominated an fcp
- Clicked an fcp
- Commented on an issue
- Hacked on cargobomb
- Clicked an fcp
- Commented on an fcp
- Clicked an fcp
- Reviewed some patch
- Filed issue about rustdoc boxes
- Ran invalidations on successful nightly
- Posted about new nightlies
- Hacked on cargobomb
- Posted list of unstable features by crate
- Triaged emails
- Responded to email about rustup + fish shell
- Brainstormed about gsoc
- Filed rustup issue
- Triaged a rust-src issue
- Commented on reproducibility
- Read aki’s gist about rust release infra
- Responded to aki’s email
- Reviewed android fix
- Helped someone with error-chain
- Triaged
- Sent email about ip actions
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Read ci update
- Unblocked a cargobomb run
- Investigated windows incremental test suite issue
- Triaged
- Encouraged a contributor
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Reviewed a cargo pr
- Reviewed a cargo pr
- Reviewed a rust pr
- Reviewed a rust pr
- Commented on cross
- Responded to adrien
- Reminded people about triage
- Reviewed a pr
- Reviewed a pr
- Reviewed a pr
- Thanked a contributor
- Reproduced an issue
- Merged Redox support into forge
- Started stable/beta cargobomb run
- Hacked on cargobomb
- Reviewed bookshelf rfc
- Filed bug about proc macros errors
- Reviewed a pr
- Reviewed a pr
- Made some debugging changes to get nightlies working
- Started a build of rust to test broken nightly config
- Added windowsbunny to triagers
- Reviewed a pr
- Scheduled jan meetup
- Triaged todos
- Tested 1.14 website update
- Reviewed spanish www translation
- Reviewed chinese translation
- Commented on diverging www history
- Commented on japanese www translation
- Closed an old translation pr
- Continued fixing crater
- Released Rust 1.14
- Restarted homu
- Working on fixing cargo deploy bugs
- Fixed cargo signatures
- Working on unsticking bors
- Submitted patch to clean up mac bots
- Wrote summary of cargo packaging problems
- Started crater run for woboats
- Triaged emscripten bug
- Commented on emscripten port
- Fixed platform support
- Fixed platform support
- Filed bug about binop errors
- Posted patch for book
- Reviewed ci irlo thread
- Commented on taskcluster
- Continued a crater run
- Triaged windows test suite issue
- Reviewed redox pr
- Reviewed redox pr
- Posted about reproducible builds
- Reviewed redox pr
- Finished a crater run
- Posted new 1.14.0 release candidate
- Filed 1.14 manifest regression
- Updated platform support
- Triaged a thing
- Responded to struct layout issue
- Added s390x to forge
- Updated platform support again
- Merged rustup pr
- Updated rustup windows info
- Reviewed 1.14 announcement
- Hacked on crater fixes
- Hacked on infra roadmap
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Continued hacking on crater
- Posted CI infra roadmap
- Restarted bors
- Reviewed build fix
- Investigated rustup error with dynamic linking on rust 1.2
- Reviewed some patch
- Reviewed some patch
- Posted rust 1.15 release candidate
- Updated master to boot from beta
- Approved 1.14 relnotes patch
- Renewed and
- Reviewed www pr
- Triaged www issue
- Fixed www browser detection
- Fixed www rustup browser detection
- Fixed www logos
- Bumped bootstrap compiler
- Merged forge pr
- Updated release process
- Updated www installer pages
- Bumped version on website
- Updated platform support
- Reviewed patch
- Reviewed rustbuild patch
- Reviewed rustbuild patch
- Triaged todo list
- Reviewed travis patch
- Branched cargo build
- Branched Rust 1.15 to beta
- Nominated beta backport
- Posted beta bootstrap update
- Bumped version to 1.16
- Started 1.15 beta build
- Clicked an fcp
- Clicked an fcp
- Clicked an fcp
- Clicked an fcp
- Clicked an fcp
- Clicked an fcp
- Clicked an fcp
- Clicked an fcp
- Praised an rfc
- Posted GitHub rust showcase
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Re-read std pal irlo thread
- Re-read jethrogb’s no-os pr
- Commented on std pal
- Responded to thread about installer page changes
- Restarted beta
- Commented on last-minute backport
- Reviewed build system fix
- Reviewed build system fix
- Attempted beta backport for #38205 but it was too conflicted
- Started rust 1.14 build
- Closed cargobomb-reported bug
- Closed cargobomb-reported bug
- Responded to raph’s fuchsia email
- Reviewed an update to the bootstrap
- Reported cargo-edit regression
- Updated rustup release instructions
- Commented on rustup invalidations
- Approved rustup book update
- Updated rustup toolchaing upgrade patch
- Backported rustup book changes
- Scheduled meeting about rust release security
- Started crater run
- Updated rust-buildbot for new stable targets
- Started rust 1.14 build
- Stopped stable build
- Merged rustup website changes
- Posted links to rustup websbite changes
- Reviewed pr
- Wrote 1.14 release notes
- Filed bloom-0.3.2 miscompile bug
- Filed canteen-0.3.5 miscompile bug
- Posted 1.14 release notes
- Responded to irlo thread about broken nightlies
- Thanked a contributor
- Triaged beta crater run
- Conducted triage
- Posted triage minutes
- Backported a patch
- Started a beta build
- Reviewed nightly fix
- Reviewed sparc patch
- Merged rustup www fix
- Tried to reproduce a rustup segfault
- Bumped rustup version
- Edited rustup book pr
- Rereviewed rustup msvc pr
- Commented on nightly breakage
- Commented on rustup 1.0
- Fixed rustup upgrade bug
- Triaged rustup issue
- Thanked a contributor
- Triaged rustup issue
- Triaged rustup issue
- Upgraded rustup toolchain
- Responded to rustup issue
- Commented on rust installation size
- Commented on rustup publishing
- Triaged a rustup issue
- Triaged a rustup issue
- Commented on crater bustage
- Thanked a contributor
- Commented on xdg issue
- Triaged a rustup issue
- Reviewed pr
- Merged rustup msvc patch
- Updated rustup 1.0 changelog
- Started rustup 1.0 build
- Reviewed patch
- Triaged todo list, somewhat
- Triaged email
- Ordered pizza for meetup
- Submitted expenses for meetup pizza
- Brainstormed rust influences
- Checked macros 1.1 fcp
- Brainstormed rust timeline
- Commented on -C debug-prefix-map
- Investigated old mw contract
- Reviewed makefile fix
- Started crater run
- Thanked contributors
- Backported patches to beta
- Backported cargo patches
- Approved an fcp
- Debugged bastion problems
- Debugged crater problems
- Responded to rustup thread
- Reviewed www translation
- Reviewed www translation
- Commented on www translation
- Responded to rustup review feedback
- Updated www rustup translations
- Posted beta regression report
- Posted nightly regression report
- Posted reminder about triage
- Reviewed redox rustc patch
- Backported cargo fix
- Re-reviewed redox std pr
- Posted thread about path::Prefix portability
- Reviewed debian packaging policy
- Released rustup 0.7.0
- Merged rustup patch
- Rebased rustup patch
- Fixed rustup msvc patch
- Bumped rustup version
- Reviewed a pr
- Triaged
- Reviewed a pr
- Commented on pr
- Wrote more about rls packaging
- Reviewed backport
- Reviewed backport
- Requested backport review
- Requested backport review
- Sent ci roadmap draft
- Reviewed save-analysis packages
- Reviewed rustbuild distcheck patch
- Reviewed some patch
- Brainstormed infra roadmap
- Wrote about infra roadmap
- Sent Aki email asking for advice about release builds
- Filed bug report about urlo and irlo blank pages
- Sent SensorWeb team notes to Rust teams.
- Commented on cargo rustup breakage
- [Reviewed analysis packages](
- Conducted triage
- Reviewed cargo packaging changes
- Responded to error-chain thread
- Merged error-chain fixes
- Merged error-chain fixes
- Updated error-chain docs
- Commented on redox std pr
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Continued a crater run
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Invited japaric to tools distribution meeting
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Merged rustup pr
- Fixed bug in ~/.multirust rename pr
- Merged error-chain doc pr
- Merged www pr
- Reviewed www translation
- Closed old www pr
- Sent email to person doing rust on wasm
- Updated www rustup pr
- Created new book rustup pr
- Closed old book rustup pr
- Submitted patch to pick msvc by default in rustup
- Asked for feature gating
- Attended tools triage
- Commented on t-shirt design
- Added
to error-chain - Released error-chain 0.7.1
- Upgraded error-chain in rustup
- Published blog post on error-chain
- Posted error-chain blog post to reddit
- Linked error-chain docs to my blog
- Explained why error-chain
- Posted triage reminder
- Posted link to www rustup pr
- Updated www rustup pr
- Reviewed fuchsia pr
- Reviewed rustbuild-by-default pr
- Rebased patch to rename ~/.multirust to ~/.rustup
- Reviewed book update for rustup
- Reviewed redox std patch
- Investigated error-chain problems
- Commented on error-chain problems
- Fixed error-chain regressions
- Improved error-chain docs
- Submitted servo story to /r/rust
- Fixed a typo on servo wiki
- Reviewed std redox patch
- Updated perf bot software
- Commented on cargo TLS problem
- Chatted with jackpot51 about redox std
- Praised phone testing tool
- Commented on cargo beta bug
- Responded to email about Hackillinois
- Responded to email about Debian + Firefox
- Responded to participation t-shirt thread
- Booked hawaii travel
- Praised rustfix
- Commented on cargo templates
- Commented on cargo+docker
- Submitted Rust metrics
- Filed bug about rustup + Invoke-WebRequest
- Sent nasa42 prs for twir
- Filled out participation metrics
- Posted patch to rename ~/.multirust
- Merged fix for rustup custom toolchains
- Improved rustup hack docs
- Began looking into Lin’s emscripten bug
- Building latest emscripten
- Triaged emscripten bug
- Updated bastion firewall
- Helpef frewsxcv get his r+ working
- Filed emscripten regex bug
- Investigated Lin’s emscripten bug
- Sent Lin an update on her emscripten bug
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Set up greenhouse account
- Responded to trademark email
- Checked on nightlies
- Fixed configure script
- Started local rust emscripten build
- Commented on Iter from_raw_parts
- Commented on replace_with
- Merged mips fixes
- Merged rustup NetBSD detection
- Merged rustup junction fix
- Merged rustup fix
- Fixed rustup linked toolchains on windows
- Asked for clarification about some breakage
- Hacked on ~/.rustup rename patch
- Responded to feedback about optional docs
- Thanked petrochenkov
- Read japaric’s Discovery book
- Gave Yamakaky publish rights to error-chain
- Thanked Yamakaky for publishing error-chain
- Started crater run
- Commented on bors analysis
- Merged rustup readme fix
- Hacked on rustup link bug
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Encouraged a contributor
- Posted about rust docs being optional
- Hacked on www updates for rustup
- Posted www rustup updates
- Posted beta regression report
- Posted nightly regression report
- Triaged inbox
- Replied to someone on rust-community
- Responded to debian packaging thread
- Added some events to the calendar
- Responded to a rust-community thread
- Sketched ideas for “Rust: The Language: The Game”
- Hacked on website updates for rustup
- Conducted release triage
- Posted triage minutes
- Merged rustup mips fix
- Praised msp430 work
- Reviewed process::abort
- Triaged
- Commented on 1.13.1 release
- Reviewed tempdir remove_dir_all fix
- Reviewed tempdir patch
- Hacked on www update for rustup
- Commented on 1.13.1
- Merged a beta backport
- Bumped beta version
- Started new beta build
- Sent guest list to meetup facilitators
- Ordered pizza for meetup
- Filed expenses
- Bumped 1.14 cargo
- Closed stale pr
- Reviewed cargo bump
- Deployed new
- Merged a rustup patch
- Rebased rustup mips patch
- Fixed rustup custom fallback pr
- Reviewed beta backport
- Hacked on www rustup install changes
- Attended tools meeting
- Merged rustup toolchain update
- Updated rustup custom toolchain fix
- Reviewed a save-analysis pr
- Triaged a pr
- Triaged a pr
- Commented on redox std preview
- Triaged a pr
- Reviewed a pr
- Re-reviewed rustdoc test failure improvements
- Triaged todo list
- Reviewed rustfmt customization RFC
- Reviewed nightly fix
- Ran rustfmt on cargobomb
- Reviewed nightly fix
- Responded to IRC ping
- Commented on style issue
- Commented on fmt fcp
- Made Yamakaky a collaborator on error-chain
- Closed an issue
- Commented on some pr
- Commented on Cell rfc
- Attended libs meeting
- Attended fmt meeting
- Responded to a community email
- Filled out tools meeting survey
- Added event to community calendar
- Responded to a service now request
- Sent email about Debian packaging
- Merged rustup pr
- Merged rustup pr
- Updated rustup pr
- Filed rust participation metrics
- Nominated a backport
- Triaged Rust PRs for twir
- Reviewed rustdoc pr
- Hacked on rustup custom toolchain bug
- Hacked on rustdoc redirect size
- Commented on rustdoc space bug
- Reviewed doc pr
- Fixed rustup custom toolchain bug
- Hearted some contributors
- Reviewed a rustbuild pr
- Hearted a contributor
- Reviewed rustdoc –playground-url
- Reviewed a rustdoc fix
- Reviewed an error code fix
- Reviewed a change to the test crate
- Reviewed fixes for diagnostic spew
- Released 1.13
- Commented on blog license fix
- Merged blog fix
- Posted comment on disgruntled doc pr
- Posted comment about error code removal
- Put doc RFC into FCP
- Clicked an fcp
- Clicked an fcp
- Clicked an fcp
- Filed issue about cargo not bootstrapping rust master
- Reviewed crt-static
- Reviewed docker CI updates
- Commented on MoveCell FCP
- Reviewed cargo fix
- Reviewed a diagnostics enhancement
- Researched hardware for event
- Posted list of unstable features
- Reviewed arm intrinsics fix
- Triaged
- Reviewed a PR
- Celebrated a pr
- Commented about cfging away
- Reviewed a PR
- Reviewed a PR
- Filed bug about target-feature crash
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Started a crater run
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed sweet tests
- Reviewed a pr
- Reviewed a pr
- Reviewed a pr
- Reviewed a pr
- Reviewed a pr
- Reviewed a pr
- Edited my release announcement notes
- Requested review of my relnotes patch
- Fixed rust-packaging for 1.14
- Restarted beta rust-packaging build
- Posted 1.13 prerelease announcement
- Filed bug about
error handling - Made edits to 1.13 announce
- Reviewed MSP430 port
- Commented on llvm 4 port
- Filed an issue about UnwindSafe atomics
- Tagged a stable regression about doc size
- Triaged todo list
- Checked an fcp
- Triaged beta regression
- Re-reviewed vendoring
- Updated release process
- Updated beta bootstrap compiler
- Started build of 1.14.0-beta.1
- Commented on openssl bug
- Triaged
- Wrote text for 1.13 release announcement
- Reviewed vendor patch
- Closed old pr
- Triaged old pr
- Triaged old pr
- Triaged old pr
- Triaged old pr
- Thanked niko
- Reviewed a diagnostic pr
- Asked for updates on an old pr
- Commented on old pr
- Reviewed old pr
- Commented on old pr
- Reviewed removal of macro_escape
- Commented on stalled PR
- Triaged an old PR
- Fixed question_mark stabilization data
- Reviewed an old PR
- Reviewed an old PR
- Reviewed an old PR
- Triaged an old PR
- Triaged todo list
- Smoke tested 1.13.0-beta.3
- Tested optional rust-docs in 1.13 beta
- Updated master bootstrap cargo
- Made SIMD notes for libs meeting
- Commented on removing tiers from book
- Attended libs meeting
- Helped troubleshoot outage
- Backported relnotes
- Filed bug about cargo openssl-sys regression
- Filed bug about
- Fixed bug
- Reviewed a cargo patch
- Starteda stable build
- Commented on beta release notes
- Updated participation metrics
- Collected interesting PRs for twir
- Hacked on cargobomb
- Filed cargo issue
- Fixed long lines in beta
- Postetd a list of features
- Submitted book patch
- Merged rustup curl fixes
- Merged rustup PR
- Merged rustup PR
- Bumped rustup version
- Responded to wpr ticket
- Started a rustup build
- Worked on 1.13 changelog
- Commented on crate vendoring
- Backported compiler-rt fix to beta
- Added notes about rustup release process
- Released rustup 0.6.5
- Posted rustup update to /r/rust
- Volunteered for embedded
- Added mips and s390x rustup builders
- Posted release notes
- Posted fix for mips, etc packaging
- Merged a rust-forge PR
- Removed plattform compatibility tables from the book
- Updated platform campatibility on the forge
- Conducted triage
- Restarted perf script
- Posted triage minutes
- Triaged todos
- Rebased beta backports
- Merged backports
- Updated buildbot not to produce docs
- Started beta build
- Commented on roadmap RFC
- Merged www pr
- Closed www pr that moves to
- Merged www translations
- Reviewed www pr
- Reviewed www translation
- Reviewed www translation
- Reviewed www friend
- Reviewed www translation
- Reviewed www pr
- Reviewed www pr
- Triaged a www issue
- Commented on pal
- Closed www gitter pr
- Commented on vendoring
- Commented on doc rfc
- Sheriffed
- Sheriffed
- Fixed bootstrapping on windows
- Backported bootstrap fix to beta
- Started another beta
- Commented on replace_with
- Attempted to restart perf testing again
- Commented on into_inner_raw
- Sheriffed
- Approved an FCP
- Hoorayd a PR
- Commented on IpAddr methods
- Approved an FCP
- Reviewed an fcp
- Approved an fcp
- Approved an fcp
- Approved an fcp
- Approved an fcp
- Started an RFC fcp
- Sent an email to libs team about outstanding FCPs
- Gave 2 people access to community calendar
- Merged rustup zsh removal
- Edited pal writeup
- Posted pal writeup
- Commented on sgx port
- Triaged todo list
- Helped fabrice with freertos testing
- Reviewed a cargo pr
- Reviewed a cargo pr
- Triaged
- Reviewed a cargo pr
- Reviewed a cargo pr
- Reviewed a cargo pr
- Reviewed windows subsystem pr
- Approved a pr bors missed
- Reviewed vendoring patch
- Backported patches
- Commented on emcc linking on windows
- Commented on RUSTC_LOG
- Wrote about pal
- Reviewed an fcp
- Reviewed an fcp
- Reviewed an fcp
- Reviewed security advisory rfc
- Reviewed rustbuild patch
- Scheduled meetups
- Updated 1.13 bootstrap compiler
- Reviewed an fcp PR
- Reviewed an fcp PR
- Reviewed an fcp RFC
- Reviewed an fcp PR
- Reviewed an fcp PR
- Reviewed an fcp PR
- Commented on an fcp PR
- Reviewed an fcp PR
- Reviewed an fcp PR
- Reviewed an fcp RFC
- Commented on portier
- Encouraged a crate author
- Updated participation metrics
- Responded to some community emails
- Commented on insta-stable feature landing
- Reviewed PRs for twir
- Thanked felix for following up on bug
- Commented on regressions
- Commented on cretonne
- Reviewed tidy fixes
- Reviewed jemalloc removal
- Reviewed tidy patch
- Copyedited production user survey results
- Hacked on cargobomb
- Hacked on cargobomb
- Reviewed rustup PR
- Merged rustup PR
- Updated rustup changelog
- Modified rustup to deploy from stable
- Added newpavlov as sha2 owner
- Updated rust participation metrics
- Commented on replacing sha with blake
- Sent vikrant interesting rust prs
- Reviewed pr
- Attended libs meeting
- Fixed RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT definition
- Praised kbknapp
- Removed old zsh completions from rustup
- Released rustup 0.6.4
- Filed bug about rustup fish completions
- Merged rustup readme fix
- Hacked on cargobomb
- Hacked on cargobomb
- Encouraged fuzz testing
- Wrote about std pal
- Commented on rfc process
- Commented on TUF
- Merged rustup PR
- Merged rustup PR
- Bumped rustup version
- Posted regression report
- Posted regression report
- Attempted to fix intermittent rustup failure
- Fixed buildbot config on stable
- Restarted 1.12.1 build
- Conducted triage
- Posted triage minutes
- Discussed pal on #rust-libs
- Created patch to bootstrap 1.12.1 form 1.12.0
- Fixed rust-packaging for 1.12.1
- Updated 2017 infra budget
- Edited 1.12.1 announcement
- Updated www for 1.12.1
- Poked buildbot
- Released 1.12.1
- Reviewed cargo bug
- Posted 1.12.1 bootstrap patch
- Fixed typo in blog
- Wrote 1.12.1 release notes
- Hacked on cargobomb
- Reviewed debuginfo release pr
- Merged stable branch
- Filed issue about nuklear-sys
- Posted beta fix
- Commented on ARM Android support
- Estimated 2017 infra budget
- Praised rq
- Created patch to bootstrap 1.12.1 from 1.12.0
- Commented on scenarios
- Commented on beta backports
- Fixed stable-next build
- Fixed beta build
- Merged beta backports
- Started beta build
- Backported a patch to beta
- Reviewed appveyor patch
- Reviewed a patch
- Merged beta backport
- Fixed a test case on stable
- Started beta build
- Started testing stable-next in dev
- Started testing stable-next in crater
- Commented on debuginfo release builds
- Wrote recommendation for cmr
- Started crater run for stable-next
- Backported a mips fix to beta
- Posted bootstrap key changes
- Backported patches to beta
- Transferred rust-sha2 to newpavlov
- Responded to email about rust-crypto
- Commented on rust-src failure
- Reported participation metrics
- Commented on forward-compatibility lints
- Backported PRs to beta
- Backported more PRs to stable
- Fixed beta/stable build in rust-buildbot
- Started 1.13.2 beta
- Worked on cargobomb
- Worked on cargobomb
- Merged beta backport
- Made beta backport
- Bumped beta prerelease
- Started 1.13.0-beta.2 build
- Filed issue about bors against beta
- Filed stable backports
- Run tests of stable-next in dev
- Triaged website issue
- Merged friend pr
- Added a friend to www
- Merged a frend
- Merged friend www translation
- Commented on TUF implementation
- Updated someday list
- Posted rustup proposal
- Posted irlo thread to rustup sig thread
- Started crater for some pr
- Reviewed read_unaligned RFC
- Implemented rustup checksum fix
- Reviewed rustup pr
- Reviewed rustup pr
- Finished crater run
- Commented on small string optimization
- Filed bug about rustup issues
- Posted emscripten instructions
- Researched 1.12 regressions
- Updated compiler-builtins license
- Attended google lunch
- Attended core team meeting
- Filed bug about better missing std errors
- Praised a contributor
- Commented on bors order
- Continued trying to reproduce the syn failure
- Sent Gerv a question about compiler-builtins licensing
- Reviewed a PR
- Reviewed a rust-buildbot PR
- Merged beta backports
- Checked FCP box
- Checked FCP box
- Checked FCP box
- Checked FCP box
- Checked FCP box
- Checked FCP box
- Commented on read_unaligned
- Filed dashboard bug
- Commented on checksum fix
- Commentod on syn reproduction
- Removed ‘consider using an explicit lifetime’ suggestions
- Reviewed PR
- Approved some FCP
- Approved some FCP
- Approved some FCP
- Triaged a PR
- Commented on mem::read_unaligned
- Responded to email about powprppc64le
- Did more testing of sync segv
- Commented about Rust student engagement
- Commented about Blandy’s book
- Submitted participation metrics
- Conducted triage
- Posted triage minutes
- Hearted a contributor
- Turned on jsbackend in makefiles
- Filed bug about broken featureck
- Commented on tidy script
- Started bisecting a stable regression
- Merged mir2wasm PR
- Nominated a beta backport
- Accepted a patch for beta
- Testing –docdir fix
- Nominated a backport
- Nominated a backport
- Nominated a backport
- Accepted a backport
- Commented on hiding stable features
- Checked initial style guide
- Commented on server reliability
- Posted about backporting process
- Deployed buildbot emscripten patches
- Reviewed a cargo pr
- Merged a rustup pr
- Filed issue about mspdbserv on rustup
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Sent email about bors
- Filed make install bug
- Reviewed www menu patch
- Hacked on emscripten automation
- Sent nasa42 and llogiq email about fmt-rfcs FCPs
- Filed issue on removing jemalloc
- Explained path forward to regain windows alloc perf
- Commented on std facade crates
- Commented on global allocator API
- Investigated sys refactoring regression
- Updated rustup readme for windows
- Closed mystery regression
- Commented on finding cargo commit sha
- Filed bug to make rust-docs optional
- Closed old docdir PR
- Updated rust-installer in rust
- Updated rust-installer in cargo
- Updated rust-installer in rust-packaging
- Attended outreach call
- Followed up about reactive programming
- Followed up about control systems
- Closed ripgrep issue
- Started testing emscripten automation
- Fixed mod declarations on untested platforms
- Sent email to parity about bustage
- Commented on abort by default RFC
- Posted emscripten automation patch
- Commentmed on perf regression
- Posted another platform abstraction PR
- Submitted participation metrics
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Commented on asmjs
- Filed emscripten port bug
- Filed emscripten port bug
- Posted message about emscripten port improvements
- Updated pal pr
- Hacked on pal
- Merged fix
- Closed PR
- Deployed fix
- Commented on fix
- Commented on fix
- Updated pal PR
- Merged sublime-rust PR
- Merged sublime-rust PR
- Made Jayflux a sublimu-rust collaborator
- Commented on optional argument pattern
- Hacked on emscripten port
- Closed std_unicode PR
- Updated rustup toolchain
- Merged rustup readme update
- Made new fastcomp PR
- Triaged
- Reviewed
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Filed rg –nogroup feature request
- Discussed fixing –docdir
- Hacked on std::sys
- Did 1.12 release
- Commented on emscripten difficulties
- Tested emscripten patch on mingw
- Hacked on std::sys
- Reviewed a PR
- Commented on arm musl releases
- Merged a PR
- Merged a PR
- Merged rustup openssl update
- Merged fix
- Fixed variable naming in
- Merged rustup PR
- Merged rustup PR
- Closed old rustup PR
- Updated clap for rustup
- Commented on gluon
- Fixed botched upload
- Filed issue about lints
- Triaged
- Hacked on pal tidy check
- Fixed bootstrap sanity check
- Fixed nodejs detection
- Renamed rustc_unicode
- Posted pal patch
- Posted 1.12 www update
- Posted prerelease message
- Updated bootstrap compiler
- Commented on doc test ui
- Merged Rust style team
- Sent email about reactive Rust
- Tested 1.12 benchmarks
- Commented on semver analysis
- Commented on redox libstd
- Updated release notes
- Commented on emscripten unwinding
- Updated cargo-revs.txt for 1.13
- Commented on compatible debs
- Nominated a backport
- Bumped version to 1.14
- Updated 1.13 bootstrap compiler
- Filed issue about rustbuild testing
- Reviewed –skip
- Hacked on emscripten port
- Took photograph
- Drafted release announcement
- Attended libs meeting
- Sent email about automotive stuff
- Filled out participation metrics
- Praised burntsushi’s ripgrep
- Tested ripgrep
- Started crater run to test a patch revert
- Hacked on emscripten port
- Talked with steve about strike teams
- Commented about strike teams on web site
- Filed bug on rg
- Filed bug on rg
- Filed bug about native codegen
- Responded to LinkedIn press department about thing
- Responded to email about participation t-shirts
- Responded to community thread about participation events
- Posted revert of libs breakage
- Backported revert to beta
- Started a beta
- Removed reverted feature from relnotes
- Posted fst patch
- Reviewed nightly fixes
- Filed bug about tarball release channel
- Added friends link to www front page
- Closed old friends PR
- Conducted triage
- Posted triage minutes
- Investigated go crash
- Started crater run against beta
- Hacked on emscripten unwinder
- Pushed patch for emscripten unwinding
- Responded to email about automotive industry
- Posted beta regression report
- Sent email about libs regression
- Added Canonical to friends
- Merged www PR
- Merged www friend
- Merged www russian translation
- Commented on www PR
- Added to www
- Submitted PR for rustbuild verbose output
- Thanked pnkfelix for backporting
- Posted about rust-bindgen to /r/rust
- Updated 1.12 changelog
- Bumped beta version
- Commented on bootstrap key loosening
- Hacked on std::sys refactor
- Hacked on emscripten unwinding
- Merged beta backport
- Backported changelog
- Commented on gitter www pr
- Backported a fix
- Attended docs meeting
- Attended core team meeting
- Posted triage alert
- Replied to an email about a china event
- Replied to an email about control systems
- Replied to an email about twir
- Sent email about release announcement
- Sent email about Rust hiring
- Bumped beta version
- Commented on gimli
- Started 1.12.0-beta.4
- Fixed a build error on beta
- Closed fixed LLVM help issue
- Backported rust-installer fix
- Posted 1.12 changelog
- Sent email about 1.12 blog post
- Thanked kbknapp for clap
- Updated emscripten unwind status
- Updated someday list
- Triaged
- Commented on HashMap docs
- Reviewed beta nominations
- Responded on post to
- Caught up on emails
- Updated Rust participation metrics
- Backported some PRs to beta
- Reviewed a PR
- Triaged
- Reviewed a PR
- Commented on regression fix pr
- Commented on bad permissions in rust-src tarball
- Merged forge update
- Merged forge update
- Merged forge update
- Commented on rustdoc testing patch
- Hacked on anthology
- Wrote anthology announcement
- Posted anthology announcement
- Responded to Adrien re aerospace stuff
- Ordered a rustacean-two t-shirt / mug
- Rebased LLVM fork to incorporate some fix
- Commented on LLVM backport
- Backported some patches to beta
- Started build of beta.3
- Filed emscripten intrinsic bug
- Edited rust2wasm2native proposal
- Commented on redox libstd
- Filed issue about rustc bootstrap mismatch errors
- Collected rustc translation perf numbers
- Filed issue on bootstrapping from previous-previous release
- Fix bootstrap key logic
- Triaged
- Started emscripten unwinding patch
- Fixed target-specific jemalloc control in the build system
- Wrote opinion on Rust 2017 resourcing
- Hacked on emscripten patch
- Reviewed rustdoc patch
- Commented on mir2wasm issue
- Reviewed std patch
- Reviewed rustup thread
- Nominated a beta fix
- Reviewed cargo templates
- Merged beta backports
- Nominated a beta PR
- Posted emscripten unwinding bug
- Posted emscripten undefined symbol bug
- Posted rpass json issue
- Bumped beta version
- Reviewed some patch
- Reviewed some patch
- Merged www patch
- Nominated a PR for beta
- Investigated fixing rpass output
- Finished emscripten patch
- Commented on fastcomp patch
- Commented about LLVM upgrade process
- Copyedited ‘nice’
- Encouraged a contributor
- Commented on debs
- Hacked on emscripten patch
- Updated emscripten thread
- Commented on rust trademark usage
- Posted new ferris T-shirt
- Updated participation metrics
- Thanked Leah for RustConf
- Commented on require docs rfc
- Conducted triage
- Posted triage minutes
- Hacked on emscripten port
- Posted fast hash maps help wanted
- Tested email posting to urlo
- Responded to emails
- Reviewed rust-installer patch
- Answered error-chain question
- Reviewed mir2wasm patch
- Closed stdx issue
- Triaged libs pr
- Responded to outreach email draft
- Merged rust-www PR
- Filed issue about error-chain section order
- Commented on error-chain issue
- Triaged basic-http-server bug
- Triaged error-chain error
- Commented on cargo build bug with rustup
- Reviewed mir2wasm patch
- Sent email about os x -> linux cross
- Commented on font bleeding bug
- Commented on font bleeding bug
- Thanked a contributor
- Commented on rustup signature verification
- Commented on rustup checksum solution
- Discussed about Rust TLS perspective
- Commented on neon publish workflow
- Commented on xz compression
- Wrote position document on Rust TLS perspective
- Attended rustfmt mtg
- Commented on
- Checked on blocked PR
- Checked on blocked PR
- Praised japaric’s std testing
- Read most recent rustup comments
- Fixed denver meetup date on twir and calendar
- Reviewed patch
- Thanked kbnapp for clap fixes
- Commented on rust pr
- Commented on emscripten progress
- Rebased emscripten patches
- Filed issue about stage0 without network access
- Commented on discourse forums
- Reverted some fastcomp changes
- Reviewed www pr
- Merged www PR
- Closed obsolete PR
- Closed old www issue
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Closed dupe
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Submitted asmjs/wasm32 patch
- Commented on ‘why should mozilla continue developing rust’
- Commented on Ferris plushie
- Hacked on single-threaded compiletest support for emscripten
- Hacked on rustc wasm backend
- Commented on upenn training materials
- Commented on japaric’s cross-testing
- Posted new someday tasks
- Filed emscripten wasm+node bug
- Posted wasm32 libc patch
- Posted llvm fastcomp squash
- Merged temple-of-rust css fixes
- Reviewed www fixes
- Reviewed s390x patches
- Triaged rustup issue
- Commented on nodejs detection
- Merged rustup ring fixes
- Commented on rustup sanity check fixes
- Commented on stdx brokenness
- Commented on rustup as a library
- Commented about rust-crypto status
- Sent email about fx packaging
- Sent email about fx packaging
- Reviewed minor lib patch
- Filed emscripten numeric bug
- Filed emscripten ctlz bug
- Merged emscripten fixes
- Worked on wasm32 target for rustc
- Worked on wasm32 target for libc
- Wrote another section of ‘nice’
- Responded to email about Rust in control systems
- Pinged rschulman about emscripten
- Responded to rep
- Responded to nrc about fmt strike team
- Commented on rustfmt space rules
- Caught up on firefox+rust threads
- Sent email about firefox+rust
- Reviewed a PR
- Commented on issue with short-circuiting the stage0 checksum
- Commented on “Rust reps”
- Commented on
- Commented on rustup bug
- Commented on redox std
- Reviewed min/max_by
- Nominated min/max_by
- Reviewed src version
- Reviewed rustup error-chain upgrade
- Reviewed rustup sanity checks
- Merged rustup PR
- Reviewed rustup PR
- Brainstormed rustup ndk requirements
- Commented on rustup ndk support
- Revised wasm issue
- Replied to 2017 roadmap thread
- Reviewed a patch
- Solicited more emscripten help
- Posted new someday tasks
- Directed emscripten work
- Sent Rust_on_mobile link to potential user
- Amended north star RFC
- Responded to email about aerospace Rust
- Commented on compiler-rt
- Replied to email about thing
- Replied to activate thread
- Filed bug to detect nodejs
- Shared calendar with a rep organizer
- Posted emscripten next steps
- Commented on v.
- Updated rust swag op
- Commenmted on skeptic bug
- Reviewed PR
- Merged basic-http-server PR
- Merged error-chain PR
- Denied FCP for something
- Merged error-chain PR
- Commented on rust-www translation footer
- Commented on liblld
- Commented on compiler-builtins
- Responded to pings
- Commented on frlo improvements
- Patched gcc-rs for emcc
- Closed old issue
- Commented on beta revert
- Merged forge PR
- Merged forge PR
- Replied about issue tracker
- Commented about cross-compile roadmap
- Commented on Redox in-tree support
- Gave aturon notes on problem statements
- Built emscripten SDK
- Responded to someday thread
- Commented on issue tracker
- Commented on rustup distro packaging
- Replied on issue tracker
- Started rust+emscripten build
- Made several responses on firefox packaging
- Commented on rustup –help wrapping
- Commented on bad op
- Commented on source packaging
- Commented on north star rfc
- Squashed fastcomp patches
- Deleted forum spam
- Deleted forum spam
- Triaged someday list
- Closed rustup dupe
- Posted someday list
- Started rustscripten build
- Filed tracking issue for iterator min/max_by
- Reviewed iter min/max_by PR
- Closed iter min/max_by RFC
- Triaged Duration::to_nanos
- Triaged sublime text issue
- Merged error-chain PR
- Reviewed error-chain patch
- Commented on rustup msi
- Reviewed channel rc overflow fix
- Reviewed regex 1.0 RFC
- Reviewed mem::discriminant RFC
- Reviewed checked type RFC
- Triaged carrier trait RFC
- Agreed to relicense some rustbridge stuff
- Reviewed std refactor RFC
- Commented on skeptic PR
- Commented on gpg warning
- Commented on rustup aur thread
- Commented on rustup distro packaging
- Commented on ptr_eq
- Triaged
- Triaged
- Commented on compiler-rt PR
- Commented on cargo –all-features
- Closed rpi rustup segfault
- Commented on rustc semver version
- Closed stalled RFC
- Commented on llvm assertions on buildbot
- Reviewed PR
- Posted opinion of issue tags
- Commented on beta regressions
- Fixed rustup CI toolchain
- Bumped rustup version
- Minimized rustup crash
- Disabled anti-sudo check
- Filed bug to reenable anti-sudo check
- Closed rustup crash bug
- Released rustup 0.6.3
- Posted rustup fix message to /r/rust
- Posted rustup fix message to urlo
- Replied to servo TLS thread
- Filed bug for host builds of mipses
- Commented on s390, ppc64, pp64le builds
- Commented on Rust crypto
- Submited new friend to www
- Thanked a friend
- Restarted the beta build
- Reviewed a rollup
- Ran crater
- Filed linkage regression
- Suggested new friend text
- Merged rustup PR
- Triaged rustup
- Filed bugs about rustup crashes
- Sent email about aerospace industry
- Tried to help a rep
- [Helped a contributor]((
- Posted twir update
- Bisected rustup miscompile
- Fixed some unsafe code in rustup
- Commented on msi pr
- Bumped rustup version
- Hunted rustup crash
- Followed up on firefox packaging thread
- Posted beta regressions
- Posted nightly regressions
- Sent cmr suggestions for twir content
- Released rustup 0.6.2
- Closed rustup crash bug
- Commented on rustup crash bug
- Commented on rustup armv7 bug
- Conducted triage
- Put together swag list
- Merged temple-of-rust PR
- Added license to temple-of-rust
- Posted rust swag thread
- Responded to t-shirt email thread
- Posted triage minutes
- Responded to arch rustup thread
- Fixed some crater bustage
- Reviewed rustup ndk support
- Filed bug about rustup cross-compile testing
- Filed s390, ppc64, ppc64le host bug
- Responded to various fx linux packaging emails
- Responded to rustup thread
- Triage
- Reduced crash bug
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Commented on armv7 crash
- Triage
- Triage
- Added T-doc tag
- Triage
- Attended community meeting
- Filed bitcode issue
- Responded to rustup q
- Responded to triage thread
- Updated triage schedule for every 2 weeks
- Closed rustup crash issue
- Commented on rustup crash
- Posted release cycle milestones thread
- Commented on Apple bitcode
- Responded to email about Rust t-shirts
- Invited reps to next week’s meeting
- Reviewed roadmap RFC details
- Triaged
- Filed bug about www example errors
- Reviewed www front page friends
- Merged skeptic PR
- Commented about error downcasting
- Commented on anthology process
- Commented on anthology footnotes
- Filed rustup canonicalize bug on network drives
- Commented on release + debuginfo bots
- Commented on C siphash
- Reviewed some debugging pr
- Commented on cargo json
- Thanked a contributor
- Commented on contributor being dumb
- Merged mir2wasm pr
- Merged mir2wasm pr
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Responded to compiler-builtins objection
- Reviewed www stuff
- Fixed typos in north star RFC
- Merged rust-www PR
- Commented on rustup crash
- Commented on apple bitcode
- Merged beta PR
- Reviewed arm PR
- Merged rustup fix
- Reviewed rustup lint pr
- Fixed rustup osx crash
- Thanks stabalien for fixing xattrs
- Bumped rustup version
- Publish rustup 0.6.1
- Encouraged a contributor
- Pinged people on rand bug
- Commented on freebsd rand improvements
- Updated help wanted instructions on tempdir bug
- Merged rust-packaging cargo bump
- Fixed rust-packaging cargo rev
- Updated rust bump
- Updated team@ alias
- Commented on rustup manifest breakage
- Reviewed friends of rust www front page
- Merged roadmap rfc edits
- Triage
- Bumped rustup version
- Reviewed rust-installer fix
- Filed rustup netbsd bug
- Filed tar bug
- Fixed tar bug in rustup
- Merged rust-installer fix
- Updated rust-installer for rust
- Updated rust-installer for cargo
- Updated rust-installer for rust-packaging
- Released rustup 0.6.0
- Closed rustup bug
- Posted north star RFC
- Wrote about being effusive for ‘minimally-nice’
- Brainstormed about Rust outreach and domains
- Subscribed to meetup groups relevant to Rust domains
- Work on minimally-nice-maintainer
- Encouraged aelitabot
- Commented on manifest format
- Edited crt-link RFC
- Commented on crt-link RFC
- Commented on compiler-rt
- Updated bump pr
- Approved cargo hack
- Revised north star RFC
- Reviewed msi deployment patch
- Investigated rustup problems with new manifest
- Reviewed rustup component patch
- Fixed openssl download url
- Triaged tempdir bug
- Filed bug about tempdir remove_dir_all unreliability
- Fixed flaky rustup tests
- Merged rustup component command
- Filed rust-src bug
- Posted warning about rustup bustage
- Updated stage0 for version bump
- Continued testing new manifest generator in dev
- Working on 1.11 release
- Responded to nightly q
- Responded to idiom q
- Updated bump PR for stage0 compat
- Commented on rustc-builtins
- Burned down inbox
- Fixed www invalidation script
- Encouraged a contributor
- Commented on rustup msi
- Tested new manifest in dev
- Updated crater to no longer hit / cloudfront
- Responded to emails about participation stuff
- Merged rust-buildbot manifest updates
- Filed rustup hyper issue
- Deployed new-manifest buildbot
- Revised crt-link RFC
- Worked on roadmap RFC
- Posted prerelease testing message
- Merged rust-www PR
- Bumped bootstrap compiler
- Updated 1.11 relnotes
- Responded to rfc relicensing thread
- Updated website for release
- Commented on licensing
- Commented on workshop stuff
- Reviewed lib stabilizations
- Triaged
- Merged rustup MSI PR
- Outlined remaning rustup MSI work
- Merged rustup override patches
- Commented on error-chain proposal
- Commented on book2 building
- Started dev build for new manifest data
- Worked on rfcs relicensing
- Commented on rfcs relicensing
- Commented on nightlies
- Updated cargo-revs for 1.12
- Bumped boostrap compilers
- Commented on rust-src manifests
- Filed issue about bad linebreaks in rustup help
- Filed rustup component issue
- Posted release process clarifications
- Posted version bump
- Filed issue to optimize siphash further
- Posted 1.11 changelog
- Triaged
- Posted std variance testing thread
- Closed old bug
- Commented on by default
- Commented on platform support
- Followed up on packaging threads
- Pushed beta to stable
- Attempted to fix rust-src dupes
- Started 1.11 build
- Worked on rust-anthology
- Conducted workshop-workshop
- Posted workshop artifacts
- Sent email about rust-anthology
- Edited doc team on www
- Posted dogetest to /r/rust
- Continued crater run
- Merged skeptic PR
- Linked some issues
- Closed PR
- Wrote more roadmap RFC
- Triaged
- Closed dupe
- Triaged
- Posted crater results for carrier trait
- Ordered pizza for workshopathon
- Commented on rustup msi
- Reviewed rustup patch
- Bumped error-chain version
- Published error-chain 0.5.0
- Bumped rust-skeptic version
- Published rust-skeptic 0.6.1
- Commented on
- Posted twir updates
- Added www friends to front page bug
- Merged rustup toolchain upgrade
- Filed rustbridge installfest issue
- Edited futures blog post
- Merged error-chain PR
- Merged error-chain PR
- Commented on –test-threads
- Reviewed PR
- Closed issue
- Commented on an issue
- Fixed cargo-dist index
- Investigated rust-installer bug
- Commented about deprecating anonymous trait params
- Responded to emscripten thread
- Reviewed emscripten patch
- Commented on man page updating
- Upgraded rustup toolchain
- Commented on powerpc upgrade
- Filed –help bug
- Commented on problems
- Commented on arm crashes
- Triaged rustup issue
- Reviewed rustup PR
- Merged skeptic PR
- Commented on cargo json support
- Reviewed catch_panic optimization
- Closed unlikely enhancement
- Started Firefox packaging email threads
- Encouraged a contributor
- Reviewed PR
- Reviewed PR
- Reviewed PR
- Triage
- Moved issue to rust-www
- Commented on futures
- Encouraged a sandstorm
- Encouraged tock
- Commented on RFC process
- Opened issue about OO in the faq
- Commented on faq PR
- Edited error blog
- Responded to ppc64 email
- Responded to hackathon stuff
- Updated linux packaging draft and responded to planning thread
- Merged sandstorm friend
- Merged rustup pr
- Triaged rustup issue
- Fixed some issues
- Nominated a diagnostics issue
- Merged rustup PR
- Merged rustup PR
- Reviewed rustup MSI PR
- Commented on rustup bug
- Commented on rustup NetBSD bug
- Commented on rustup tty bug
- Triaged a rustup bug
- Triaged a rustup bug
- Encouraged a contributor
- Tried to fix rustup powerpc
- Commented on panicking cargo man on win
- Commented on rustup ubuntu tablet bug
- Commented on rustup shell completions
- Triaged rustup issue
- Commented on rustup OS X cross-compile
- Triaged a rustup bug
- Worked on north star RFC
- Triaged
- Commented on on rustc testing
- Reviewed rust-src PR
- Copyedit futures tutorial
- Commented on emscripten port
- Reviewed test harness timeout message
- Commented on uclibc support
- Encouraged a contributor
- Hearted a thread
- Responded to weekly thread
- Merged backport
- Reviewed doc patch
- Reviewed www PR
- Commented on man page versions
- Reviewed libs pr
- Commented on beta rustdoc html root
- Commented on licensing
- Merged error-chain fix
- Commented on error-chain travis config
- Commented on error-chain backtrace PR
- Thanked a contributor
- Commented on error-chain travis config
- Commented on libc implementations
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Booked travel to rustconf
- Booked travel to rbr
- Booked travel to moz hawaii
- Filed expense reports
- Wrote up motivation for north-star RFC
- Commented about wasm
- Encouraged a contributor
- Forwarded som trapped spam to rust-community
- Reviewed cargo fix
- Introduced a coc researcher to Graydon and Dave
- Reviewed a cargo fix
- Asked for help propogating the participation events in the Rust community
- Commented on particpation thread
- Commented on t-shirt
- Commented on timeouts
- Commented on dom bindings
- Commented on std-aware cargo
- Posted more emscripten ideas
- Merged error-chain PR
- Merged error-chain PR
- Reviewed a patch
- Encouraged a contributor
- Closed error-chain issue
- Bumped error-chain version
- Encouraged contributor
- Merged rustup patch
- Upgraded rustup to error-chain 0.4
- Released error-chain 0.4.2
- Commented on rustup nightly yanking
- Added a quote of the week
- Posted reminders about triage
- Conducted triage
- Commented on telemetry
- Posted triage updates
- Commented on wasm
- Suggested somebody begin webapi-rs
- Commented on web apis
- Commented on triage
- Sent email about Rust+wasm
- Brought various issues to community team meeting
- Sent email to llogic about community team participation
- Sent email about firefox+rust packaging
- Responded to platform thread
- Responded to rust starters
- Posted question about error-change breakage
- Reviewed error-chain PR
- Reviewed PR
- Commented on compiler-rt
- Encouraged a contributor
- Triaged mem::discriminant RFC
- Commented about skeptic perf
- Commented on cargo doc test perf
- Hearted a futures pr
- Hearted a futures pr
- Filed cargo feature request
- Suggested a fix for a skeptic bug
- Suggested a fix for a skeptic bug
- Merged backports
- Thankd a contributor
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Commented on rustup fish problems
- Merged old nano config
- Commented on rustdoc URL naming
- Set up cargo-dist indexing
- Commented on rustc-builtins
- Pointed nrc at a rustfmt contributor
- Merged error-chain PR
- Bumped error-chain version
- Published error-chain 0.3
- Upgraded error-chain in rustup
- Pinged Jim Blandy about book status
- Filed error-chain error
- Merged mir2wasm assert patch
- Commented on packaging guidelines
- Commented on
- Reviewed mir2wasm patch
- Thanked a contributor
- Commented on rustc-bulitins
- Thanked a contributor
- Commented on skeptic slowness
- Commented on skeptic slowness
- Commented on perf testing
- Commented on rustc libs
- Thanked a friend
- Posted emscripten update
- Commented on crate policy rfc
- Approved a PR
- Approved a PR
- Updated crater image to 16.04
- Closed duplicate PR
- Reviewed a PR
- Merged rustup PR
- Commented on run-pass bogosity
- Commented on
--emit metadata
- Discussed Mozilla participation activities with brian king
- Thumbsed a PR
- Reviewed cargo local registries
- Responded to an email about WAVM
- Responded to email thread about participation events
- Sent email about training videos
- Sent email about t-shirts
- Ranted about Rust compile-time performance
- Commented on rustup checksum problem
- Sent Orbits&Rust photo to eddyb
- Commented on platform
- Commented on error internationalization
- Worked on rust-anthology
- Reviewed cargo local registries
- Reviewed cargo PR
- Commented on wasm target spec
- Merged rustup rustls pr
- Merged rustup PR
- Reviewed rustup PR
- Merged rustup proxy toolchain shortcut
- Merged rustup man
- Fixed rustup indentation
- Merged rustup sudo checks
- Reviewed rustup show fix
- Refactored rustup sudo defense
- Removed empty mod in rustup
- Commented on rustup backtrace disk thrashing
- Commented on rustup global installation
- Closed rustup man issue
- Thanked a contributor
- Commented on rustup installation dir
- Conceeded on rustup backtrace obeying RUST_BACKTRACE
- Commented on rustup fish shell hang
- Commented on rustup issue
- Commented on rustup rust-mingw package
- Encouraged someone to help with debugging rustup on NetBSD
- Commented on rustup signing
- Tried to fix appveyor CI
- Approved cargo registry mirrors
- Hacked on rustup
- Hacked on rust-www team alumni
- Alphabetized community team on website
- Posted alumni teams
- Commented about rustc-builtins crate
- Commented on mir2wasm target specs
- Merged rustup PR
- Bumped rustup version
- Edited Brian King’s participation CTA
- Thanked aturon
- Asked for help setting up ‘rust starters’
- Filed issue about cargo registry sync
- Fixed rustup lockfile
- Eulogized huon and alexis
- Commented on platform
- Commented on some llvm patch
- Commented about doc-days
- Welcomed team member
- Commented about –bin by default
- Commented about cloudabi
- Commented about cargo api qs
- Updated rustup deployment instructions
- Released rustup 0.5.0
- Commented on a patch
- Asked for status update
- Asked for status update
- Triaged a rby pr
- Merged rby fixes
- Triaged an easy bug
- Closed fixed rustup issue
- Closed fixed rustup issue
- Closed fixed issue
- Posted twir update
- Reviewed libs PR
- Gave advice for setting up pontoon for l10n
- Commented on cargo exec
- Commented on libs motivations
- Gave some mir2wasm feedback
- Commented on cargo C cross compilation
- Commented on optimization
- Commented on some old bug
- Merged jseyfriend to compiler team
- Merged mir2wasm fixes
- Encouraged some interns
- Responded kindly to a troll
- Responded to an old q about rustup
- Posted roadmap tool
- Encouraged redox
- Submitted tock link to /r/rust
- Merged rustup patch
- Worked on battleplan readme
- Commented on gpg impl
- Commented on rustup signing
- Merged backport
- Commented on fotf
- Started crate-build for crater run
- Responded about std-aware cargo RFC
- Commented on error-chain PR
- Commented on new from conversions
- Commented on cargo exec
- Commented on error-chain PR
- Filed bors prioritize newbies bug
- Filed bors rustfmt bug
- Commented on mozfest participation
- Commented on no-stack-check flag
- Triaged
- Commented on discriminant_intrinsic
- Approved debug escaping patch
- Sent email about Rust alumni
- Asked for website translation help
- Minor website update
- Commented on
cargo new
defaults - Fixed blog background color
- Posted crater results
- Commented on wasm importing
- Commented on metapackages
- Commented on platform
- Sent support request to GitHub about clone throttling
- Tested AWS throttling
- Updated support ticket for thursday meetup
- Responded to Mozilla Rust Hackathon email
- Reviewed rustup PR
- Merged mir2wasm PR
- Commented about OS X mangling
- Commented on rustup issue
- Reviewed cargo PR
- Reviewed cargo PR
- Commented on OS X mangling
- Commented on std backtrace feature
- Thanked a contributor
- Reviewed lib PR
- Commented on rustup hash drift
- Merged backport
- Ordered pizza for meetup
- Scheduled 8/13 hackathon
- Started a crater run for a PR
- Reviewed aturon’s platform post
- Commented on
- Responded to email about things
- Commented on nano-config
- Comented on rustc perf
- Posted some doc sprint ideas
- Commented on grammar fixes
- Commented on weird discourse behavior
- Reviewed nano patch
- Reviewed drain covariance
- Investigated serde compile perf
- Encouraged a contributor
- Commented on rustc-builtins
- Commented on no_stack_check
- Reviewed rustup PR
- Encouraged a contributor
- Reviewed error-chain patch
- Commented on rustdoc titles
- Commented on some rustdoc PR
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Commented about compiler-rt build script
- Reviewed mir2wasm patch
- Responded to pings
- Encouraged a contributor
- Thanked a contributor
- Commented on installation of dynamically linked rust exes
- Commented on rustup sudo
- Commented on rustup backtraces
- Commented on rustup stripping
- Commented on missing rust-mingw
- Commented on rustup path verification
- Thanked a contributor
- Commented on rustup global installation
- Commented on rust-lldb
- Tried to reproduce
- Filed cargo network bug
- Commented on target-detection PR
- Commented on rustc hang repro
- Reviewed crate-deps RFC
- Commented on ctrs
- Reviewed cargo PR
- Responded to pings
- Tagged rustup 0.3.0
- Merged rustup HTTP proxy docs
- Closed rustup HTTP proxy issue
- Closed old rustup issue
- Bumped rustup version
- Commented on binary_search verification
- Gave vadim r+ again
- Filed error-chain bug
- Posted message about error-chain not working on stable
- Set up meeting with optimizely
- Commemnted on rbe inline-examples
- Tried to help itsmealda with iOS linking issues
- Fixed some rustup docs
- Released rustup 0.4.0
- Commented on return being an expression
- Asked for feedback on a closable diagnostics bug
- Closed rustup no-self-update bug
- Encouraged a contributor
- Closed fixed cargo bug
- Updated compiler-rt bug
- Commented on rustup zsh completions
- Posted twir updates
- Reviewed PR
- Sent email about distro outreach
- Commented on JSON target specs
- Filed regex perf regression
- Praised clippy docs
- Updated rust-learning PR
- Triaged error-chain backtrace windows bug
- Encouraged a community member
- Commented on checked range indexing
- Commented on rustup gui installer
- Merged Windows installer artwork
- Commented on rusty-dash github code
- Commented on windows testing
- Commented on horrible rust patch
- Triaged a libs PR
- Reviewed error-chain PR
- Responded to a contributor question via email
- Sent list of links for new contributors for PR purposes
- Responded to person needing help via email
- Commented about error-chain pr
- Filed rustup sudo bug
- Commented on rustup sudo bug
- Thanked a contributor
- Triaged
- Updated a PR
- Triaged RFC
- Commented about std refactor
- Unassigned myself from windows tracking bug
- Commented on doc team RFC
- Merged error-chain PR
- Added error-chain quickstart
- Bumped error-chain version
- Fixed error-chain bugs
- Published error-chain 0.2.2
- Updated rustup to error-chain 0.2.2
- Commented on error-chain issue
- Merged rustup proxy PR
- Updated rustup proxy issue
- Merged rustup PR
- Merged rustup PR
- Merged rustup PR
- Emailed arch rustup maintainer about no-self-update
- Edited rust-anthology
- Sketched full TOC for anthology
- Encouraged a contributor
- Filed rustup show bug
- Responded to SO q about rustup
- Responded to SO q about iOS bitcode
- Responded to emergency inquiry
- Worked on removing multirust bin from rustup
- Increased crater timeout from 300s to 600s
- Commented on rustup backtraces on windows
- Updated rustup backtrace dep
- Updated rustup gcc dep
- Unbooked SFO commons for 7/30 workshop that is not happening
- Created next community team agenda
- Welcomed community team members
- Posted PR to remove multirust bin from rustup
- Reviewed a PR
- Updated rust-learning
- Commented on ip6 filtering
- Reviewed cargo –freeze
- Filed cargo registry bug
- Merged rustup PR
- Merged rustup PR
- Reviewed rustup PR
- Commented on rustup bug
- Triaged rustup bug
- Triaged rustup bug
- Triaged rustup bug
- Triaged rustup bug
- Triaged rustup bug
- Triaged rustup bug
- Triaged rustup bug
- Triaged rustup bug
- Triaged rustup bug
- Triaged rustup bug
- Triaged rustup bug
- Triaged rustup bug
- Triaged rustup bug
- Triaged rustup issues
- Commented on discriminant_value PR
- Encouraged a contributor
- Triaged error-chain issue
- Closed old issue
- [Triaged bug](
- Triaged bug
- Triaged bug
- Closed old bug
- Helped someone in #rust-beginners with error-chain
- Filed error-chain feature request
- Filed error-chain feature request
- Triaged bug
- Triaged bug
- Commented on rustup HTTP proxy
- Commented on rustup win installer progress
- Encouraged a contributor
- Booked SFO commons for 7/30 workshop
- Responded to a candidate
- Encourarged a contributor
- Commented on std refactoring
- Assigned myself an rfc
- Reviewed checked_abs RFC
- Commented on rustup self updates for distros
- Filed a bug about disabling rustup self updates
- Experimented with rustup backtraces
- Merged backport of jemalloc fix
- Commented on rustup extensibility
- Commented about rustup foreign links
- Commented about cargo UI improvements
- Thanked eholk for reviewing mir2wasm patch
- Commented on rustup win32 installer
- Commented on rustup backtraces
- Commented on deprecating anonymous arguments
- Reviewed rustfmting
- Posted testing build of rustup for backtrace fix
- Responded to cargo config rfc
- Approved is_empty for ExactSizeIterator
- Pinged lqd about mir2wasm
- Commented on rustfmting
- Commented on unwrap macro
- Commented
- Commented on
- Send email to Jamey Sharp about using corrode to translite compiler-rt
- Commented on rustup completions
- Filed rustup telemetry bug
- Commented on unstable feature query
- Commented on LLVM cpu-features patch
- Commented on LLVM upgrade
- Encouraged a contributor
- Reviewed AddAssign for String
- Compiled windows-orbit test results
- Commented on httptest issue
- Reviewed new friend
- Posted windows mir results
- Reviewed mips soft-float remove
- Commented on xdg
- Commented on rustup arm fix
- Commented on zsh completions
- Responded to pings
- Commented on alt-play
- Responded to emails
- Merged rustup armv7-neon fixes
- Reviewed MachineArith RFC
- Reviewed on panic-safe indexing RFC
- Filed rustup extra line bug
- Worked on battleplan crawling
- Commented on rustup completions
- Hacking on rust-z
- Continued windows mir testing
- Asked for update on ?
- Filed fs::read_to_string feature request
- Updated cargo-apply
- Started crater run
- Reviewed mips fix
- Posted changelog
- Added Stratum to friends
- Responded to contributor q
- Encouraged a contributor
- Encouraged a contributor
- Encouraged a contributor
- Merged rustls cert loader
- Reviewed rustup patch
- Reviewed diagnostic fix
- Wrote guidance on rustup GUI
- Posted easy bug instructions
- Updated twir
- Commented on rustls
- Posted regression report
- Responded to email about tessel
- Updated release triage thread
- Updated release cycle triage process
- Daily triage
- Merged rustup version bump
- Finished crater run for PR
- More release cycly treage tweaks
- Encouraged LLVM upgrade
- Commemnted on rust-src package PR
- Release triage
- Reviewed build system patch
- Filed bug on rustup release process
- Posted triage summary
- Updated gcc for rustup
- Commented on rustup manifest fallback
- Merged error-chain PR
- Merged rust-skeptic fix
- Published rust-skeptic 0.6
- Bumped rustup version
- Merged www ide fix
- Responded to rustup cert problem
- Merged mir2wasm docs
- Commented on rust-src package
- Commented on local rust rebuild
- Commented on xdg
- Responded to pings
- Responded to tessel owner
- Responded to emails
- Encouraged a contributor
- Published rustup 0.3
- Tested mir stuff on windows
- Commented on Rust vs Go
- Posted linux perf patch to /r/rust
- Responded to rustup windows SSL bug
- Fixed rustup staging bug
- Merged rustup winapi fix
- Merged rustup PR
- Bumped rustup version
- Discussed roadmaps
- Reminded about triage
- Biked
- Meditated
- Planned day
- Assigned self to std-aware cargo
- Reviewed std-aware cargo
- Reviewed mir2wasm patch
- Commented on crater q
- Reviewed bootstrapping patch
- Reviewed error message fix
- Reviewed discriminant_value patch
- Commented on error code rfc
- Commented on some old RFC
- Commented on platform-specific configuration schemes
- Commented on contex rfc
- Commented on rustdoc extensions
- Commented on std-aware cargo RFC
- Commented on strike teams
- Commented about www
- Commented on error RFC
- Commented on unicode upgrade
- Continued a crater run
- Encouraged rust-blueprint
- Commented about BigQuery
- Commented on rustup error handling
- Removed rustup winapi replacement
- Commented on cargo issue
- Biked
- Meditated
- Commented on cargo registry sync times
- Commented on discourse
- Dialy plan
- Commented on mpsq try_iter
- Triage
- Triage
- Commented on emscripten status
- Merged emscripten updates
- Commented on –dry-run
- Hearted a friend PR
- Merged some clippy bs
- Merged my rustls patch
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Closed issue
- Triage
- Commented on discriminant_value
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Commented an old PR
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Reviewed PR
- Replaced StaticMutex in pkg-config-rs
- Commented on unwrap macro
- Commented on cdn speed
- Triage
- Praised carol’s rust consultancy
- Worked on rustup v1 fallback
- Fixed rustup manifest fallback
- Fixed rustup installation bug
- Filed bug about rustup I/O testing
- Filed cargo bug
- Worked on rustls for rustup
- Fixed some concurrency in rustls
- Filed rustls issue
- Triage
- Posted rustls patch to rustup
- Commented on rustup + rustls
- Commented on rustup + rustls
- Filed error-chain feature request
- Commented on static.rlo changing
- Commented on Rust+AVR
- Filed rustup + rustls bug
- Commented about rustls
- Refactored rustup downloading
- Reviewed doc patch
- Posted rustup download refactoring
- Moved rustup downloading to its own crate
- Commented about roadmap
- Reviewed cargo fix
- Reviewed www i18n
- Responded to pings
- Started crater run
- Replied about static unsafe ptrs
- Commented on jemalloc
- Merged rustup hack
- Commented on rustup hack
- Reviewed rustup rustfmting
- Encouraged a contributor
- Commented on rustup version handling
- Commented on rustup PATH handling
- Closed rustup issue
- Commented on rustup default toolchain expansion
- Triaged rustup PRs and issues
- Encouraged a contributor
- Encouraged a contributor
- Triaged easy bug
- Triaged rust-lang/rust E-easy
- Suggested changes to error wording
- Encouraged a contributor
- Triaged rust-lang/rust E-help-wanted
- Commented on issue
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Replied to rustup bugzilla thread
- Triage
- Triage
- Commented on std-cargo
- Posted regression report
- Commented on source package
- Commented on some error message
- Posted twir pr
- Reviewed www win detection pr
- Tagged rust and cargo releases
- Commented on blog.rlo https
- Commented on std-aware cargo
- Commented on surprise symbols
- Reviewed removal of deprecated sync types
- Reviewed IpAddr methods
- Commented about cargo –version
- Commented on servo codegen units
- Commented on mir2wasm monomorphization
- Reviewed blog update
- Commented about ide page duplication
- Posted bug about bad diagnostics
- Attempted to get a P-high bug assigned
- Triage
- Commented on hash table random numbers
- Merged www edits
- Merged release note edits
- Encouraged a user
- 2fa admin
- Meeting with japaric about xcomp
- Commented about unwrap!
- Posted summary of ideas to std-aware cargo rfc
- Turned on more master branch protection for rust-lang/rust
- Commented on rust starters
- Commented on a cargo easy bug
- Reviewed error message fix
- Reviewed rustbuild reorg
- Responded to pings
- Reviewed rustup patch
- Reviewed rustup patch
- Closed rustup issue
- Reviewed rustup patch
- Reviewed rustup patch
- Tagged an easy bug
- Triaged mir2wasm
- Asked about cargo+std RFC
- Smoke-tested 1.10
- Moved error-chain to its own repo
- Reviewed some pr
- Created cross-compile agenda
- Closed rustup error-chain migration issue
- Removed error-chain from rustup tree
- Announced movement of error-chain
- Posted crater report for some RFC
- Commented on error-chain
- Commented on Fedora disabling jemalloc
- Commented on cargo+std
- Biked
- Meditated
- Exercised
- Read news
- Listened to Down - NOLA
- Talked to manish about rustup signing
- Triaged daily todos
- Talked to Aaron about roadmaps
- Commented on switching to msvc abi
- Filed issue about rustup msvc detection
- Commented on #[preserve] RFC
- Commented on -C link-arg RFC
- Closed macOS PR
- Commented on rustup tab completions
- Merged mir2wasm patch
- Commented adding compiler image to rust-forge
- Reviewed nightly fix
- Reviewed version bump
- Commented on yet another UTF-8 decoder
- Commented on string precision fix
- Commented on cargo aliases
- Lunch
- Invited huon to dinner
- Started a crater run for !
- Encouraged badboy’s llvm port
- Responded to florian about rustfest
- Emailed about experimental compiler features
- Wrote ideas about roadmap
- Encouraged a contributor
- Triaged rust-lang/rust E-easy
- Triaged rust-lang/rust E-help-wanted
- Responded to rustup checksum thread
- Triaged help wanted
- Responded to rustup checksum thread
- Reviewed cargo docs
- Fixed cargo doc headers
- Responded to rustup checksum thread
- Filed taskcluster bug
- Commented on roadmaps
- Commented on decisions
- Biked
- Meditated
- Read news
- Outlined books
- Gave lqd some mir2wasm feedback
- Asked about rust ssh
- Updated relnotes
- Merged mir2wasm test runner fixes
- Hyped up hot issues dash
- Started crater run
- Commented on code signing
- Reviewed cargo workspaces
- Offered to crater some thing
- Commented on meaning of P-high
- Commented on cargo run not forking
- Commented on strike teams
- Responded to pings
- Send two sticker shipments
- Commented on unicode upgrade
- Hearted a contributor
- Triaged rust-lang/rust E-easy
- Triaged rust-lang/rust E-help-wanted
- Closed rustup bug
- Triaged rust-lang-nursery/ help wanted
- Updated 1.10 relnotes
- Reviewed rustup fix
- Added postmates to friends
- Fixed website punctuation
- Thanked a contributor
- Posted changelog
- Reviewed backport
- Commented about searching for keywords
- Merged www fix
- Encouraged a contributor
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Updated rustup ppc pr
- Triage
- Hearted an explanation
- Triage
- Triage
- Posted twir updates
- Posted regression report
- Merged www pr
- Triaged ninja support
- Clarified rustup windows support in README
- Commented about rustup man pages
- Filed issue to create HTML man pages
- Updated rustup powerpc support
- Triaged rustup issue
- Posted an rust job thread
- Thumbsed up blog post
- Commented on buildbot passwords
- Commented on mir2wasm start fn
- Commented on beta fix
- Responded to pings
- Pressed people for beta backports
- Merged rustup help fix
- Triaged rustup issue
- Triaged rustup issue
- Triaged rustup issue
- Triaged rustup issue
- Reviewed nightly fix
- Worked on 1.10 release notes
- Commented on mitm
- Tested servo msis
- Filed issue to produce more android bins
- Commented on strike teams
- Closed dupe
- Responded to cargo man pages
- Responded to pings
- Merged backport
- Posted release notes
- Replied to ubsan about some pedantry
- Praised game in Rust
- Discussed new community team members
- Reviwed nightly fix
- Did PR interview
- Commented on mir opt tests
- Encouraged llvm upgrader
- Triage
- Filed E-easy request on dashboard
- Commented on deny(feature) testing
- Triaged rust-lang/rust E-easy
- Triaged unicode errors
- Triage
- Triaged rust-lang/rust help wanted
- Commented on rustup man
- Triaged rust-lang-nursery/ help wanted
- Reviewed build fixes
- Reviewed unsafe strike team RFC
- Reviewed rustfmt strike
- Asked for feedback on beta regression
- Asked for feedback on beta regression
- Asked for feedback on beta regression
- Responded to someone looking for stickers
- Merged mir2wasm fixes
- Merged mir2wasm progress
- Reviewed doc PR
- Thumbsed up debuginfo evolution issue
- Reviewed backport
- Responded to pings
- Reviwed android testing fixes for rustbuild
- Booked room for july meetup
- Worked on build-tests crate for rustup upgrade testing
- Wrote some edits to rust-www
- Feedback on discourse, want to ping github teams
- Hearted doc PR
- Wrote q2 self evaluation
- Updated rust-anthology readme
- Posted rust-www edits
- Hoorayed eddyb’s servo return_address PR
- Commented on detecting unused suffixes in clippy
- Merged rust-packaging README fix
- Closed rust-pacakging README bug
- Easy-triaged featureck improvement
- Commented on linker issue
- Synced github and irlo team definitions with web page
- Commented on ARM jemalloc
- Commented on lib stabilizations
- Commented on UnsafeCell
- Responded to pings
- Commented on another playground impl
- Commented on discourse moderator group
- Triag
- Triaged rust-lang/rust E-easy issues
- Triaged rust-lang/rust E-help-wanted issues
- Merged beta backport
- Commented on checksum drift
- Encouraged a contributor
- Triaged rust-lang-nursery/ help wanted issues
- Reviewed rustup doc patch
- Reviewed rustup patch
- Closed rustup issue
- Reviewed rustup issue
- Triaged rustup PRs
- Merged msi packaging fixes
- Started finally working on rustup upgrade tests
- Merged binaryen upgrade
- Worked on rust-anthology
- Reviewed doc PR
- Posted emscripten update
- Posted avr update
- Commented on less aggressive Debug escaping
- Merged mir2wasm trait resolution
- Commented on rustdoc page titles
- Reverted rustup curl disclaimer
- Responded to pings
- Updated tempdir doc pr
- Encouraged a contributor to do the LLVM upgrade
- Commented on wasm
- Triage
- Commented on play crashes
- Commemnted on UnsafeCell docs
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Filed bug to make rbe more navigable
- Commented on rbe mdbook conversion
- Commented on README
- Wrote personal roadmap
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage closed
- Triage closed
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage closed
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage closed
- Triage
- Triage closed
- Triage
- Reviewed msys fixes
- Triage
- Triage closed
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage closed
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage closed
- Filed issue to create clearer error messages
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage
- Triage closed
- Triage
- Triage closed
- Triage closed
- Triage
- Triage
- Commented on weekly thread
- Reviewed fix for nightlies
- Merged www download page fix
- Closed www download page issue
- Merged www fix
- Added Everlane to friends
- Ordered RustConf tickets
- Updated mir2wasm build instructions
- Fixed mir2wasm static linking
- Added some mir2wasm collaborators
- Added links to mir2wasm
- Merged mir2wasm patch
- Merged tempdir doc patch
- Filed issue on packaging GDB
- Commented on rust microservices
- Commented on doc rfc
- Commented on impl trait rfc
- Reviewed doc test PR
- Worked on tempdir docs
- Started crater run
- Commented on press in linux format
- Praised overflower
- Published changelog
- Published regression report
- Commented on mir blockers
- Triaged new platform intrinsics
- Commented on some stabilizing transmute fixes
- Commented on binaryen intrinsics
- Commented on packaging gdb
- Commented on mir2wasm heap usage
- Conducted release triage
- Commented on rustlib src
- Posted triage summary
- Commented on www template
- Commented on doc redundancy
- Commented on faq bug
- Commented on
- Commented on switching to msvc by default
- Closed old rustup issue
- Asked for help on old rustup issue
- Closed old rustup issue
- Commented on custom target dirs
- Commented on rustup NetBSD segfault
- Commented on rustup issue
- Commented on google analytics
- Closed old rustup issue
- Closed old rustup issue
- Closed old rustup issue
- Closed old rustup issue
- Closed old rustup issue
- Commented on rustup –default-toolchain
- Closed old rustup issue
- Closed old rustup issue
- Closed old rustup issue
- Commented on ./profile
- Closed old rustup issue
- Commented on windows gui
- Commented on rustup version pinning
- Commented on missing multirust bin
- Closed old rustup bug
- Commemnted on coroutine std
- Commented on cargo warnings for multiple crate versions
- Merged file fix
- Postetd doc days to rust
- Restored write access to a contributor
- Reviewed survey blog post
- Reviewed fd error handling patch
- Closed old rustup issue
- Triaged an easy rustup bug
- Triaged windows junction bug
- Triaged rustup bug
- Closed old rustup bug
- Triaged a rustup bug
- Commented on rustup beta issue
- Triaged rustup man
- Commented on rustup homebrew
- Merged rustup toolchain detection fix
- Commented on zsh completions
- Commented on
renaming - Filed easy rustup issue
- Commented on printing rustup version after self-update
- Commented on compiler-rt in Rust
- Reviewed rust-www consistification
- Created some test issues for nagboard
- Commented about default cows
- Merged mir2wasm patch
- Prepared for release triage
- Commented about the forge
- Updated openssl powerpc rustup builds
- Bumped rustup version
- Deployed new windows ami with upgraded wix
- Merged mir2wasm ops
- Restored some r+ access
- Reviewed some stabilization pr
- Commented on compiler-rt build system rewrite
- Reviewed cargo workspaces
- Reviewed error-code tests
- Reviewed new target features
- Published rustup 0.2
- Posted sync-dist script to rustup
- Updated docs for
set default-host
- Posted another minor rustup doc fix
- Responded to coroutine std
- Commented on suppressing panic messages
- Added eddyb to lang team
- Commented on adding version number to man page
- Commented on Cow default
- Commented on fn types
- Merged rustup hyper PR
- Commented on msi upgrades
- Commented on panic formatting
- Commented on rustup pinning
- Commented on OS X SDK
- Commented on adding is_empty to some iterator
- Reviewed rust-src package
- Asked AWS for a limit bump
- Triaged new FromIterator for String impl
- Commented on download page redesign
- Opened new thread for ~/.multirust to ~/.rustup rename
- Commented about XDG
- Merged mir2wasm patch
- Merged mir2wasm bulid script patch
- Reviewed RUSTDOCFLAGS patch
- Reviewed some cargo patch
- Commented on custom test runners
- Reviewed some patch
- Thanked jseyfried for fixing a regresion
- Commented on github compromise
- Transcribed stdlib survey to spreadsheet
- Revoked write for everybody without 2FA
- Helped stir up interview candidates
- Merged rustup PR
- Merged rustup PR
- Merged PR
- Merged rustup PR
- Merged rustup PR
- Merged mir2wasm PR
- Reviewed some cargo PR
- Filed team nagboard
- Commented on cortex RFC re rust-std
- Commented on shallow clone
- Commented on discourse feedback
- Closed PTX RFC
- Commented on rustup hash drift
- Responded to metrics thread
- Reviewed rustfmting
- Reviewed rustfmting
- Reviewed some patch
- Responded to rust adoption thread
- Merged www fixes
- Merged #rust-docs to www
- Posted friends cleanup
- Merged habitat friends
- Filed issue to move error-chain to its own repo
- Created powerpc PR for rustup
- Responded to error-chain thread
- Posted rustup update
- Commented on rustup live update tests
- Reviewed RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER url again
- Filed dashboard feature request
- Filed dashboard feature request
- Responded to irlo problems
- Sent leo crater credentials
- Filed another dashboard feature request
- Filed issue to tag rustfmt releases
- Closed fixed bitflags issue
- Released changelog
- Posted nightly regressions
- Postetd beta regressions
- Posted updates to twir
- Set up release triage
- Published policy RFCs
- Reviewed some cargo PR
- Reviewed some cargo PR
- Reviewed some cargo PR
- Reviewed some cargo PR
- Reviewed some cargo PR
- Reviewed some cargo PR
- Reviewed some cargo PR
- Reviewed some cargo PR
- Reviewed rustfmting PR
- Reviewed some PR
- Reviewed some PR
- Reviewed error code tests
- Commented on rustup checksum error
- Commented on more dumb accessors PR
- Commented on shallow_copy
- Commented on thread_local updates
- Commented on llvm cleanup pr
- Wrote email about platform pitch
- Responded to error rfcs
- Commented on future compatibility warnings
- Responded to error-chain thread
- Continued poking at crater run
- Reviewed a rustfmting patch
- Closed old issue
- Commented on next_power_of_two overflow
- Merged multirust migration instructions
- Commented on catching lexer flakiness
- [Commented on Arc
]( - Opned www bug for needstest description
- Commented on www PR
- Commented on www ebook issue
- Commented on www download page
- Triaged all www issues
- Commented on metrics
- Posted discourse feedback thread
- Commented on extinding strings with Display
- Commented on Cortex RFC
- Responded to pings
- Commented on removing unzip hack
- Commented on error-chain in servo
- Commented on manifest URL replacement
- Commentod on LLVM updates
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Finished crater run for durka
- Mentored an old perf bug
- Triaged compiletime issue
- Triaged compiletime issue
- Closed old compiletime issue
- Triaged a compiletime bug
- Commented on rustfmt style RFC
- Commented on error explanation RFC
- Continued running crater for #34077
- Merged rustup PR
- Reviewed rustup PR
- Merged rustup typos
- Merged www PR
- Merged www PR
- Reviewed www PR
- Commented on error code tests
- Merged www meetup PR
- Commented on agildate friend
- Reviewed test
- Turned on https redirect for static.irlo
- Closed www hkt issue
- Posted new FAQs
- Posted minor www fixes
- Merged rustup fix for v1 fallback
- Fixed rustup upgrade bug
- Commented on mir-trans by default
- Commented on mir-trans by default
- Reviewed rustup channel heuristics
- Added agildata to friends
- Commented on mir-trans-by-default
- Sent eddyb crater creds
- Attempted to contact again
- Posted error-chain
- Reviewed cargo curl upgrade
- Reviewed cargo fix
- Reviewed some rustfmt pr
- Commented on GPU RFC
- Published new build of rust-skeptic
- Started crater for some PR
- Filed dashboard benchmarks game issue
- Added some github queries to dashboard
- Triaged rusty-dash issues
- Reviewed more rustconf cfps
- Filed another suggestion for metrics
- Closed cdn perf issue
- Reviewed rustconf cfps
- Reviewed a PR
- Continued cmake patches
- Commented on PR
- Commented on TLS compatibility
- Merged new faqs
- Merged rustup PR
- Reviewed rustdoc fix
- Triaged rustdoc PR
- Merged mir2wasm README
- Reviewed rustup install help
- Tagged rustup 0.1.12
- Triaged rustup issues
- Posted regression reports to irlo
- Started next twir
- Turned on CDN edge servers
- Reviewed rustconf cfps
- Posted ideas about visualizations
- Opened cmake issue
- Opened rustup test issue
- Filed perf regression
- Reviewed dockerfile
- Reviewed rustdoc fix
- Commented on error code tests
- Posted release cycle triage
- Invited Tigran to lunch on 22nd.
- Added some bots to rust-forge
- Reviewed a PR
- Responded to rustup thread
- Opened cmake PR
- Filed feature pipeline dashboard
- Fixed a fire on
- Reviewed rustdoc fix
- Reviwed faqs
- Responded to thread
- Responded to other threads
- Renewed
- Reviewed configuration changes
- Reviewed stable lint reporting
- Reviewed copyright pr
- Reviewed rust-buildbot source tarball
- Updated multirust deprecation
- Commented on cargo aliases
- Commented on log indention
- Reviewed parking lot RFC
- Commented on siphash 1-3
- Merged some backports
- Reviewed doc patch
- Reviewed minor python patch
- Filed bug against cargo-clippy
- Filed bug against cargo-clippy
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Merged rustup PR
- Fixed toolchain add synonym
- [Rustup blog post]{
- Fixed rustup multirust defenses
- Fixed a twir issue
- Reviewed a doc patch
- Up most of night trying to get rustup deployed
- Reviewed derive optimization
- Sent infoworld reporter heads up about rust birthday
- Submitted rustconf to lwn calendar
- Commented on extended error RFC
- Reviewed PR
- Submitted PR to fix rustup install
[Added www disclaimer about curl sh](
- Started build of rustup 0.1.10
- Added another friend
- Merged rustup pr
- Posted comment on current_exe
- Merged blog fix
- Updated AWS stuff with Gene Wood
- Updated synonym pr
- Edited rustup blog post
- Posted winapi patch
- Added deprecation notice to rustup readme
- Posted schannel fixes
- Merged rustup openssl PR
- Merged rustup readme
- Commented on installer improvements
- Various rustup work
- Posted rustup 0.1.9 release announcement
- Reviewed Diggsey’s installer patch
- rustup cli cleanup
- Reviewed a trivial libsyntax change
- Commented on running cargo from the tarball
- Commented on ncollide
- Commented on dyon
- Commented on cargotest
- Commented on rustup path pr
- Merged rustup doc
- Reviewed distcheck fix
- Published sha2
- Responded to friends pr
- Reviewed minor pr
- Reviwed minor pr
- rustup show
- Fixed OpenSSL cert issue in rustup
- Congratted eddyb
- Merged another friend
- Added rustup upgrade defense
- rustup readme fixes
- Reviewed rustup tty fixes
- Updated target_env desc
- Filed dev-dependencies bug
- Worked on rustup TLS
- Added to friends page
- Responded to sven
- Posted rustup TLS overhaul
- Updated debuggers PR
- Responded to rustup issue
- Merged beta prs
- Filed servo tls issue
- Merged rustup pr
- Updated FreeBSD platform detection
- Worked on rustup blog post
- Responded to thread
- Friends page cleanup
- Added another friend
- Responded to bvsvvni about production use of piston
- Merged PR
- Merged PR
- Transferred rustup to
- Reviewed build system docs
- Commented on random seeding
- Commented on multirust bug
- Commented on lld patch
- Responded to q
- Merged www relnotes pr
- Worked on friends page
- Commented on piston friendss
- Praised a few contributors
- Reviewed mem::forget inlining
- Wrote more rustup blog post
- Commented on blanket from conversions for ()
- Praised tomaka’s vulkano
- Merged prod user pr
- Commented on test fixtures
- Working on rustup blog post
- Responded to a issue
- Working on rustup blog post
- Minor fixes to rustup
- Posted changelog
- Posted changelog to twir
- Helped investigate a build issue
- Tarball sanity check
- Posted production users thread
- Reviewed cargo PR
- Responded to metrics thread
- Filed rustup infinite hang issue
- Reviewed PR
- Posted prod page
- Updated dbg patch
- Merged some rustup prs
- Released rustup 0.1.8
- Commented on community awards
- Merged rustup Pr
- Merged rustup PR
- Merged rustup website PR
- Fixeb rustup backtrace bug
- Responded to rustup issue
- Merged rustup PR
- Triaged rustup issue
- Created wasm issue
- Ordered pizza for meetup
- Tweaked some rustup error stuff
- Created new rustup timeline
- Sent email to alon about emscripten
- Filed rustup toolchain abbreviation issue
- Fixed CARGO_HOME in cargo
- Updated multirust prs
- Fixed aarch64 rustup bug
- Reviewed bootstrap key patch
- Started another beta
- Posted prerelease thread
- Posted message about metrics
- Sent jntrnr an email about www user’s page
- Updated 1.9 relnotes PR
- 1.9 website update
- Created “friends of rust” page
- rustup-init
- Promoted build targets
- Bumped version
- Started 1.8 build
- Merged multirust pr
- Reviewed telemetry patch again
- 1.9 relnotes
- Posted interactive install PR
- Book review
- Funnel aborts through rtabort
- Patch to distribute all debugger scripts
- Rejected minor doc patch
- Fixed sudo bug
- More book review
- Reviewed a multirust-rs patch
- Respond to CLI thread
- Still trying to configure cargotest in dev
- Writing 1.8 relnotes
- Reviewed telemetry patch
- Reviewed 1.9 stabilizations
- Fixed featureck for 1.8
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Continued working on cargotest
- Release notes
- Closed pr to remove “aborting due to previous errors”
- Deployed cargotest builders
- Attended community meeting
- Worked on cargotest more
- Repsonded to rustup threads
- Reviewed minor doc patch
- Posted cargotest fix
- Parse toolchain names better
- Trying to land new deployment scheme for rustup
- Lots of rustup work
- Fixed cargotest makefile
- Trying to get cargotest into buildbot
- Set up ssl for
- Multirust which
- Fixed multirust panics
- rustup show
- Posted comment on derive(Clone) opt
- Posted comment on adding libutil to libc
- Commented on multirust-rs q
- Updated pr
- Updated pr
- Posted rustup PR to overhaul UI
- Posted rustup setup script
- Responded to multirust issue
- Posted glium bug
- Updated cargotest
- Merged beta ports
- Reviewed cargo nightly updates
- Merged stdx serde patch
- Responded to multirust homebrew problem
- Closed Pr to add logo to readme
- Fixed rustup deployment
- Reviewed playpen rewrite
- Worked on rustup
- Merged forge stuff
- rustup whitespace fixes
- Commented on Copy opt
- Reviewed some pr
- Fixed rustup not printing cargo version
- Reduced copying in test suite
- Merged multirust pr
- Reviewed new builders
- Published forge
- Published cargotest pr
- Updated a multirust fix pr
- Posted pr to make list-targets nicer
- More rustup fixes
- Posted pr to use jobs on windows
- Commented on msi msvc warnings
- More multirust-rs
- Wrote response to platfom dev about packaging
- Responded to multirust issue
- Filed rustup issue about corrupted failed installs
- Filed bug about rustup sort order
- Merged multirust self-update
- Fixed buildbot bug
- Updated rustflags patch again
- Lots of multirust-rs firefighting
- Merged basic-http-server pr
- Reviewed rustbuild dist patch
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Reviewed patch
- Replied on hn abut wasm+rust
- Replied to gomez about rustdoc bs
- Merged multirust-rs pr
- Merged multirust-rs doc pr
- Reviewed cargo flock patch
- Submitted minor doc pr
- Reviewed rustdoc –extra-css patch
- Merged gitignore multirust-rs pr
- Merged multirust-rs doc pr
- Sent Diggsey email suggesting moving multirust-rs to rust-lang-nursery
- Filed winapi regression
- Pinned multirust-rs to avoid winapi regression
- Reviewed rustbuild patch
- Transferred multirust-rs to nursery
- Reviewed rustbuild patch
- Filed bug about stdin inheritance
- Triaged a bug
- Posted self-update PR
- Filed capped lints bug
- Commented on new term crate
- Merged multirust fix
- Merged multirust-rs fix
- Worked on website
- Posted spew testcase
- Worked on rustup self-install
- Worked on renamed_and_removed_lints lint
- Commented on multirust bug
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Reviewed cargo fix
- Reviewed cargo fix
- Commented on rustup plan
- Fixed buildbot fire
- Merged multirust fix
- Merged crusader patch
- Tagged 0.8.0
- Merged buildbot fix
- Commented on multirust-rs doc patch
- Merged rustup bashism fix
- Fixed rustup breakage
- Reviewed cargo thing
- Filed overflow rfc
- Responded to multirust q
- Merged multirust doc fix
- Reviewed cargo bulid
- Posted multirust issue to turn on v2 manifests
- Did a bit of work on multirust-rs setup
- Reviewed multirust-rs doc patch
- Posted stable manifest pr
- Posted rustup braindump
- Reverted name change
- Reviewed rustup pr
- Reviewed another rustup pr
- Worked getting working
- Reviewed rustup pr
- Merged and manifest v2 support
- Published multirust 0.8
- Reviewed rustbuild patch
- Fixed beta build in dev
- Responded to florian about conferences
- Sent stickers to germany
- Merged some twir prs
- Reviewed some rustbuild pr
- Filed resolve regression
- Put v2 manifest generator into prod
- Reviewed error fixes
- Unbroke CI
- Worked on rustup UI
- Merged twir pr
- Refactoring multirust-rs
- Worked on v2 manifests for rust-buildbot
- Worked on frob-rtinst
- Filed issue about Duration max
- Reviewed diagnostic patch
- Worked on v2 manifest scripts in dev
- Made release
- Revewied website cleanup
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Worked on rustflags
- Reviewed rust-std reduction
- Reviewed into_ascii
- Posted rustflags update
- Worked on rtinst
- Refactored rustup
- Did 1.7 prerelease work
- Posted 1.7 bins
- Closed issue about blastoff breakage
- Merged basic-http-server fixes
- Published basic-http-server
- Commented on emscripten test runner
- Fixed beta
- Filed issue on beta tests
- Posted 1.9 pr
- Commented on type_name
- Started 1.7 build
- Closed multirust ticket
- Commented on multirust attack
- Merged multirust patch
- Merged multirust patch
- Responded to multirust XDG
- Commented on multirust bug
- Updated stdx
- Reviewed an error patch
- Put together another beta release notes pr
- Another beta pr
- Reviewed rustuild cross pr
- Reviewed lazily downloaded packages
- Commented about fallible collections
- Closed multirust doc question
- Helped with error handling
- Reviewed derive optimization
- Investigated multirust uninstall bug
- Posted Manishe’s curated bugs to twir thread
- Wored on rustup component installation
- Reviewed rustbuild pr
- Reviewed process improvements
- More
- Posted release note thread
- Posted beta backports
- Reviewed cargo env var patch
- Reviewed cargo config pr
- Commented on nounwind
- Posted multirust-rs fixes
- Reviewed multirust-rs patch
- Merged some beta PR
- Replied to multirust issue
- Merged rust-buildbot cargo build date patch
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Responded to some multirust issue
- Fixed multirust-rs test flakiness
- Reviewed jemalloc makefile fixes
- Reviewed arm patch
- Commented on CLICOLOR
- Commented on search index tests
- Reviewed error fix
- Reviewed networking fixes
- Commented on small strings
- Reviewed a thing
- Updating downstreams for 1.7 breakage
- Clarify README multirust-rs
- Commented on pr
- Posted multirust-rs Pr
- Reviewed PR
- Commented on local registries
- Filed issue about jemalloc breakage
- Commented about global cargo installation in multirust
- Commented about remove_dir_all
- Working on v1 manifests for multirust-rs
- Commented on unstable rustc flags
- Replied to local registries
- Updated rustflags pr
- Reviewed cargo cfg patch
- Reviewed cargo local registries
- Ordered pizza for meetup
- Filed expenses
- Updated RUSTFLAGS patch
- Reviewed llvm update
- Posted PR to rust-learning
- Reviewed rustdoc compile-fail again
- Reviewed doc pr
- Reviewed sanitizers
- Reviewed rustbuild pr
- Reviewed minor doc pr
- Reviewed emscripten thread pr
- Ran crater
- Reviewed cargo patch to prefer env vars
- Commented on derive copy clone
- Reviewed new build system
- Reviewed cargo job objects
- Commented on upstreaming sublime
- Reviewed sublime snippet patches
- Commented on windows __fastfail
- Commented on emscripten
- Reviewed os::raw changes
- Reviewed emscripten patch
- Commemnted on i686
- Reviewed jemalloc patch
- Fixed disks on rust-android1
- Reviewed coc fix
- Filed community report
- Closed an old rust-www PR
- Send www email
- Filed but about error index tests not running on make check
- Reviewed error index tests
- Reviewed doc pr
- Reviewed rustbuild rust-buildbot patch
- Continued work on multirust-rs
- Reviewed minor doc patch
- Reviewed –cfg fix
- Reviewed ar fixes
- Reviewed jemalloc
- Worked on error index makefile fixes for imperio
- Commented on test frameworks
- Commented on SVH
- Filed bug on bad –cfg parsing
- Reviewed –print cfg
- Filed another –cfg bug
- And another
- Reviewed SEH
- Posted forge
- Reviewed httptest fix
- Merged multirust-rs whitespace fixes
- Merged forge fix
- Made some updates to multirust-rs patch
- Asked for help on emscripten port
- Posted fixes to rustdoc compile-fail makefiles
- Filed issue about guard pages
- More work on emscripten port
- Replied to derive(Copy, Clone) optimization
- Filed bug against atty
- Filed bug about colors on msys
- Posted multirust-rs PR
- Responded to potential rust doc translator
- Wrote another draft message about redesign
- Commented on cargo XDG
- Commented on multirust XDG
- Reviewed cargo polish PR
- Proposed a design for multirust global data
- Reviewed sigsegv patch
- Reviewed cargo build system further
- Reviewed www edits
- Commented on overriding build system flags
- Reviewed gc-sections
- Commented on multipsan parsing for compiletes
- Reviewed improvements to derive(Copy, Clone)
- Responded to extern crate spookiness
- Closed backported issue
- Reviewed cloexec
- Reviewed man cleanup
- rustfmted multirust again
- Rebased emscripten branch
- Reviewed man fix
- Worked on rustup
- Filed this bug
- Merged beta PR
- Started a beta build
- Worked on installation
- Added rust-bio paper to rust-forge
- Reviewed a mk revert
- Commented on rng changes
- Reviewed -L fixes in cargo
- Responded to crater bug
- Addressed feedback on multirust-rs
- Responded to weekly thread
- Posted PR to multirust-rs
- Worked on multirust-rs dist mocking
- Merged FAQ syntax highlighting
- Closed FAQ syntax highlighting issue
- Merged vs code mention into ides page
- Reviewed www contributing clarification
- Reviewed website localization updates
- Merged updates to httptest
- Reviewed cargo cfg
- Triaged some trans issue
- Reviwed –print cfg PR
- Reviewed cargo feature deps
- Reviewed mips cfg changes
- Reviewed SEH unwinding patch
- Reviewed deny warnings cleanup
- Reviewed cargo config targets
- Commented on compile_fail feature
- Reviewed errorcode lint fix
- Reviewed sigsegv -> abort
- Commented on Failures -> Errors
- Reviewed HashMap simplification
- Fixed typo on www
- Posted fix for AUTHORs.txt file
- Commented on missing AUTHORS.txt
- [Removed bold from contributing links](
- Updated rustup PR
- Continued a crater run
- Asked azurepi to submit www pygments PR
- Closed issue about beta dates on www
- Sent web strike team draft
- Posted crater report for index PR
- Reviewed cross compile fixes
- Reviewed unused error code check
- Updated libc musl pr again
- Rebased bench removal
- Finished 1.7 relnotes
- Reviewed EscapeUnicode fixes
- Submitted PR to cleanup windows triple compatibility
- Reviewed new build system
- Filed bug about fs::rename on windows
- Commented on website translation
- Reviewed buildbot cross upgrades
- rustfmted multirust-rs
- Reviewed compiler docs
- [Reviewed Option
optimization]( - Deleted old docs
- Commented on multirust global toolchains
- Commented on copyright
- Filed issue about not segfaulting on overflow
- Reviewed minor iOS patch
- Opened PR to remove src/test/bench
- Reviewed rumprun fix
- Reviewed powerpc fix
- Wrote more tests and such for
- Closed old multirust bug
- Wrote tests for multirust-rs
- Updated libc defs
- Closed multirust-rs relicense issue
- Commented on sonames
- Commented on multirust global toolchains
- Followed up on some thread_local PR
- Commented on rustdoc compile-fail tests
- Commented on recoversafe
- Commented on no_std for libc
- Reviewed NX stacks
- Reviewed match errors
- Triaged issue about bad arm tarballs
- Commented on removed lint warnings
- Commented on i686 CPUs
- Merged rust-buildbot iOS setup
- Filed issue to lint for #[unstable]
- Reviewed deny_warnings for all crates
- Reviewed flexible target /etc/ patch
- Reviewed definition of i686
- Reviewed multirut typo
- Commented on multirust global toolchains
- Commented on removing /etc/ from target spec rfc
- Commented on /etc
- Responded to multirust bash completions PR
- Fixed multirust MULTIRUST_HOME docs
- Fixed multirust doc bug
- Reviewed illumos patch
- Started spreadsheet for rust-lang crate regressions
- Reviewed internals docs PR
- Reviewed minor cargo patch
- Commented on no-std feature for libc
- Merged libc version bump
- Updated libc musl defs
- Reviewed doc patch
- Reviewed doc patch
- Reviewed doc patch
- Merged cargo version bump
- Did 1.6 release
- Wrote 1.7 release notes
- Fixed html formatting in www
- Worked on forge
- Updated style of user groups page
- Fixed www style on phones
- Reviewed build system cleanup
- Filed cargo libz bug
- Tested release artifacts
- Tweaked msis
- Added Gankro’s thesis to bibliography
- Updated website for 1.6
- Reviewed some cargo bug
- Responded to IllumOS pr
- Merged www documentation style
- Commented on HashMap capacity
- Relnotes
- Updated regression sheet
- Made another 1.6 backport
- Bumped beta to .4
- Merged cargo release pairing
- Posted test for issue 30123
- Posted relnotes
- Reviewed diagnostics patch
- Reviewed jemalloc downgrade
- Did not review atomic PR
- Reviewed removal of volatile from atomics
- Reviewed AUTHORS fix
- Reviewed Debug for sync things
- Triaged some libs thing3
- Reviewed rust-buildbot fix
- Reviewed thread_local extern patch
- Commented on compile-fail for rustdoc
- Commented on IllumOS configure patch
- Filed issue about converting sh to bash
- Triage
- Closed an attribute complaint
- Added a wanted FAQ
- Commented about HashMap capacity bug
- Commented about segfault terminology
- Commented about rustc printing cpu archs
- Commented about recover
- Merged some FAQ fixes
- Reviewed libc CI fixes
- Ordered meetup pizza
- Merged release notes into 1.6
- Bumped version
- Started 1.6 stable, 1.7 beta
- Commented on copyright dates
- Posted basic-http-server
- Worked on 1.6 relnotes
- Filed fix for rotor-http
- [Filed bug for rotor-http regression](
- Continued bisecting
- Created basic-http-server
- Commented on SipHash1-3
- Merged www PR
- Reviewed FAQ PR
- Posted issue about using llc to find options
- Commented on cargo metadata
- Reviewed msi patch
- Reviewed www patch
- Reviewed www rouge patch
- Responded to debian thread
- Responded to oibit name
- Minor www fix
- Responded to www reviews
- Commented on fuzzy fonts
- Posted revert of coc change
- Filed issue about missing faq numbers in chrome
- Commented about file access time
- Commented about vectorcall
- Reviewed from_utf8 ascii speedup
- Triaged mpsc Debug stubs
- Commented on default typaram bug
- Commented on std refactor
- Merged rust-packaging windows fixes
- Commented on musl NX
- Posted crater report to PR
- Reverted gold linker
- Updated raw_pointer_derive PR
- Backported rustdoc fixes
- Merged another FAQ PR
- Merged website update
- Complemented Debian packagers
- Responded to comment about compiler internals
- Postetd thread about website/
- Posted issue to rust-learning adding explanations
- Fixed FAQ markup
- Reviewed future incompatible lints
- Reviewed some cargo patch
- Ran crater against new beta
- Started crater run for some PR
- Commented on target-specific cargo cfgs
- Merged rust-skeptic patch
- Posted beta crater report
- Continued integrating FAQs
- Responded to www issue
- Merged beta PR
- Closed beta regression issue
- Merged beta issue
- Continued bisecting regressions
- Continued restoring raw_pointer_derive lint
- Ported some docs to beta
- Ported a patch to beta
- Ported 3 patches to beta
- Bumped version to .2
- Started a beta build
- Commented on libc eventfd breakage
- Commented on thread-local externs
- Responded to weekly thread
- Responded to servo breakage
- Reviewed rust-skeptic patch
- Reviewed rust-buildbot script patch
- Commented on posix_memalign for android
- Triaged an issue
- Triaged an issue
- Commented on Instant docs
- Commented on AtomicPtr docs
- Commented on gold bugs
- Reviewed drop docs
- Commented on epub
- Tested rand against master
- Posted PRP status update
- Reviewed rustdoc compile-fail patch
- Commented on rustdoc stability numbers
- Commented on unused mut lint
- Reviewed from_utf8 ascii patch
- Commented on MULTIRUST_HOME
- Commented on future-incompatible lints
- r-‘d putting allow attributes in thread_local macro
- Reviewed string examples
- Triaged multirust doc issue
- Commented on multirust update issue
- Commented on gold
- Commented on vectorcall
- Commented on changing libc eventfd change
- Fixed buildbot
- Closed impl AsRef on Box issue
- Reviewed rust-cgdb
- Filed issues on gold regressions
- Worked on regressions
- Retried a pr
- Reviewed playpen docs
- Reviewed future-incompatible changes
- Posted new regression report
- Posted breakage message
- Sent email to crate authors whose crates are breaking
- Closed a fixed issue
- Posted 1.6 regression watch
- Started new nightly
- Made compiletest work with emscripten
- Merged cargo zsh completions
- Merged cargo doc update
- Reviewed panictry removal
- Updated regression spreadsheet
- Reviewed regressions with niko
- Fixed a cargo-crusader bug
- Responded to pings
- Merged multirust readme fix
- Responded to rust-gdb on OS X issues
- Commented on arch compilation failure
- Closed c_bool patch
- Revied c_bool patch
- Reviewed eventfd patch
- Reviewed doc patch
- Reviewed README PR
- Reviewed rustdoc stability pr
- Reviewed AtomicPtr cas docs
- Reviewed jemalloc patch
- Reviewed panictry removal
- Reviewed shallow clone patch
- Updated libc musl patch
- Reviewed msvc float patch
- Applied for new Go Pass
- Responded to a candidate
- Dealt with meetup issues
- Filed deny(warnings) issue
- Responded to cargo metadata issue
- Commented on type_name
- Commented on vectorcall
- [Commented on Box
- Reviewed FAQ changes
- Updated doc PR
- Tweaked website style to incorporate the faq
- Triaged PRs
- Reviewed libc conversion
- Reviewed error improvement
- Reviewed new metadata encoding
- Reviewed .githmodules patch
- Reviewed doc comments for instants
- Reviewed cleanup
- Reviewed cleanup
- Reviewed doc patch
- Continued work on 32-but musl libc bindings
- Posted PR for 32-bit musl libc bindings
- Started working on
- Posted emscripten patch
- Commented on multirust source installation
- Commented on multirust global installation
- Commented on cargo metadata
- Reviewed syscall patch
- Reviewed minor doc fix
- Closed emscripten PR
- Approved gold linker
- Approved Weak::new
- Triaged some PR
- Closed create_dir_all PRh
- Commented on old lint PR
- Reviewed doc patch
- Closed rust RUSTFLAGS issue
- Closed go doc patch
- Commented on library installation and resolution
- Triaged moving Duration to core
- Posted –extra-filename patch
- Reviewed macro error improvements
- Got 32-bit musl build working
- Submitted more translations to rust-learning
- Submitted doc page PR
- Posted beta regression report
- Posted nightly regression report
- Posted PR to strip the doc index
- Re-reviewed removing rust_builtin
- Reviewed README update for OSX
- Reviewed tls patch
- Commented on panic UI changes
- Commented on cargo xdg
- Merged rust-packaging changes for msvc
- Reviewed i686 unwinding patch
- Commented on new error formats
- [Finished FAQ pass](
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Reviewed windows installer fix
- Reviewed Weak::new_downgraded
- Responded to multirust RPATH bug
- Sent debian packagers meeting invite
- Stopped passing -C rpath in multirust
- Triaged some bug
- Reviewed rpath PR
- [Reviewed msvc test fixes}(
- Responded to spam filtered user on urlo
- Reviewed deprecated patch
- Released 1.5
- Started another crater 1.0->1.5 test
- Reviewed deprecated patch
- Reviewed docck fixes
- Reviewed readme fixes
- Bumped to 1.7
- Posted 1.5 RCs for testing
- Reviewed docs
- Updated regression notes
- Ran big 1.0->1.5 crater report
- Revised 1.5 relnotes
- Started 1.5 build
- Commented on dungeon threda
- Sent Vikrant interesting PRs
- Commented on XDG for cargo
- Reviewed readme patch
- Reviewed make dist fix
- Remomved a stray file from cargo-bake
- Followed up on contribution pr
- Reviewed rustdoc css pr
- Reviewed a pr
- Reiewed rust_builtin patch
- Closed multirust homebrew issue
- Relnotes
- Reviewed cargo search path patch
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Posted relnotes
- Continued emscripten fork
- Ported a fix to beta
- Started a new beta
- Commented on gold
- Reviewed doc patch
- Commented on new error messages
- Looked into security report
- Updated AUTHORS.txt
- Removed AUTHORS.txt
- Closed another rustdoc theme pr
- Filed issue to search $CARGO_HOME/bin for subcommands
- Reviewed configure script abort on spaces
- Continued work on gold patch
- Continued work on emscripten patch
- Reviewed fs patch
- Reviewed some cargo patch
- Reviewed string docs
- Submitted minor mkfile fix
- Filled out workday
- Posted contributing page
- Responded to PRP
- Responded to question about multirust v2 manifests
- Reviewed some cargo patch
- Working on emscripten port
- Reviewed doc fix
- Reviewed faq
- Reviewed some rustfmting
- Triaged rust-buildbot issue
- Reviewed doc pr
- Triaged rustdoc theme issue
- [Merged a gyp readme}(
- Reviewed staged_api
- Posted netbsd fixes
- Fixed security key on website
- Updated gold patch
- Removed RUST_PATH
- Posted cargo-bake
- Closed dark theme rustdoc PR
- Reviewed some doc PR
- Emailed vikrant some twir suggestions
- Responded to an applicant about working on Rust
- Commented on multirust source issue
- Responded to multirust ldconfig issue
- Responded to multirust man issue
- Respondod to rpath
- Reviewed *FLAGS patch
- Reviewed rustc_deprecated
- Filed issue to remove staged_api
- Reviewed valgrind patch for rust-buildbot
- Closed a dupe
- Closed an old PR
- Revising gold patch
- Closed an old RFC
- Reviewed doc PR
- Reviewed some old makefile patch
- Reviewed www pr
- Responded to somebody about t-shirts
- Reviewed some time PR
- Reviewed recover PR
- Reviewed libc upgrade
- Reviewed templo of rust svg
- Posted pr to link with gold
- Reviewed rustc_deprecated
- Commented about design
- Reviewed loading fix
- Finished cargo-bake
- Ran crater on nightly/beta
- Asked someone else to cherry pick a backport
- Posted regression reports
- Merged backport
- Started beta build
- Cleaned up community.html
- Commented about www examples
- Reviewed book directory PR
- Talked to Lurkin about playbot
- Investigated reported website vulnerability
- Commented about putting MIR in rustc
- Testing gold on crater
- Reviewed time patch
- Removed segstack from llvm interface
- Commented on gold
- More reviewing rustdoc themes
- Reviewed –libdir
- Commented on monomorphic collapse
- Commented on LD_LIBRARY_PATH installs
- Closed beta/stable CI issue
- Commented on some regressions
- Commented on security issue clarification
- Commented about build tools preview
- Commented about www example
- Commented about www example
- Solicited examples for www homepage
- Responded to question about use of temple of rust logo
- Helped edunham with manifest construction
- More work on contributing page
- Reviewed time PR
- Tested and reviewed buildbot v2 manifests
- Followed up on dungeon
- Filed issue about compiler docs
- Reviewed rustdoc issue
- {Reviewed –libdir changes](
- Reviewed multirust ldconfig issue
- Reviewed some thread patch
- Poked an the cronjob for the weekly triage email
- Reviewed AUTHORS.txt fixes
- Closed PR to add license to RFCs
- Made minor fixes to doc idx PR
- Asked psd to run his E-easy charts against rust
- Comented on FFI doc problems
- Reviewed patch to exclude spaces from Rust source path
- Posted to weekly thread
- Updated fott list
- Updated PRP with relro stuff
- Filed relro issue
- Commented on FAQ
- Commented on multirust doc toolchain arg
- Commented on dark themes for rustdoc
- Reviewed cargo clean fixes
- Responded to Jaimie from Eve
- Responded to Nick from MaidSafe
- Posted rustup V2 PR
- Postetd multirust V2 PR
- Reviewed makefile fixes
- Sent vikrant twir prs
- Submitted expenses
- Sent check-in to Eve team
- Reviewed cargo build script deps
- Reviewed some pr
- Working on v2 manifests for rustup
- Commented on LD_LIBRARY_PATH installation
- Reviewed ux guideline pr
- Commented on thread ids
- Commented again on PanicSafe
- Reviewed float intrinsic change
- Commented on intellij multirust integration
- Editing contributions.html
- Closed www pr
- Merged windows PATH installer PR
- Updated README
- Created new twitter pw
- Reviewed cargo rustdoc
- Responded to symbol versioning issue
- Reviewed www windows prs
- More faq reviews
- Wrote a fott
- Working on contributions.html
- Sent update to RWIB
- Renamed Community to Resources on www
- Updated to link to security policy
- Reviewed doc patch
- Sent Vikram interesting PRs
- Commented on ‘thread safety’ claim
- Reviewed multirust bash completions
- Reviewed the doc page
- Reviewed faq
- Reviewed setenv pr
- Reviewed some patch
- Reviewed fixes to
- Commented on mechanical test output
- Reviewed cargo PR
- Reviewed another cargo PR
- Triaged multirust feature req
- Responded to PRP
- Commented about rpath on install
- Backported a PR
- Reviewed book intro PR
- Updated relnotes PR
- Started new beta
- Reviewed cargo PR
- Reviewed libc migration
- Posted doc index PR
- Fixed website titles
- Updated ctrs for 1.4
- Worked on contributions page
- Fixed crater again
- Filed issues for PRP
- Commented about Haxe
- Reviewed twir for vikram
- Fixing crater for std changes
- Updating ctrs for 1.4
- Worked on www contributing page
- Removed rachael from community team
- Reviewed minor test case PR
- Released 1.4
- Updated relnotes
- Reviewed libc stuff
- Merged community page
- Reviewed win dll fixes
- Uploaded stable bins to staging
- Updated AUTHORS.txt
- Reviewed #[deprecated] RFC
- Posted www updates
- Merged backports
- Commented on changelogs
- Merged rust-packaging PR
- Conference call with Diggsey about rustup.exe
- Merged twir update
- Commented on exit code 101
- Wrote 1.4 release notes
- Did release things
- Merged fuzzy matching into multirust
- Reviewed hacks
- Merged buildbot travis config
- Merged multirust readme update
- Followed up on website pr
- Reviewed win32 fix
- Worked on lars servo paper
- Merged beta ports
- Started beta build
- Reviewed api stabilization
- Sent vikram prs
- Talked to acrichto about Rustup New Experience
- Invited Diggsey to talk about Rustup New Experience
- Reviewed makefile hacks
- Posted community subteam report
- Sent efindlay another community PR
- Posted request for community page feedback to reddit
- Reviewing Lars’s servo paper
- Nominated backport fix
- Praised Diggsey
- rwibbing
- Reviewed gcc fix
- Commented about duplicate tests in ctrs
- Merged buildbot change
- Reviewed socketaddr parser
- Pinged people about beta regression
- Reviewed buildbot dockerification
- Added Tokyo meetup to calendar
- Reviewed cargo PR
- Commented on prp
- Adding cross-std to rustup
- Commented on www pr
- Reviewed rust std change
- Commented about web push slide deck
- Responded to arm qs
- Commented on multirust XDG
- Reviewed stability refactor
- Commented on multirust dylibs
- Commented on dead_code Drop fields
- Prodded people to review backport nominations
- Filed issue on const unsafe fn declaration order
- Triaged beta nominations
- Triaged twir prs
- Backporting beta prs
- Posted PR for rust-packaging
- Reviewed rust-buildbot patch
- Commented on sql database field report
- Recorded friend of the tree
- Posted beta pr
- Bumped beta prerelease to .3
- Approved cargo install
- Reviewed some doc pr
- Responded to multirust xdg issue
- Reviewed attr refactor
- Triaged parser fix
- Created and sent some qs to it
- Commented about breaking change documentation
- Read placement in faq
- Reviewed test suite fixes
- Suggested ideas about soundness breakage
- Reviewed attribute refactoring
- Fixed bugs in rust-packaging
- Reviewed tier docs
- Reviewed std makefile updates
- Reviewed www communmity pr
- Merged ide page
- Reviewed cargo doc pr
- Reviewed www pr
- Reviewed www pr
- Commented on compiler perf
- Fixed rustup tests on windows
- Sent aturon contracting instructions
- Responded to multirust on raspbian
- Reviewed rustfmt patch
- Reviewed rustfmt patch
- Triaged typeck PR
- Commented on rwib pr
- Followed up on rwib
- Updated rust-packaging for std package
- Merged buildbot docs
- Reviewed some cargo PR
- Triaged multirust tarball bug
- Commented about changelog generation
- Responded to PRP
- Responded to WCT thread
- Merged buildbot PR
- More PRP work
- Filed license issue against multirust-rs
- Posted PRP plan
- Commented about i586
- Triaged PRs for twir
- Reviewed a bit of cargo install
- Reviewed some cargo pr
- Responded to q about coc license
- Merged PR to gate on msvc
- Reviewed minor Cargo patch
- Commented on raspian multirust failure
- Reviewed Cargo optimizations
- Reviewed Cargo dedupe patch
- Asked gerv’s opinion about bundling licenses in Cargo
- Commented on OS X dynamic linking problemns
- Thanked arielb1 for explaining a change
- Thanked gorhill for linking about blocking suggested tiles
- Removed relnotes tag from simple PR
- Commented on regression report
- Reviewed doc patch
- Reviewed submlime text patch
- Closed old PR
- Posted Rust release explorer to /r/rust
- Praised @ag_dubs’ release explorer
- Commented on old rust-installer PR
- Commented on old vim PR
- Merged old vim PR
- Responded to rwib thread
- Reviewed www community page
- Triaged an old deref bug
- Received new stickers, offered them to a community organizer
- Posted airmo podcast
- Asked questions of packagers
- Worked on packaging tasks
- Merged twir fix
- Started crater run for beta/nightly
- Posted regression report
- Reviewed some cargo pr
- Filed uBlock issue to disable suggested tiles
- Commented on KeePassC
- Posted status
- Merged twir
- Encouraged edunham’s doc efforts
- Commented on doc repo
- Filled out tools meeting poll
- Reviewed soundness fix
- Triaged the week’s PRs for relnotes/twir
- Nominated regression fix for beta
- Commented about reconfig changes
- Reviewed from_utf8 doc PR
- Updated fotts
- Reviewed a doc pr
- Reviewed dep-info patch
- Introduced edunham to Corey Shields
- Investigated iot conferences
- Finished new sticker order
- Reviewed rwib community page
- Checked on rwib faq
- Finished rwib 8
- Closed rwib 8
- Followed up on prp
- Merged backports
- Commented on multirust
- Triaged rustdoc issue
- Reviewed rustfmting
- Commented on –version reporting llvm version
- Reviewed rustfmting
- Fixed vadim’s homu config
- Reviewed some windows patch
- Reviewed doc patch
- Reviewed rustfmting
- Responded to all pings
- Continued crater run for
- Finished a crater run
- Finished crater runfor link order swap
- Set up debug builder with edunham
- Scheduled meeting
- Reviewed cargo –license patch
- Pointed windowsbunny toward makefile help
- Finished crater run
- Posted lalrpop to hn
- Reviewed benchmark updates
- Scheduled debug bot setup
- Sent Vikrant deploy keys to TWiR
- Updated notes about compile-fail rustdoc
- Sent email to extended diagnostic folks to get them tested
- Outlined cross-std plan
- Responded to timon about fosdem proposal
- 3 crater runs
- Encouraged llogiq
- Merged twir
- Debugging new twir deployment
- Asked vikrant for his gpg key
- Commented on gecko depinfo bug
- Made some notes about a recent optimization
- Reviewed travis changes
- Published twir
- Extended nginx timeout to fix crater errors
- Scheduled crate builds for some lifetime PR
- Reviewed some cargo thing
- Posted webrender to /r/rust
- Wrote status
- Comented on Rust license attribution
- Escalated FOSDEM
- Scheduled infra planning mtg
- Created rustup-push team and added edunham
- Encouraged servo-electron
- Documented infra security concerns
- Sent Kenton kudos for his blog post
- Reviewed rust-installer cygwin fix
- Triaged multirust issue
- Triaged PRs for TWiR
- Merged rustup cygwin fix
- Responded to multirust thread
- Reviewed nrc’s IDE initiative
- Connected edunham and Gene Wood
- Posted opinion about oibit-based recover proposal
- Released multirust 0.7 with msys2 support
- Sent eddyb kudos for his comment to sutter
- Commented on emscripten status
- Commented on compiletest -> nursery
- Set up meeting with sunfish/niko to talk about codegen
- Commented on dllipmort
- Filed issue on cargo cache
- Commented about libcore
- Posted multirust windows patch
- Started crater run for some pr
- Building crater on msvc
- Escalated dllimport issue
- Submitted dllimport warkaround to rust-phf
- Commented on parsing command line args from file
- Reviewed libc rfc
- Reviewed solaris support
- Reviewed rump kernel patch
- Deployed TWiR
- Merged TWiR PR
- Merged TWiR PR
- Merged TWiR PR
- Merged TWiR PR
- Merged TWiR PR
- Replied to PRP
- Responded to panic thread
- Responded to release process thread
- Adjusted stable regression tags
- Project planning
- Filed snapshot.pyc issue
- Filed LLVM license issue
- Replied to prp
- Contributed community links to rust-learning
- Released 1.3
- Commented on multirust s3 issue
- Suggested CTRS to somebody implementing a parser
- Retried jemalloc patch
- Registered for dec ww
- Documented current release process
- Commented on bug bounty
- Assigned rwib mission 2
- Showed niko a lalrpop error
- Posted suggestions to crate of the week
- Reviewed cargo version bump
- Commented on souper
- Staged 1.3 RC’s for testing
- Updated rust-www for 1.3
- Investigating
- Posted /DEBUG issue
- Fixed lalrpop win bug
- Triaged backport suggestion
- Sent email to community team about weekly task suggestions
- Added wellington meetup to the calendar
- Updated 1.3 relnotes
- Decided not to do last minute diagnostics backport
- Backported relnotes
- Promoted release channels
- Bumped to 1.5
- Started 1.3 and 1.4 beta builds
- Merged httptest fixes
- Responded to packt about new books
- Posted rust-packaging update for 1.4
- Responded to rustdoc licensing
- Responded to PRP
- Merged twir style tweaks
- Merged twir
- Posted twir
- Commented on multirust msys fixes
- Commented on multirust fuzzy matching
- Posted status to irlo
- Asked frank mcsherry about timely closures
- 1.3 relnotes
- Commented on cargo-build fixes
- Thanked tomaka for writing up gamedev problems
- Posted relnote PR for 1.3
- Requested relnote review
- Reviewed doc patch
- Replied to erickt’s str cmp opt
- Responded to twir thread about task of the week
- Responded to –channel=release in source tarball issue
- Responded to deb/rpm issue
- Reviewed cargo rustdoc
- Triaged libfmt_macros
- Responded to RWIB 8 PR
- Responded to larsberg about github 2fa
- Posted my press quote list privately
- 1.3 relnotes
- Updated configure PR
- Reviewed sublime-rust patch
- Commented on import stability fix
- Posted another regression report
- Working on packaging thread
- Posted configure script cleanup PR
- Posted metadata optimization PR
- Posted perfecting rust packaging
- Reviewed string cmp optimization
- Reviewed doc patch
- Merged svg opts
- Responded to FAQ thread
- Encouraged chinese translation
- Posted RWIB 8 PR
- Merged twir fix
- Merged twir fix
- Relpied to why rust
- Responded to rust-buildbot OpenBSD PR
- Wrote a fott
- Asked for status on stability issue
- Posted regression report
- Started another crater run
- Reviewed cargo fix
- Commented on release channel defaults
- Reviewed rt decimation
- Commented on ecosystem doc initiative
- Posted to status thread
- Started composing packaging thread
- Offered suggestion for targeting i386
- +1 a community survey
- Reviewed regressions with Niko
- Posted twir
- Reviewed cargo curl update
- Reviewed some cargo patch
- Commented on clone_from
- Commented on multirust global toolchain issue
- Reviewed README PR
- Reviewed CRLF PR
- Responded to Vikrant about TWiR
- Responded to all pings
- Asked edunham for ansible walkthrough
- Replied to mergefunc thread
- Reviewed svg compression PR
- Commented on rust-www license
- Posted website project
- Reviewed rust-www license update
- Sent email about bay area rust training
- Posted regression report
- Triaged stability bug
- Started thread about gold linker
- Commented on atexit patch
- Fixed crusader pagination
- Posted message about crusader fix
- Posted hoverbear’s business card
- Commented on OS X code signing
- Thanked Yvonne and Diego for coming to Rust meetup
- Rescheduled meeting with tomaka
- Posted VNDF to /r/rust
- Replied to release calendar q
- Replied on aster
- Triaged a collections pr
- Responded to crossbeam thread
- Posted libwebpki to hn
- Reviewed CRLF patch
- Responded to crater q
- Reviewed README update
- Reviewed –llvm-root patch
- Responded to pings
- Responded to semver thread
- Gave canndrew a crater run
- Reviewed aster
- Finishing up last few missions of Rusty Web Strike Force
- Talked to rust-community about design team
- Send Rusty Web Strike Force draft
- Ordered pizza for meetup
- Commented on clone_from specialization
- Sent gamedev meeting request
- Added Hamburg meetup to calendar
- Continued crater run for canndrew
- Merged twir fixes
- Posted twir
- Posted mac installer poll
- Replied to q about semver validation
- Tried to revive semver thread
- Replied to dotdash about monomorphizations
- Posted note about eco to twir thread
- Reviewed minor patch
- Assigned driver patch to nrc
- Reviewed some GEP/fatptr fixes
- Reviewed error codes
- Started working on the Cargo-based CTRS runner
- Merged multirust whitespace fix
- Triaged a typeck PR
- Running more tests for canndrew for !
- Emailed contributor about adding compatibility reporting to
- Setting up call with game devs, talking to Sven
- Rusty Web Strike Force
- Rusty Web Strike Force
- Sent a variety of emails
- Brought up newline output conversion issue in newline RFC
- Failing to switch over to windows and upgrade to win 10
- Merged multirust remove-override patch
- Finished crater run for ! patch
- Posted prod report
- Rusty Web Strike Force
- Reviewed test runner panic patch
- Praised Vikrant’s TWiR work
- Collecting info about packaging
- Reviewed two-way search fix
- Reviewed rustup doc patch
- Added burntsushi, kimundi, and vadim as reviewers
- Posted comment about CFG_CC
- Merged twir fix
- Merged twir redesign
- Merged twir fix
- Reviewed multirust remove-override patch
- Reviewed musl test fixes
- Posted issue about cargo-crusader truncated rev deps
- Sent Chris Granger an intro email
- Posted Servo UA link to /r/rust
- Sent James and Jonas some appreciation for TaskCluster
- Sent email about cross-std installation via cargo
- Responded to hn q about crater
- Apologized to wycats for yelling at him
- Reviewed netbsd fix
- Reviewed old configure patch
- Posted regression reports
- Reviewed multirust fix
- Poked at CTRS a bit
- Responded to shebang lexer hack q
- Reviewed allocator patch
- Responded to cargo tarball issue
- Reviewed make check msvc fix
- Reviewed multirust doc improvement
- Commented on
crater request - Commented on CFG_CC
- Gave a suggestion to troubleshoot windows crash
- Encouraged somebody to work on semver comparison
- Merged multirust first-run patch
- Posted prod user resarch summary to rust-community
- Reviewed libcore de-mathing
- 1.3 relnotes
- Running crater builds for all channels
- Asked hoodie if he wants to work on semver tool
- Backported duration to beta
- Added tutorials tag to users.rlo
- Merged crusader cleanup
- Reviewed allocator patch again
- Merged a crusader cleanup patch
- Reviewed cargo version bump
- Posted another beta patch
- Reviewed msvc unwinding patch
- Commented on rustdoc frontmatter
- Reviewed new snaps
- Reviewed allocator patch again
- Reviewed minor doc patch
- Responded to crusader issue on contain-rs
- Merged crusader patch
- Reviewed windows icon improvement
- Responded to thread about semver verification
- Merged twir fix
- Commented on must_use for fns
- Reviewed doc patch
- Reviewed dllexport patch
- Published twir
- Updated authors PR
- Posted beta backports
- Started build of 1.3-beta.2
- Posted term patch
- Final crusader polish
- Posted crusader
- Posted bug about cargo onlineness
- Asked about perf for load/store fixes
- Responded to q about available targets
- cargo-crusader
- inline(always)
- gold
- Released Rust 1.2
- Merged beta distcheck enable
- Reviewed extended errors
- Commented on rust-lang crates
- Responded to multirust bug
- Responded to q about msvc readiness
- Sent another email to (production user) offering help
- Removed built date from cargo
- Reviewed multirust patch
- Responded to multirust slow issue
- Exploring servo debug perf
- Merged multirust whitespace cleanup
- Posted comment to gold issue
- Commented on experimentalness of msvc build
- Nominated and accepted emergency beta port
- Backported distcheck fix to beta
- Disabled distcheck for beta
- Started 1.3.0-beta.1 build agian
- Posted revert of distcheck disable
- Reviewed blog post
- Thanked testers
- Closed old servo issue
- Responded to rustdoc collapse thread
- Apologized to strcat
- Posted AUTHORS.txt 1.3 update
- Responded to strict tls issue
- Commented on mdBook
- Posted staged_api opt
- Reviewed pretty testing patch
- Reviewed doc fix
- Posted revert for missing_doc lint revert
- Commented on windows configuration fixes
- Welcomed niconii
- Triaged PR
- Reviewed doc PR
- Triage
- Posted 1.2 RCs
- Reviewed fn pointer docs
- Respond to multirust os x perf issue
- Merged multirust which
- Reviewed morestack removal
- Reviewed dllexport patch
- Copied alex on a tls bug
- Responded to all pings
- Started 1.3-beta.1 build
- Reviewed doc patch
- Updated website for 1.2
- Reviewed doc patch
- Summarized another prod meeting
- Reviewed old test removal
- Reviewed some patch
- Commented on pretty-printing # fix
- Investigated instsimplify
- Updated rust-packaging for 1.3
- Updated version to 1.4
- Posted message about rustacean t-shirt avail
- Responded to multirust add-toolchain patch
- Responded to multirust os x perf issue
- Reviewed multirust which patch
- Responded to multirust ctl issue
- Commented on pub extern crate
- Commented on patch expanding doc comments
- Fixed Rachael Craig’s name on www
- Summarized another prod meeting
- Scheduled meeting with (production user)
- Merged some website PR
- Posted commentary on function melding
- Responded to German forum page
- Posted notes about twir next
- Posted stdx update
- Bumped 1.2 to beta 5
- Started 1.2.0-beta.5 build
- Fixed some tags on an old beta-nominated issue
- Made a few cargo-crusader README tweaks
- Started 1.2.0-beta.4 crater run
- Updated customer spreadsheet
- Reviewed relnote fix
- Triaged doc PR
- Reviewed httptest patch
- Bumped 1.2 to beta 6
- Started 1.2.0-beta.6 build
- Posted 1.2.0-beta.4 regression report
- Commented on weak-removal rfc
- twir
- Merged twir typo.
- Published twir.
- Merged twir fix.
- Reviewed some cargo pr.
- Reviewed rustup fix.
- Responded to multirust override issue.
- More work on fixing beta
- Merged twir redesign
- Reviewed
- Reviewed allocator patch
- Responded to Gankro’s book naming issue
- Submittetd license patch to rust_snippets
- Reviewed 32-bit freebsd snap
- Uploaded 32-bit freebsd snap
- Reviewed some PR
- Replied to win32 atom thread
- Committed some work from last night to CTRS
- Summarized one prod meeting
- Merged backports
- Approved associated default type gate
- Updated 1.2 relnotes
- Ported 1.2 relnotes to beta
- Started 1.2.0-beta.4
- Investigated crater failures
- Added 1.2 tests to CTRS
- Published twir
- Replied to annotated-std thread
- Reviewed condvar wait timeout patch
- Triaged beta backports
- Rejected associated type default backport
- Closed assoc type backport
- Re-reviewed condvar patch
- Tried to schedule 8/27 meetup and failed
- Added more tests and deleted dupes from ctrs
- Posted beta backports
- Reviewed panic! hygiene
- Responded to multirust man page issue
- Reviewed curious inner module removal
- Reviewed stabilization pr
- Started crater run for associated default type gating
- Posted fotts to internals.rlo
- Started summarizing production meetings
- Begged people to resolve beta nominations
- Re-reviewed configure cleanup patch
- Posted sprocket template
- Merged twir header id tweak
- Merged tweaks to twir theme
- Reviwed twir redesign
- Merged twir job posting
- Merged nasa42’s twir work
- Published twir
- Improved annotated std a bit
- Posted realstd removal
- Posted annotated-std
- Reviewed api stabilization
- Reviewed error codes
- Reviewed VS2015 patch
- Reviewed save analysis patch
- Reviewed typo fix
- Reviewed dllimport revert
- Reviewed readme update
- [Reviewed multirust perf issue](
- Submitted internals.rlo expenses for July
- Cleaning up
- Created beta backport PR
- Reviewed configure cleanup
- Responded to regression fixes
- Bumped beta to .3
- Started a build of 1.2.0-beta.3
- Nominated some pr for beta
- twir
- Reviewed valgrind removal
- Reviewed morestack removal
- Updated CTRS
- Wrote up some notes on the Total Domination Kit
- meld
- Merged DNS addition to rust-infra
- Filed bug on ellision regression
- Posted analysis of regressions with spreadsheet
- Reviewed dllimport tweaks
- Reviewed LLVM pass manager cleanup
- meld
- meld
- investigating crater-cli failure on mac
- Assigned nrc to old PR
- Reviewed cargo msvc fixes
- Replacement laptop now in for repair
- Responded
rustc --fatal
RFC - Merged multirust typo fix
- Reviewed cargo fix for empty features
- Reviewed extended errors
- Reviewed patch to remove rust-try.ll
- Mentioned LLVM 3.6 fix in that thread
- Reviewed android configuration fixes
- meld
- Responded to pings
- Reviewed rustc panic suppressant
- Posted patch to revert missing_docs lint fixes
- Posted issue to unrevert missing_docs lint fixes
- Improving primitive docs in std
- TWiR
- Posted primitive doc PR
- Defaulted multirust to stable
- Fixed $SHELL bug in
- Updated in multirust
- Improving crater image compatibility
- Posted crater results for jroesch’s pr
- Responded to LLVM 3.6 breakage
- Merged TWiR PR
- Posted twir
- Addressed reviews of my primitive doc PR
- Reviewed std::io docs
- Reviewed Rc/Arc mem::forget patch
- Reviewed linux guard page fixes
- Reviewed snaps
- Registered for Rust Camp
- Responded to pings
- Reviewed minor rustdoc js fix
- Reviewed cargo backtracking patch
- Posted twir wip
- Reviewed death and life of an api rfc
- Reviewed msvc-64 buildbot builders
- Responded to pnacl port
- Reviewed from_raw_parts assert
- Asked glandium for Linux->Mac cross toolchain
- Responded to pings
- Reviewed intofd patches
- Entered q3 goals in workday
- Updated windows ami with new cert
- Updated macs with new cert
- Fixed a multirust override directory comparison bug
- Reviewed llvm upgrade
- Sent prod meeting minutes
- Started new twir
- Replied to Q about mutating boxes
- Emailed minutes from yesterday’s support meeting
- Reviewed Gankro’s TARPL PR
- Reviewed no_std RFC
- Sent prod meeting minutes
- Learned how to record vidyo calls
- Investigated buildbot cert expiry
- Posted message about expired cert
- Reviewed httptest patch
- Worked on meld
- Encouraged dwarf hacker
- MC’d a production support meeting
- Sent minutes to above meeting
- Responded to std doc feedback again
- Added
breakage to release notes - Added some more to annotated-std
- Filed issue about linkage regression
- Set up new FreeBSD builders for dhuseby
- Reviewed httptest patch
- Reviewed fix
- Reviewed blastoff –yes patch
- Reviewed x86_64 abi fixes
- Reviewed apple clang configure patch
- Suggested a way to work around cwd issue in rustbook upgrade
- Responded to stdx thread
- Posted twir
- Reviewed stdx readme tweak
- Responded to all pings
- Posted regression report
- Put together agenda for prod meetings
- Left some more comments on annotated std
- Started thread on reverting
breakage - Addressed feedback on std doc patch
- Described final stdx crates
- Responded to rustle feature request
- Reviewed gedit updates
- Reviewed stdx typo
- Responded to q about cargo bug and doing a point release
- Commented on rustbook pr problem
- Reviewed tls fix
- Reviewed errorck fix
- twir
- Worked on my website
- Writing std docs
- Posted PR improving std docs
- Organized some accomplishments
- Responded to q about core team re stdx
- Working on rust-installer ldconfig bug
- Opened issue about rust-installer default dir
- Responded to pings
- Started beta packaging rebuilds to pick up cargo ssl fix
- Praised llogiq’s writing
- Posted rust-installer ldconfig patch
- Upgraded rust-installer for rust-packaging
- Upgraded rust-installer for cargo
- Upgraded rust-installer for rust
- Upgraded rust-installer for multirust
- twir
- Reviewed doc fix
- Reviewed rustbook merge failure
- Merged beta backports
- Bumped beta to .2
- Reviewed msvc unwind revert
- Started build of 1.2.0-beta.2
- Reviewed save-analysis patch
- Responded to all pings
- Responded to q about custom rust optimization pass ordering
- Finished relnotes updates
- Reviewed llvm ar patch
- Reviewed windows directory junction fix
- Posted rust-buildbot license
- Posted rustup license
- Posted rust-packaging license
- Posted rust-installer license
- In SF, away from computer
- Encouraged ‘easier libc in rust’
- Closed PR to remove hyper from stdx
- Posted patch to revert broken stage number reporting
- Commented on closure inference changes
- Commented on stdx thread
- Responded to all pings
- Commented on Duration stabilization
- Updated brson in
- Reviewed cargo dep install scripts
- Scheduling meetings
- Restarted mac3/4
- Turned in laptop for refurb again
- Reviewed multirust ctl default patch
- Reviewed rustup fix
- Upgraded rustup in multirust
- Started crater run for prelude feature gating
- Nominating msi problem
- Nominated another msi problem
- Reviewed minor formatting patch
- Reviewed adding issue numbers to unstable attribute
- Started twir draft
- Reviewed new msvc patch
- Merged beta backports
- Started new nightly build
- Commented on prelude_import issue
- Commented on tarball perm issue
- Reviewed rust-installer netbsd patch
- Commented on signing snaps
- Started new crater run for resolve fix
- Told richo to add the stage number to version output only for stage0/2
- Thanked @nasa42 for finishing twir
- Reviewed whitespace patch
- Found occurances of
&mut |
for eddyb - Rereviewed patch to add stage info to rustc version output
- Followed up on production user responses
- Took whistler survey
- Submitted June discourse expense
- Ordered pizza for Wednesday meetup
- Removed flate2 and hyper from stdx
- Finished crater report for prelude feature gate
- Finished crater report for resolve fix
- Approved resolve fix
- Wrote more stdx docs
- Reviewed cargo pr
- Working on stdx
- Filed bug on pub extern crate
- Publish stdx and asked for help
- Created the Temple of Rust
- Setting up AWS security and proxy settings for crater
- Sent crater instructions out
- More production user coordination
- Updated deployed crater and started crater-web
- Assigned an elastic IP to crater
- Pinged more production users
- Sent out production meeting polls
- Responded to emails
- Thanked @nasa42 for getting twir out
- Wrote production users meeting scheduling email
- Nominated relnotes for beta
- Nominated relnotes for beta
- Writing docs for crater
- Writing docs for crater-cli
- Commented on multirust ctl default-toolchain patch
- Sent viz folks an update about what Niko and I are thinking
- Mentioned in twir thread that I may not be available Monday
- Trying to get crater-cli working
- Reviewed rust-packaging for msvc
- Told twir editors I can’t work this week
- Reviewed PR to add stage to rustc version
- Commented on centos ldconfig issue
- Reviewed XP patch
- Reviewed cargo bump
- Reviewed 1.2 relnote patch
- Submitted my own 1.2 relnote patch
- Reviewed other 32-bit msvc patch
- Reviewed kde gitignore patch
- More work sorting out discourse payments
- Released 1.1
- Responded to q about rust release notes
- Posted crater results for resolve change
- Posted relnotes fix
- Updated CC for internals.rlo
- Discussed cross-compiling considerations
- Reviewed error code comment
- Responded to somebody that wants access to calendar
- Responded to twir thread about qotw and fott
- Posted crater report tuple struct restriction
- Posted crater report on fat pointer restrictions
- Started crate build for #26242
- Updated rust-packaging for 1.2
- Started new 1.2 beta
- Re-reviewed freebsd clang patch
- Shared calendar with somebody
- Posted response to q about unused argument lint
- Posted capitalization of std docs
- Posted issue to rename rustc_unicode
- Posted issue to remove to_titlecase
- Nominated align_of for backport to 1.2
- 1.2 relnotes
- Posted a negative response to documentation policy thread
- Responded to multirust source install issue
- Reviewed PATH frobbing PR
- Reviewed fix for host triples as subset of build triples
- r- removing unused arguments from default methods
- Commented on OS X installer size reporting
- Commented on new PNaCL PR
- Responded to all ping
- Building crates for two outstanding crater runs
- Reviewed PR to add twitter account to twir
- Starting crater run for resolve changes
- Uploaded 1.1 to staging
- Posted 1.1 testing request
- Reviewed deprecation inheritance
- Bumped master to 1.3
- Started 1.2 beta build
- Posted update to research papers
- Published twir
- Reviewed cargo msvc patch
- Replied again to multirust source request
- Working on crater-cli communicating with crater-web
- Merged twir updates
- Merged twir typo
- Merged twir updates
- Merged twir updates
- Posted PR to put std link higher in the doc index
- Updated archaea
- Working on command line parsing for crater-cli
- Reviewed Niko’s new stability RFC
- Posted 1.1 backports
- Posted merge into stable
- Reviewed rust-www s3 deployment fixes
- Moved macs to new location for the ww because of electrical work
- Started crater run for tuple struct resolution fix
- Started crater run for fat pointer casts
- Responded to all pings
- Responded to q’s about debugging homu
- Merged doc backport
- Posted a quote for twir
- Commented about wasm + Rust
- Made minor updates to relnotes
- Preparing backports to do last 1.1 beta
- Posted comment to not backport a dst fix
- Posted 1.1 backports
- Started build of 1.1.0-beta.4
- Reviewed edunham’s www https plan
- Reviewed a configure fix
- Reviewed rustc PATH fixes
- Made suggestions about the pnacl patch
- Reviewed extended error patch
- Reviewed extended error patch
- Reviewed patch to disable landing pads on msvc
- Responded to all pings
- Posted patch to fix stable feature gate error
- Updated workday q2 goals
- Started a twir draft
- Posted encouragement to maidsafe thread
- Responded to pre-rfc about publishing expanded syntax extensions
- Replied to thread about ‘notable’ tags
- Replied to thread about compiler rfc policy
- Replied to thread about to_upper breakage
- Started list of 1.2 breaking changes
- Responded to question of to_upper breakage
- Closed old homu PR
- Added Hanover meetup to calendar
- Praised the error generating macro
- Reviewed beta backport
- Fixing UI of unstable_feature lint
- Responded to remo council about rust meetup funding. Doesn’t look good.
- Responded to somebody about rust visualizations
- Finished beta regression report
- Rebased 1.1 release notes patch
- Responded to morning pings
- Responded to suggestion in twir thread
- Sent emails to production users inviting them to talk
- Resolved a security@ email
- TWiR
- Reviewed twir redesign
- Reviewed stable cargo pr
- Posted encouraging comment about wayland-client
- Posted TWiR
- Reviewed cargo retry patch
- Started the twir editor’s thread
- Responded to morning pings
- Updated easydns account secrets
- Gave acrichto access to brson/cargo
- Talking to reps council about meetups
- Continuing to polish linkage patch
- Reviewed regex license patch
- Posted a regression report
- Cleaning up monomorphization linkage patch
- Running more crater tests
- Reviewed cargo fix
- Responded to thread about ‘notable’ tag
- Bumped beta version
- Started a beta
- Reviewed a resolve patch
- Added a relnotes tag
- Linked some resolve issues
- Commented on backtrace path patch
- Reviewed LLVM upgrade
- Reviewed test cleanup
- Talked to Vikrant about TWiR maintenance
- More collection of production contacts
- Scheduled meeting to talk to Joseph Cotton about visualization research
- Reviewed playpen docs
- Started another internal fundraising thread
- Started crater test stable-2015-05-15 vs. nightly-2015-06-12
- Closed old valgrind pr
- Reviewed rust-installer bitrig fix
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Posted some benchmarks
- Writing intro message to production users
- Commented on compile time improvement
- Put together list of production users
- Responded to contributor about sponsoring twir
- Sent message to rust-community about expanding twir
- Posted thread about ‘notable’ tag
- Reviewed cargo fix
- Reviewed MSVC packaging fix
- Published new crater results for Extend PR
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Commented on fixes to linguist for Rust
- Commented on rustup concurrency issues
- Reviewed std::process cleanup
- Upgraded in multirust
- Responded to question about offline use of
- Talking to richard about airmo registration problems
- Rebooted mac4
- Left a comment about deprecation inheritance
- Reviewed freebsd clang patch
- Responded to tools triage
- Set minimum post length to 1 on users.rlo and internals.rlo
- Reviewed clang fallback patch
- Scheduled meeting with jonas to ask some questions about taskcluster
- Responded to q about broken crates
- Commented on type macros rfc
- Commented on prelude rfc
- Merged zsh relicense
- Merged nano relicense
- Responded to q about building rustbook
- Sent steveklabnik the @rustlang twitter key
- Shipped stickers to Brazil
- Pinged some people to help a newbie
- Reviewed FreeBSD fix
- Commented on PNaCl patch
- Sent Gerv a question about licensing markdown parser as only MIT
- Downgraded cargo
- Updated 1.1 relnotes
- Pushed twir branch
- Pushed fixes to twir
- Merged twir fix and republished
- Updated cargo for 1.1 beta
- Posted comment about stable compat
- Reviewed MSVC /MD patch
- Doing crater run for niko’s simplified-variance-and-projection-lifetimes patch
- Doing crater for
- Reviewed minor doc fix
- Reviewed save-analysis fixes
- Replied about rust stickers
- Merged CARGO_HOME patch to multirust
- Reviewed whitespace fix
- Responded to yichoi
- Scheduled room, airmo, and workplace resources for 7/8 sf meetup
- Reviewed doc patch
- Commented on missing unused features warning
- Nominated implementation of Extend for beta
- Posted binaries for object bounds crater run
- Reviewed char inlining
- Responded to multirust environment feature request
- Finished crater run for niko
- Posted crater run for some PR
- Filed issue to re-sandbox playpen
- Posted status update
- Wrote bjz a recommendation
- Reviewed deprecation inheritance
- Posted new comments on deprecation inheritance
- Responded to question about spam filter on users.rlo
- Filed PR to add license to gedit-config
- Commented about licensing issues around gedit-config
- Allowed aws admins to see billing
- Updated q2 goals in workday again
- Posted beta patch to fix beta naming again
- Reviewed doc patch
- Triaged doc pr
- Reviewed fix for cargo rebuilds
- Shipped stickers to montreal
- Reviewed msvc dist patch to buildbot
- Commented on likely/unlikely intrinsics
- Posted twir
- Ignored a test blocking nightlies
- Responded to q about tool subteam category
- Commented about bindgen
- Posted patch to stop compressing metadata
- Restarted porting crater to Rust
- Cleaning up monomorphization linkage patch
- Posted regression report for object lifetime bounds
- Testing patch to remove redundant metadata compression
- Closed 1.0 video bug
- Reviewed LLVM upgrade
- Responded to RFC to break default object bounds
- Started crater run to test better-object-bounds
- Triaged issue
- Sent 100 stickers to Manish
- Bumped beta version to beta.2
- Still trying to optimize metadata on odr patch
- Testing removing inline(always) on servo
- Tried to help with an android failure
- Posted tests of converting inline(always) in servo
- Posted patch removing inline(always) from servo
- Posted initial comment about crate subtree patch
- Started a beta build
- Replied to multirust issue on spaces in paths
- Reviewed cargo custom path patch
- Filed multirust issue about –link-local
- Filed multirust issue about ‘run’
- Responded to q about meetup fees
- Reviewed msvc fix
- Commented about unicode conversion iterators
- Asked raphlinus to add MIT license to his markdown parser
- Commented about the markdown license again
- Responded to submodule thread
- Reviewed adjustment to box help message
- Still optimizing linkage of monomorphic functions
- Doing a crater run for niko
- Added periodic table and iter cheat sheet to rust-learning
- Praised the iter cheat sheet
- Merged fix to my web site
- Nominated –version change for beta
- Closed sh -> bash PR
- Published new rust-sdl
- Finished a crater run for niko
- Merged a playpen PR to add intel syntax
- Merged a playpen fix
- Added edunham to rust-push
- Responded to q about download stats
- Profiling my monomorphization patch. Still a perf regression
- Responded to questions about multirust’s use of gpg
- Reviewed patch to haskell platform installer
- Commented on haskell platform bug
- Filed another bug against haskell platform installer
- Reviewed mk fix
- Working on odr linkage opts
- Submitted rust-root servo patch
- Posted status report
- Tried to resolve Indian shipping issues
- Merged multirust typo
- Commented on multirust dylink bug
- Merged multirust doc fix
- Reviewed gdb pretty-printer cleanup
- Commented on converting configure to bash
- Reviewed windows path fix
- Reviewed disable-tls option
- Reviewed removal of build date from –version
- Commented about align_of change
- Reviewed community translations
- Reviewed doc fix
- Filed weird interaction with rust-installer and haskell platform
- Reviewed msvc bootstrap patch
- Working on optimizations
- Working on crater report
- Created an I-stable-regression tag
- Tagged a regression
- Published regression report
- Had meeting with edunham
- Merged contributing guide for rust-buildbot
- Merged blastoff fixes
- Responded to cargo complaints thread
- Encouraged a Brazillian organizer
- Merged multirust doc patch
- Merged rust-infra pr
- Filed bug about removing build date from –version
- Filed bug to add recvert to signing key
- Filed bug to use
- Commented on 404 issue
- Commented on windows msys path issues
- Commented about panic handling
- Closed issue about broken install
- Nominated issue of rustc accepting [[T]] syntax
- Commented about man page outdatedness
- Commented on –test-threads
- Commented on cfg_attr(path)
- Commented on source tarball generation
- Commented on rust-buildbot spot instance PR
- Reviewed blog post update
- Reviewed multirust dirname fix
- Commented on multirust override issue
- Merged multirust doc patch
- Updated rust-admin repo with a README indicating it’s mostly deprecated
- Creating infrastructure documentation for edunham
- Sent edunham invites to rust mtg and triage
- Nominated eddyb’s issue
- Reviewed rust-www fixes
- Reviewed rust-www https links
- Reviewed math pr
- Created aws account for edunham
- Added detail to feature upload issue
- Added detail about manifest metadata
- Closed dist indexing issue
- Sent edunham a braindump
- Posted useful link to datetime thread
- Reviewed cargo PR
- Retried cargo PR
- Pinged aturon on align_of breaking change
- Responded to thread about mobile strategy
- Unstuck homu
- Reviewed config patch
- Posted fix for make install
- Set up freebsd slave configs for koobs
- Fixing nightly cross-compile bug
- Reviewed doc patch
- Reviewed clang 3.7 patch
- Filed bug about cross breakage
- Reviewed align_of patch
- Reviewed dirent fix
- Triaged doc pr
- Merged and deployed rust-buildbot cargo bitrig patch
- Merged playpen patch
- Closed competing patch
- Redeployed play.rlo
- Merged another play fix
- Reviewed multirust doc patch
- Merged cargo patch
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Reviewed minor playpen style fixes
- Reviewed playpen #[test] detection
- Reviewed playpend #[test] support
- Submitted PTO
- Merged twir fix
- Merged twir fix
- Redeployed twir
- Updated workday deliverables
- Reviewed doc patch
- Submitted kate licensing patch
- Thanked wting for sharing party photos
- Restarted mac4
- Working on twir
- Fixed beta versioning
- Reviewed rust-buildbot msvc patch
- Posted meeting minutes
- Responded to rust-buildbot pr
- Reviewed ar patch
- Posted twir
- Fixed beta naming in rust-packaging
- Submitted PR to rust-learning updating macros link
- Bumped cargo version
- Shipped t-shirts to Paige and kmc
- Commented on multirust doc feature request
- Reviewed play.rlo gist PR
- Closed rust-www beta link issue
- Finished reviewing msvc patch
- Commented about deficiencies in cargo
- Reviewed multirust typo
- Reviewed cargo RUSTC PR
- Reviewed macro backtrace PR
- Reviewed cargo dotfile PR
- Merged playpen gist pr
- Deployed playpen
- Merged another playper pr
- Deployed playpen
- Mostly worked on linkonce odr stuff
- Fixing build problem on beta
- Filed PR fixing tests on beta
- Filed same PR on master
- Started another beta build
- Gathered stats about monomorphization in servo
- Reviewed playpen fix
- Bumped version to 1.2
- Started build for 1.1.0-beta.1
- Merged minor www tweak
- Merged fix to my-first-contribution
- Filed packaging bug on windows signing
- Uploaded 1.0 artifacts for testing
- Updated security key with revocation cert
- Uploaded 1.0 docs to stable/
- Adjusted nginx to support stable docs
- Sent out new security team keys
- Uploaded security key to static.rlo
- Posted PR to rust-learning adding Error Handling in Rust
- Posted another PR to rust-learning
- Tested the stable build of Rust
- Updated 1.0 www PR
- Sent Jess guestlist
- Writing an app to display contributors’ first contributions
- Updated for stable
- Filed trpl stack frame illustration bug
- Restarted mac4
- Started 1.0 stable build
- Commented on Result::expect
- Reviewed ar fix
- Reviewed filename hash fix
- Closed –no-capture PR
- Assigned a bug to acrichto
- Reopened –no-capture PR
- Replied to thread about detecting llvm version
- Created
- Created security gpg key
- Ordered pizza for meetup
- Continuing crater build for niko
- Testing stable release in dev
- Filed multirust run issue
- Updated std doc PR
- Reviewed AUTHORS.txt update
- Cherry-picked AUTHORS.txt update to beta
- Reviewed archive handling fix
- Reviewed CFG_FILENAME_EXTRA patch
- Reviewed book release channels patch
- Fixed some bugs in crater
- Sent t-shirt shipment info to final organizers
- Responded to Mike Poessey about meetup A/V requirements
- Posted link about packt book
- Responded to Ivo the author of the packt book
- Two crater runs suffered DNS failures. Doing another.
- Responded to mutex poisoning thread
- Posted minutes
- Finished niko’s crater run
- Posted cargo retry feature request
- Added Montreal event to list
- Did more adjustments to AUTHORS.txt
- Talked up Rust 1.0 at the Monday meeting
- Merged a backport PR
- Merged another backport
- Bumped prerelease version for another beta
- Fixed breakage on beta
- Responded to cargo-lock-to-dot issue
- Merged cargo-lock-to-dot issue
- Reviewed multirust fix
- Responded to Koobs about freebsd buildslaves
- Posted servo cleanup PR
- Sent tracking numbers to organizers
- Talked to mitchell about a few rust pr ideas
- Responded to mw about various things
- Requested status update on cake
- Started a crater build for niko
- Alerted bvssvni about
- Removed beta-nominated tags from merged backports
- Reviewed mem::forget
- Posted www updates
- Reviewed distcheck fix
- Responded to thread about fedora install
- Filed rust-installer NixOS issue
- Sent PR to rust-learning to credit japaric
- Reviewed valgrind changes
- Reviewed minor doc patch
- Posted doc cleanup
- Posted std doc PR
- Thanked somebody for an experience report
- Published Servo dep graph
- Wrote cargo-lock-to-dot
- Running multiple crater builds for acrichto and nmatsakis
- Posted regression report for removal of vec addition
- Sent stickers to organizer in Boulder
- Reviewed cargo patch
- Retried this patch for arielb1
- Submitted Awesome Rust to reddit
- Sent niko a regression report
- Working on release notes
- Updated and AUTHORS.txt
- Posted message asking for audits of AUTHORS.txt
- Reviewed pr backport
- Re-reviewed valgrind configure change
- Responded to Diane Tate about Rust communication ideas
- Added Boulder to launch events
- Interviewed candidate
- Reviewed some cargo pr
- Merged beta cherry-pick
- Commented on multirust update bug
- Commented about
- Submitted ticket to ship t-shirts
- Posted beta.4 update to www
- Posted minutes
- Posted comment about Option::unwrap_unchecked
- Reviewed more windows path fixes
- Published twir
- Reviewed another cargo patch
- Posted suggestions to read burntsushi’s crates
- Sent email to Jason in mailroom coordinating t-shirt shipment tomorrow
- Reviewed windows path fix
- Filed PR to fix docs
- Filed PR to fix docs on www
- Posted psa about changes
- Posted status update
- Wrote more http database api in Rust
- Refactoring crater javascript
- Running regression tests
- Posted regression report
- Merged interactive upgrade
- Suggested building electron on servo
- Upgraded multirust with
- Further commenting on multirust dylib problems
- Filed PR with travis for updating
- Sorted t-shirts for shipping
- Triaged typecheck pr
- Discussed shipping logistics with Jason
- Invalidated nightlies in cdn
- Modifying to not need sudo
- Closed beta target libs bug
- Retriaged beta/stable CI bug
- Retriaged cloudfront issue
- Reviewed beta PR
- Updated cargo pairing for 1.0
- Started a new beta build
- Filed issue to hash CFG_FILENAME_EXTRA
- Gave mw link to some dbg issue
- Filed PR for rustup upgrade
- Made patch to update rust-www for rustup
- Made patch to update rust for rustup
- Reviewed rustdoc patch
- Responded to u.rlo category thread
- Reopened multirust rpath bug
- Merged multirust submodule patch
- Commented on problem with exe installers
- Responded to issue about identical regions in errors
- Posted minor doc fix
- Filed request for Error for ()
- Writing more HTTP server for crater
- Reviewed cargo patch to add filtering to benchmarks
- Reviewed cargo file naming patch
- Reviewed cargo build script cfg patch
- Tagged multirust 0.0.5
- Scheduled meeting to discuss meetup budget
- Reassigned P-backcompat-lang to P-high
- Reviewed cargo timeout patch
- Reviewed another cargo patch
- Replied to doc url thread
- Did t-shirt inventory
- Allocating t-shirts to meetups
- Fixed discourse github login problem
- Responded to felix’s thread about –enable-debug
- Added some categories to users.rlo
- Fixed betas containing all target libs
- Reviewed another cargo pr
- Conducted interview
- Reviewed multirust doc PR
- Posted meeting minutes
- Responded to AtomicPtr issue
- Posted list of launch meetups
- Writing crater-web
- Updated beta date on www
- Thanked somebody for tips on Iron
- Commented on missing libc decls
- Posted TWiR
- Updated DNS for discourse https
- Refactoring crater
- Started building snaps for tamird
- Creating crater docker image
- Merged twir PR
- Merged twir PR
- Redeployed twir
- Published updated regression report
- Finished setting up https for users and internals
- Updated website for beta.3
- Writing twir
- Published regression report
- Writing crater-db in Rust
- Interviewed devops candidate
- Reviewed acrichto’s musl patch
- Reviewed minor test cleanup
- Entered Q2 goals in workday
- Fixed beta fallout
- Retriaged old P-backcompat issues
- Closed old issue about numeric impls
- Posted something encouraging about carboxyl
- Reviewed acrichto’s blog post
- Reviewed acrichto’s cherry-pick
- Re-triaged scoped bug
- Re-triaged rustc cli future-proofing
- Complimented arielb1’s sweet wins
- Told London organizers they have no budget
- Asked Amsterdam organizer for shipping info
- Posted update on launch events
- Responded to RustDT release
- Tried to get Gankro and nrc to work together on benchmarking
- Posted PR remove version numbers from betas
- Posted fix for rust-installer CDPATH problem
- Posted fix for rustup CDPATH problem
- Fixed same problem in multirust
- Uploaded new
- Upgraded rust-installer for rust
- Upgraded rust-installer for cargo
- Upgraded rust-installer for rust-packaging
- Replied about discourse HTTPS
- Replied about crater native deps
- Fixed typo in valgrind patch
- Posted investigation into Iron and Hyper
- Posted internals thread about sudo and
- Commented on Yurume’s Grisu patch
- Merged some changes to the Rust wiki backup
- Bumped version to 1.1
- Reviewed TRPL index update
- Pulled together some CloudFront download metrics for Jack
- Filed an issue to store overrides in override directories
- Filed issue for multirust docs
- Posted PR to Lars ICFP paper
- Posted doc about branching
- Posted minutes
- Merged twir PR and deployed
- Responded to question about branching
- Closed shallow submodule PR
- Responded to multirust bug report about remove-toolchain
- Asked Neil Lalande to set up https for discourse.
- Thanked SimonSapin for updating Travis to use
- Reviewed deprecation removal
- Sent steveklabnik counter-edit for branching strategy
- Reviewed doc patch
- Reviewed fixes to rustup
- Reviewed gpg fix to rustup
- Commented on ldconfig problem
- Fixed ldconfig issue in rustup
- Closed ldconfig issue
- Closed ldconfig issue
- Closed ldconfig issue
- Posted patch making stability attributes an error
- Fixed multirust problem deleting toolchains
- Commented about making mem::forget safe
- Triaged t-shirts
- Published new TWiR
- Posted TWiR to /r/rust
- Updated TWiR based on feedback
- Got crater running on aws
- Merged removal of 30-minute intro from www
- Reviewed removal of 30-minute intrto
- Investigating writing parts of crater in Rust
- Posted regression report
- Working on launch event details
- Booked whistler tickets
- Bumped prerelease to .3
- Posted website update for beta.2
- Updated 1.0 cargo rev again
- Commented on ‘nix’ renaming issue
- Commented on ldconfig problem
- Commented on rust-www style issue
- Merged icon updates
- Added header anchors to blog.rlo
- Thanked WindowsBunny for starting windows discussion
- Commented on rust-installer issue with cd and CDPATH
- Posted notet about beta.2
- Fixed typos to beta psa
- Reviewed parallel make fixes
- Fixed beta doc links on website
- Bumped TWiR thread
- Sent internal email about party status updates
- Sent email asking for t-shirt earmarks
- Made thread about launch events
- Commented on beta changelog
- In SF for interviews
- Updated cargo rev for beta
- Responded to question about crater sandboxing
- Started a build of 1.0.0-beta.2
- Reviewed cargo version bump
- Responded to various threads about release parties
- Interviewed devops candidate
- Returned old laptop
- Submitted fix for configure not detecting missing valgrind
- Reviewed aturon’s governance RFC draft
- Continuing patch to disable is/us
- Posted patch for is/us removal
- Filed bug reports about annoying breakage of browser.ctrlTab.previews
- Filed bug reports about annoying breakage of browser.ctrlTab.previews
- Pushed updates to TWiR
- Commented on effort to improve error messages
- Closed multirust issue about show-override
- Closed shasum multirust issue
- Responded to felix about the rust rev used to build cargo
- Updated stability PR for long lines
- Asked #it for help resetting yichoi’s irc password
- Commented on adding a new linking mode
- Posted meeting minitues
- Scheduled meeting w/ bhearsum to talk about migrating to taskcluster
- Sent Rainer a 3D Rust logo
- Responded to homebrew issue
- Released rustup 0.0.3
- Responded to thread about using the rust logo
- Sent check for the cake
- Closed rustup issue
- Closed issue about –test not working on beta
- Found ricky26’s msvc branch to work off of
- Reviewed adding rbe to doc index
- Responded to bangalore meetup group about reimbursement
- Reviewed doc PR
- Replied to old bug about missing videos
- Uploaded
- Reviewed minor visitor change
- Posted TWiR.
- Posted patch to make stability attributes a warning.
- Merged minor rust-installer fix.
- Triaged issue of rustup failing on travis.
- Made multirust’s blastoff script interactive
- Making a beta build to test problems with –test
- TWiR
- Filed issue about multirust’s use of CARGO_HOME
- Worked on the multirust 0.0.3 release
- Filed PR for improvements to rustup
- Reviewed issue about playpen breakage
- Merged playpen version fix
- Investigated multirust cargo build dylib issues
- Investidaget multirust symlink issue
- Fixing multirust bugs
- Created rustup repo
- Removed from repo
- Bumped prerelease version
- Posted message about rewrite
- Reviewed deriving fix
- Published regression report
- Asked erickt for list of people hosting launch events
- Finishing up features and polish for
- Rebuild multirust off of
- Reviewed rust-www playpen error handling improvements
- Replied to regression report discrepencies
- Continuing upgrades
- Made nightly turn on LLVM asserts
- Testing a patch for pitdicker
- Reviewed error message improvement
- Closed old squiggle PR
- Closed –test RFC
- Closed RFC about concat_bytes!
- Communicating with the baker
- Signed up for whistler
- Filed multirust issue
- Commented on multirust update all
- Starting crate tests for
- Working on turning off debug asserts
- Posted note to meetup group about cameras recording Thursday
- Posted config optimization patch
- Reviewed cargo docopt patch
- Reviewed extension of plugins to llvm passes
- Reviewed changes to windows sockets
- Reimaged rust-android1 so nrc can benchmark on it
- Encouraged balisong
- Working on merging with multirust
- Expressed opinion about need for knowing
- Praised hoverbear’s Raft
- Praised Racer updates
- TWiR
- Testing crates against nightly to run a regression report
- Reopened issue about parsing match exprs
- Reopened issue about upgrade
- Assigned disabling debug asserts to me
- Pinged aturon on conversion RFC update
- Commented on builder guidelines RFC
- Commented on dtor double-panics
- Responded to q from felix about rust-www example length
- Merged defaulting rust-www to offer msi installer.
- Posted meeting minutes.
- Published TWiR.
- Resume triage.
- Asked Richard to move airmo broadcast from 8 to 7 PM Thursday.
- Ordered pizza for meetup.
- Submitted expense report for meetup.
- Sent enquiries about cakes.
- Posted call for Rust-related media.
- Talking with people about Rust party decorations
- Reviewed README patch to multirust
- Triaged multirust issue
- Filed issue about not downloading docs
- Commented on issues about multirust man pages
- Merged compiler fence RFC
- Closed multiple ‘if let’ RFC
- Postponed type level numerics RFC
- Closed generic over & types RFC
- Reviewed acrichto’s new fs RFC
- Submitted C++ comparison to r/rust
- Filed issue about bug in license headers
- Running more crater tests against beta
- TWiR
- Posted toolchain report for beta
- Sent summary of party info thus far
- Wrote a quarterly self-evaluation
- Praised ecr’s work
- Finished reviewing book
- Still sick
- Ran more crate tests against beta
- Responded to emails
- Responded to multirust feature request for per-branch overrides
- Responded to multirust bug report
- Responded to issue about detecting stable compilers
- Responded to issue about smaller installs
- Working on rust cakes
- Responded to issue about distro bootstrapping
- Triaged a minor doc bug
- Talked to manish about CI improvements
- Still sick
- Responded to Gerv about Rust security properties
- Submitted requests for 5/15 release party reservations
- Upgraded rust-installer for rust
- Upgraded rust-installer for rust-packaging
- Upgraded rust-installer for multirust
- Upgraded rust-installer for cargo
- Sent some thoughts about the release party
- Put together list of crates that work on stable
- Sick again today
- Merged rust-packaging fixes
- Reviewed ch 7 of packt book
- Reviewed rust-installer fix for OS X
- Reviewed rust-installer option parsing fix
- Pushed another test build to beta
- Reviewed minor Cargo fix
- Reviewed guidelines fix
- Supported Manish’s effort to focus on polish
- Finished support for custom builds in crater
- Sent niko a regression report for his coherence fix
- Rust builds on taskcluster almost working
- Reviewing automation needs for interviews
- Posted PR to feature gate slice patterns
- Sent email to mw upon contract end
- Reviewed minor build system fix
- Posted build results for crates against beta
- Triaged doc PR
- Responded to niko’s coherence thread
- Reviewed removal of extern crate string syntax
- Continuing work on rustup
- Posted a comparison report between beta and nightly
- Solicited TWiR quotes
- Reviewed curl fix
- Reviewed read_into_string/read_into_vec
- Reviewed doc fix
- Praised mw’s work
- Debugging taskcluster because it keeps failing to build rust
- Started upgrading
- Reviewed doc update
- Filed issue about beta/stable integration
- Reviewed should_fail patch
- Triaged doc PR
- Fixed –help in rust-installer
- Upgraded rust-installer for rust
- Upgraded rust-installer for cargo
- Upgraded rust-installer for rust-packaging
- Reviewed removal of deprecated -l form
- Working on feature gating slice patterns
- Still trying to get custom builds to work in taskcluster-crater
- Posted PSA about feature staging
- Starting another beta build
- Cross-posted servo steam rendering to /r/rust
- Reviewed adjustments to crate hyphenation
- Reviewed cargo adjustments to crate hyphenation
- Replied to thread about forum HTTPS
- Posted twir
- Merged twir fix
- Merged twir fix
- Pushed a branch to try for nagisa.
- Posted meeting minutes
- Pushed test build to beta.
- Updated rust-packaging for beta
- Set up OpSec account on AWS for Gene Wood.
- Rebasing gate PR
- Rebased rpath fix
- Merged windows packaging improvements
- Fixed 32-bit userspace detection
- Commented on mahkoh’s stupid not-a-systems-language RFC
- r-‘d adding a stable ‘try’ function
- Filed bug to create Rust video
- Reviewed cargo refactor
- Reviewed doc fix
- Spent more time tweaking crater and rebasing gating patch
- Rebasing feature gating patch
- Setting up new computer
- Finally submitted PR for new gating patch
(Didn’t record anything)
- Expanding taskcluster-crater to report on arbitrary Rust revisions
- More rebasing of feature gating patch…
- Started email thread about 1.0 promotional video
- Asked for money to move mac builders to
- Replied to burntsushi’s q’s about our builders’ specs
- Again working on crater
- Again rebasing feature gating patch
- Responded to Lars about hiring issues
- Yet more work on staging - getting doctests to pass
- Yet more work on crater reporting
- Moved fott archives to my blog
- Responded to q about whether a LICENSE file is necessary
- Posted meeting minutes
- Reviewed socket fix
- Reviewed Niko’s blog post on future feature categorization
- Replied to users.rlo categeries thread
- Nominated borrowck regression
- Helped osa1 find debugger test command interepreter in compiletest
- Working on today’s twir
- Continuing to work on feature staging patch
- Submitted status report
- Filed tracking issue for closure return type tweak
- Merged closure return type RFC
- Posted TWiR
- Posted rust-dev archives
- Responded to ecoop thread
- Started thread about Rust 1.0 release party
- Followed up with mw about employment stuff
- More work on crater reports
- More work on feature staging
- Rebasing feature gating patch
- Worked on a bit
- Filed issue about multirust/rusti incompatibility
- Working on crater reporting
- Complimented a rust game
- Praised ‘a swift guide to rust’
- Responded to q about linux runtime deps
- Working on feature staging
- Added korean meetup to calendar
- Replied to core-team style guide thread
- Solicited news for twir
- Replied to renaming SocketAddress
- Rerequested a copy of the rust-dev archive
- Merged twir fix
- Merged twir fix
- Rescheduled core team meeting
- Fixing rustdoc so doc tests can contain crate attributes
- Writing report generation code for taskcluster-crater
- Closed PR to remove –help -v
- Filed issue about extern crate in fns
- Replied to q about runtime deps
- Reviewed .msi gui updates
- [Replied to a question about Arc
]( - Reviewed to multirust to fix gdb
- Replied to thread about bad syntax highlighting on forums
- Fixed beta naming again
- Reviewed FreeBSD build fix
- Reviewed jemalloc annotations
- Reviewed rustup instructions patch
- Reviewed rust-installer fix for /bin/echo not existing
- Triage
- Reviewed rustdoc ICE fix
- Re-reviewed allocator attribute
- Reviewed doc cleanup
- Sent bstrie the picture of him with the Rust logo in SF.
- Merged TWiR fix
- Merged TWiR fix
- Submitted PR to fix -C rpath regression
- Submitted issue about Path::relative_from
- Had lunch with security candidate (Julia) and Daniel Veditz
- Investigating 16 hours of buildbot not running.
- Submittid a logging improvement to homu
- Shipped stickers to denmark
- Updated servo PR
- Reviewed closure syntax RFC
- Reviewed discriminant_value intrinsic RFC
- Reviewed generic conversian RFC
- Reviewed iter::once RFC
- Reviewed empty structs RFC
- Reviewed must_use RFC
- Reviewed octal lexing RFC
- Reviewed stdio RFC
- Continuing work on making undeclared features errors
- Continuing work on scheduling and reporting for taskcluster-crater
- Reviewed 64-bit msi support
- Reviewed –no-combined patch for rust-packaging
- Commented on fence RFC
- Commented on RFC about multiple ‘if let’
- Commentod on RFC about numerics in types
- Reviewed doc fix
- Took PTO today.
- Replied to an event organizer about stickers and setting up the calendar
- Responded to cargo make install issue
- Respnoded to nrc about ECOOP participation
- Gave dhuseby password to buildbot
- Encouraged adding –depth=1 to submodule checkout
- Working on rpath regression
- Reviewed minor stability patch
- Working on TWiR
- Crossposted piston-on-emscripten story
- Reviewed rustdoc optimization
- Posted TWiR
- Reviewed loop-statement RFC
- Reviewed at_exit restoration
- Working on patch for undeclared features
- Wrote status update
- Investigating rpath regression
- Adding scheduling logic to taskcluster-crater
- Reviewed cargo profiling tweaks
- Commented about removing unnecessary bounds from types
- Reviewed log refactoring PR
- Reviewed mpsc Error impl
- Reviewed wrapping patch for isaac
- PR triage
- Reviewed rust-installer PR
- Reviewed bloat optimizations
- Reviewed man page cleanup
- Promised to review a –libdir PR
- Reviewed OpenBSD fixes for rust-installer
- Mork work on
- Reviewing Packt book ch 5
- Writing about locks
- Working on
- Working on making undeclared features errors
- Removed two old green threading tests
- Reviewed cargo PR
- Followed up on bstrie community space access
- Filed PR to not implement RFC 8 - intrinsics
- Rescheduled meetings for DST
- Begged for mor twir quotes
- Working on taskcluster-crater
- Talked to acharles about rustfmt
- Reviewed minor doc patch
- Created thread about rustfmt
- Attended triage
- Responded to tessel thread
- Uploaded bitrig snap
- Encouraged TWiR QOTWs
- Started patch to make undeclared features an error
- Renamed beta artifacts to ‘beta’
- Reviewed some script fixes
- Requested 3/17 airmo event cancelled.
- Scheduled room and airmo for 4/9.
- More work on crater.
- Removed ignore-fast directives from test suite
- Removed unused test
- Reviewed cargo doc PR
- Reviewed minor doc fix
- Commented on Deref conventions
- In SF, mostly worked on crater
- Added task scheduling and message monitoring to taskcluster-crater
- Reviewed unicode fix
- Posted meeting minutes
- Posted fott
- Reviewed liblibc fixes
- Filed suggestion about multirust –which
- Closed old taskcluster-crater PR
- Posted new taskcluster-crater PR
- Closed tuple iteration RFC
- Helped pnkfelix with accessing the infrastructure
- Responded to potential GSoC student
- Shipped stickers to mbrubeck
- Reviewed unicode fix again
- Reviewed tidy improvements
- Promised dhuseby to upload his bitrig snap
- Responded to another GSoC candidate
- Rehabbing stabworld to get some new info about popular crates and their feature usage
- Wrote status update.
- Published heka-rs
- Attended a number of meetings today.
- Familiarized myself with taskcluster
- Updated num audit PR
- Rebased servo cleanup PR
- Complimented Alexis on the std::collections docs
- Fireworked default trait PR from flaper87
- Working on TWiR
- Thanked kballard for I/O fixes
- Deleted 400GB of cores from mac3
- Bumped by TWiR quote of the week thread
- Filed issue about str docs
- Replied to __morestack_addr thread
- Thanked dabaross for tip about rustup
- Posted TWiR
- Asked trink if I can publish his heka-rs prototype
- Thanked csorenson for my new laptop
- Made minor edits to servo paper
- Minor work on taskcluster-crater
- Reviewed steve’s new ownership material
- Editing Lars’s ICFP Servo paper
- Responded to thread about __morestack_addr
- Cleaned up Rust section of servo paper
- Wrote about traits for servo paper
- Responded to stability attrs on non-staged crates
- Sent nagisa a fix for s3-directory-listing
- Deployed json and txt indexing for dist archives
- Helped gbs get latest cargo nightlies
- Reviewed doc fix
- Replied to core bloat thread
- Reviewed fs close
- Added release channel code to taskcluster-crater
- Replied to thread
- Merged rust-cocoa fixes
- Replied to packaging policy
- Filed issue about creating .debs
- Filed issue about moving packaging into rust-installer
- Responded to q about rt rust
- Posted list of Rust IRC channels
- Working on multiple buildbot fixes still
- Updated meeting minutes
- Posted meeting minutes
- Created new Windows AMI with new build of dojob-rs
- Responded to servo PR feedback
- Responded to multirust no-doc issue
- Tested patch to fix who can kill builds
- Responded to thread about
- Merged fix for killing builds in rust-buildbot
- Merged fix for rust-buildbot permissions
- Deployed new rust-buildbot to production
- Restarted mac3
- Closed desync issue
- Restarted mac4
- Changed pw of ‘rust’ buildbot user
- Reviewed guidelines patch
- Responded to code bloat thread
- Pinged alex on io critique
- Replied to Alex about missing mac slaves
- Sent response to GSoC inquiry
- Told SimonSapin how –version build date is determined
- Reviewed twir fix
- Reviewed twir fix
- Reviewed twir fix
- Redeployed twir
- Posted status update
- Commented on nightly failures
- Doing a variety of buildbot upgrades
- Promised pnkfelix and niko will solve a bug that affects gfx-rs and piston
- Responded to thread about rt rust
- Working buildbot fixes, adding dojob-rs on windows
- Responded to thread about core::panicking bloat
- Responded to thread about removed runtime features
- Replied to nrc’s thread about rustc APIs
- Posted another quote
- Responded to NetBeans thread
- Responded to q about grep
- Published twir
- Linked twir from r/rust
- Wrote down new rust project ideas.
- Poking at MSP430 support for rustc, needed by Contiki OS.
- Posted update to servo cleanup PR
- Gave encouraging comment about netbeans plugin
- Replied to rsync nightlies thread
- Dealing with lots of integration failures on windows
- Attempted to hack around the problem of stdtest hanging
- Did some servo cleanup
- Wrote rustle for installing Cargo apps
- Replied to comment on HN about non-rusties installing Rust apps
- Posted rustle to HN
- Restarted mac6
- Posted encouraging comments about exa
- Reviewed typo
- Spent way too much time getting Rust to compile to msp430
- Reviewed iter::once RFC
- Tested alpha.2 installers
- Posted cleaned up explanation of static dispatch
- Tagged alpha.2 release
- Merged alpha.2 website updates
- Merged alpha.2 blog post
- Merged alpha.2 blog patch
- Pushed wiki changes for alpha.2
- Posted support for rust-media
- Posted core::num audit
- Retried bitrig PR which is hitting timeouts
- Replied privately to dhuseby about bitrig PR
- Reviewed twir PR
- Rejected twir PR to clear up twir numbering ambiguity
- Starting on twir
- Responded to discourse https issue
- Responded by email to newbie looking to contribute
- Reviewed fixes to blog post
- Reviewed more fixes to blog post
- And more
- Commented on issue of macro internal functions
- Outlined a plan for supporting arbitrary Cargo’s in multirust
- Reviewed test case PR
- Worked on some servo cleanup and commenting
- Started beta build
- Fixed a bug in the beta windows logic in rust-packaging
- Attended triage
- Reviewed more msi changes
- Responded to jhford about global ci questions
- Sent Manish credentials to any-build on buildbot so he can kill builds until I fix the bug that makes ‘rust’ unable to kill builds.
- Merged PR to add .msi downloads to rust-www
- Auditing core::num for ints
- Updated rust-www for alpha.2
- Updated wiki for alpha.2
- Reading TRPL
- Closed issue about sudo considered harmful
- Filed bug about trpl introduction of ownership and lifetimes
- Triaged ld incompatibility with Java
- Made some minor updates to book about strings
- Merged RFC to not put impls next to structs
- Updated rust-packaging for correct alpha.2 cargo rev
- Started a dry run of alpha.2
- Finally got nightly building again
- Updated README cleanup PR
- Bumped tomorrow’s meetup guestlist to 80
- Ordered pizza for tomorrow’s meetup
- Expensed pizza tomorrow’s meetup
- Wrote new readme for installer
- Reviewed vadim’s fixes for msi
- Posted PSA about broken travis builds
- Offered opinion on Int::pow
- Deferred to aturon on deprecating int modules
- Reviewed some cleanup
- Created a patch to make rust work on travis again
- Updated travis PSA thread with patch link
- Expressed enthusiasm for njn’s bloom filter wins
- Made relnotes PR
- Reviewed
- Responded to DroidLogician about office visits
- Filed issue about security policy
- Responded to a person looking to contribute to Rust
- Working on problem with CentOS linux builders checking out deep submodules
- Recompiled git from master on the CentOS linux-snap builders
- Reimaged linux-snap builders
- Updated slave-list.txt on prod and dev build masters
- acrichto volunteered to restart buildmaster
- Started build of nightlies with new installer
- Started build of nightly combined package with new installer
- Commented on recycling slaves
- Posted meeting minutes
- Posted TWiR
- Merged TWiR fix and republished
- Gave michaelwoerister r+ for debuginfo
- Reviewed string matching RFC
- Reviewed comment conventions RFC
- Reviewed hash RFC
- Reviewed rustup locale fix
- Working on TWiR
- Responded to thread about 2nd tier builders
- Postponed unsafe enum RFC
- Enthused about acrichto’s fixes of stability lints
- Made encouraging comments about Iron perf
- Looked for TWiR stories
- Responded to concerns about bootstrapping Rust with Cargo
- Thanked Lars for making faster builds of Rust for Servo
- Made some cleanups to the source README
- Reviewed kmc’s macro docs
- Wrote encouraging things about dotdosh’s miscompile fix
- Reviewed fhahn’s solution to compiletest capturing output incorrectly
- Reviewed rustc_attrs feature
- Approved Cargo rust-installer upgrade
- Merged rust-packaging upgrade
- Reviewed comment patch about Vec::from_iter
- Reviewed stevek’s CONTRIBUTING patches
- Responded to GSoC thread
- Added rustfmt to list of gsoc projects
- Expressed mild support for publishing std via cargo
- Praised Trace Quest Season 5
- Responded to a Q about linking std to musl
- Commented on Huon’s expansion of
- Spent time working on int audit
- Reviewed rename of std::failure
- Filed uint -> usize PR
- Revised usize PR
- Stared a node.js lib for interacting with Rust infra
- Interviewed an intern candidate
- Replied to coroutine thread
- Replied to most coveted features thread
- Begged people for quotes of the week for TWiR
- Responded to publishing std on
- Pushed temporary disable of msi packaging
- Triggered rebuild of last night’s failed nightlies
- Updated version number for alpha.2
- Registered event, room, and airmo for 3/17 meetup
- Reviewed doc PR
- Re-reviewed bitrig PR
- Investigated dist desync issue
- Revised Rust –version PR
- Revised Cargo –version PR
- Attempting to debug wix failures on windows bots
- Reviewed fhahn’s fixes for early termination errors
- Reviewed fhahn’s parse-fail tests
- Requested retry of PR
- Reviewed test
- Reviewed int audit of std::failure
- Filed issue about incorrect naming in std::failure
- Expressed my disapproval of another stealth attribute addition
- Reviewed grammar docs
- Responded to jhford about global CI design
- Submitted rustup PR for suruga
- Complimented RustAudio
- Emailed the person from Codius with words of encouragement
- Responded to Process not Send on Windows thread
- Promised to look into HTTPS on discourse
- Asked Neil from Discourse about HTTPS
- Responded to OS X 10.5 q
- Responded to thread about platform-specific APIs in std
- Attended Rust triage
- Triaged a few I-compiletime issues
- Reviewed ammendments to object safety RFC
- Got OS X .pkg working with component selection and uninstallation
- Got .exe and .msi working with new installer
- Created new EC2 AMI for windows with WIX
- Added new windows AMI’s to buildbot config. Waiting to restart buildbot.
- Updated multirust for rust-installer
- Closed old build system issue
- Added a –without flag to rust-installer
- Filed multirust issue about slow blastoff script
- Filed PR for Rust rust-installer upgrade
- Filed PR for Cargo rust-installer upgrade
- Filed PR for rust-packaging rust-installer upgrade
- Updated rust-buildbot to enable .msi
- Restarted buildbot for .msi
- Updated .msi issue
- Tightened up description of 1.0.0-alpha on rust-www
- Filed issue about unsafety of Repr
- Responded to questions about no_std gating
- Obsoleted –disable-verify flag to rust-installer
- Improved error handling in rust-installer
- Upgraded rust-installer for rust, cargo, rust-packaging, multirust
- Posted rust-installer upgrades
- Updated rust-installer readme
- Pointed out the Samsung OSG position to some people
- Responded to dhuseby about bitrig PR
- Responded to Packt telling them I’ll review their book
- Voiced approval for from_elem RFC
- Submitted expense report for
- Pinged jhford about global CI
- Posted PR to solve –version date confusion
- Likewise a Cargo PR for –version
- Wrote today’s fott
- Weekly meeting
- Expressed my opinion about array pattern simplification
- Posted meeting minutes
- Posted meeting minute thread
- Re-reviewed bitrig PR
- Reviewed fix for ffi ICEs
- Cleaned up rust-installer and made its backups work consistently
- Posted twir
- Filled out status report
- Replied to thread about coding standards
- Responded to some multirust issue
- Responded to pnkfelix about RFC features
- More work on rust-installer
- Filed a bug about debugging extern fns
- Working on OpenSSL impl
- Responded to 1.0 bugs issue on internals
- Commented on rustc –version confusion
- Cheerlead parse-fail test PR
- Reviewed featureck bugfix PR
- Reviewed debuginfo fixes
- Gisted some things that surprised me about assoc types
- Reviewed Cargo style PR
- Reviewed Cargo bugfix
- Reviewed another Cargo PR
- Reviewed another Cargo PR
- Working on more rust-installer features
- Responded to weird installation error
- Reviewed kmc’s plugin change
- Attended triage
- Reviewed bitrig patch
- Added feature header to RFC template
- Revised my tidy PR
- Filed issue about package desync
- Added version file to combined package
- Posted list of high-pri bugs
- Reviewed binop optimization
- Opened thread about porting maintenance
- Responded to RandomAccessIterator pre-RFC
- Responded to Aatch’s type system refactoring post
- Re-reviewed RangeFull PR
- Upgraded rust-installer metadata version
- Cheerleadered a windows fix in libpnet
- Reviewed bitflags PR
- Cleaned up test harness in rust-installer and multirust
- Continued working on stable feature lint
- Reviewed
syntax PR - Fixed printing errors to stderr in rust-installer
- Fixed allcaps style issues in rust-installer
- Responded to cross-compile thread
- Expressed reservation about timing of type ascription RFC
- Reviewed various RFCs
- rust-installer cleanup
- Responded to SimonSapin’s q about cargo isolation
- Filed issue about confusing date in rustc –version
- Responded to confusing inference error
- Filed issue about upgrading multirust independently
- Filed issue re Cargo testing vs. old rustc
- Filed issue re multirust show-toolchain
- Opend PR for stable_features lint
- Building miniservo-gtk
- Posted thread about community build slaves
- Worked with Manish to identify bugs in stability attributes
- Triaged
- Reviewed
- Wrote readme for rust-buildbot
- Added a bitrig builder to buildbot
- Fixed windows lock problem by setting max builds to 1 on dist builders
- Followed up on cargo DMCA takedown
- Sent huseby connection info for the bitrig1 slave
- Reviewed
- Closed
- TWiR
- Gave Lonnen Alex and my email to add to heroku
- Wrote patch for
- Filed UI suggestion for
- Filed out-of-tree stability bug
- Writing emails and drama cleanup
- Deleted broken aws vpc config at direction of Dave Curado
- Replied to huon about meetup expenses
- Posted more multiline highlighting options
- Reviewed
- Posted patch to make unused_features warn by default
- Made snaps
- Added a link to to website
- Added links to
- Reviewed
- Posted req for help about discourse email topics
- Sent another email to jhford about global ci
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Redirected to
- Posted feature staging info
- Reviewed
- Hooked applicative event coordinator up with Niko, jdm, steve, jack
- Responded to
- Reviewed
- Rebased
- Updated clang toolchain on mac3 and put it back into rotation
- Posted meeting minutes
- Responded to strcat rants
- Finished yesterday’s twir
- Finished moving to
- Filed PR to fix docs for
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Filed bug to update rustdoc for feature staging
- Triaged
- More rebasing feature staging
- Posted error squiggly patch
- Closed
- Responded to HN thread
- Reviewed
- Reviewing and fixing multirust patch
- More slogging through feature staging
- Responded to service now question about the auto-responder message for rust-dev
- Set up DNS for
- Fixed a bug in beta naming
- Updated calender with some events
- Filed emacs comment wrapping bug
- Merged
- Send ml shutdown announcement
- Sent Jeff Atwood email asking for new discourse instance
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Found a bug in crates registry
- Asked IT to send automated message to people sending messages to rust-dev
- Filed issue to remove #[prelude_import]
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Continuing feature gating work
- Continuing exploration of cargo crates
- Reviewed
- Responded to cargo versioning issue
- Requested mailing list be shutdown
- Responded to kill the ml again
- Filed bug about windows locking
- Triaged intern resumes
- Added Rust NY to calendar
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Responded to custom LLVM thread
- Reviewed
- Reviewed
- Working on extended errors
- twir